
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 21


The Loopy-O
Happy Hump Day or Happy TGIF in the States. Are all of you American friends ready for a 4-day weekend, if you have one?
Sadly, I do. I was supposed to be cleaning on Friday but my client's parents are staying over after T-Day so now I am not. This month has really wrecked my budgeting which is usually held together by Spit and Monopoly Money on a Good Day :pound:

The good part of that is that I can catch up on sleep. I am so darn tired. I am entering my Seasonal Affective Disorder period. I am trying to get some outdoors time while I can and when not, I make sure my full spectrum lamp is as close as it can get to me. (This is when I end up spinning my computer chair around and then knocking it over and smashing the bulb. One year, I will learn not to do that....)

Today I am steam cleaning the carpets one last time before we decorate for the holidays. I am sick of my cats peeing on the rugs. We really need to rip it all up and re-carpet/put pergo down/live on concrete/whatever- but add that to the list on Lower Priority Home Repairs. LOL That list of growing faster than I can deal with it!!

Anyway-- hope that none of you need to go to the grocery stores today.And if you do, take a Xanax before you go:yield::love:

I wish I could live on an island. In the sun. By the water. Alone. At least -- how about me and a personal chef. I can deal with the laundry is I am living in a bathing suit or two.....
I want my cats to stop peeing where they are not supposed to. Its not like I don't have 3 litter boxes that I clean every day. sheeeesh.
I wish someone would have told me how hard it can be to be an adult. Maybe they did and I just ignored them?? :twitch:


Laurie- It sounds like you are enjoying every minute of your vaca!! I loved your description of a 4-sneeze dinner! what is it that makes you sneeze?? That is too funny.

Phyllis- wow!! That is an awesome chunk of sleep for you!!!! Woot! How sad is it that we can get so excited over a good night's sleep. Hope that it stays with ya!

What kills me most about Gary's mood swings and such is that its totally aggravated by the intense abx regimen. He has psychiatric symptoms due the Lyme and the moods he has now are better than right before he was dx'ed. He was originally dx'd with Intermittent Explosive Disorder and Bipolar 2. I have learned (the hard way) to let it go and when the mood passes he'll be reasonable-ish again. If I had a dollar for every time he grounded the kids for life and then had to take it back the next day. *wry smile*
How was your French Painting Expedition? Did you wear a beret? No one thought you were crazy, I hope!! What a really neat thing to do. Hope that you were successful!

Thx for the bread recipe too~

Eva- checking in on John, Dad and your sis... How is everyone doing?
Did you get a lazy day in? Hope so!

Trudy-- ugh :( Sending you cyber-chicken soup!!! Take your garlic pills!! I hope that you are already feeling better, but if not, get rest so you can get better soon!

Love to you all!
it's PIE DAY! in a few minutes i will be up to my elbows in flour. once the crusts are done, it's all downhill from there. i hope i remember this time to hold back some of the pumpkin filling before i put the sugar in so i can have my Festive Ramekin of Pumpkin Pie Filling tomorrow. i'm making the coleslaw, too, this year, so i can avoid one of the SILs putting SUGAR in the coleslaw. we're supposed to make the traditional Grammy D Coleslaw, which didn't have sugar in it. what is it with sugar? everybody wants to throw it into everything. last TG, one of SILs made the coleslaw, and she used the teeny side of a cheese grater to cut the cabbage. we were served Sweetened Coleslaw Mush with our turkey. since coleslaw is one thing i love and COUNT ON being able to eat with my meat and veg, i figured it was safer just to make it myself this year.

the French Painting Expedition was a bust. I don't think the museum owns any of that painter's works. i did get a phone number to pass on, though. the two parties can talk to each other and leave me out of the equation. i'm always so sad when i go to our zoo or museums or to the wonderful amusement park we have here. when my kids were little, we would go there on a weekday and practically have the places to ourselves, or at least not be in LINES for hours for everything. it was enjoyable. when i walked into the museum yesterday, it was like a circus. giant gobs of people and kids and teenagers making too much noise and getting in everyone's way. i am SUCH a curmudgeon. i suppose the massive crowds indicate "success" for the institutions. to me, it just makes going there really annoying. i think it's more because people/kids don't seem to know how to behave in public anymore than the numbers of them. like i said. curmudgeon.

Trudy, hope you're feeling much better!

everyone, have a beautiful day. if you're celebrating Thanksgiving tomorrow, have a great day filled with good food and thanks-giving.

morning O fam- I stayed up late- coffee at dinner- and woke up still stuffed. Chris I have no idea what makes me sneeze- I have had this happen after a variety of meals- I will be sitting, my nose will begin to run and then sneezes start. I had a 6 sneeze attack at work after eating chipotle. I also usually clear up when I walk outside- maybe I sneeze when I am overstuffed? Anyways- I am making a cheesecake today (the easy mix with cream cheese and coolwhip type. I need to exercise and get ready for my boys to come. I think I will have a nerf gun battle with my husband to get prepared for the boys coming. I hope they remember to bring theirs! I think the sun is going to shine today, so a walk will be in order as well.
Laurie...the better the meal the more sneezes? :becky: you have your own "star" system of rating..HEHE!!

Chris...I have SAD all year I think...well it feels like it!! You sound like me...so much to do...

Phylis...I like that word curmudgeaon....my husband has been one his whole life :pound: and I have turned into one...I don't like all the noise and crowds anymore either....the kids get loud around here and I about lose it!!

