
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, November 8


The Loopy-O
:rollingpin1: There are so many ads for Christmas that I almost typed in December. Between the ads and my entire family asking each other what they want for gifts, I guess I have jumped ahead by a month. Yuck.
It can't be Christmas until I take down my spider Halloween lights, which I can't take down until I find the plastic holder for them. Whoever designed the bulbs didn't consider how tangled 8 plastic legs would be on a 4' strand. Each spider clicks into the plastic so they aren't a huge giant mess next year. But I can't find it. I might just have to have spider lights alongside my Christmas lights this year ;)

I had another busy day and everything took me longer and longer to finish. I am blaming that on my family calling and texting me about gift ideas for my dad's birthday, Scott's house, and Christmas. At one point I had 4 conversations going at the same time. My mom-- phone. MIL and SIL- texts. Scott- Facebook messenger. And I had to keep consulting with Gary through text and in person with questions from my SIL. My head can't take it.:lalala:

The Disney Cabinet is all clean again. So much dust and I was sneezing my head off. BTW- I scrapped the crashing incident a long time ago:

No luck getting through to the State, the offices were closed for Election Day. I'll try again this afternoon. ugh :(

I am off to clean this morning for my friend and then I have to find the darn spider lights box. I don't want to go in the attic again, nor do I want to open up all of the Halloween boxes I already taped closed. Don't wanna, don't wanna, DON'T WANNA!!!!!! (yes I am having a tantrum!:furious:)

The sun is shining so that is nice at least. Lots of leaves on the lawn again. They can stay for now.

Love to you all!


The Loopy-O
@vickyday We didn't get any of the broken figures or snow globes replaced. The ones that were just chipped or missing an ear or tail are still in the cabinet. It was crazy too, not one of the shelves broke. There was something wrong with the way the "clips" were made that held the shelves into place so when the first one fell, it brought the next one with it. And so on. Gary replaced all of the clips before we put anything back inside. We looked into getting our homeowner's insurance to cover the cost of replacing but it would have raised the insurance rate and it was just collectibles, not anything necessary.
The kids still talk about how traumatized they were seeing me crying on the floor surrounded by headless Disney characters. :giggle4:
Day clothes PJs are my favorite type of clothes.
I hope the 2 weeks go by quickly so you can get back to knitting soon.

@bcgal00 Poor D, I hope the swelling goes down quickly. Are you all able to get new Drs picked before you move? Oh, I see you are looking for a new eye dr, good luck! Isn't it the truth, that we always have good advice but it's so darn hard to take it ourselves?
Yes, get that to-do list going, take one thing at a time, and enjoy crossing things off when it's done. (that's the best part!)

@BrightEyes your lo for Veterans' Day was very special ♥
See what I mean about the Christmas ads? Who is even ready to think about Christmas let alone shop? :soapbox:
*shudders* You went to *two* WM's. On the same day. Voluntarily??? I am glad that you were able to get some sweats on sale.
Excellent finds at the Book/DVD store too.
Whew, that had to be a relief that your taxes only increased by $100.

@taxed4ever The trees must look so nice, especially in the sunshine! Did you get to finish the calendar page? Do you use layer masks for your extractions or the eraser?
I loved the last junk journal you showed us, was that last year already? Can't wait to see this one.
I hope that the prices come down so you and your Gary can go somewhere warm!
I had offered to have the family here for my dad's b-day but thank goodness my brother is hosting. Even so, I had the birthday bash in Oct, Thanksgiving in Nov, and Christmas Day in Dec. I think I liked Covid-time better when I didn't have to talk to anyone for a year. :floorlaugh:

@Cherylndesigns I wish I knew how to get to an actual person re: the rebate. Someone posted on FB that they hadn't gotten theirs but their account status was "processing." Since my status says approved and a direct deposit was issued, I hope that it's not in someone else account. Obviously, the State will have to fix it but I don't have time for this chaos LOL
Awwww, my poor Daisy, give her some more belly rubs from Aunt Chris and tell her she did a great job keeping Bailee in line.

@pachimac I am going to have to read your blog post this afternoon. Verbose--- in case you haven't noticed (as if!) I am the same way. I type the same way I think so it must be an adventure for all of you to make sense out of what I am writing. When I proofread my posts (rarely), I see shades of college papers with word or page requirements in them. Hehe.
Verbose is good.
Thinking good job thoughts for Meli. Is there anything seasonal she can get in the meantime?

@joyfulheartdesigns Pop in any time you like here. No one expects you to keep up with everything, or anything at all. We just love seeing everyone's faces, especially if it is a dragon in a hat :)
The plastic I use on the windows is just for drafts, not sound. It's shrink wrap and it will help on the old uninsulated windows. When we had the addition put on, we couldn't afford to replace all of the old windows so we only did the ones on the front of the house, thinking we would update the old ones when we could save up for that. Gary got sick the following year so "saving up" isn't in our vocabulary anymore LOL
I have used Duck brand and Frost King kits. $14.99 for 5 windows. The Duck brand is thinner but clearer so that might be better for rooms that are used for "company" whatever that is to you. LOL The Frost King is much thicker so it has a slight haze to it but it's still clear.
I grew up in a house where I could hear the trains and highways all day/night long. Never bothered me until I moved into the "country." The times I sleep over at my parents now-- the noise makes me bonkers!


Jenn :)
@vickyday We didn't get any of the broken figures or snow globes replaced. The ones that were just chipped or missing an ear or tail are still in the cabinet. It was crazy too, not one of the shelves broke. There was something wrong with the way the "clips" were made that held the shelves into place so when the first one fell, it brought the next one with it. And so on. Gary replaced all of the clips before we put anything back inside. We looked into getting our homeowner's insurance to cover the cost of replacing but it would have raised the insurance rate and it was just collectibles, not anything necessary.
The kids still talk about how traumatized they were seeing me crying on the floor surrounded by headless Disney characters. :giggle4:
Day clothes PJs are my favorite type of clothes.
I hope the 2 weeks go by quickly so you can get back to knitting soon.

@bcgal00 Poor D, I hope the swelling goes down quickly. Are you all able to get new Drs picked before you move? Oh, I see you are looking for a new eye dr, good luck! Isn't it the truth, that we always have good advice but it's so darn hard to take it ourselves?
Yes, get that to-do list going, take one thing at a time, and enjoy crossing things off when it's done. (that's the best part!)

@BrightEyes your lo for Veterans' Day was very special ♥
See what I mean about the Christmas ads? Who is even ready to think about Christmas let alone shop? :soapbox:
*shudders* You went to *two* WM's. On the same day. Voluntarily??? I am glad that you were able to get some sweats on sale.
Excellent finds at the Book/DVD store too.
Whew, that had to be a relief that your taxes only increased by $100.

@taxed4ever The trees must look so nice, especially in the sunshine! Did you get to finish the calendar page? Do you use layer masks for your extractions or the eraser?
I loved the last junk journal you showed us, was that last year already? Can't wait to see this one.
I hope that the prices come down so you and your Gary can go somewhere warm!
I had offered to have the family here for my dad's b-day but thank goodness my brother is hosting. Even so, I had the birthday bash in Oct, Thanksgiving in Nov, and Christmas Day in Dec. I think I liked Covid-time better when I didn't have to talk to anyone for a year. :floorlaugh:

@Cherylndesigns I wish I knew how to get to an actual person re: the rebate. Someone posted on FB that they hadn't gotten theirs but their account status was "processing." Since my status says approved and a direct deposit was issued, I hope that it's not in someone else account. Obviously, the State will have to fix it but I don't have time for this chaos LOL
Awwww, my poor Daisy, give her some more belly rubs from Aunt Chris and tell her she did a great job keeping Bailee in line.

