
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, May 21


The Loopy-O
It my son's birthday! No longer a boy.....18 today. Damn, I am so proud of him, just so proud. I couldn't have asked or expected a better son. I know, I brag about my kids all of the time, but I can't help it!

I had a pretty successful trip to Walmart if you count spending $125 successful. I found a couple of things for him, a skin treatment thing that Cait needed, a nozzle for the garden hose b/c ours break every year, plus a huge bottle of Poison Ivy wash. I don't want him to go through this again and I*know* he doesn't. But $125? Yikes!

Off to shop rite today to figure what the heck I can make for Scott's dinner. His GF and her mom are coming up and my IL's are coming for dessert. Tomorrow is my BFF's birthday and I have to make cards, I am so scattered lately, even more than usual.

So that's it from the Nut House.

Hope all of you are doing great!!



The Loopy-O
Sara, that is too funny about the "paradigm" Powerpoint and 3x5 cards? that is too funny. Good luck packing your library too. When is your last day? Bet you are excited!

OMG Phyllis, I swear that when I have to call insurance companies I feel like i am entering the 10th Level Of Hell.

Laurie- that is a great idea to have that in Scott's chart, its true that time really is of the essence in getting the swelling down. Hope your hubby doesn't get it too badly any more.
How is your shoulder doing?

Trudy- hope that you are having fun with Mason!



Well-Known Member
Happy Birthday to your baby boy, Chris. sounds like you've got a good one!

been out and about running a few errands, now i think i'm going to stay a bit closer to home. expecting severe thunderstorms. sounds like a good day for reading. my niece's husband wrote a self-published book, so i'm going to tackle some of that today. i hope it's not horrible. it isn't so far, but he does seem to be the King of Commas and run-on sentences....

hope everybody's well and happy. it might just actually be SUMMER. or at least spring. :cheer2:

see ya. :becky:


Well-Known Member
Still cleaning up after the pest control but now all the window sills are scrubbed and the curtains washed and hanging back up so we have some privacy. Still a bit stinky but for the most part the house smells okay. And most thankfully, no reactions from DD. YAY! Prepping for a food photo shoot tomorrow (I'm not the photographer; my colleague is but we're doing the planning and set up together). Other than that, just helping with homework, etc.

Chris -Happy b-day to your (not longer baby) boy! Every year it just seems like yesterday they were in diapers, doesn't it? Yay on getting some stuff to help with the poison ivy. Poor guy!

Oh, what are you making for the GF part of dinner? We're trying that out to help with other allergies right now so I'm always looking for ideas. :)

Phyllis - Oh, you had me laughing about the "King of commas and run-on sentences"! I know several guys like that (well, I've had to edit their work before we can use it for publications. After a while, you feel like you're mentally hyperventilating because there are no pauses! ;)

Hope everyone else had a good Wednesday. :)