
How many tabs are open on your computer?


Jenn :)
I only have 14 open, which is a LOW number for me!! :giggle4: That is across two windows...I am streaming on Netflix in one browser window, and doing everything else in the other one...I just like having something playing in the background while doing other schtuff :swinging:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I only have 14 open, which is a LOW number for me!! :giggle4: That is across two windows...I am streaming on Netflix in one browser window, and doing everything else in the other one...I just like having something playing in the background while doing other schtuff :swinging:
ONLY 14??? :multitasking::busy1: Do you remember the last time we started this topic
several months ago and how hilarious it got??? :floorlaugh:


Well-Known Member
A tab per product used when posting my layouts plus the gallery and FB … but in general I rarely have more than 5-6… I hate not being able to see what tab it is…


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
6 right now. I usually have only 3. I close all the time. Slows down my poor puter too much if I have too many open. But Oscraps, Lilypad & Gingerscraps are always open.
You're so good - closing your tabs and aiding your speed. I need to take lessons from you. :ketchup::ketchup::ketchup:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
A tab per product used when posting my layouts plus the gallery and FB … but in general I rarely have more than 5-6… I hate not being able to see what tab it is…
Hey, they add up fast - I just keep adding to my open tabs and am not surprised when my computer just shuts down. :floorlaugh:


Jenn :)
Oh my God!! are you really asking me that? let´s see ... I have 3 windows ... this one has 25 tabs ... and 13 on the other 2 ... LoL is that to much? :giggle4:
You are my kinda gal!!! :lol23: The more tabs, the better!! It makes you look busier, right?? :giggle4: A lot of my tabs that just stay OPEN for days and days are recipes that I want to copy over to my Google Drive recipes index...I just always seem to find something else to click on to distract me from actually doing it... :bouncing:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh, sorry, forgot to give the update....16 tabs open in one window, and 11 open in a second window :loveangel:
Ohhhhh, I never get distracted. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: i forgot to log out and I've been gone all evening. OMGosh!! My laptop restarted itself and I only have 2 tabs open. That's a rarity and a reason to be shocked. :sparkles1::blowkiss: