
Hello from Wales, UK

Like Maja before me I've been "lurking" in the forum for quite a while and like Maja, I'm originally from Germany. But let's start at the beginning: My name is Andrea, I'm 54 years old, married (but separated from my husband) and mother of a 21-year old son. In March 2013 I've moved here to gorgeous South-West Wales in the UK to live and work with my "childhood sweetheart" - we got back together again after not having had any contact for 36 years...but that's another story...maybe one day I'll tell it... :)

I started digiscrapping in 2009 when a severe illness resulted in the loss of my left arm and I was desperately looking for something that could replace my love for all things crafty. My best friend sent me some links to some digiscrapping sites and well, what can I tell you, I was hooked! I have tried my hand at various styles of scrapping and find myself drawn more and more towards the more arty kind of layout. I find there is just so much still to learn and I want to move on now. This is in fact how I "stumbled" across the "O". I was fascinated by all the fantastic arty pages in your gallery and I just wanted to learn how "to do something like this". So I might bug you ladies with loads and loads of questions in the future and I hope you're not going to get fed up with me! :)

My other passions in life are nature (I sure am in the right place for that here), books (crime novels and historical novels mostly), cooking and baking (something I share with the love of my life), antiques and collectables (which we sell through various channels) and of course the love of my life.

Well, another thing I seem to have in common with Maja is that I chat a lot (or is that perhaps a German thing???) and again I hope you're not going to get fed up with me.

I've found everybody here very friendly and helpful and so very generous with their praise. So, if you'll have me I'd like to stick around for a while... :)


back hOme and loving it
Hello Andrea !
I'm so glad you've decided to come out in the open instead of lurking.
Welcome to the O, and please remain chatty : we're a chatty bunch anyway so you'll fit right in ;)

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hi Andrea, welcome to the O. We LOVE chatty here!

What a wonderful story about your reason for moving to Wales.

Whereabouts are you - Pembrokeshire by any chance? Although not Welsh (we're Londoners), my dad now lives outside Haverfordwest and my mum & sister farm up on the Preseli - bit bleak up there, but magnificent.


I love the "O"
Welcome Andrea !
What a lifestory you have ! Looking forward to see some beautiful pages from you :)


Welcome to our "O" Ome, Andrea

Glad to hear you are talking in the forums have fun and just shout if you need any help :)


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:welcome: home to the "O" Andrea!! What a fabulous story you have to tell and can't wait to hear all about your childhood sweetie!! Hopefully you will share one day!! Please make yourself at home here, we love chatty and we love to help out in anyway we can with your scrapping questions! :wave:


Feeling at hOme!
Hi Andrea, glad to have you joining the O' family.
It looks like your life is full of surprises and I will be looking to your layouts with much interest. I am sharing with you the passion of reading books (crime novels are my favorites too) and of cooking (but maybe that is because I am French!).

Welcome on board!


Well-Known Member
hello Andrea, how nice to see you here too . we used to be in the same Ct once upon a time at the Digiden before it closed.
You'll find several Dutch people as O family members too.
What fun you have moved to Wales, a beautiful part of the U.k. , we used to live in Newport for a while.
And what a romantic reason to swap countries!! Love just changes everything or how does the song go?
Have fun scrapping in a different style but you're warned...it becomes an addiction, you'll be hooked.
Hi Selena,

we're close to Pembrokeshire - in fact when we decide to have a "beach kind of day" we usually go down to one of the wonderful beaches in Pembrokeshire. We live in Newcastle Emlyn which is on the border of Ceredigion/Carmarthenshire. Very beautiful here, very green and VERY quiet. I used to live and work in London during the 80's. Whereabouts in London are you?

Hi Andrea, welcome to the O. We LOVE chatty here!

What a wonderful story about your reason for moving to Wales.

Whereabouts are you - Pembrokeshire by any chance? Although not Welsh (we're Londoners), my dad now lives outside Haverfordwest and my mum & sister farm up on the Preseli - bit bleak up there, but magnificent.
Hi Ellen,

how nice to see you again! We live in Newcastle Emlyn which isn't too far from Newport. Oh, and don't worry about becoming addicted - I think I already am. :)

hello Andrea, how nice to see you here too . we used to be in the same Ct once upon a time at the Digiden before it closed.
You'll find several Dutch people as O family members too.
What fun you have moved to Wales, a beautiful part of the U.k. , we used to live in Newport for a while.
And what a romantic reason to swap countries!! Love just changes everything or how does the song go?
Have fun scrapping in a different style but you're warned...it becomes an addiction, you'll be hooked.

Bush Girl

Well-Known Member
Hi Selena,

we're close to Pembrokeshire - in fact when we decide to have a "beach kind of day" we usually go down to one of the wonderful beaches in Pembrokeshire. We live in Newcastle Emlyn which is on the border of Ceredigion/Carmarthenshire. Very beautiful here, very green and VERY quiet. I used to live and work in London during the 80's. Whereabouts in London are you?

Ahhh, small world. One of my nephews is at secondary school in Newcastle Emlyn studying in English, the rest go Preseli in Crymych in Welsh medium - very tricky learning English/Chemistry/French etc in Welsh! Have you picked up any Welsh?

London wise - I'm in Shepherd's Bush, hence my screen name.