@pachimac I am going to have to read your blog post this afternoon. Verbose--- in case you haven't noticed (as if!) I am the same way. I type the same way I think so it must be an adventure for all of you to make sense out of what I am writing. When I proofread my posts (rarely), I see shades of college papers with word or page requirements in them. Hehe.
Verbose is good.
Thinking good job thoughts for Meli. Is there anything seasonal she can get in the meantime?

@joyfulheartdesigns Pop in any time you like here. No one expects you to keep up with everything, or anything at all. We just love seeing everyone's faces, especially if it is a dragon in a hat :)
The plastic I use on the windows is just for drafts, not sound. It's shrink wrap and it will help on the old uninsulated windows. When we had the addition put on, we couldn't afford to replace all of the old windows so we only did the ones on the front of the house, thinking we would update the old ones when we could save up for that. Gary got sick the following year so "saving up" isn't in our vocabulary anymore LOL
I have used Duck brand and Frost King kits. $14.99 for 5 windows. The Duck brand is thinner but clearer so that might be better for rooms that are used for "company" whatever that is to you. LOL The Frost King is much thicker so it has a slight haze to it but it's still clear.
I grew up in a house where I could hear the trains and highways all day/night long. Never bothered me until I moved into the "country." The times I sleep over at my parents now-- the noise makes me bonkers!
Awww, thank you!! And I don't know if I can ever change my pic...we miss our sweet Thissle very much :beatingheart:

Thanks for the info on the window covers! I will look into those! :) And I hear you on the messaging about Christmas gifts...it has started here, as well! I have a hard enough time coming up with gift ideas myself, and trying to help others, as well, is crazy! LOL I hope you find that spider light box today...good luck :hug2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Oh my gosh, I'm so early today. I had "the night that never ended" last night. I swear, every time I woke up it was an hour earlier. This time change is kicking my butt this time. I finally gave up and just got up about 8 oclock. Daisy has been sleeping with me since Bailee went home and it wasn't her fault that I didn't sleep well. It was mine. She's doing really well - I put a blanket on the end of my bed and she's staying on it very well. I did that when Bailee was here. I put a blanket on each end of the couch and they laid on them. I need to take Bailee's blanket outside and shake it then wash it. It has black dog hair on in. Daisy doesn't shed, but labs do - we've had 4 of them in the past. I never realized how much they shed until we had them. I just saw a sigh that said "Home - where the dog hair sticks to everything but the dog". :floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Chris, @faerywings that just sucks that you haven't gotten your rebate yet. Good luck with the red tape of the government. I've got a feeling we're going to be dealing with some red tape when Chuck gets out of that rehab center. I'm just praying that our insurance covers it - we pay an arm and a let for supplemental insurance so it better. I'm sure I'll have some bills to fight - supposedly we don't have ANY out-of-pocket expenses, so we'll see. We've never dealt with this level of care before. Speaking of that place - it's on lock down and under quarantine because somebody has covid. I NEED to get him out of there ASAP! Of course, he told us not to come over - you have to put a gown on, a mask, shoe coverings and gloves to go in. They said they had a patient "isolated" but still, if they're making visitors do that, it's not good. He's trying to convince them to let him out of there in the next couple of days.

Jenn @joyfulheartdesigns it's good to see you in here. We chat about everything, so drop in anytime. I love starting my day chatting in the group.

Speaking of starting my day, I need to do that - maybe I can get some things done today. Casey comes tomorrow, but I need to do some laundry and other fun stuff.

Hugs to everybody and have a great day. It's beautiful here - 75 right now - WOW - 75?????


PS Don't forget to check the blog. I have a new Color Play post up.


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I can't believe how the days are flying by. In just 2.5 wks we'll be leaving the house for a hotel as the movers come in and pack up. I won't be around much at all but maybe a few minutes here and there.