In case you didn't see it on my FB...I found the answer to the END....

Today..............clean, clean, clean, clean....cook cook cook cook cook....I am hoping to get almost all of it done by tonight, then tomorrow I can relax and enjoy the day....wish me luck!!

Gotta go...........MUCH TO DO!!!!!!!!
Nana, i'm STILL sitting here at the computer. haven't started the pies that i was going to start about 2 hours ago. you have inspired me to get up off my a&& and get GOING!! :cheer2:

Laurie, i love the nerf gun idea!! we have foam Incredible Hulk fists that make noises when you hit something.... :rofl:

Chris, at least you didn't admit that other people's kids get on your nerves!! you're a NICE curmudgeon.
Laurie, i love the nerf gun idea!! we have foam Incredible Hulk fists that make noises when you hit something.... :rofl:

I have those at work- sometimes they scare the kiddos though- especially if I hit them while getting something else out of the toy closet!
Hi and good morning - we are having Thanksgiving on Sunday to accommodate the newlyweds visiting her side of the family. So we are not cooking yet but we do have the turkeys. I have been scrapping like crazy but cant post for while. My girlfriend daughter got married and she saw all the pages I had done using Anna Aspnes designs and wanted me to do one for her. It is a surprise so I have to wait. But I will be sharing later. Such for me to do this.

Trudy - feel better soon!

Chris get out in the sun! And I hate these short days

Nana and Phylis I love that word curmudgeon and I too love it when there are few people in public places.

Laurie how fun to have nerf gun battles!

Have a great day!
Morning everyone!!!! I'm cleaning and decorating today...I'm excited to use a couple of Thanksgiving kits from the Ostore to decorate my fun tables this year!! :) Blog post coming tonight!! yipeeeeeee!!!

Off to get my life together!! :) love you all!!
Morning from this wheezing, coughing, sniffling ball of mucus!! Feeling a bit better today, but still can't stop the darn coughing!! Waiting for part of a lung to appear soon (ugggh more info then you need right?) Sounds like everyone is in preparation mode for the big Turkey Day in the States!! I did not cook a Turkey this year for Thanksgiving as we went to the In-Law's so I really missed out on the left overs!! Now I am going to have a craving for Turkey, wonder if any are on sale at the grocery store??

Chris - Hope that you get some more work soon! It really is hard to try to juggle all the bills when the cash flow is interrupted !! I say tear out that carpet and put down laminate flooring, much less cost than hardwood or new carpet! Pretty much my whole house has laminate flooring, I wish it was hardwood, but this is much easier to care for!! Hope you catch up on all of your sleep!! Perhaps the sun will come out and you can get some real Vitamin D!! Its funny but the dreary weather does not seem to bother my mood too much, guess I was accustomed to it as a child? We had so much sunshine on the prairie and I really was worried when we moved back to the Wet Coast that it would have an affect on me, but not so far :noidea: guess that's a good thing!!

Laurie - How wonderful that your boys will be home for Thanksgiving!! Have fun with your nerf fight!! It sounds like a good time!! That is really strange about your sneezing after you eat, perhaps it is the pepper in your meal if there is any. My mother used to tell me that the pepper that you grind and put in your meal would not make you sneeze, but the stuff that you buy already packaged at the store would always make you sneeze and she was right, whenever I open a package of the store bought already ground stuff I sneeze, but never ever do when I use peppercorns and the grinder. Weird !!

Phylis - Oh how I wish you lived closer to me too! I really could of used the chicken soup and a friend yesterday!! My poor tummny has not had much food in it for the past couple of days and I think chicken soup would have really been just what the doctor ordered!! Thanks for thinking of me! :kiss: Too bad that things did not pan out for your museum trip, and I hear ya on the crowds!! The only place I don't mind the crowds is at Disneyland, everyone is so happy there!! I could go back there tomorrow! Have fun making your pies and good idea to do the coleslaw yourself, the other stuff sounded horrid!! My mom used to make hers with pineapple chunks in it do you do that?

Nana - hope you take a bit of time to relax today!! There you go again doing so much for everyone, you really are a saint!! Hope your thanksgiving is the best!! Loved your cartoon about the end!! Too funny!! What will the world do without twinkles?? Although from what I heard about the preservatives in them there should still be some around in a hundred years or so LOL.

Nancy - Can't wait to see all of your pages!! Hope you get to post them soon! Nice compliment, when someone wants something that you have created for someone else!!

Sally - Hope you take some photos of your decorations !! I would love to see them!!

Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all my U.S. friends, enjoy your long, long weekend!! :wave:
Mornin' all you O peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!! Happy Thanksgiving weekend to all the Yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL Hope everyone has a fantastic time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just cleaned the house this morning prepared supper and should get some more little jobs done, but meh... so hopefully do some scrapping today :)
Does my name still ring a bell??? Yes, it's me here to ask a question and favor. I have loved using goodreads for my book addiction and after getting back home from a long trip, I clicked on goodreads on my blog to update it....and all my books are gone! It says I joined in Oct 2012....not quite right.

Some of you are my Goodreads friends, so could you tell me if you still see me and my books there??

btw, I came home from the Europe trip with the cough business too. Caught it from that man I live with...grrrr. This is all I want to do...:sleep: But the upside is no cleaning, no turkey, no nuthin' tomorrow for us. I may find something in the freezer for him! But I'll miss the pumpkin pie, as it's one of my favorites.:sad: