
Daily O's: Friday March 15


Well-Known Member
Well, I have been up since 3:30 a.m so what else to do but start the Daily O's??!!!!:rofl:At least it is Friday so I don't need to get up early tomorrow! I have challenged Shaun to a contest tomorrow to see who can stay in pj's longest. Shaun loves to stay in his comfy pj's all day long. I just want to stay in bed. And listen to this, I don't have a single event on my calendar for Saturday or Sunday! Am I the luckiest woman in the world or what?!!!

Going to check out yesterday's thread and I will return for personals.
Hi Linda !
You plans for the week-end sound lovely ! may I join you :becky:

In the meantime, come here will you ? and tell me where your party avatar is ? :suspicious:
Chris, I sure hope that things went ok at the lyme doctor yesterday and that she was able to provide some relief for poor Gary. I don't know how you keep it together...you are my hero!

Laurie, hope that your doctor's appointment went well too. Don't you love it when something comes up when you already have an appointment. Well, no, of course yat I mean. Hope they gave you something for the sinus infection.

Dumpty...how good to see you here. I was looking at flights to Nice the other day. I got an email showing some great vacation rentals in Nice and it made me think about using our vouchers (from the HI trip home which was at disaster) to fly to Europe and kick around in 2014. We will see...

LindaPete, it is so good to see you back. I can't think of anything better than a day at the basketball tournament. And, no, that is not sarcasm. I love high school basketball and all of the emotions that go with it. TerryB is also a big high school basketball fan but I bet she is in Hawaii at the moment and won't chime in... I wish I were in HI at the moment.

Phylis, I need to check the gallery. Can't wait to see if you've created a vintage page with those ocean photos and Paula's new kit. Hope that you got all of your cleaning done yesterday so that today you can rest for the company. :-) In my dreams about the time to rest, right?

Trudy, how are things going with the new owners at work? I guess that I may need to look back on more than just Thursdays thread to get caught up.
Good morning Nancy. What an idiot the train conductor is...doesn't he know what sports fans are like? Sally, how I wished you lived nearby. I sooooo want to quilt! It is on my bucket list! But I can't ever get my bobbin tension right...and it always stops all of my sewing projects...and it has always been that way on every sewing machine that I have ever used...I think it is user error. I do have room in the basement now where I could just leave the machine out with projects all around. Now I just don't have any excess time. Someday!

Oh Eva, I am sorry to hear about your sister...the one that is sick. About your other sister and brother...just plain rude! But I guess that you are stuck with them huh?

Ok, I think that I am caught up! Will try to play for the birthday celebration this weekend!

((hugs)) Have a wonderful Friday!
Well good morning LindaS! I woke up at 430 and have been putzing around. Our youngest son lost his job 2wks ago Monday. He was living in DC sharing his brothers apt. He came home for the weekend-we told him he could move back to his room pending on where he wanted to look for a job, but he never really said he was going to- so I didn't empty it out- well- guess who said when he came home last night he was looking for a job in this area- yup. Guess before I go to the conference I will work on emptying his room out- at least my ballgowns from his closet- tee hee. Guess this also means no more running half naked through the house getting ready for work for a bit. Alright, I need to upload layouts that I have done for the challenges, but didn't upload yet.
Linda S!!! Good morning to you. So sorry that you have been up so early. I see lots of coffee in tour future! :tea:
Your weekend sounds perfect!! I hope that nothing pops up unexpectedly and you and Shaun can stay in pj's until Monday morning :)
How awesome to be able to go to Nice and maybe see our Dumpty! Thank goodness that something good came out of that awful trip home. I wish I was in HI with Terry and all of you too.

So the dr's appt... *sigh* I just never know what to do. Or how to feel.
She wants Gary back on IV abx. He really doesn't want to do that, and I can't say that I blame him. He did see some improvement on it bit not so much that he feels that having a tube running through his vein to his heart is worth it. I can see that. It is a health risk too. Then I think of the cost :faint: I mean, we will do whatever we have to do. I hear of Lyme patients who are tens of thousand of dollars in medical debt. We are still under $10,000 so maybe thats good? ha.
I don't know, just so crazy.....I should NOT have to consider cost on trying to get my family healthy. Dr also wants Gary methylchelation protocal which is another $100/month, and when he told her he couldn't afford the extra, I looked at him and said, "This visit alone is $700, what's another $100??"
The good news is that he is showing more bands on his blood work every time we go and that means his immune system is now recognizing the bacteria as bad and is beginning to be capable of fighting them.

As for me, she is adding meds to help me sleep. Since my lyme seems to be more neurological, I have a lot of nerves misfiring. The sleep issues are that the nerves in my brain are overactive. I started taking neurontin at bedtime and this morning I still feel a bit foggy. I slept really good but I think I might need to take a lower dose. Do you know that feeling when you ut on a pair of glasses that are the wrong prescription, that is how I feel right now. Very odd. But at least I am not super-exhausted.Guess that is good. She is alo trying a med for my inflammatory response, Imy ANA/rheumatoid factors are coming down, but are still high. She doesn;t want to start treating me for Rheum Arthritis yet, but if the numbers/symptoms don't come down we might have to. They are immuno-suppressors which is bad for lyme.

