
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, October 16


The Loopy-O
Good morning from a very cold New Jersey. We have our first freeze warning of the season so I guess it is time to pull the tomato plants out of the patio box. I harvested a few tomatoes the other day but they split open right after I washed them. I'm going to throw them out for the chipmunks and birds this morning. So no point leaving the plants all scraggly and dying.
Besides, I have something new I want to plant in there. One of the kid's mom gave me a sunchoke tuber. She originally intended for me to plant it on site but I was so excited about it, she told me to take that one for myself and she'll bring another one next week.

That was the highlight of the HS Session. It was not a good day :no: It wasn't terrible and I sure have had worse days teaching. This one was off. The kids were off, the lessons fell flat, and that was pretty much it. One kid wanted to nap in the pine needles, then complained that they were all in her hair. Another boy needed to go to the bathroom and spent 15 minutes trying to fold the TP to wipe his butt. Literally. For 15 minutes, I was standing outside of the bathrooms, coaching and encouraging him to wipe his butt while my coworker was with other kids running willy-nilly in the field. We spent the last 15 minutes of the day just throwing pinecones in the stream. They didn't want to do much of anything, so we did what we could.

I wrote this yesterday and I think I jinxed myself :footinmouth: :floorlaugh:
I am pretty dang proud of myself since I developed the curriculum and the kids seem to be having fun and learning some cool nature stuff too.

I have a quiet morning at home so I have to catch up on some housework here before I clean for my friend. I know I am going to go over my lessons for the next few sessions and agonize and second-guess myself for a while.

I'd love to get some scrap time squeezed in but we'll have to see.

Love to you all! ♥


The Loopy-O
@BoatLady The more you learn about invasive plants the more you realize how many of the common landscape features are in the list. Japanese Maples, English Ivys, Mimosa trees-- I have these on my property/neighbor's property. Stilt grass is throughout the forest areas covering over the trails in a month. And there is not much you can do about them, rip 'em out and they come right back. :angry4:

(Sorry, I started ranting about this again!)

@taxed4ever Did you get a lot of scrapping and calendars done yesterday? I hope you had a chance to scrap the photos of your kids/grands celebrating together. Although I imagine that made you miss them more.
Here are a few resources for you Chris I know the one is just on B.C. but its a pretty cute website. https://ssisc.ca/youth and maybe you have already seen this one?? https://www.plt.org/activity-resources/prek-8-activity-12-invasive-species/
Thank you so much! I will check these out today!

My FIL puts his on but doesn't remember to turn them on LOL after all you wouldn't want to have to replace the batteries, they cost money don't you know :giggle4:.
I think my dad turned the volume off by accident and couldn't figure out how to turn it up. The booklet that came his the hearing aids said that the right one turns it up and the left one turns it down, but he only has one aid. But there is a toggle button so I suggested that he try to use that and see if that helps. At least his set has a rechargeable battery or I'd be dealign with the same thing as your FIL LOL

Its another cool morning (okay Chris and Marilyn I hear you its cold) Its 28* and frosted hard last night. Today is a slow busy day. Suppose to be sunny and cool up to 48* but we shall see. Thinking its time to pull out the thick sweatshirts. Maybe dust off the winter jackets. Need more coffee. Hips/feet/knees killing me after working on my kitchen upgrades yesterday. Going to make it a long day starting down a spoon but will carry on and keep going.
28* is cold, but so is 36* like it is here. :brrr: It got to the low 50s yesterday but the wind made it feel colder. The same for today but at least it will be 60s by the weekend. How are your spoons holding out? I hope that you were able to take it easy and that the pain/swelling is lower too.
I need to get into the attic soon for warmer clothes and I just do not want to. :crying1:

I'm glad your twin got a kick out of the monitor! And doubly glad you only have to wear it for 24 hours! If you pass the test after being at your parents' I don't think you have anything to worry about!
Ain't that the truth!! :rotfl:

@BrightEyes Feel free to send your summer weather here!
I hope that you feel up to scrapping again soon!

The situation is like a snail climbing Mt. Everest, it could be in the next couple of months, but that family will never be whole again, a lot of bridges have been burned, but thank you for the hugs, they are always appreciated.
This makes me so sad but you know I am always thinking of you and I'll keep sending hugs :hug3:
YUP! The landscapers think something is pretty/hardy/easy to grow and next you know, you cannot get rid of it. Butterfly bush was something that was super popular when I moved up here and (thankfully) every one I planted never grew. Butterfly Bush is now considered invasive and is crowding out milkweed.
*slaps hand over mouth*
Shoot--- I did it *again.* Please someone take the soapbox away from me. :censored:

I don't know if I mentioned one other girl's grandma asked me to take some pics of her dgd. She's a 7th grader playing on the 8th grade team and she is as fun to watch as my dgd and way shorter. They both play hard and like team players, they are great together.
That is very sweet of you! And nice to be appreciated by that girl's family.
Hope that the last game of the season was a winner!



