
Daily O's - Thursday January 1, 2009


Well-Known Member
Good morning (or afternoon or evening) ladies! Welcome to a New Year! What does 2009 have in store? You know that whatever it is, there will be plenty of us chatting and scrapping about it! And I'm a cheery-O this morning because I hit my 11,000th post!

Today's the beginning of the New Year of Healthy O's. Did you weigh in? Did you take some photos?

We didn't make it to 2009. Sydney fell asleep on the sofa while I was finishing my last layout of 2008. But alas, the best laid plans...she woke up vomiting! Nice way to end 2008. So I took her to bed and crawled in beside her. I did wake up at 12:03 a.m. with another trip to the bathroom...but she hasn't been sick since so I'm hoping that's behind us today!



back hOme and loving it
Hi Linda !
Hope Sydney's feeling better today
give her a kiss for me :)

As you know, we actually made it to 2009, but I went to bed straight away at midnight :lol:

Cedric woke up with tons of nasty / stupid / annoying things to do ... 2009 is starting fast ! :shock: :lol:

hugs to you all and best wishes for that new year we've reached


Well-Known Member
Morning all! Linda - I hope she is feeling better. That's a stinky way to start the new year. Hopefully it will be fast moving.

Dumpty hope you guys get all your stuff done. Hope you and Cat feel good. =)

We started the morning fairly bright and cheery, but I need to take some advil for my cramps (TMI I know). Perhaps then I can get up and do some cleaning etc. I think I'm weighing myself tomorrow Linda. I don't think all the extra PMS weight is going to do me good.

Have a good day all. I gotta snuggle with my baby boy who just crawled up on my lap.


Well-Known Member
good morning! I was in bed by 10:30 last night... 2 days of having 6 kids took its toll LOL! I'm gearing up for the Healthy-O's challenge which starts tomorrow... I had planned on getting back on WW, but Gabe has decided to do low-carb... I can't do WW while he's on low-carb... too much of a nightmare food-wise, so I'm going to start low-carb with him and see how it goes... not sure it'll work as I find it a very difficult plan, but I'll try anyway...

Not much going on here today... I'm looking for a relaxing day today as it's back to 6 kids for tomorrow and Saturday :shock: thankfully after this week, I'll only have 3 which will be a blessing!

Linda - sorry about Syd... hope she's feeling better today!

Hi Dumpty and Petey!

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
Happy Thursday everyone. It is Thursday, isn't it? Being off of school has my internal calendar all horked up. Our deer hunting season re-opened this morning, we've got 3 or 4 tags to fill yet so there will be lots of early mornings in our household for the next few days. Not sure what the plan is for today.........I still have Christmas presents to return/exchange. Maybe a trip to town?
Linda -hope Sydney is feeling better soon!
Sandra - I'm with you, didn't make it anywhere close to midnight. Hope you have a relaxing day today.
Sara - good luck with the cleaning today. I did some of that yesterday, but there's always more to do.
Dumpty - have a good day, sounds like you'll be busy!


Well-Known Member
Hi Linda, Dumpty, Sara, Sandra and LindaP!

Today is the day we undecorate. It's busy, but so nice once it's done.

Happy New Year everyone. May today be the start of good things to come.


Well-Known Member
Good morning! Happy New Year! I didn't make it until midnight - I fell asleep reading Inkheart on the couch way before then! Must've been tired, and then I had a nice gift this morning. We got to sleep in until 7:15 am. Woohoo. That's a late morning of us in this household. haha.

Linda - hope Syd feels better!!

Dumpty - Have an awesome day!

Sandra - have you ever done the low carb approach before? I've never tried it - I think I would fail miserably though since I am so into my carbs. sigh. I do think I will start tracking points again. Lord knows I have enought WW points finders laying around the house.

Sara - hope the cramps go away!

Hi Linda and Merkee and anyone else who drops by!

Love to you all.


...loves her some "O"

Man, I can't believe I slept in until 10:30! I feel so much better, but I still wonder what time zone I'm really on again! Back to my Pacific Standard! LOL!! that's funny since I live in CST!! LOL!!

