
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, October 1: The Faery is Scared Edition


The Loopy-O
Where the heck did September go??????

Make it come back, please.:Cry:

I need a day to sleep. Not going to happen until Monday, but I am not sure if I am gonna make it until then. I have been trying to limit my coffee consumption to 2 mugs a day (2 mugs = 4 cups most likely but who's counting? :p) but I don't know if this is going to work for me *shakes head*

Again, all I ask for is a uneventful day. Yesterday, I was running a bit crazy trying to get the garbage out, the litter boxes scooped, laundry started, plus the 2 bus stop runs so I could go food shopping, the wedding gift shopping. The boy I babysit then tells me he forgot his HW at his house so we need to grab that. At least he tells me this before we leave for the bus like he usually does. Getting ready to grab b-fast and then head out when the phone rings. Its the HS and my first thought is that there is some recorded msg about back to school night or something silly.
Nope, it was the school nurse telling me that Cait got hit in the face with a tennis ball in gym. No big deal, I shrug it off saying that she is prone to nosebleeds and all it takes it a little bump. Then she tells me, nope, its a bad one, and she had blood all over her, her clothes, in her hair. Ice packs on her face, dizzy and shaky. So I need to pick her up ASAP.
My first instinct is to drop everything and run, but I need to get Max to his house and then to the bus so its only an extra 10 minutes or so. Then I realize I am never going to get to ShopRite and home by the time I am supposed to be meeting my mom. I had to call her from the bus stop to tell her to come later.
I get to the HS and Cait is a mess. all of her makeup is rubbed off, her eyes are running and she had to have a kid walk her down to the office to meet me. She was in a lot of pain too. Poor babygirl.:( She is better today, just a bit of bruising under one eye but still swollen and in pain.
My days seem to be running from one thing to the next, and all it takes is one little thing to throw a wrench in it all. But its all good. I got everything done that I needed too, but sheesh my brain and body is having a hard time keeping up.

Today should be low-key. *fingers, toes, legs and eyes all crossed, plus knocking on wood*
I am getting my hair cut and colored by a friend so that should be good.

I just need more coffeeeeeee..........

All I want for Christmas is a "normal" life! Bwuhahahahahah!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
good morning! Cloudy and in the 60s. Last night I was sitting in my kitchen watching baseball when I hear this loud bang. My son and I went out to find out what happened. We could not believe it! Another parked car was hit. In this case in parked car was a jeep and the car doing the hitting was an car bought for kids. Well the jeep barely looked hit while the other car's hood was an accordion. There were 3 in the car and they were all put back boards and ambulances away. Was talking about how this never happened 10, 20, 30 years ago. Accidents yes but not hitting parked cars. Distracted drivers! But on good notes I got in a good walk but my girlfriend dropped a bottle of water on her little toe (she thinks she broke it) so she could not walk. Cooked dinner.

Chris so sorry about Cait getting hurt playing tennis. Wow what a day you had! Hope it calms down.

Phylis saying hi!

Trudy I bet driving the car was fun!

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... Wow another month has come and gone!! Soon it will be winter and with it will come the cold and snow. I am not at all ready for that!!

Chris - Oh my your normal life did not last too long did it!! Hope that Cait is doing much better! The same thing happened to Heather in school, only it was a baseball in the face and it cracked her nose. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you that today goes smoothly! Enjoy getting your hair done! It always makes me feel better!

Nancy - OMG not another crash!!! Darn those horrible people that think they need to be on their phones while they drive (if that was the case) We need to really get more strict in charging people that do that!! Do they not think they can live without the phone for a few minutes Really?? Hope your friends toe is ok and not broken!

I am off to swimming this morning and hoping that it will make my hip feel better, for some reason it is very sore this morning. Not sure what that is all about? Check out the new challenges for this month everyone they are all really good as usual!! Enjoy the day!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Chris, oh NO! is Cait better? someone must have really thrown HARD to have a tennis ball do that.

Nancy, i always thought that it should be made impossible to use a cell phone while in motion in a car. but how would that be accomplished? it was bad enough when it was just people talking, but this texting nonsense has really made it deadly.

Trudy, don't remind me about winter coming! NOOOO!! you're really keeping up with the lap swimming. i admire you totally. my exercise yesterday was a three-hour nap.

feeling really :faint2: today. not out of my pjs yet. a lot of coughing and nose-blowing going on. and no doubt another nap is in the works. i keep hoping i'll wake up and feel better, but not so far.

Happy OTHD! have a good one. :becky: