
Doggy-Dog Papers


The Loopy-O
Gah!!! I just snagged your doggy word are- and now I must must MUST have these papers- they are the exact colors of my babies!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to say this :(.....but I think I'm going to have to stoop to buying "doggy doo"...as if there's not enough in my life already (she says as she sits here dog sitting her mother's greyhound...big doggy doo...and havanese)

Not DOGGY DOO....LMAO! Doggy DoG! OMG I'm laughing so hard right now!

And for those of you who aren't dog people...there is nothing about these papers that have anything to do with dogs...except the colors are the colors of my dogs. So they aren't specifically for dog layouts! :)
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Jodie McNally Designs

aka lilysmama
I'm sorry to say this :(.....but I think I'm going to have to stoop to buying "doggy doo"...as if there's not enough in my life already (she says as she sits here dog sitting her mother's greyhound...big doggy doo...and havanese)

Not DOGGY DOO....LMAO! Doggy DoG! OMG I'm laughing so hard right now!

And for those of you who aren't dog people...there is nothing about these papers that have anything to do with dogs...except the colors are the colors of my dogs. So they aren't specifically for dog layouts! :)

Ok, and jenbalding, sorry - I was trying to quote you and I edited your post by accident...LOL! I fixed it now, though. :)