I did make it with my fam and friends and stayed up until 2am uploading Paris pics to my BLOG...It's a long task. I'm flipflopping back and forth whether to upload to Facebook, too..You know i have to!! Anyway, I've got about 30 out of 500 up there now, so you can click on my link and see the first night there and some pics from the next morning. heehee...

I'm sooo in on the Healthy O challenge! It's one of my resolutions to lose my 25-30 lbs before I'm 40. I have until August, so I'm excited!!

Sandra, Mr Gorgeous is doing Atkins, too...I can't do it. I can't stick to it easily enough, so I'm probably going to sign up for WW. I did sign up for SparkPeople last night, but I haven't filled out all the stuff to see what they do and all...we'll see how that goes! Personally, I just need someone to tell me exactly what to eat for every meal, or I'm at McDonalds for every meal!! LOL!!! Glad you get a kid break after this week!! (and today!! whoohooooo!!)

Hi Merkee...I was looking around at my Christmas decorations thinking how great it would be to put it away and do some other decorating!!! I like that fresh new feeling an overhaul gives ya!! have fun!

LindaP, hope all goes well!!! I'm not really a gift exchanger, so kudos to you!! Have a great day!!

Sara, weigh yourself now so when you weigh in again next week you've lost. I won't tell it's water weight!! LOL!!!! Enjoy that cuddly boy!!!! (mine still does it occassionally and I love it!!)

Dumpty, hope your New Years Day has been a bit less nasty than you are saying!! LOL!! i thot of you a bunch while in Paris. We had a couple behind us in line (for 1.5 hours) at La Tour Eiffel that told us that right now all of Paris is in Paris. IN the Summer all of the Parisians go to the French Riviera. I thought that is probably when you guys go on holiday...when the rest of France is down there with you!! heehee...and yes, it was VERY COLD!!! but after 6 layers, I was good!!!

Ohhh Linda!! Hugs to Syd!!! And CONGRATS on your continued cheery-ness!! Yay!!!! Hope today is a dream for you!!

Blessings to everyone today!! I am off to upload mre pics to my blog and check out SparkPeople!!

love you all...


...loves her some "O"
Hey Mary Ellen!!!!! How is Inkheart? I think I need to read that right now!! :) Glad you got to sleep in!! happy new year!


Well-Known Member
Sandra - have you ever done the low carb approach before?

I have and it's tough if carbs are your thing... I find that I can live without bread and pasta, but I LOVE my coffee, sodas and milk and other carb-loaded things LOL... and you HAVE to drink a lot of water which is always hard for me cuz I don't like water... so it has to be flavored... truly if you can make it past the first 2 weeks which are the most restrictive, it does get easier... and if you want results fast, you'll get them with low-carb... I usually lose about 6 lbs the first week... some of that water, some weight/inches... the most weight will be lost in the first 2 weeks, but it'll still come off great even after that... Gabe lost about 50 lbs in 4 months when he did it before... but women don't usually lose as much as men... in combination with exercise though you'll be in great shape!


Well-Known Member
Happy New Years my "O" Family!!!!! Just checking in super fast as my son is chatting non-stop at the moment so I can't think let alone read anything *LOL* Will be back to check in once he crashes for his nap!


aka Sue Cummings
Happy New Years everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
I'm going to try and lose some weight too...exercise more...
and visit here at the Daily O's!

Sally...stopped by your blog to see the pics Oh la la!
Christmas in Paris Collab!!!!! It was like your hubby knew!
What is inkheart? Sparkpeople?

Wishing you all happy thoughts!

xoxoox Sue


Well-Known Member
Hey all!!

Just checking in, did not make it till midnight, we had friends over for pizza and a few rounds of Taboo, and we were all ready for bed by 10....LOL so....didnt see the ball drop....... but oh well!!! Happy new year!!!!

Hope everyone has a great 1st day of the year!!!!!!


...loves her some "O"
Sally...stopped by your blog to see the pics Oh la la!
Christmas in Paris Collab!!!!! It was like your hubby knew!
What is inkheart? Sparkpeople?

Wishing you all happy thoughts!

xoxoox Sue

hi Sue!! gorgeous Happy Thoughts that I can't wait to play with!!!!

