
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, November 14


The Loopy-O
WTH?? Half way through November?? I freaked my poor MIL out yesterday. We were talking about Thanksgiving and I asked her what she wanted me to bring. Then I said it was next week. I think I almost gave her a heart attack!
Add that in to the fact that I am officially starting my Christmas shopping today and it makes me realize that 2012 is winding down. How did that happen??

Holiday spirit, does anyone have that yet?

Oh crud-- Catzilla is making her appearance which means I have to block her from the keyboard with my big head!

I'll be back!

morning O fam- lest you all think I am a wonderfully healthy person- I have yet to exercise this am and I ate part of a bag of chocolate chips and pepperoni's after I got home last night- pepperoni's first- now off to exercise!!
hahaaa!! Laurie! i'm with you on the pepperoni!!! you can have my share of the chocolate. this little lapse of yours made me laugh out loud. thanks for starting my day with a laugh! :rofl:

Chris, it occurred to me yesterday as i was doing my 365 entry that i have NO idea where this year went. it seems like only yesterday that i was experiencing the Christmas from Heck 2011. i'm on the home stretch with my 2013 365 pages and i can't BELIEVE it!! happily, though, i'm pretty much done with Christmas shopping. i even have everything that needed FedEx'd done! i just have to stuff the $$$ envelopes for the nieces and nephews, pay for the new chair that my daughter ordered, and i'm pretty much done. Hubby and i have NO idea what we want from the other for Christmas. it may turn out to be...nothing!

i actually got 7 hours of sleep last night. but it was from 9 p.n. to 4 a.m. wghatever. that works for me. i'm still worrying about the "good luck" from the sonogram tech. maybe i'll find out something today. in the meantime, i have to go in search of a weird replacement globe light bulb. one of the bulbs above our pool table blew a few days ago, and it's not something you find at Target.

have a Happy OTHD, O-zies!

I have to tell you ... this might be my last day scrapping in a long while. Tomorrow is the release day for the complete DVD collection of Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman here in Sweden. I have it on pre-order, should arrive tomorrow. (Holding my breath though, since it's from the same company that still haven't delivered the Father's Day gift!) 41 discs of Sully!!!!

Tummy's been good a couple of days. Looks like if I'm totally strict with the lactose, I'll be ok.

We don't do holidays here ... most boring family on earth ... but at least I have something I don't have to stress about LOL
good plan, Eva!
We don't do holidays here ... most boring family on earth ... but at least I have something I don't have to stress about.
this year, because of all the nonsense i put up with from the family LAST Christmas, i have announced that i won't be hosting the Family Christmas Dinner. let someone else do it until i forget what a nightmare last Christmas was....
good am - it is so good to be back. I actually posted three pages yesterday from my p365 project. It is sunny and cold here in NJ.

Chris you made me laugh about Thanksgiving. Hard to believe it is next week. It is so early this year.

Phylis so impressed you are done with your shopping.

Eva - I love Sully - sounds like fun watching him! and glad your tummy is much better

Have a great day all.
Morning all my favourite "O" people!! I actually slept until 7:00am this morning went to bed at 11:00 I think that's a record for me!! I didn't even hear my MG get up and get ready for work?? Feel almost human today!! Looking forward to a relaxing day off, with no housework. Tomorrow I get my hair done...goodbye grey!! Then I should pick up a few groceries. Date night tonight, we are going to go out for supper and then see Sky Fall at the IMAX theatre. Love a good action movie, hope it doesn't disappoint !

Chris - You just about gave me a heart attack when you started talking about your Thanksgiving and how close Christmas is!!! LOL I haven't even started shopping yet!!!
DD has given me a long list of wants, so I have to sift through them and see what are needs, more than wants. No idea what to get the grandkids, they have so much, but Grandma likes to spoil them and clothes are boring. So I guess I better find out what toys are popular right now. DS has a birthday in December, but he won't be home until just before that, he is now spending a month in Kansas for the military, not sure just what the heck is in Kansas?? He's not able to give me much detail?? Ok I will shut up now :tape:

Laurie - Thanks for letting us know that you are not the perfect health machine!! :pound: You made me chuckle this morning too!

Phylis - Keeping my fingers crossed for your sonogram test, why on earth would a tech say something like that? I bet he says it to everyone, that just makes you feel worse not better!! Hello!!! I am with you on Christmas this year too, I did the big get together last year, because we knew that BIL was not going to make it to the next one, now the fam is questioning me ... are you doing Christmas this year?? No way, I do all the work and they sit on their lazy butts and let me wait on them. Not going to happen this year!!! Just MG and myself this year.

Eva - Hope your DVD's arrive, but then we won't see you for awhile :sad:

Nancy - Nice to see that you are busy scrapping again! Enjoy the sunshine!!

Well better get some breakfast and then make my bed, because most of my day is going to be spent right here and getting more calendar pages done. Hooray!! :wave:
Morning, everyone!! I've gotten my craft studio all picked up...I need to still organize my projects a little so I can actually accomplish some stuff this week in the crafting dept! Since I started "legitimately working" (which is a misnomer, but whatever!!), my sewing has suffered and I have some deadlines to meet this week! Thank goodness my advent calendars are done!! :) I actually have to put three up in the Etsy store to sell quickly...another thing on my to-do list. Eeeeek!! It's growing!!!

Off to realize all of that caffeine has for me!!!! love you girlies!! Have an AWESOME Wednesday!
Trudy, i heard that SkyFall is the best Bond movie ever! i'll wait for it on iTunes, though. have a fun date night!

Nancy, loved your 365 pages!
Hey Sally... you are a very busy lady!!

Phylis - Aww thanks we love our date nights!! Hopefully this movie is as good as they say! I will let you know.

Eva - Have fun watching your soccer game!!
Just so you all know- I did finally finish my workout and felt much better- even had enough energy to leave for work at 7:30 and just got home at 10:20 a very looong day- tomorrow- day off and I have errands to run, dentist, groceries, pick up the new battery for my laptop- yeah! Winding down with wine