The Loopy-O
@taxed4ever and anyone interested--
As I was looking at the link Trudy shared, I saw garlic mustard on it. That is a problem here in NJ. It's also edible which reminded me of this-- I have been seeing a lot of programs that encourage the harvesting of invasive plants that have uses such as for food/flavoring/teas and tinctures etc.
If you happen to see a local program for that-- check it out!


Love my O Family!
Good morning from a very cold New Jersey. We have our first freeze warning of the season so I guess it is time to pull the tomato plants out of the patio box. I harvested a few tomatoes the other day but they split open right after I washed them. I'm going to throw them out for the chipmunks and birds this morning. So no point leaving the plants all scraggly and dying.
Besides, I have something new I want to plant in there. One of the kid's mom gave me a sunchoke tuber. She originally intended for me to plant it on site but I was so excited about it, she told me to take that one for myself and she'll bring another one next week.

That was the highlight of the HS Session. It was not a good day :no: It wasn't terrible and I sure have had worse days teaching. This one was off. The kids were off, the lessons fell flat, and that was pretty much it. One kid wanted to nap in the pine needles, then complained that they were all in her hair. Another boy needed to go to the bathroom and spent 15 minutes trying to fold the TP to wipe his butt. Literally. For 15 minutes, I was standing outside of the bathrooms, coaching and encouraging him to wipe his butt while my coworker was with other kids running willy-nilly in the field. We spent the last 15 minutes of the day just throwing pinecones in the stream. They didn't want to do much of anything, so we did what we could.

I wrote this yesterday and I think I jinxed myself :footinmouth: :floorlaugh:

I have a quiet morning at home so I have to catch up on some housework here before I clean for my friend. I know I am going to go over my lessons for the next few sessions and agonize and second-guess myself for a while.

I'd love to get some scrap time squeezed in but we'll have to see.

Love to you all! ♥
Maybe it's the moon's fault for the behavior. Really! I know there were certain times when I was teaching Bible club that the kids were wonky... even the normally good kids!
Gonna have to "jiggle" what a sun choke tuber is, ya know ;) My guess, from the name, is a tuber that grows without needing much sunshine?? Now to do a Google search. (BTW, the former pastor's wife called it jiggling, lol! She was 92 when she passed away last year!)


Love my O Family!
Ok, so I found out, Chris, that a sun choke tuber is a Jerusalem artichoke. I've never eaten any that I know of. Have you?

Yesterday I went to the grocery store for water and English muffins for Mark at work. Took them to him and we went to lunch. Then I went to CVS to pick up his meds. He spends a fortune on his meds and supplements for diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, stomach ulcers.....no wonder he has ulcers, lol!

When I got home my 308 prints from Persnickety had been delivered! So between sorting them and putting them in order for the albums and doing laundry, that was my day.

Today I have to pick up a pair of pants I ordered from Kohl's and go to Hobby Lobby for more page protectors and an album for my 2024 pages I had printed.

I'm going to start packing for our trip to my son's in Alabama where I broke my wrist and back last year on October 21st! A day that will go down in infamy for us, lol! I also want to make some pretzel salad to take to eat while we play games in the evening.

Heading out so everyone have a great day!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It poured rain last night, not sure if I will hike yet or not, it is a fair drive away and it will be all wet and slippery on the trails with the wet leaves covering everything. I might just go for a good long walk around here instead. Tomorrow morning SIL Linda, MIL and I are all going for a pedicure. We decided awhile back that we should do something like that once a month, so that should be a nice time for all of us! I spent a good portion of yesterday in the kitchen, making Turkey Soup and Cauliflower wraps. I had to get to the grocery store before hand to pick up a few things and that took longer than I had planned!! So not much calendar making got done. I did start one, but need to complete that today. It should be a quiet day for me. Just looking at the weather forecast and it is calling for a lot of rain in about an hour from now, so home is where I will stay today.

Good morning from a very cold New Jersey. We have our first freeze warning of the season so I guess it is time to pull the tomato plants out of the patio box. I harvested a few tomatoes the other day but they split open right after I washed them. I'm going to throw them out for the chipmunks and birds this morning. So no point leaving the plants all scraggly and dying.
Besides, I have something new I want to plant in there. One of the kid's mom gave me a sunchoke tuber. She originally intended for me to plant it on site but I was so excited about it, she told me to take that one for myself and she'll bring another one next week.
No frost here yet, but it won't be long now, than maybe those pesky fruit flies will be gone for good! They drive us crazy here at this time of the year. Guess they love the smell of my Gary's wine brewing in the spare room :giggle4: . Sorry that your day was not great yesterday, but hey, it happens once in awhile right?! Maybe Vicki is right and it was the moons fault. Hope you find some time today to enjoy some scrapping or just to relax a bit today! Glad that you like the link that I sent to you, there is some interesting reading there and I might have to go back and finish looking at that today. It will most likely make me mad though!!
I'm going to start packing for our trip to my son's in Alabama where I broke my wrist and back last year on October 21st! A day that will go down in infamy for us, lol! I also want to make some pretzel salad to take to eat while we play games in the evening.
How nice that you got all your prints already!! I bet that kept you very busy yesterday! Have a wonderful time on your trip and for heavens sake stay away from the Pickle Ball Court!! Enjoy your time with son!

