
"Grow Something" by Karen Schulz & Tami Miller

Karen Schulz Designs

With the warmer weather approaching, flowers starting to bloom, and gardeners thinking of gardening, Karen Schulz & Tami Miller have teamed up to bring you "Grow Something."

"Grow Something" is a collection that radiates rustic charm from the garden. Create exquisite pages celebrating your green thumb, farm-to-table delights, or sun-kissed outdoor adventures. With a harmonious blend of earthy textures and vibrant hues, "Grow Something" invites you to cultivate your memories and turn them into captivating digital scrapbook pages.

Don't miss the Introductory Pricing on this colorful and practical collection! Save 55% on the Collection and also receive an extra pack of Veggie and Patterned Papers as a BONUS. If you prefer to purchase Kits and choose your Extras, you can still save 30% on those items, now through April 11th.

Visit my shop to pick up this sweet cluster gift and get started on your "Grow Something" page.

Karen Schulz Designs



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