
Daily O's Friday September 9


Well-Known Member
Just getting us started in here. Hope Chris isn't without power this a.m. but judging from her Facebook, she might be.

Anyone else feel like shouting TGIF?:peace: I know that I do. Everyone have a great day and I'll be back in later.


Well-Known Member

MY LITTLE SAVANNAH IS HOME!!! WOW!!! I missed her!!! she missed me!!! she ran through the airport screaming "my nana, my nana"....melts my ♥♥♥ :mrgreen:

Cameran's first soccer game is tomorrow!!! YIPEEEEE!!!! I have my camera ready!!! I JUST LOVE TAKING SPORTS PHOTOS!!!! He looks so cute in all that soccer gear!!! I haven't watched him practice but Sharon says he is pretty good.

It finally stopped raining here....hoping it dries out okay....Savannah's birthday party is at the park on Sunday!!!!


Okay....gotta run....HOPE YOU ALL HAVE A FABULOSOSOOOOOOOOOOOO DAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies,

I'm fairly new to the O, but I I'd jump in and say hello on this chilly Friday. Right now I'm volunteering at a golf tournament and posting via iPad. I wish I could scrap while I was here! My feet are cold!

Lunch today with a friend, then volunteering again tonight at the high school football game. Busy busy busy.

Have a great day!


A Rockin' ArtsyScrapper
Drive by for me today - spent the morning teaching a friend a little bit of PSE and at the same time, was trying to teach her how to make her first layout. We tried this a year ago and I was such a scatter brain, i threw way too much at her at once and she ended up giving up! She's ready to give it another go this year and asked me to come over for regular lessons. So that's what I did this AM and now we're about to head back so our girls can play together...

I'd like to crawl in bed, I'm THAT tired, but onwards! Have a wonderful Friday, I'll probably be MIA until Monday!


Well-Known Member
'morning, everyone. looks like another gray and misty day here in the "mountains."this kind of weather makes me feel like staying in my jammies all day. maybe i will! that's the nice thing about being my age. being indolent doesn't make one feel guilty most days....:eyebrows:

have a lovely one!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
TGIF everyone!!! Its going to be another warm sunny day here today, so I wish I was at the Lake instead of heading to work :pout: They say the weekend is supposed to stay this way so here's hoping!!

Phylis - I wanna stay in my jammies all day too!!!

Amber - How nice that you are teaching your friend, I tried to teach my sister-in-law, but I think I did the same as you and threw too much at her. She still hasn't gotten a layout done.

Nana Linda - How sweet that your Savannah missed you so much!! It would melt my Nana Heart to hear that too!! I miss my babies :hurt:. I just love your invitation that you made, soooo pink, soooo cute !! Have a great Friday my U.S. Sister!!

LindaS - I am very, very happy that it is Friday also!!! Thanks for starting the thread this morning, hope everything is ok with Chris!!

Chris - I miss you this morning, hope your power comes back on soon and your basement is no longer a swimming pool!!

Gotta go to work ugh!! :wave:


always chatty at the O!!
Good morning. Had fun at the chat last night. Although I couldn't get a page together. Elisa...as always...was on fire. Lol!

So today is the funeral so I'm posting on my phone on our way there. Poor Ethan has the flu now. Poor kid. Okay that's all I got without getting car sick. I'll try and stop by later.


Well-Known Member
yawnnnnn.... morning ladies! I feel like I got NO sleep last night... :( well I'm off to get some design stuff done... (fingers crossed)... lol Have a great day everyone!


...loves her some "O"
morning, girlies!!!! It's a busy day for me, too, here!! I wish I could say it was chilly. It's a lot cooler than it has been (it's down to the 90s! yipee!), but still very warm.

I have a high school mom's luncheon and then off to a regional quilt show with my mom and my Lil. Should be very fun!!

Tomorrow, my sweet Emma (11) has her second gymnastics meet! She is such a newbie, but she has such a fantastic attitude. We may start her on private lessons to get her scores up so she doesn't get discouraged. I love meets, so it'll be fun tomorrow! :)

I have to tell you girlies (those who have known me and my Cora (17)) that Cora now has a boyfriend, although it's not facebook official! (homeschoolers!! jeesh!!) She and this guy are the best of friends, constantly texting, always together at homeschooling events...they are the pres (him) and vice pres (her) of student council, so it was only a matter of time they declared their eternal like for each other!! (we've been asking why they haven't been dating since they went to the big Gala...ie. prom... together this past may!) I think they have pretty good heads on their shoulders...but we'll see how it all turns out! It's a new era in this house!! (jeeesh!! I'm too young for this!!!!)

Anyway, hope you guys all have a marvelous day!! I'm off to check my son's assignments to make sure he's workin'!!! :)

happy day, love you all!!!


Well-Known Member
Happy lunch time all. Yes, I too am one of those indolent retirees who can do what she wants when she wants. Sadly last night after I watched a Netflix, Inspector Frost, I crawled up the stairs to bed. When I saw 10pm, I knew that the old eyes couldn't make it for the chat. Another time!