If you don't hear from me for extended periods of time, you'll know what I'm doing :)


Love my O Family!
:rollingpin1: There are so many ads for Christmas that I almost typed in December. Between the ads and my entire family asking each other what they want for gifts, I guess I have jumped ahead by a month. Yuck.
It can't be Christmas until I take down my spider Halloween lights, which I can't take down until I find the plastic holder for them. Whoever designed the bulbs didn't consider how tangled 8 plastic legs would be on a 4' strand. Each spider clicks into the plastic so they aren't a huge giant mess next year. But I can't find it. I might just have to have spider lights alongside my Christmas lights this year ;)

I had another busy day and everything took me longer and longer to finish. I am blaming that on my family calling and texting me about gift ideas for my dad's birthday, Scott's house, and Christmas. At one point I had 4 conversations going at the same time. My mom-- phone. MIL and SIL- texts. Scott- Facebook messenger. And I had to keep consulting with Gary through text and in person with questions from my SIL. My head can't take it.:lalala:

The Disney Cabinet is all clean again. So much dust and I was sneezing my head off. BTW- I scrapped the crashing incident a long time ago:

No luck getting through to the State, the offices were closed for Election Day. I'll try again this afternoon. ugh :(

I am off to clean this morning for my friend and then I have to find the darn spider lights box. I don't want to go in the attic again, nor do I want to open up all of the Halloween boxes I already taped closed. Don't wanna, don't wanna, DON'T WANNA!!!!!! (yes I am having a tantrum!:furious:)

The sun is shining so that is nice at least. Lots of leaves on the lawn again. They can stay for now.

Love to you all!
Hope the box for the lights shows up!


Love my O Family!
@vickyday We didn't get any of the broken figures or snow globes replaced. The ones that were just chipped or missing an ear or tail are still in the cabinet. It was crazy too, not one of the shelves broke. There was something wrong with the way the "clips" were made that held the shelves into place so when the first one fell, it brought the next one with it. And so on. Gary replaced all of the clips before we put anything back inside. We looked into getting our homeowner's insurance to cover the cost of replacing but it would have raised the insurance rate and it was just collectibles, not anything necessary.
The kids still talk about how traumatized they were seeing me crying on the floor surrounded by headless Disney characters. :giggle4:
Day clothes PJs are my favorite type of clothes.
I hope the 2 weeks go by quickly so you can get back to knitting soon.

@bcgal00 Poor D, I hope the swelling goes down quickly. Are you all able to get new Drs picked before you move? Oh, I see you are looking for a new eye dr, good luck! Isn't it the truth, that we always have good advice but it's so darn hard to take it ourselves?
Yes, get that to-do list going, take one thing at a time, and enjoy crossing things off when it's done. (that's the best part!)

@BrightEyes your lo for Veterans' Day was very special ♥
See what I mean about the Christmas ads? Who is even ready to think about Christmas let alone shop? :soapbox:
*shudders* You went to *two* WM's. On the same day. Voluntarily??? I am glad that you were able to get some sweats on sale.
Excellent finds at the Book/DVD store too.
Whew, that had to be a relief that your taxes only increased by $100.

@taxed4ever The trees must look so nice, especially in the sunshine! Did you get to finish the calendar page? Do you use layer masks for your extractions or the eraser?
I loved the last junk journal you showed us, was that last year already? Can't wait to see this one.
I hope that the prices come down so you and your Gary can go somewhere warm!
I had offered to have the family here for my dad's b-day but thank goodness my brother is hosting. Even so, I had the birthday bash in Oct, Thanksgiving in Nov, and Christmas Day in Dec. I think I liked Covid-time better when I didn't have to talk to anyone for a year. :floorlaugh:

@Cherylndesigns I wish I knew how to get to an actual person re: the rebate. Someone posted on FB that they hadn't gotten theirs but their account status was "processing." Since my status says approved and a direct deposit was issued, I hope that it's not in someone else account. Obviously, the State will have to fix it but I don't have time for this chaos LOL
Awwww, my poor Daisy, give her some more belly rubs from Aunt Chris and tell her she did a great job keeping Bailee in line.

