
Google Photos for Desktop


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Anybody else use this? I've been using Google Photos since 2008 and ir has completely disappeared.

If any of you use it, are you having the same problem? When I try to get to my photos, there's a blank screen, with the Goodle Photo "windmill" and all if says is "download the app". I've tried that, but get nothing. I have been depending on Google Photos forever.
I have all my photos on Google... I have Google Photo app on my phone, but on my computer I just use the browser... some features - like Google lens and magic eraser - are only available on the app (or I just don't know how to find them on the browser version), but it doesn't bother me, I just grab my phone and do it there and within a couple of minutes it's synced everywhere.

I also have Google Drive shortcut added to my folders (I'm a Windows user) and whatever else I have there is easily accessible, like many of my heritage photos that aren't on Google Photos, ready to revise/print album pages, etc...
My Google Photos is still working....pretty much the same link that Ona posted: https://photos.google.com/

Are there maybe some updates you need to do? I use Chrome, and there are updates, here and there...that is really odd that it isn't working for you now! Maybe also try logging out of your Google account and logging back in? Those are the only ideas I have :hug1:
Have you changed browsers lately? or as Jenn said, check that your current browser is up to date. Also just try using a different browser to see if you can access your photos. Different browsers have different settings and as I explained to Amy the other day, I used to use Chrome but got sick on all the tracking stuff, seeing products I had looked at different sites appearing in my yahoo email account on the side! So I did some research and have installed Brave which is fantastic! I have had it for around 6 months now and love it......... it works a lot like Chrome so no big learning curve, imported all my links and passwords from Chrome and have no problems on getting to any site to date. And it is QUICKER than Chrome, no doubt because it blocks all the tracking and ads, even gives you a little tracker summary: 1740210792019.png that is since I started using it! Anyway, maybe just try another browser to check if you can get your photos site. :)
@Cherylndesigns I have something similar going on with an entire regularly visited webpage is blank. So Random! and so annyoing!! No error code, redirection, nothing. Just a white page. I've done all the diagnostics I or my techy son in law can think of. My computer runs faster, but I still cant get to the other website. Maybe a new browser will help.
@Cherylndesigns I have something similar going on with an entire regularly visited webpage is blank. So Random! and so annyoing!! No error code, redirection, nothing. Just a white page. I've done all the diagnostics I or my techy son in law can think of. My computer runs faster, but I still cant get to the other website. Maybe a new browser will help.
Isn't it the strangest thing, Amy? I've never seen something completely disappear. I'm with you - I've done all of the diagnostic things and all of the upgrades - nothing. I'm so frustrated. Along with that, I STILL have Google Photos on my phone, but it's really wonky. It works for a bit, then it freezes. What is going on????? Thanks for sharing that you're having the same problem.