
Daily O's Weekend Edition March 7-8


Well-Known Member
Seriously Im the first one here??? no way!!!! :cool:

Hope its okay to start the Daily thread......

well its Saturday, my husband is off and he is on a mission to find a mouse in our attic (EEEEWWWWWW YUCK) He says there is one up there and hes got the ladder out and everything.......GROSS.

Last night we went to my in-laws for pizza and it was surprisingly fine. They can be okay when they ant to be i guess!!! I shouldnt say that they really are nice people they are just so very set in their ways and their ways are always right and always the best you know? oh well. Today it is beautiful out and I think im going to stick Nico in the stroller and go for a walk. Other than that....just another day.

Hope everyone is well and Have a great weekend ladies!!!!!!!!!:p:p:p:p:p:p:p


Well-Known Member
No we were posting at the same time!!! hahahahaha Thanks for starting Kelly :)

Good Morning my O family :)

I started a yummy pot of coffee.....enjoy all :)


...loves her some "O"
Kel, it's always fine to start the daily Os!! You NorthEasterners always get the jump on us!! heehee...have a wonderful walk outside today, girlie!!

Kat, thanks for the coffee...yummmmmm...

I'm eating some breakfast and then I"ll do a little Mom and Me stuff with my Emma (9) and then we are off to Quentin's meet for this weekend! heehee!!

I'll be back later tonight with 1000 pics of my son doing daring stuff!!

BTW, I did scrap that pic of Mr Gorgeous teaching my little baby 7yo math!! I just had to share!!

happy weekend, everyone!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!


Well-Known Member
Happy weekend everyone! I'm NOT looking forward to the time change tomorrow! Mr. Wonderful came home from work last night and decided that we needed to go out! So, out we went. Just to the little hole in the wall bar here in town. But lots of fun was had by all. Not much better than beer and greasy bar food! YUM! So I'm moving a little slower this morning :)
I finished my week five kit yesterday for the design challenge. This one came together pretty well. I was concerned because it looked to me like a collection of stuff rather than things that went together. But for all of the coffee enthusiasts here - I've got a steaming cup of coffee, a coffee bean border, scattered coffee beans, a coffee bean heart, AND a big block of dark chocolate in the kit. I'll get it posted on my blog here soon:) Yes, I confess - I really like coffee lol!
Kelly - have a wonderful walk. Wish it was nicer here today, another storm - snow/rain/sleet/wind is on it's way I guess. It was in the high 40's yesterday, now we prepare for snow.
Kat - thanks for the coffee - NEED it this morning :)
Sally - fun - love gymnastics. What events does your son do? I confess, I'm not sure how old he is? I coached our girls gymnastics team for a few years when my oldest was in high school and on the team. Lots of fun, but so much work and time!


Well-Known Member
Hi O's. Just got back from a great baby shower for a friend. I just love leaving the house all alone and not going to work!!! Plus tonight I am going on a date...with a married man...my hubby :)!!!!!! We haven't been out in months so it will be WONDERFUL. I am actaully going to gain an hour of sleep over the with the time change, as my kids don't know the time changes and will still wake up at 7am...now 8am! Its the opposite in the fall when we fall back then they wake up at 6am when it used to be 7am to them.

Ok I am off to get some cleaning done durning nap time, then maybe I can take one too.


Well-Known Member
Hi all!

Got the cutest purse at a purse sale this weekend. And a cool bag for when I go out of town. Then my friend and I went to a quick run to Target and out to lunch. Fun morning, except my wrists hurt by the time I got home. I'm now vegging and took a pain pill.

Kelly - Hope you enjoy the weather. You must have what we had the last two days. Now it's colder and rainy, though I love thunderstorms.

Kat - I've added Gingerbread creamer to mine. Thanks!

Sally - I was a gymnast for years. When it came time to get serious or quit, I quit and started dancing. It was fun while it last though.

Jos - Glad you had fun!

Linda - I will be all over the kit. =)

Have a good weekend all!


Well-Known Member
Hi there

I'm new to the Daily O's but I am looking forward to getting to know everyone!

I am gearing up to turn 29 tomorrow so I have been having a fun birthday weekend. My best-friend and I had an awesome girls day out which is such a rare occurrence now that we both have kids. We got pedicures, manicures, and hair cuts. We went to a beauty school so we didn't spend an arm and a leg, where the students do it as training.

This morning I pleaded with my husband to go out for breakfast - something we never do b/c he doesn't care much for breakfast or getting out of bed. ;) Anyhoo there was a cattle sell going on in town and so at a table next to us there was four guys in cowboy hats. My 4 yr old says quite loudly - "Mom are those guys cowboys?" I replied "Yeah, I guess so." She then looks directly at them with an amazed face and says loud enough for the entire restaurant to hear - "I've never seen a real cowboy before!" Everyone started to chuckle and then one of the guys quipped back - "You still haven't" producing more laughter. The things kids say.:D

LindaPete - Your kits sounds awesome - I am an avid coffee lover.


