
First Jobs


Queen of the Universe
This week is my last at one of my part-time jobs; I'm being temporarily laid off. I'm not devastated; I have other sources of income and I'm looking forward to a little more free time. Thinking ahead, though, I'm wondering what sort of other employment I might look at if I don't get called back to this position. That threw me into a retrospective of my previous jobs.

My very first job was when I was in college---as a waitress at a small diner. It wasn't very well-run and I was so happy when, after about a year, I could leave it for a position in my field of study. Actually, I disliked it so much that I would NEVER be a waitress (now they're called servers) again, regardless of the financial impact!

What was your first real job? Do you still do that kind of work?


Love my O Family!
I was only 17 when I graduated from HS. At that time you had to be 18 to have a job. A neighbor girl was going to apply for a cleaning position at one of the Holiday Inns (1973). She asked me if I wanted to also. I did. Filling out the application I lied about my age. I think they hired us on the spot and we even worked some that day. We only worked 2 or 3 days when my friend decided the job was not for her. And since I didn't have a car, I could no longer work. But I was not upset as that was not the job for me! I had taken secretarial classes in HS so I could work in an office setting. I worked several jobs, including waitressing, but most of them were office jobs. I never did have the opportunity to use the shorthand I had taken in HS. But the typing classes were very beneficial! I was able to retire in 2008 when my husband became a full time pastor, so I have not worked since August of 2008. I don't miss it at all, even though I enjoyed working.
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I love the O!
I was 18 when I left secondary education... my parents did not have the money to let me continue my studies... I was able to start working at the school secretariat in the school where I had gone to school... in the beginning it was it was purely administrative... after a few years I was given the opportunity to start working in the accounting department.... but I really didn't like it... and returned to the school secretariat... not only for administration but also guidance of students during class-free moments...
After a few years I became an executive secretary at the school secretariat.
When the school was included in a school group in 2000, as executive secretary I was given responsibility for a group of 10 employees ... a busy but challenging job ... in a school of 650 students between 12 and 14 years old ... this until I retired in June 2017...

From an era with pen and paper to record student data, write grade reports, the beginning of the electronic typewriter, the mimeograph machine to create teacher courses, to computer networks and storing everything in the cloud, student platforms, digital grade reports, copiers that don't stand still....
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Well-Known Member
I was 15 when I started my first job at the supermarket as a checkout girl. I was still going to school, so I only worked on Saturday's. It was back in those days when you had to type every price int the register, you had to learn all the specials because they were not priced. It was so much more fun though compared to nowadays, with the modern registers. The job has become so boring in my opinion.
I know work at a bailiff's office, which is completey different, but very nice to do.
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Queen of the Universe
I was only 17 when I graduated from HS. At that time you had to be 18 to have a job. A neighbor girl was going to apply for a cleaning position at one of the Holiday Inns (1973). She asked me if I wanted to also. I did. Filling out the application I lied about my age. I think they hired us on the spot and we even worked some that day. We only worked 2 or 3 days when my friend decided the job was not for her. And since I didn't have a car, I could no longer work. But I was not upset as that was not the job for me! I had taken secretarial classes in HS so I could work in an office setting. I worked several jobs, including waitressing, but most of them were office jobs. I never did have the opportunity to use the shorthand I had taken in HS. But the typing classes were very beneficial! I was able to retire in 2008 when my husband became a full time pastor, so I have not worked since August of 2008. I don't miss it at all, even though I enjoyed working.
What a memory your comment inspired! I remember taking typing and shorthand in high school-of course everyone types these days but I never had to use my shorthand outside of that class.


Queen of the Universe
I was 18 when I left secondary education... my parents did not have the money to let me continue my studies... I was able to start working at the school secretariat in the school where I had gone to school... in the beginning it was it was purely administrative... after a few years I was given the opportunity to start working in the accounting department.... but I really didn't like it... and returned to the school secretariat... not only for administration but also guidance of students during class-free moments...
After a few years I became an executive secretary at the school secretariat.
When the school was included in a school group in 2000, as executive secretary I was given responsibility for a group of 10 employees ... a busy but challenging job ... in a school of 650 students between 12 and 14 years old ... this until I retired in June 2017...

From an era with pen and paper to record student data, write grade reports, the beginning of the electronic typewriter, the mimeograph machine to create teacher courses, to computer networks and storing everything in the cloud, student platforms, digital grade reports, copiers that don't stand still....
Ah, the smell of mimeograph ink! And having to use carbon paper sheets! Technology has really changed our lives. Although you had different roles, it does seem you stayed in the same field of work all your career.


Queen of the Universe
I was 15 when I started my first job at the supermarket as a checkout girl. I was still going to school, so I only worked on Saturday's. It was back in those days when you had to type every price int the register, you had to learn all the specials because they were not priced. It was so much more fun though compared to nowadays, with the modern registers. The job has become so boring in my opinion.
I know work at a bailiff's office, which is completey different, but very nice to do.
I don' think I would like to work a checkout register, but I do have to say that I love bagging my own groceries! Even though your current job is different, I'll bet the skills you learned at the supermarket came in handy.