@pachimac I am going to have to read your blog post this afternoon. Verbose--- in case you haven't noticed (as if!) I am the same way. I type the same way I think so it must be an adventure for all of you to make sense out of what I am writing. When I proofread my posts (rarely), I see shades of college papers with word or page requirements in them. Hehe.
Verbose is good.
Thinking good job thoughts for Meli. Is there anything seasonal she can get in the meantime?

@joyfulheartdesigns Pop in any time you like here. No one expects you to keep up with everything, or anything at all. We just love seeing everyone's faces, especially if it is a dragon in a hat :)
The plastic I use on the windows is just for drafts, not sound. It's shrink wrap and it will help on the old uninsulated windows. When we had the addition put on, we couldn't afford to replace all of the old windows so we only did the ones on the front of the house, thinking we would update the old ones when we could save up for that. Gary got sick the following year so "saving up" isn't in our vocabulary anymore LOL
I have used Duck brand and Frost King kits. $14.99 for 5 windows. The Duck brand is thinner but clearer so that might be better for rooms that are used for "company" whatever that is to you. LOL The Frost King is much thicker so it has a slight haze to it but it's still clear.
I grew up in a house where I could hear the trains and highways all day/night long. Never bothered me until I moved into the "country." The times I sleep over at my parents now-- the noise makes me bonkers!
I saw the Disney mishap page. So sad. But, like you said, its just stuff! But it still hurts!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I can't believe how the days are flying by. In just 2.5 wks we'll be leaving the house for a hotel as the movers come in and pack up. I won't be around much at all but maybe a few minutes here and there.

If you don't hear from me for extended periods of time, you'll know what I'm doing :)
So exciting!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! Woke up to drizzle this morning, darn it!! SIL Linda and I are supposed to go for a paddle in the kayaks this morning. Well maybe it will clear up in a couple of hours. I really would love to see all the lovely colours out there on the Lake! If I don't go out in the kayak than I will hit the pool this afternoon instead. Anyway I finally got my October calendar page done and will get it loaded to the gallery this morning. I will try to finish filming my Junk Journal flip through today, but no promises. I need to start looking for some gifts for everyone online for Christmas, lots of places have their Black Friday sales on already, so I will check those out. I would really love to get some more scrapping done, but it seems like there is always something that comes up and I never get the chance . Well it seems like I am rambling on and talking about nothing as usual so just ignore me please :ignore1:. On to personals LOL.

@faerywings - I think you and I are feeling the same today, I am so not ready to start looking for Christmas gifts and figuring out what we are actually doing for Christmas. I know it has to be done, but I don't want to! I think I will have a temper tantrum too :furious:. DH asked me when I was putting my pumpkins away from the front porch and I almost bit his head off!! If I do that then it means I have to start thinking about Christmas decorations, do I want to drag up all those boxes from the crawl space ?:hahano: my poor Gary, this was him when I started my rant :exitroom:. I hope you get through to the tax rebate people today and actually get to talk to a living person! Glad that there was no mishap with the dusting of the Disney items! Sure hope that you find that box for the spider lights! Seems I spend a good portion of my days looking for things, so I know how frustrating it can be!

@joyfulheartdesigns - How nice to see you here in the Daily O's!! Its a great way to start the day, but no pressure to be here everyday we are just happy to have you join in!

@bcgal00 - I can't imagine how busy you are right now, I hated every time we moved and we were lucky enough to always have a moving company do it for us. If we ever leave this house it will be a nightmare going through all of our junk LOL.

@Cherylndesigns - Oh no poor Chuck!! Now he has to deal with not getting Covid!! Ugh! I sure hope you are able to spring him from that place in the next few days! Yup you are probably in for a fight with the insurance coverage, but hopefully it will all go smoothly for you! I will send all the positive vibes I can your way! I am off to check out your blog post right away.

@vickyday - I see that we are cross posting, hope that you had a good day yesterday and that your arm and back are both feeling much better!

