
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, October 18


The Loopy-O
Whoaaaa, We're halfway there...Livin' on a prayer.
It sure feels like that. ;)

We are halfway to (another rainy) weekend. The hike I have scheduled will get canceled too. *sighs* I feel like I am running out of nice days to get out there and it has rained way too much. Scott and I are going together on Thursday after he cleans some more of his room first. That will be nice at least.

How was your Tuesday? It was fun being at Scott and Sam's for bagels. My parents loved the house. I was pleased because Scott brought over his decorations and it felt much more balanced. As soon as I walked in, I saw some of his pinned insects - he has a huge moth in a frame and a few other pretty ones- and a bunch of pinecones and rocks scattered on the shelf next to them. That made it feel that it was officially his *home.*
My dad looked good! He looked awful when we were in PA for the day so it was a relief that he seemed much better. No news on when the biopsy will be scheduled. And I guess his next shoulder replacement is going to be on hold until he finds out what the results of that will be. That bites. :/

Everyone was here for dinner too since they were off to a Halloween House after dinner and were leaving from here. Nice to have all 6 of us at the table.

That was the highlight. The lowlight was getting our end-of-year escrow statement and we are $1500 below where we should be. Either I somehow come up with that or it will make my monthly payment increase by over $200/month. Social Security COLA ain't coming close to covering that. Between that and the health insurance premiums, I don't know what am going to do. No word on the job although Scott said that she isn't always on top of her email. I'm still waiting to hear from the health insurance people about that access code to log in to my account. Grrr! :banghead:

I realized that I am really not that much of a worrier. (Stop laughing at that!) hehehe.

I really am not. I only worry about two main things. My family and money. Take that away and I am as calm as can be. :angelwhistle:
No way to take those worries away... oh well! Guess I will keep my Professional Worrier crown with Cheryl's :lol23:

Not much happening today- grocery pick up and then cleaning for my friend.

Have a great day!


The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever :welcome1: BACK!
It sounds like you had the best time on your vacation. And all that wine-tasting *hiccup* The area must have been beautiful. Did you get a lot of photos?
It stinks coming back to reality and all that laundry. Your grands will be thrilled to get the Halloween packages. ♥
It hasn't been awful with Scott being away. I see/text/talk to him a lot. He pops in for coffee if he has a break and is at an upcounty park, grabs his mail, etc. But I miss his "presence" at the end of the day. Even if he was in his room, I liked knowing he was here. Does that make sense? Talk to me when Caitlyn moves out, that one going to be much harder.

@BrightEyes It's smart of you to rest when you have no other choice. I rebel against that feeling and end up making myself feel much worse. How wonderful to have your sister with you for both holidays. That would be better if she could just stay but not if she has Dr appts. Is she the one who lives in TX?

@vickyday Nice to see you pop in!

@pachimac Big hugs to you :hug2:
I am not sure what to say. I just feel lost
BTDT. That unsettled feeling... You seem like you are empathetic and it's hard to be that way with everything in the world unsettled and for such a long time. Last week, I talked about how everything (macro and micro) was upsetting me. The only advice I have is to do small things to keep yourself grounded. For me, it's my Dirt Therapy. Being outside in the sun. Being here every day helps me more than I can express. I love this group and would love for you to get the same feeling of support. ♥

@Cherylndesigns That's fantastic news about Chuck! Now that they have the right abx for the infection, I hope that clears up quickly. Any idea when he will be out of the ICU? I'm so happy that Steph is able to make sense of the medical stuff.
What a relief that the hospital is a good one too. There are a few in my area that I would stay away from if I had a choice.



Wow... I am up before the sun this morning!! Could have something to do with not staying up so late. :p I finished watching the last episode of "The Crown" in early afternoon. Glad to be caught up on it before the new episodes start in mid-November. After supper, I switched over to reading or should I say re-reading. Have you ever read or re-read a book and visualized it so clearly that you think it was made into a movie?? I did that with a couple of Suzanne Brockman's books... and went looking on Google to find one of them.... Of course, it wasn't there. I pulled "Hot Target" out and started re-reading it. Within the first couple of chapters, I knew it had not been made into a movie - but I am enjoying reading it once again. :p

Our weather has done a switch back to SUMMER... in the 80's again for the rest of this week! Good thing I didn't get the down comforter put the bed yet! I need to wear a short-sleeved top today as I am getting my RSV shot late this afternoon so should be comfortable in it since the weather will be so warm. @faerywings - wish you could send all that rain out my way... we sure could use it. I know how much getting outside to play in the dirt means to you so hope the rain stops so you can get outside. Yes, my sister lives in Amarillo, TX... really looking forward to seeing her next month. My niece will be here next week for a couple of days - so excited as it has been over a year since we have been together.

@pachimac I saw the photos of your daughter on FB... she sure has grown up! Yes, it is hard since you home-schooled her all these years. Is she in college now and away from home?? BTW... saw the OS Blog post you did... WOW! great job on it. Really enjoyed reading it and makes me want to do more AJ.

@Cherylndesigns So glad to hear that Chuck is improving now that they know what infection it is. Yes, it so helpful when you have someone who understands the medical and can explain it to you. So glad that Steph is there to help you.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. It's been sooooo busy with last minute trip stuff to do and we've been showing the house a lot this last week or so. The latest update is that we have an offer on the house, we signed the contract last night so there is a finance condition for the buyers but it looks like it should be fine but we'll know for sure if the house is sold in a few wks while we are still on our trip. We did virtual tours and picked out a home in Okotoks Alberta which we all love, our offer was accepted so if everything goes well, we will be moving into the new home Dec 4. Crazy busy time for the next few months.