I love the O!
Ah, the smell of mimeograph ink! And having to use carbon paper sheets! Technology has really changed our lives. Although you had different roles, it does seem you stayed in the same field of work all your career.
Indeed Angie, at the age of 12 I started as student ... and I stayed there until my 60th birthday.
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The Loopy-O
I was 15 when I started my first job at the supermarket as a checkout girl. I was still going to school, so I only worked on Saturday's. It was back in those days when you had to type every price int the register, you had to learn all the specials because they were not priced. It was so much more fun though compared to nowadays, with the modern registers. The job has become so boring in my opinion.
I know work at a bailiff's office, which is completey different, but very nice to do.
That was my second job! It looks so much easier now that you just have to pass the item over the scanner. Trying to remember codes and sales and all that, it was hard!
My first job was at a bakery and I didn't last long. It was a summer job and I worked a few days during the week which was fine. But working Sunday mornings when it was so busy and I didn't know what I was doing, it really, really didn't work out.


The Loopy-O
@AZK I'm sorry that you are getting let go even if it is temporary. I recently got a PT job as an environmental educator. I never thought that I would get back into teaching but I realize now how much I missed it. When you are thinking about jobs, you *deserve* to find one that you will enjoy. Maybe I am just feeling old (esp after reading the makeup thread haha!), but I think that women, in general, put other people's needs over their own. If it isn't a matter of putting food on the table, you should try to find something that feels satisfying to you. Life is too short to make yourself discontent.

(As always, I know I am being busybody so take what I say with a grain of salt :D)
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Queen of the Universe
@AZK I'm sorry that you are getting let go even if it is temporary. I recently got a PT job as an environmental educator. I never thought that I would get back into teaching but I realize now how much I missed it. When you are thinking about jobs, you *deserve* to find one that you will enjoy. Maybe I am just feeling old (esp after reading the makeup thread haha!), but I think that women, in general, put other people's needs over their own. If it isn't a matter of putting food on the table, you should try to find something that feels satisfying to you. Life is too short to make yourself discontent.

(As always, I know I am being busybody so take what I say with a grain of salt :D)

You are so sweet, not a busybody at all! :hug2: I am lucky that I'm at a point in my life where I can be choosy about a job. As it turns out, the company just asked yesterday if I'd be willing to cover some shifts for someone on another team who is out on maternity leave. A trainer is already covering, but is stretched a little thin. So I'm going to be training for a few hours every day next week and then for the 3 weeks after that I'll be providing coverage until she comes back. THEN I'll be laid off, unless they find something else for me to do! :giggle4:

That was my second job! It looks so much easier now that you just have to pass the item over the scanner. Trying to remember codes and sales and all that, it was hard!
My first job was at a bakery and I didn't last long. It was a summer job and I worked a few days during the week which was fine. But working Sunday mornings when it was so busy and I didn't know what I was doing, it really, really didn't work out.
My very first day at the restaurant I was asked to come in because one of their regular waitresses called in sick. It was so busy, I had no idea how they did things, and I messed up more than one order. I shudder just to think of it. :flyswatter:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I taught baton classes every Saturday during my last two years of high school. It was almost all day every Saturday and I loved teaching the kids. Then after high school, my sister and I both got jobs at J C Penney's in the women's clothing department. The best thing was we got a discount on clothes. We both bought some clothes while we were working there. I learned how to fold sweaters and tops and still find myself re-folding them in the stores.
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The Loopy-O
You are so sweet, not a busybody at all! :hug2: I am lucky that I'm at a point in my life where I can be choosy about a job. As it turns out, the company just asked yesterday if I'd be willing to cover some shifts for someone on another team who is out on maternity leave. A trainer is already covering, but is stretched a little thin. So I'm going to be training for a few hours every day next week and then for the 3 weeks after that I'll be providing coverage until she comes back. THEN I'll be laid off, unless they find something else for me to do! :giggle4:
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Queen of the Universe
I taught baton classes every Saturday during my last two years of high school. It was almost all day every Saturday and I loved teaching the kids. Then after high school, my sister and I both got jobs at J C Penney's in the women's clothing department. The best thing was we got a discount on clothes. We both bought some clothes while we were working there. I learned how to fold sweaters and tops and still find myself re-folding them in the stores.
My middle daughter's early jobs were all in clothing retail - American Eagle, Aerie, The North Face, LaCoste. The discount on clothing was huge for her!


The O is Awesome
I was 23 years old when I started to work as a teacher in a school near my parents house. Now, 28 years later I still work as a teacher, LoL
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Queen of the Universe
I was 23 years old when I started to work as a teacher in a school near my parents house. Now, 28 years later I still work as a teacher, LoL
The waitress job was the only one I had that wasn't in the veterinary field! Even now, my part-time retirement jobs are veterinary positions.