Clara I wish you peace for today's funeral. Gosh, that's a rough one.

So a rainy day here, and I'm going to do another load of laundry so dh can have all his clothes clean to pack tomorrow for .....ta da! a week away bicicyling in SC. Guess who's gonna have the house to herself! woo hoo


lOve the O!
Evening all - busy day at work- after last nights dance practice the ball of my right foot was sore- but 1 1/2 hours work out in 3" heels (with an extra pound or two) can do that. Problem was it was still sore this morning- tried to get into the dr to see if she would order an X-ray- had an appt but they were running so late, it cut into my patients- so I said lets wait till next week, it is feeling better, but I won't be going to the dance party tonight- not sure yet about lesson tomorrow either. I need to go mow lawn while the sun shines- mr gorgeous is on his way home- I have wine chilling in the fridge and pork chops ready for the grill- mmmmmm


Cupcake Ninja
Welcome to the thread Barb! Great to have you here!

I'm so late saying hello today - sorry ladies :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


always chatty at the O!!
Hey ladies...bare with me. I need a place to spew all my thoughts from today. It was overwhelming. So, first of all let me explain that for me and my husband we have been closer with Michelle than with her husband Chris. I mean I am sad about his passing but more than anything I am completely heart broken for her. I just keep imagining how I would react to her situation and I just want to cry.

So first of all he worked in a Joint Services section here so he worked with all branches. I honestly have never seen such a hugely diverse military group in my life. There was everything except Coast Guard there and a LOT of each. At a military funeral the First Sargeant (or some leader) does a biography that completey focuses on their military career and boy has he done a lot. I had no idea. They also awarded him several awards posthumously...which is pretty cool. I was pretty contained for most of the service until his son spoke. His son is 15-16 and came from California to live with them but he was a bratty teenager and it didn't go well. He left a month later and it was not on the best of terms. It wasn't for a lack of trying on Chris's part but his son was just being a brat. So things were not left well. So his son got up in front of everyone and apologized to his dad. I thought it was a very brave thing for a kid to do. I told him as much at the reception afterwards. The chaplain did an amazing service. I was surprised because he is a very intense man. He used to be a ranger but he apparently is very good at his job. He spoke about the warriors place in the bible and it was just a great biblical message (I don't want to get churchy). So, I think I already mentioned I had never been to a military funeral and have only seen it on tv. It was a little different than I expected. The shots fired, the folding of the flag and all the officialness of it was intimidating but so perfect. I learned something new. When they fire the shots they collect the casings and they fold those into the flag. Then the flag got handed off twice. Each time the flag gets saluted and then it ended up with a general who got down on his knee and spoke to Michelle for a couple of minutes. Even with all the officialness it was still personal to her. I hope I never receive a flag on my husband's behalf. I was telling Derek that I don't think I could accept a flag like that. And if I did I wouldn't want it at that point. Ugh!! We keep telling her whenever we see her that if she needs anything to let us know but it sucks knowing that nothing we do can really help. She has to find solace all on her own. It sucks. She was so excited for him to get home and she got 24 hours with him. It's just not fair. Even though his accident was totally accidental and not because of his crazy driving it has motivated Derek on a project at the hospital that will force the young guys that go out and get a motorcycle right after a deployment to enter into a mentorship program for a certain amount of time after they return to help decrease the amount of needless motorcycle accidents after deployments. They happen a lot. This one was just happenstance and not carelessness, but it usually isn't the case.

Anyway...I feel a bit better getting all of that out. If you read through it...you are amazing and if you didn't...good for you for knowing it is just a lot of senseless rambling. I'm sorry to lay all of this off on you guys. Who wants to hear about a funeral? But I appreciate it. Love you guys. I hope you all have fabulous weekends.


Well-Known Member
Clara, I'm so sorry for your friend. I'm sure that it must have been an awful day for you. Good for Derek for trying to make something positive out of this situation.

All you ladies in jammies land...sounds like fun. I'm green with envy. And I'm so glad that you are jumping right in and feeling at home.

Laurie, hope that your foot feels better. Supper sounds very good.

Yesterday was Dad's 82nd birthday. I went in to work late so that I could meet him for breakfast and then we went over to hospice to give them some of Mom's memorial money. It was hard but they all were so good to Mom that it was very good to see them again.

Tonight my nephew played football...it was Pink Out for cancer. It was very nice. Mom's name was on a poster. At work today, I got one of those survival bracelets mad from hot pink parachute cord. One of the guys made it because one of the women who reports to me is just finishing (next week) the last of her chemo after being diagnosed with breast cancer last April and another woman who used to be on our team was diagnosed a few weeks ago and had surgery and will be starting chemo in a couple of weeks.

I'm tired of cancer. I hate it! See Clara...you aren't the only one to rant and rave here. So enough of that.

Sally, can't wait to hear about Emma's meet. And Cora with a boyfriend. Whoa!!! Really??? How does that happen? Where does the time go?

Going to bed. The weather is great...it should be wonderful for sleeping. And I need some sleep.