Ok off to the shower for me and then a few chores to do around the house. I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Waving Hi to all the other fabulous ladies that pop in here during the day! :waving3:. I will catch up with you later this afternoon!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

That was the highlight of the HS Session. It was not a good day :no: It wasn't terrible and I sure have had worse days teaching
I'm with Vicky, it was the weather. Sometimes days like this happen. One to keep us humble and two because the weather is icky and I think kids know when weather is changing and get restless. Dont second guess self on next weeks lessons. They're perfect.
How are your spoons holding out? I hope that you were able to take it easy and that the pain/swelling is lower too.
Spoons? What are these magical things called spoons that you speak of? I'm living in my normal of 3 on pain with peaks of 9. Monday for some reason did me in and I didn't do much. Just stood for a couple (4+) with hubs to tile the one wall in the kitchen backsplash. Nothing big. But knees and hips. Yep they letting know. But oh well, life moves on and that's what I do. Pick up the spoons I have and make the best of it without borrowing too many of tomorrows.
When I got home my 308 prints from Persnickety had been delivered! So between sorting them and putting them in order for the albums and doing laundry, that was my day.
Oh man! I bet it felt amazing to have the prints arrive and fun to look at but oh man thats a lot of prints to put in sleeves. The repetitive movement makes my arms hurt :giggle4:
I might just go for a good long walk around here instead. Tomorrow morning SIL Linda, MIL and I are all going for a pedicure.
This sounds wonderful. A nice long local walk and then tomorrow pedicure. That sounds amazing. I wish we had a good place here for pedicures. I miss that, when I visited my dad in AZ we would do pedi and it always felt amazing.

Today is a long day. So after my next coffee and gallery viewing I will be MIA until tomorrow. Its warmer this morning, only 35* so hopefully it gets up to high 40's. But the kitchen gets hot so the cooler air will feel better.
Off to get that coffee. :coffeedrinker:
Have a wonderful Wednesday!


Wow... another sleep-in morning. Didn't wake up until almost 9AM. Guess my body is still saying it needs the rest! So I will listen to it. One more day of meds. Hope to feel up to going to the base to pickup Rx and groceries by Friday.

@faerywings Sorry I can't send you any warm summer temps... ours is gone now. Temps now will be in the 60's for highs - but we won't have a freeze until the last week in Oct. Oh, I remember having to swap out summer to winter clothes and what a pain it was. Now I have the closet to myself so no more lugging bins back and forth to/from the garage. I did pull the winter comforter out and will put it on the bed today and pack the summer comforter away. I turned the AC off but don't need the heat on yet.

Off to grab another cup :coffeedrinker:and then get my :showering:BBL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
This sounds wonderful. A nice long local walk and then tomorrow pedicure. That sounds amazing. I wish we had a good place here for pedicures. I miss that, when I visited my dad in AZ we would do pedi and it always felt amazing.
It will be very nice to have the pedi's done! I love getting my feet massaged and for some reason my Gary is not a big fan of doing that :lol23:. Hope you are not in so much pain today!! Sending you lots of gentle and healing hugs!! :hug2::flower:
Wow... another sleep-in morning. Didn't wake up until almost 9AM. Guess my body is still saying it needs the rest! So I will listen to it. One more day of meds. Hope to feel up to going to the base to pickup Rx and groceries by Friday.
Wow good for you for sleeping in so late!! I sure hope that you are back to being 100% by Friday, but you are very wise to listen to your body and keep resting!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It poured rain last night, not sure if I will hike yet or not, it is a fair drive away and it will be all wet and slippery on the trails with the wet leaves covering everything. I might just go for a good long walk around here instead. Tomorrow morning SIL Linda, MIL and I are all going for a pedicure. We decided awhile back that we should do something like that once a month, so that should be a nice time for all of us! I spent a good portion of yesterday in the kitchen, making Turkey Soup and Cauliflower wraps. I had to get to the grocery store before hand to pick up a few things and that took longer than I had planned!! So not much calendar making got done. I did start one, but need to complete that today. It should be a quiet day for me. Just looking at the weather forecast and it is calling for a lot of rain in about an hour from now, so home is where I will stay today.

