
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, October 9


The Loopy-O
Goiuioid mwnrn-ingggggg

Nope, I was not taken over by aliens. It's worse! Fasting blood work. Uncaffienated brain. Bad Bad bad.
I actually squirted saline in my toothbrush.

I'm just opening the thread since I have to clean for my friend as soon as I am back home and have had my coffee. :coffee1: Not sure when I'll be home with some downtime available.

Love to you all!


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out for me again today.
I left my phone in the kitchen yesterday at the church where I drive the widows for their monthly meeting.....an hour away! OY VEY! I'm making another trip there this morning. At least Ilene will be going with me and the time will fly by because we talk non-stop! I'll probably spend the rest of the day with her. So it will probably be late when I stop back by!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
I am just popping in here this morning also, hike day and so far its a nice morning. Its a bit of a tough hike so hopefully not to stiff and sore tomorrow. Looking forward to seeing my hiking group again. Hope everyone has a wonderful Wednesday!! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Good morning Lovely O Fam!
I should just "belly button" quick.

Goiuioid mwnrn-ingggggg

Nope, I was not taken over by aliens. It's worse! Fasting blood work. Uncaffienated brain. Bad Bad bad.
I actually squirted saline in my toothbrush.
I'm so sorry you had to go fasting today. Thats miserable. I always take coffee with me, hope you did too. I cant imagine trying to clean after fasting blood and lack of coffee. Hope its not that friends place with weapons where you might get hurt. Uncaffienated Chris isn't allowed to get hurt!!

I left my phone in the kitchen yesterday at the church where I drive the widows for their monthly meeting.....an hour away! OY VEY! I'm making another trip there this morning. At least Ilene will be going with me and the time will fly by because we talk non-stop
Oh no! Glad you can at least take Ilene and have a wonderful time talking. I have a friend like that our three hour ride to Costco can go by in seconds. Its so fun when you can do that. Enjoy the day!

I am just popping in here this morning also, hike day and so far its a nice morning.
Have a wonderful hike!!! Not too many more gorgeous days left for hiking so I am glad youre able to go out and enjoy it.

Today is Wednesday. Another crazy busy day. Should be sipping coffee chillin and prepping for the busy day but my minds spinning with all that needs done. Plus my car is FINALLY in the shop so we are down to one car. Unless hubs drives the unreliable truck. Trying a new recipe tonight too and I am hoping that my conversions are on point. Always makes me nervous trying a new recipe that's adjust to feed 150. But its always fun to try new recipes and add to the options on our menu.

Alright,need more coffee and then looking at some layouts. Have a wonderful day!!!


Dragging myself in here... At least the coughing and hacking has lessened .... some what! Still feeling tired so it will be another PJ day for me. Ended up wearing my heavy winter housecoat all day yesterday and in it again this morning. Keeping the fans and A/C off even though it is still getting up into the 80's.

Had a wonderful surprise this AM... the hot air balloons were flying nearby - a few went right over my house and a few landed just south of my neighborhood! Tried to get a few photos of them... but most of the balloons were to the east of here .... and the sun was right behind them. Not sure that I got any good photos due to that. Today there was no haze (like the last few days) and the sky was a bright blue! Will need to download them from the camera to see.

I did manage to scrap a LO this morning for tomorrow's release. Now I am ready to head for the recliner and put my feet up.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning.

Trying to wake up here. It's a slow process for me. Chris, @faerywings fasting for bloodwork sucks. I also always took a cup of coffee with me. The second they pulled that needle out, I was sipping. I don't drink coffee anymore, but I remember what a beast I was when I couldn't have it. I drink tea now, but it doesn't have the caffeine jolt like coffee did.

Vicky @vickyday darn it anyway that you have to go all the way over there to get your phone. At least you'll have Ilene to talk to.'

Trudy @taxed4ever have a wonderful hike today.

Kay @BrightEyes hope you get back on your feet soon and hooray for seeing some balloons!

Tracy @AK_Tracy hope your day isn't too hectic. I'm sure your new recipe will be great - be sure to let us know.

Hugs to all. XOXO


Love my O Family!
Dragging myself in here... At least the coughing and hacking has lessened .... some what! Still feeling tired so it will be another PJ day for me. Ended up wearing my heavy winter housecoat all day yesterday and in it again this morning. Keeping the fans and A/C off even though it is still getting up into the 80's.

Had a wonderful surprise this AM... the hot air balloons were flying nearby - a few went right over my house and a few landed just south of my neighborhood! Tried to get a few photos of them... but most of the balloons were to the east of here .... and the sun was right behind them. Not sure that I got any good photos due to that. Today there was no haze (like the last few days) and the sky was a bright blue! Will need to download them from the camera to see.

I did manage to scrap a LO this morning for tomorrow's release. Now I am ready to head for the recliner and put my feet up.
AWW! Hope you feel better soon!


Love my O Family!
Good morning.

Trying to wake up here. It's a slow process for me. Chris, @faerywings fasting for bloodwork sucks. I also always took a cup of coffee with me. The second they pulled that needle out, I was sipping. I don't drink coffee anymore, but I remember what a beast I was when I couldn't have it. I drink tea now, but it doesn't have the caffeine jolt like coffee did.

Vicky @vickyday darn it anyway that you have to go all the way over there to get your phone. At least you'll have Ilene to talk to.'

Trudy @taxed4ever have a wonderful hike today.

Kay @BrightEyes hope you get back on your feet soon and hooray for seeing some balloons!

Tracy @AK_Tracy hope your day isn't too hectic. I'm sure your new recipe will be great - be sure to let us know.

Hugs to all. XOXO
Yeah, it's all good! We had a good visit with the pastor and his wife and the trip didn't seem like it lasted very long at all!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Late hello.

I've been gone most of the afternoon and it is now 11:30. I went to another double header with Ava and Drake - he plays in a league every week and those guys have so much fun. There are several ball fields going at the same time and it's slow pitch softball. I haven't seen slow pitch for a long time. My uncle used to play and he was the pitcher and I'd forgotten how different it was.
I've been watching the weather channel all day too - Ava and I even watched it at the ball game. Two of my nieces live in Sarasota and Roger has an aircraft maintenance hangar there so we've been glued to the weather all day. My nieces are safe - no power, but they're safe. Ft. Myers Beach is still under a warning - they're expecting a big storm surge there tonight - those poor people/businesses have barely recovered from Ian and now this. Breaks my heart. Once a Floridian, always a Floridian. I'm just (selfishly) thankful that my DD and GS are out of there - Ian was horrible for the Ft. Myers, Ft. Myers Beach, Sanibel and Captive area.

Prayers are going out to all of the people who are in the path of this horrible hurricane and last we heard, there had been SO many tornadoes reported too.