Alright I need to get dressed, it looks like it starting to clear up weather wise, so I will have to find something a bit warmer than usual for our paddle today. Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies!! :waving1


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! Woke up to drizzle this morning, darn it!! SIL Linda and I are supposed to go for a paddle in the kayaks this morning. Well maybe it will clear up in a couple of hours. I really would love to see all the lovely colours out there on the Lake! If I don't go out in the kayak than I will hit the pool this afternoon instead. Anyway I finally got my October calendar page done and will get it loaded to the gallery this morning. I will try to finish filming my Junk Journal flip through today, but no promises. I need to start looking for some gifts for everyone online for Christmas, lots of places have their Black Friday sales on already, so I will check those out. I would really love to get some more scrapping done, but it seems like there is always something that comes up and I never get the chance . Well it seems like I am rambling on and talking about nothing as usual so just ignore me please :ignore1:. On to personals LOL.

@faerywings - I think you and I are feeling the same today, I am so not ready to start looking for Christmas gifts and figuring out what we are actually doing for Christmas. I know it has to be done, but I don't want to! I think I will have a temper tantrum too :furious:. DH asked me when I was putting my pumpkins away from the front porch and I almost bit his head off!! If I do that then it means I have to start thinking about Christmas decorations, do I want to drag up all those boxes from the crawl space ?:hahano: my poor Gary, this was him when I started my rant :exitroom:. I hope you get through to the tax rebate people today and actually get to talk to a living person! Glad that there was no mishap with the dusting of the Disney items! Sure hope that you find that box for the spider lights! Seems I spend a good portion of my days looking for things, so I know how frustrating it can be!

@joyfulheartdesigns - How nice to see you here in the Daily O's!! Its a great way to start the day, but no pressure to be here everyday we are just happy to have you join in!

@bcgal00 - I can't imagine how busy you are right now, I hated every time we moved and we were lucky enough to always have a moving company do it for us. If we ever leave this house it will be a nightmare going through all of our junk LOL.

@Cherylndesigns - Oh no poor Chuck!! Now he has to deal with not getting Covid!! Ugh! I sure hope you are able to spring him from that place in the next few days! Yup you are probably in for a fight with the insurance coverage, but hopefully it will all go smoothly for you! I will send all the positive vibes I can your way! I am off to check out your blog post right away.

@vickyday - I see that we are cross posting, hope that you had a good day yesterday and that your arm and back are both feeling much better!

Alright I need to get dressed, it looks like it starting to clear up weather wise, so I will have to find something a bit warmer than usual for our paddle today. Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies!! :waving1
THANKS, TRUDY! My back is better today but it takes awhile for the overnight swelling in the wrist to go away!
Hope the rain stops soon so you can do some kayaking with your SIL!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Morning everyone! Woke up to drizzle this morning, darn it!! SIL Linda and I are supposed to go for a paddle in the kayaks this morning. Well maybe it will clear up in a couple of hours. I really would love to see all the lovely colours out there on the Lake! If I don't go out in the kayak than I will hit the pool this afternoon instead. Anyway I finally got my October calendar page done and will get it loaded to the gallery this morning. I will try to finish filming my Junk Journal flip through today, but no promises. I need to start looking for some gifts for everyone online for Christmas, lots of places have their Black Friday sales on already, so I will check those out. I would really love to get some more scrapping done, but it seems like there is always something that comes up and I never get the chance . Well it seems like I am rambling on and talking about nothing as usual so just ignore me please :ignore1:. On to personals LOL.

@faerywings - I think you and I are feeling the same today, I am so not ready to start looking for Christmas gifts and figuring out what we are actually doing for Christmas. I know it has to be done, but I don't want to! I think I will have a temper tantrum too :furious:. DH asked me when I was putting my pumpkins away from the front porch and I almost bit his head off!! If I do that then it means I have to start thinking about Christmas decorations, do I want to drag up all those boxes from the crawl space ?:hahano: my poor Gary, this was him when I started my rant :exitroom:. I hope you get through to the tax rebate people today and actually get to talk to a living person! Glad that there was no mishap with the dusting of the Disney items! Sure hope that you find that box for the spider lights! Seems I spend a good portion of my days looking for things, so I know how frustrating it can be!