No frost here yet, but it won't be long now, than maybe those pesky fruit flies will be gone for good! They drive us crazy here at this time of the year. Guess they love the smell of my Gary's wine brewing in the spare room :giggle4: . Sorry that your day was not great yesterday, but hey, it happens once in awhile right?! Maybe Vicki is right and it was the moons fault. Hope you find some time today to enjoy some scrapping or just to relax a bit today! Glad that you like the link that I sent to you, there is some interesting reading there and I might have to go back and finish looking at that today. It will most likely make me mad though!!

How nice that you got all your prints already!! I bet that kept you very busy yesterday! Have a wonderful time on your trip and for heavens sake stay away from the Pickle Ball Court!! Enjoy your time with son!

Ok off to the shower for me and then a few chores to do around the house. I hope you all have a wonderful day!! Waving Hi to all the other fabulous ladies that pop in here during the day! :waving3:. I will catch up with you later this afternoon!
Thanks, Trudy! Trust me.....no pickle ball courts for me this time!
Hope you got a walk in today! I've been a very bad girl lately!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening all.

It's really cool here - it's currently 62. It was pretty nippy when I got up this am. I've had the fireplace on all day - there's just a chill in the air. Trouble is, I don't want to leave the living room where it is. LOL The animals are both curled up in there, so it must feel good to them, too.

I didn't do my CP Wednesday post last night, so I had to do that today. These Wednesdays really roll around fast. Chris @my day challenged friend - I was "off all last week and all weekend for some reason. I'm better this week - I know, because I did the Wednesday blog post. LOL I don't know why some weeks are more confusing than others.

BTW, how did your visit with your parents go? I've lost out on that - I did see the bit about your dad and his hearing aid, though. How funny that he only wears one - Chuck only wore one contact from the day I met him. Roger only wears one contact, too. Adrienne and the "girls" came up here later and they just left.

The Week 3 AJ Challenge has been posted for anybody who's anxiously awaiting: https://oscraps.com/community/threads/art-journal-challenge-week-3-embrace.40679/#post-721546

Tomorrow, we're going into torn - Adrienne has a couple of things to return to Amazon and I ordered 2 sweaters from Walmart - are you ready for this - IDENTICAL sweaters to the camel cardigan that I bought from there. I ordered a black one and a navy blue one - they're both TOO small!!! Honestly, WTHECK with sizing these days??? I think I told you all that I ordered what was supposed to be the same sweater from Amazon - 3 of them and none of them were big enough. I haven't had great luck lately ordering - everything has been too small. Oh well, "Shrinkflation at its finest". That's all I can think.

Ok, stepping down from my :soapbox:

I haven't been on here too much today, so maybe I can catch up tonight. Hope everybody has had a great day. Hugs go all and XOXO.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
Quick late belly button.

Woke cup to 22° this morning , more than the pumpkins got frost on them. It seems to have unhinged the leaves from the maple tree, they 've been fluttering down like raindrops all day, if we'd had wind more would be gone. It was 60° in the house at one point this morning, but the sun did it's job and it's 65° upstairs now. I spent the day downstairs where sweatpants, sweatshirt and bathrobe were enough. I'm a fashionista dontcha know.

Thank you for the hugs Chris, I'm cautiously , very cautious, optimistic today that phase 1 of family drama may be over in a couple of weeks. keeping all body parts crossed.

One of the good sis-in-laws called this morning, she's the popsicle stick size Betty Crocker energizer bunny. She'd made 2 pumpkin pies & an apple pie and wondered if she could bring us a pumpkin pie. She came around 11:30 with a pie and a bottle of wine. Lunch & wine, a good Wednesday.

Wendell started the hot tub filling this morning, yay, tis the time of year even though it's supposed to be in the 70s the next few days.

Tried to get started on a layout this morning, could not stay focused for the life of me. Tough night last night, ddg played 5 minutes out of 3 games. She's been working her butt off to get better because she wants to try out for an elite VB team in Roch in November and now she doesn't feel like she's any good. She and the setter she played on fire with last Thurs. played 5 minutes in a different game. When she played the girls set the ball to players on either side of her and to one in the back row. The kid is almost 5'10" . I don't know much and I'm not a sports person or coach, but when she was on the chair a under 5 foot girl was playing the front row, she's a teacher's kid and a lot of the others have squeaky wheel parents. They lost all 6 games. I sent her a pep talk from Nana message last night, but it was weighing on me this morning. Sent her another message this morning, with the how far women have come since my day speech and how it's her turn to continue it and not let this stop her, Helen Reddy, I Am Woman, Title IX, none of which will mean anything . I sent her mom a text and told her to have her listen to I Am Woman tonight, she asked me if it was a podcast :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: My granny panties must be hanging out.

I was trying to get a final leaf double page layout done , but it wasn't working so I left it and will work on it tomorrow & then scrap VB pics for dgd to hang up in her room.

Almost bedtime for me.