Eek, enough of the med stuff. I just told you all more than I told my mom when she asked. LOL

Today is going to be a really busy day. I have to babysit this morning, off to clean. Then we have to get Scott from school early and bring him to the county courthouse. The trial is most likely going to start on Tuesday so they want to have him prepped and ready to go today. For those who don't know, Scott is a witness in a trial for a friend who was being molested by her stepfather. Been a little worrisome and but also very proud of him.
After that, we are picking up his GF and then going to my mom's lake house for the weekend. Cait's BFF was also supposed to go but she is sick. It should be a lot of fun. I know I could use a little bit of my mom's pampering.
I ams so late and fuzzy that I can't promise to get to everyone's posts from yesterday. But know that I love you all!!!
Oh Chris...that doesn't sound good...I'm sorry! Those decisions are hard...when you don't know what to do...even if the dollars weren't an issue...which of course they are. Glad that you get some time to rest this weekend...and some relaxation time for Scott before the trial next week!
I am seriously late, but I really want to do personals.
Going to try and speed type as best as I can.

Thank you for all of the good thoughts for Gary and I, always always very appreciated.

Linda P-- good luck to your team and have a great time at the tourney!

Laurie- how did it go at the dr? Hope that the sinus inf goes away for good.

Phyllis- I try to be as "off" as I can with Gary but sometimes it is so hard esp since it has such a huge effect of the kids, and me too, but mostly I worry about the kids. Paula's stuff is GORGEOUS! I hope that you had time to play, you are such a great, creative scrapper.

Trudy- even doing all of that in 2 days makes you a crazy cleaning lady in my eyes. I have no choice to clean other peoples houses like that, but I don't do that to my own LOL Did you ever figure out what was going on with your computer?

Nancy- you would think the conductor would know how NJ/NY area people take their sports and rivalries so seriously! Very odd dream, glad it wasn't real.

Hi Sally!!! You always have so much creativity flowing!

Eva- we have plenty of unwanted idiots in America, what is one more?? :pound: I would adopt you and your kitties in a heartbeat.
Hope that al of the fam issues get better. Love you even when you are GRumpy!!

Crap, I am out of time. I am sorry!!

Hugs and love to all of you!!!!!!
Chris hugs and enjoy the lake house! I forgot to say I did get abx for the sinus infection so I should be on the mend soon. I must say I ate too much yesterday and I need to head to the basement and do my workout today. Tonight and the next two days I will be chasing racquet balls and bean bags as I revisit BAVX (bal-a vis-x) in Ann Arbor.
Eva- we have plenty of unwanted idiots in America, what is one more?? :pound: I would adopt you and your kitties in a heartbeat.
Hope that al of the fam issues get better. Love you even when you are GRumpy!!

Maybe you should come here instead? I need someone to clean the house and medicare is almost free in this country :D
LindaS, YAAAAY!!! a free weekend for you!!! bummer about being up at 3:30, though. how's the anti-casino movement going? are your neigbors AND school district also against the casino. i forget if you mentioned who owns the property there the casino is to be constructed? private owner? municipality?

Eva, hope your sister gets some GOOD news soon. she must be really exhausted with all that she's been having to endure. about mean people: i've always found it dangerous to gauge your self-worth based on how certain other people treat you. especially on how SIBLINGS treat you. my sisters have been totally rude and nasty to me over the years and have said some of the most incredible stuff AT me. i totally believe they're Martians. or I am. but, either way, what they do or say doesn't do anything to me except reinforce for me how rude and weird they are. as for the reunion:things like that get screwed up, depending on the organizational skills of the people running the thing. do you NEED an invite? you should just show up and to hell with all of them. or else DON'T go, and to hell with all of them. whichever pleases YOU! hope that something good happens to make you feel better today.

Chris. geez. well, hopefully the time at the lake house will rejuvenate you a bit. i'm gonna write you a PM when i finish here.

Laurie, are you driving up to Ann Arbor? i remember you liked that workshop the last time, right?

me? hmmmm. well, i have my car today, but i can't think of anywhere i want to drive to, so i'm probably home again. it's gray outside. it's COLD outside. so, looks like a day of more cleaning and tending the wood fire. woot. i did get started on a page using the PaulaK new Sea stuff, but it's turning out to be a page for the "7" challenge. i know. better late than never.... it'll probably take me DAYS to finish it.

Merry Friday. or at least a Friday in a reasonably good mood.
I have like-- 5 minutes before boy I babysit heads over. Ya just can't keep me away!


Oh wow, it looks like I got to everyonebut Linda P for yesterday. From yesterday?? Yes, that is better.

