
Hello again!


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone! Jen Ulasiewicz here :) I started designing way back in 2007 but I have been MIA for a while. Now that our kids are off at college, I am trying to be a bit more active again. I am still designing and have had my store at Etsy for several years now. I recently added a bunch of new products to the store with many more to come. You can find me on Etsy by searching jensurge. I hope you'll stop by and take a look and I look forward to hearing from you all again!
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Hi, Jen. I remember you from the 2000's. I stopped designing in 2008 when my hubby passed away unexpectedly. It's great to see you again and welcome back to the O! ♥
Hi there and a big welcome back to Oscraps! :welcome2:

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