Well-Known Member
hey ladies,

I can't believe I am just checking in now. It's been a busy day. One of Christian's classmates had a birthday party this afternoon complete with a moon bounce and cotton candy. It was a lot of fun, and we got to meet some of the parents in his class. Usually we just see each other in passing so it was fun to chat with some of the other moms. :) My DH is getting ready to go to Vegas for work, and my parents are coming to visit tomorrow. Looking forward to that. I have Vicky Christina Barcelona to watch too. Yay!

Hope you all are having a great weekend.

Kelly - hope that mouse is found without you having to see it! LOL. Wasn't today just beautiful? I am such a spring person - I am so over winter!

Hiya Kat!

Sally - how did Quentin do at his meet? I love seeing his pictures on the different events.

Jos - Enjoy your date night!

Linda - Your night out on the town at the bar sounds fun!!

Sara - a purse sale! I want to see your bags. I am such a purse person - always need a new one each season even though I already have a bag of bags in the closet.

welcome, Rugbana! Happy BDAY! Your day sounds so perfect at the beauty school.

Love you all!


Well-Known Member
All right. I'm mad. I spent $120 some dollars on a My Passport EHD. It works fine on my mac, fine on my husband's laptops, but not on my desktop PC. So I'm currently burning all my Oscraps files off my desktop PC onto DVD, so that I can put them on my EHD and be able to have them all in one place. Grrrr...

ME - Here's the cutie purse I bought and the wallet matches it.

They didn't have a pic on the website of the dufflebag I bought. Imagine a big huge duffle bag, with wheels and a handle that pushes down inside of it. And it was this print/material. It was 50% off and will be perfect for when I travel this summer and next fall.

They have cute stuff and it's normally parties, like Pampered Chef or something, but this was their warehouse sale. I also got a cute pair of earings for a gift for a friend, a blown glass wine stopper for a mother's day present, and a free plastic bracelet.

It was fun.


Well-Known Member
Happy weekend girls! Not much going on around here, got home from work on Friday and the weather was fairly nice so DH and I hopped on the bike and rode to a town about 30 min away for dinner. On the way back we hit a bad bump which threw my neck out of whack, again, so now I'm in spasms from the left side of my neck down to my shoulder blade and down my left arm. We really need to upgrade to a cruising bike instead of our HD 1200 Sportster :rolleyes:. Maybe one day we'll win the lotto LOL.

I've been doing some scrapping when not on the heating pad and ice, well, I say scrapping, that's when I'm not shopping! The designers are killing my bank acct, I'm going to have to put my blinders on and force myself to not click on the shoppes anymore for a while....yeah right, that's like not eating chocolate or having Pepsi ;).

Amanda and I went to Rafferty's and had chicken finger salads with their wonderful honey-mustard and bacon dressing yesterday, did grocery shopping. We were going to get tattoos on our feet but I didn't have my design yet. I'm wanting a spray of four-leaf clovers on my left foot with one quarter-sized just at the below the top-side of my ankle bone then spraying out from there with smaller clovers and little dots-n-doodles. I can't draw worth a lick so I'm hoping I can find something in digi-land.
Amanda is going to get a ladybug(!!), a bee(!), or a vampire bite(?)......

Sara-your purse is adorable!!!

ME-sounds like you had a fun, busy time! Let me know how you like Vicky Christina Barcelona, I almost rented it yesterday.

Jos-hope you had a wonderful date with your DH! It's so hard to find the time when you have young children.

LindaP-your kit sounds cute, good luck with it! I'm not excited about the time change but I do prefer the time this way, wish it would just stay this way yr round.

Sally-I saw your darling layout of your MG and daughter doing math, too cute.

Kat-how are things with you? I'm not much of a coffee drinker, but I've got Pepsi so here's to ya :).

Kelly---eeeeeek, mice, hate 'em! I hope your DH found that hideous thing. Then I hope he set it free out in some wooded area where maybe it would be ok, I don't wish it dead LOL.

rugbana-that is the cutest story about your daughter! Welcome to the daily O's!

BTW, Sally, have you talked to Sandra? Be sure and tell her we are all thinking of her and praying for her family. ((hugs))


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the O and Happy Birthday! Loved the story about your daughter. Send her to me for a week - I'll get her close to all the real cowboys she wants to meet! We live in South Dakota - lots or real cowboys!


Well-Known Member
Hey girls.....

just checking in to say hi.....its naptime

last night we ended up going out to dinner with friends and their 2 year old, Nico was actually pretty good. We ate at On the Border (mexican) and then we went for ice cream at Cold Stone. I had a kid's size but I felt gross afterward :roll: oh well Today is another day!

I was just checking out some sales at The Gap (my favorite) and I got a couple pairs of cropped pants at a really good sale price....not sure if anyone is interested but if you shop at the GAP i found a 30% off coupon for this week March 12-15th, you have to print it out. hop its okay to put this here - this is the link to the coupon. I cant wait!! 30% is awesome!!


Anyway that's about it from me! hope everyone is enjoying the weekend! we have had beautiful weather so its fantastic up here!! :p

Sandra - glad you got home okay, hope you are well.


Well-Known Member
Sandra - I'm thinking of you. Hugs, love, coffee, and non-fat comfort food being sent your way!


Well-Known Member
Sandra, So glad to have you back with us! Hope you are well and healing. It takes time, you've been through a lot.