Linda P- Caitlyn was involved in 4H for a while last year until we realized how crazy one one of the leaders was. She now had an enormous NZ white rabbit named "Bunny." I thought of you a lot when she was in 4H-- I know how much Ag is so important and its not very "visible" in NJ. (even though we are the "garden State hah!)
Good luck on your contest. PS I hope you stay around after the party, we have miss you!
Phyllis- its sunny here ATM. i;ll send you some if you want. Not too much cuz lord knows I need it too!
Excellent and wise advice for eva.
I have tried to tell similar to my kids but I think a lot of that is just getting wiser with age......
I am off to work in a few, so if I don't reply to your PM plz dont think I am rude. :hug:

Phylis - I think we should be sisters - cause my brothers do that to me- one posted about my parents layout that he couldn't see the photo for the "wallpaper" and then thought my suggestion that he enlarge the layout to full screen or download and enlarge was rude WHAT? I didn't respond. Hope he doesn't lurk here!! I am going to the conference with a co-worker and she is driving.

Workout done- now to see what damage dinner out did to this weeks progress!
Morning all of you early risers!! It must be something in the air today, because I was up and making coffee and 4am this morning too. Oh well I was in bed by 10:30 so I guess that's not too bad. Short morning at work and then home and hopefully I can get outside for a walk today. Getting bored :bored: with walking on the treadmill and watching Ellen reruns while I do.

LindaS- So happy for you that you actually have nothing to do this weekend!!! Have fun in your PJ's!! I think you should go ahead and book that flight to Nice and maybe take me with you too!! :becky:

Chris - Oh gosh, I don't know how you do it all girl!! I wish the lottery gods would shower you with a couple of million so you can get all of money trouble taken care of and get the best care in the world for your family and yourself. Blast those dam lyme buggers away!:laser: :hug: to you sweetie and have fun at the lake house let your mother take care of you!!

Laurie - Such dedication to your work out, you are my hero too! So your son is moving back home for a while?? Hope that he finds a great job very soon! He is lucky he has such a great Mom and Dad and can get back on his feet again back at home! No more running around the house naked now!! :eyebrows:

Eva- I have been trying to convince Chris to move to Canada too, where the medicare is almost free too, still a few things that we have to pay for, but nothing compared to the States!! Hope you don't let your siblings get to you. Phylis's advice as always sounds like the best way to deal with them!

Phylis - Have you ever thought of running for President?? Bet you could straighten out the mess that your country is in right now!! Then you come here and straighten out our mess too!! YaY Phylis for Prime Minister!! You got my vote :becky:

Well off to get MG and myself something to put in our belly this morning, hmmmm eggs or French Toast or Oatmeal???? Have a great Friday everyone :wave:
Good morning - sun is shining and the wind almost still and it was blowing over 30 mph yesterday. Had a nice night out with my girlfriends. We just chatted and that is always fun. Was up at 5:30 to make sure my son got up and made it to work by 7 am. He was not up LOL. But he made it and I tried to go back to sleep but could not. I have been so long out of the knitting routine that I had to start over 3x to get it correct. But I really do like the pattern and now I have it down it should go much faster.

Chris so sorry that the news was not better. I dont know how you do it!

LindaS - glad you have such a do nothing weekend! enjoy

Phylis glad you have your car back even if you have no place in particular to go.

Trudy enjoy you short work day and have a great walk! And yes your Canadian health care sure has some advantages over the US system.

Laurie love your workout dedication. Sorry your son lost his job - my son went through that - never easy. Enjoy his coming home!

Have a great day!
Sorry your son lost his job - my son went through that - never easy. Enjoy his coming home! Have a great day!

I think once I get over the changes and compromises we all will make I will enjoy his company- that doesn't sound right- At this moment there is a bit of tension in the air as we have not been told exactly what he is doing to find a new job and that frustrates his dad more than me- babies are easy compared to when they are older and you are no longer "in charge" of their life- guessing the loss of living away from home will be tough for him too!
Good mornin Os!!!!!!' It's foggier than crap outside and my brain foggier yet! Gotta clean up a mess my 2 year old ripped open a bag of oatmeal on the floor. Waaaaaaa coffee. Is he answer I believe! Lol. Have a great day all!!!!
Nancy, whatcha knitting?

Trudy, yeah. like i could get anyone to vote for me. it would be like voting for Nurse Ratched :madgrin:

Laurie, forgot to say "Good Luck" with your son coming back in the house. :help:
Morning girlies!! Just popping in really quickly to say hi and HAPPY FRIDAY!!! :sheep1

Have an awesome day! Love you guys!
Gawwwwww Phylis you kill me!! Now I vision you in a nurses uniform and hat! No pills for me thanks :fear:
Getting ready to go out to dinner with my co-worker and then we are going to catch bean bags and bounce balls for 3 hours- you may take that anyway you want!!