@joyfulheartdesigns - How nice to see you here in the Daily O's!! Its a great way to start the day, but no pressure to be here everyday we are just happy to have you join in!

@bcgal00 - I can't imagine how busy you are right now, I hated every time we moved and we were lucky enough to always have a moving company do it for us. If we ever leave this house it will be a nightmare going through all of our junk LOL.

@Cherylndesigns - Oh no poor Chuck!! Now he has to deal with not getting Covid!! Ugh! I sure hope you are able to spring him from that place in the next few days! Yup you are probably in for a fight with the insurance coverage, but hopefully it will all go smoothly for you! I will send all the positive vibes I can your way! I am off to check out your blog post right away.

@vickyday - I see that we are cross posting, hope that you had a good day yesterday and that your arm and back are both feeling much better!

Alright I need to get dressed, it looks like it starting to clear up weather wise, so I will have to find something a bit warmer than usual for our paddle today. Have a wonderful Wednesday ladies!! :waving1
Thanks so much, Trudy! I just talked to him and he thinks about two more days. They want to continue physical therapy for a couple of more days. Fingers crossed that he gets out before he gets sick. That's the problem in hospitals, etc. Yes, I can hardly wait til the "bills" start rolling in. Fortunately, I worked in the Blue Cross Blue Shield office for several years and i kind of know how to navigate the paperwork. They try their best to hide stuff, though. Hope you like the CP blog post for this week.


Morning, all. I got caught up in scrapping a LO for Songs We Love challenge - Joyful Heart. The song has been playing in my head off and on for over a week! It was time to get it done this morning. Think I need to put some other music on so it will stop playing in my mind. :rotfl:

I watched the Academy Award winning "The Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons" DVD last evening. It is about a man who is born as a baby in his eighties and ages backwards. Brad Pitt stars as Benjamin. It is the 2008 Criterion Collection version with a 2nd DVD about the making of the movie and the special effects, etc. All I can say is WOW!!! I didn't finish watching the 2nd DVD as it was almost midnight by then... so will finish watching it today some time.

I really need to set up the Dell laptop and get the DVD inventory brought up to date. It is about 3 months behind right now! But first, I need to finish clearing the mail and books off the kitchen island. Been lazy this week and just opened the mail and put it in stacks... need to move it all to the file folders. Still have 1 more library book to read before I take them back.

No luck getting through to the State, the offices were closed for Election Day. I'll try again this afternoon. ugh :(
Chris, did you hear about the problem that affected direct deposits into bank accounts and was caused by the Clearing House that handles them?? It affected a lot of different Banks here in the US. Wonder if your rebate was caught up in that huge problem?? I haven't checked on my direct deposits ... I should do that ASAP.


@Cherylndesigns Oh, NO... a covid outbreak at the rehab center!! Wish they would let him come home NOW. Praying that he doesn't get Covid. I am sure that he could have PT at home for awhile. They did that with my DH when he came home for awhile.

@vickyday Sorry you woke up with back and wrist pain today.

@taxed4ever Hope you can do some kayaking with your SIL.

Need some more coffee so better close this out for now.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns Oh, NO... a covid outbreak at the rehab center!! Wish they would let him come home NOW. Praying that he doesn't get Covid. I am sure that he could have PT at home for awhile. They did that with my DH when he came home for awhile.

@vickyday Sorry you woke up with back and wrist pain today.

@taxed4ever Hope you can do some kayaking with your SIL.

Need some more coffee so better close this out for now.
I want him out of there, Kay! He didn't even want me to come today - said it was too risky. They're looking at options, but said they would take care of everything. I'd love it if they could come here! Thanks so much!