Inkheart is that book that was made into a movie with Brandon Frasier (one of my faves!) about a book that comes to life...right, Mary Ellen?????

and SparkPeople.com is a great free weightloss website. It gave me my menu for today and I've already messed up, but I'm encouraged by it anyway!! !!! yay!!

happy new year, kelly, kat, and sue!!! <3


Well-Known Member
Happy New Year everyone!

Sally! Happy to see you back from your trip, I haven't checked out your photos yet but can't wait to. I've never been to Paris, I bet it was wonderful :). Oh to be 40 again, I turn 42 this yr. I made myself a goal of 20 pounds for this year, I don't want to set too high of a goal and disappoint myself, but secretly I'm hoping for more. I truly need to lose 40.

Sandra, I'm with you on the carbs, I cannot do without my bread oooh and potatoes LOL. I can drink water but I have to have at least 1 'real' Pepsi or Mt Dew every day.

Sue, the sunflower is soooo pretty! Happy thoughts back to you and your family!

Mary Ellen, what's Inkheart about? I'm always up for a good read. It's hard to find time sometimes.

Sara, sorry for the PMS, I agree with Sally weigh now LOL.

LindaP, you are a brave soul for getting out in the retail world! I don't envy you!

Dumpty, hope you find a little time for some R&R! Have a good day!

Merkee, have a great day getting Christmas put away, it's always nice getting back to 'normal' after the holidays.

Linda, hope Syd is back to 100% soon!

Kat, I miss those cuddly chitter chatter times, enjoy while you can if you don't go batty LOL!

I'm going to be doing our HealthyOs...can't wait, hope it helps whip me into shape. I will be weighing at work, we have 6 scales there, medical office :). I really dread the pics, ugh, not a pretty sight. Truth hurts, ya know. To think when I married I weighed 97 pounds....oh, well I was 16 LOL.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!


The Loopy-O
Hi everyone- just making in for today before I head upstairs for some TV time withthe fam. I think they want to watch the twolight zone marathon (ugh.... once or two at a time are good, but I am not not up for hours of them.)

We had a nice day yesterday- we played some wii games (wii music is Fun!!) and a board game called Backwords when you have to guess the right word after it is read backwards to you. We made it to midnight- but we all piled into my bed arount 11 so we could stay together- I was heading to bed anyway and cracked a joke about "remember how we all used to fit-
so we tried! Stayed up to see the Jonas Bros and the ball drop.

Hope you all had a great day!
I'll be back tomorrow bright and early!


Well-Known Member
Hey girls -
Just checking in. Sandra, hope you are reenergized! Sally, you too.

ME how are you liking Inkheart? Inkheart is about a man who has the ability to "read" stories to life when he reads out loud. You can imagine how the fantasy, with a mother that disappeared long ago, takes off from there. It's fantastic. I haven't seen the movie yet, but did you girls know the second book is dedicated to Brendan Fraser? It says something about him being the inspiration for Mo (the main character). Anyway...I loved the first two and just got the third in hard copy and in audio form from the library. So I'm jazzed to start listening to it.

I did low carb before. It worked great while I stayed on it, but the instant I stopped, it all came back. Plus, I'm a total carb girl and don't do well with deprivation. hee hee. That's why I like WW. We did use Spark People and it was fine. I just don't think the time I used it I was very motivated. I found all the emails annoying. =) I rather talk with my Ofam about it. =)

I don't think I can do a layout a day. I can't even blog every day. =) Plus, I have a huge goal to get our house ready to sell and that's going to take time away from the puter. So, even though I'd love it, I can't get myself into it. I am going to do the 52 inspirations though. So that's good. =)

Well, I'm off to blog my grats for the last couple days and then to clean some more. I have to have clothes to wear to school tomorrow. (blech.)



I Love TaylorMadeDesigns
Good evening ladies!! Happy New Year to everyone ... ;) We had a wonderful holiday season this year ... no traveling ... just hanging out at home in our jammies and I worked a couple of days but other than that .... that's it ;) Last night Peter and I went out for dinner (ALONE) and then went to a bonfire (yes and it was -20 outside and snowing lol ) lots of fun ... we were home before midnight to see in the New Year with the girls and their friends. A great time was had by all!! :)

I've joined the Healthy O's as well .... woot ..... bye bye fat ;) I'm excited ... but really glad that it's starting tomorrow and not today!! LOL!! :)

Love you all,