
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, October 29


The Loopy-O
I can't tell if the week is going fast or slow. I had two really busy days so it feels like it should be Friday already. But it is not. But it also feels weird that it is already Wed. Crazy Faery can't get time and space to work in her brain anymore. Maybe I need a TARDIS. Or maybe I would make a good Companion?

Yesterday was successful, food shopping got done after I took Cait to school. My mom and I went to Home Depot, and I got the one gallon of paint that I needed, then over to BJ's to look for Christmas gift idea. Ok, that part was *not* successful. *wink*
Had a really yummy lunch at the Diner. Grilled veggies on a pita, with mozzarella on top. I am going to try and add that to our dinner ideas. Went for a walk with my friend, but my legs are feeling that today. It has been a while since we did that.

I also got a funny text from Caitlyn. Her teacher and one of her friends kidnapped her Baby!! Her Child Dev. teacher had told her that her Culinary teacher loves to kidnap the Flour Babies. She was putting stuff in the oven so she asked her two friends to please watch her. Her one friend was not paying attention and her other friend had been working with the teacher, waiting for the moment that Cait was busy. They took the baby and left a ransom note. Cait was looking for Charleigh and it turned out that they put her in the freezer. :rofl:

(I said that at least it was the freeze, it will keep her fresher, longer hahah!)

Today I am going to paint the darn DR. I started prepping yesterday- moved all of the china that I never, ever use (why do people register for china? I never use it!) out of the cabinet and all I have to do to prep today is get it taped out.

OK, so here is my QOTD
Do you have china? When was the last time you used it?

I do have china. It's actually very pretty, silver bands around the edge, but with a contemporary twist to it. Literal twist. heh.
The last time I used it was my mom's 70th birthday dinner we had her. That was three years ago. The time before that was probably a Christmas dinner when my kids were babies!

I Wish/want/hope that this odor sealant works the way it says it will and that the cats will not pee on the DR any more.
I wish that I won't be in pain when I am all done today ;)
I wish for world Peace, dammit!!!

Have a fab day!!!!!


Well-Known Member
We do have china. I set a beautiful table with it for DH's birthday last week. Our 11 year old said, where did you get these plates - obviously we don't use it often. We do not have a dining room so it's not on display. Ours is modern too. It lives in the little cabinets above our refrigerator.

I was up early and got some quiet time to myself today. Now I'm on my second cup of coffee and am feeling refreshed.

Good luck with the painting Chris. I hope that your cats behave and you're not sore after painting.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am here quickly too! Just to say hey and then get out the door to go swimming. Going early this morning and then home to Skype with my DD and Mason.

Chris - The week is going quickly, Wednesday already!! and I have to get busy and start to pack for our trip to Alberta. Glad that Cait got her baby back and that it stayed nice and fresh in the freezer LOL :becky: Hope you do not have too many aches and pains from painting today, bet it turns out nice!!

CindaA - How wonderful that you got some quiet time to enjoy your coffee!!

Phylis - What a nice story! My mother had some Royal Albert China "Old Country Roses" I thought they were ugly LOL But she used them every chance she got. My sister inherited them, but I don't think she has ever used them herself. But every time I see them in her china cabinet It reminds me of my sweet Mother!! :love:

QOTD - I do have a set of China, although I have broken a few pieces over the years :mmph: I use them whenever we have dinner guests, I figure its better than having it just sit in the china cabinet all the time. Perhaps one day I will replace some of the pieces, but I doubt that anyone else would want this set. It was something that I chose for a wedding gift idea, but I really wasn't interested in having a China set back then.

Ok gotta run, have a great day everyone!! :bolt: :wave:


Well-Known Member
My china has a story. When I was in high school I got a part in the local theater group's production of "The Glass Menagerie." It has a line about blue roses. The grocery stores had a china promotion one design of which featured...blue roses. So my mother eventually got me a complete set. They're visible in the china built-in cabinet and I used to use them. I really prefer stoneware though and usually use that.

Hope everyone makes it through the day successfully!


aA Creative Team Member
QOTD: I have my mother's original china set and bits and pieces from my grandmother. It's all packed away. It doesn't get used now, but someday. I hope.

Thank you for the stories.


Well-Known Member
Hello all...

Busy these days between various appointments pre surgery AND trying to watch all of season 2 of Elementary before it goes off On Demand. Only 5 more episodes today but *#&#^% the fact that On Demand has all the frickin' commercials that you can't fast forward through. Sometimes I don't mute fast enough. ugh.

Yes, I have china, though not my 'wedding china'. That Wedgewood set that was totally completed during our years in England I let my xh have. He didn't like the pattern so it was a petty gesture. Today we use one of the other sets I bought while in England every day. I'm down to only 6 of the main dinner plates but a few years ago bought another 6 plates that don't have the gold band. Unfortunately those non gold plates do not fit in the compartment for dinner plates on a shelf we have for china. So, the better ones lose their gold bit by bit but the plain ones sit unused.

There is also another complete set my mother bought (yes, while I lived in England...things were very inexpensive in those days) and it's in the attic. Wild Strawberry I'd love to bring it down but where to put it...

Be well all, and I hope to get back later this week.