Hope all is well and I may get a chance to pop in while I am on wifi at some point, lounging on the ship :) Leaving in an hour. Take care and BFN.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Ohhh @bcgal00 how wonderful!! Such fabulous news, so now we all will keep our fingers crossed that your newest offer on your house goes through!! Have a great time on your cruise and try to rest up and relax, you will be super busy when you get back, packing up and moving!!! :lovey3:

It is wet and rainy here today, so no hike for me, perhaps it will be a good day to hit the pool and get some laps in?? I slept until 7:30 and I am feeling very refreshed today! My arm has stopped bothering me, and I have not been taking anything for the past week or so, so I am not sure what is going on with that?? I am not complaining and so happy that I can sleep through the night without it waking me up. I have not heard anything back from the Dr. about my x-ray, so I am assuming that it did not show anything that was wrong :rolleyes1: who knows?? I got the two parcels out in the mail yesterday and what should have cost me almost $60 to mail, cost $0 :wehaveawinner: how great is that!! I really need to try to get some other things out to the kids before the end of October, but its hard to think of Christmas gifts in October!! Today I think will be a day of scrapping and working on finishing up my junk journal. I have wanted to get started on a Christmas Junk Journal but I really need to get my Calendar making underway first. So other than some scrapping and crafting and perhaps an hour at the pool, I don't have much to do.

@faerywings - I hope that you hear soon about the job! I wish you didn't have to worry about money! (it really is the root of all evil!). I am glad that you are not missing Scott too much, seems like you are keeping connected for the most part and how nice that you will be going on hikes together! Glad to hear that your Dad looked better and that your parents loved Scotts new place! I had to laugh about you not being much of a worrier :giggle4:. Family and Money... what else could there possibly be to worry about LOL.

@BrightEyes - I could not believe that I slept in so late this morning, but the darker mornings and cooler temps sure have made me sleepy!:alarmclock:. Wow such warm temps again for you! Hope your RSV shot goes well and I hope you don't have any ill effects from it! I have to book an appointment for DH and I to get our Covid shots, Flu shots are booked for the beginning of November.

Well the coffee cup is empty and I need to go make the bed and empty the dishwasher, hoping that if I get to the pool at around 10am that it won't be too busy. Have a great day everyone! :waving1


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
@BrightEyes No, she is at home. She decided to take a gap year because she has no idea what she wants to do for a career. She’s looking for a job right now. For how bad the economy is right now, it’s been hard to get a job. Most places around here want more than she’s qualified for or they don’t have money to hire people. Our unemployment rate is one of the highest in the country right now. :(


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Afternoon, Lovelies.

Steph and I are heading out here soon to go to see Chuck. Big news today - he was out of bed - sitting in the chair for an hour and he texted me!! I was so thrilled to see a text from him! He, of course, wasn't thrilled that we were coming to see him, but I told him we were just going to look in on him. So, then he texted me back and asked me to bring him a couple of things. He asked me yesterday if his phone was there, so that was encouraging. I told him it was in the bag right beside the big chair. So, today, he found his phone. I'm taking him a charger today when we go up. His phone was at about 30 percent, but I turned it off to save on the battery.

Chris @faerywings I have no idea when he'll get out of ICU or out of the hospital. Hopefully, we can get some answers today. The fact that they are getting him up to sit in the chair for one hour means he's improving but he said "don't expect a big conversation". LOL

Kay @BrightEyes yes, it is wonderful to have Steph's medical expertise and someone who can explain all of the beeping and bags hanging and all of the cords. She was explaining to me yesterday that they weren't giving him ALL of the stuff in the hanging bags at once. She showed me the "splitter" and told me how it worked. Ava and I took him some stuff and took him the book he was reading - hopefully, he'll start getting bored and want his book.

Rae @bcgal00 great "potentional" news about the house(es). Don't want to jinx you, but it sounds encouraging.

Susie @pachimac nice to see you in here.

Trudy @taxed4ever glad you're home and had a good time.

Hugs to everybody. I'd better get off of here and finish getting ready to go.



I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
Good morning ladies. It's been sooooo busy with last minute trip stuff to do and we've been showing the house a lot this last week or so. The latest update is that we have an offer on the house, we signed the contract last night so there is a finance condition for the buyers but it looks like it should be fine but we'll know for sure if the house is sold in a few wks while we are still on our trip. We did virtual tours and picked out a home in Okotoks Alberta which we all love, our offer was accepted so if everything goes well, we will be moving into the new home Dec 4. Crazy busy time for the next few months.

Hope all is well and I may get a chance to pop in while I am on wifi at some point, lounging on the ship :) Leaving in an hour. Take care and BFN.
Oh I am hoping it all goes through!! Have fun on your trip!!!!

@Cherylndesigns I will try and be better about daily chatting in here. Lately I haven't had much to say. I feel like scrapping is changing a bit and now I'm not so sure where I fit in. LOL I know I have a home here and I'm nice and comfy.

@BrightEyes Thank you for the kudos on the blog. I can be wordy, but I'm eager!!!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh I am hoping it all goes through!! Have fun on your trip!!!!

@Cherylndesigns I will try and be better about daily chatting in here. Lately I haven't had much to say. I feel like scrapping is changing a bit and now I'm not so sure where I fit in. LOL I know I have a home here and I'm nice and comfy.

@BrightEyes Thank you for the kudos on the blog. I can be wordy, but I'm eager!!!
You DEFINITELY have a home here - whenever you feel like chatting. :lovey3: