
Houston, TX is home, but currently in Chiang Mai, Thailand


Active Member
Hi, I'm Huong from Houston, TX, but living in Thailand until next April. I'm a SAHM to my two sons, Ethan and Caleb. They keep me very busy, but I enjoy scrapping when I can. I've been a fan of digital scrapbooking the last couple years, but been too timid to ever post any of my layouts. I love the designer's work at Oscraps, and am very excited to be apart of the community here. I still consider myself a newbie, and would love all your input.

Shaui's designer spotlight challenge is my first posted LO ever!


...loves her some "O"
Hey Huong!!!! I actually am in Houston!! (well, Richmond!! LOL!!) welcome to the best online home ever!!! and we are sooo excited to see you post!

stay and scrap a bunch with us!


Active Member
Hey Huong!!!! I actually am in Houston!! (well, Richmond!! LOL!!) welcome to the best online home ever!!! and we are sooo excited to see you post!

stay and scrap a bunch with us!

Hi Sally! Richmond is pass Rosenberg? I have family out in Sugar Land! I got to checkout your gallery and your work is beautiful! I wish I could scrap more, but difficult to find the time. I still have so much to learn.


Well-Known Member
Huong, welcome to the O! You will love it here. Just start posting layouts as you have the time and you'll soon find what the rest of us have found...you will be addicted! And share with us what takes you to Thailand.


Active Member
Huong, welcome to the O! You will love it here. Just start posting layouts as you have the time and you'll soon find what the rest of us have found...you will be addicted! And share with us what takes you to Thailand.

hi linda! i think have fallen in love! all the welcomes and hellos has made it so desirable to stay! after a while of just watching from the sidelines and oooo-ing over the LOs & design work (i.e. paislee press...i want to eat up all her stuff they're so good!) that's out there, i made my first attempt to a photo book for my older son last year, and those are the only LOs i have, except for the one i recently posted in my gallery. after seeing all the beautiful work here..it would be embarrassing to post those LOs! i have PSE 4 & CS2 but do them no justice! i just barely learned how to photo blend! ha! can't seem to find the time to learn all these things!

what brings the family to Thailand? our church. we're here doing research for ministry opportunities, and also have the blessing of serving an NGO called Eternal Grace Foundation, teaching English and working with Thai orphans and under-privileged children and youth - all to the glory of God! :)


So good to be back!
Hi Huong, Welcome to the O!! Don't be shy, we all started somewhere and we love to help out!! No embarrassment allowed!! Just holler if you need help!