
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, March 4


The Loopy-O
Me ~>

Gary just came inside after dealing with more snow and ice on the cars and driveway. It started snowing here in the afternoon, and after dinner is was non-stop sleet. It is hanging around 34* right now, but it better get warmer than that so the ice can melt before we get more snow this afternoon/tonight.
I am sorry, but man!!!! So cranky from all of this!!!!

I do have to smirk a bit. This is the first week of NJ's PARCC testing and the weather has been screwing around with it. They can't test if there is a delayed opening and so far, 2 out of the 3 days have been delayed, and who knows what tomorrow will bring? Maybe they should have figured that 2 months of testing dates would not be a good thing. I have nothing really more against PARCC then I do over *all* standardized testing. I hate them all. Equal opportunity dislike. I feel bad the the kids and the teachers though. Cait says that everyone is totally stressed about this.

I have to get my butt going, so let me post this before I aggravate everyone with my Weather Bitchin'

Oh-- there is a good note! It is my very smart and beautiful G-daughter's 17th b-day today. She is going for her driving test today. My goodness they all grow up so fast!
Happy Birthday, Jules!!!

A happy day to allof you. I hope the sun is shining where you are!


Well-Known Member
SUN, Chris??. surely, you jest!! :rant: :smow:

i just can't face another day of this. i can't even muster up the energy to play Weather Bitch!!


Well-Known Member
Good morning - well yesterday was wacky. As I knew it was going to snow did my grocery shopping early and got in a good walk downtown to buy a bottle of white wine for my white meat sauce. Came home relaxed a bit and just as the weatherman said it started to snow at 3pm. Well it came down harder and faster than expect. My son called to say that he would pick me up for the game which was sweet but at 5:20 he called and said that he was stuck in slow slow traffic. I told him to just go home and I walked to train station. I made it just fine. It was sleeting but I had on all my winter garb. I made it to the Rock in plenty of time and he made it just before the national anthem. It was fun at the game for me as I was sitting next to two young Swedish men who are visiting the US for 4 months. Then I got a ride home with my son. The roads were pretty good as the salt trucks had been by but the side walks were horrible. And the best part was my NJ Devils defeated the Nashville Predators (the team that has the best record in the NHL) 3-1. It was a fun fun game. Now I have two days off and I am going to just relax. And scrap.

Chris and Phylis the weatherman says after rain and snow today and Thursday and cold on Friday next week will be spectacular! Hang in there.

Phylis flooding is something I worry about too and all we have is a small River. I just always hope for slow melting. Sorry the crows annoy. Around here when I see crows I look for the hawk as they are always bothering them.

Jean glad you trek to your meeting went so well.

Sharon your CR's saga of the golf clubs is pretty funny. But I totally understand no wanting to carry clubs to and fro. Hope you had a really fun dinner.

Trudy I am glad you are taking care those hummingbirds. I don't know who makes up the hockey schedule to sometime there are huge gaps between game days and sometime they are 4 in one week. Glad he get to catch up on stuff around the house

Have a great day all!


Up waaaay too early this morning.

Dinner last night was awesome. DS joined the throng that is going for the new pellet-fed barbecue/smoker units. (http://www.traegergrills.com/) He fixed us an amazing pork shoulder...put it on the grill first thing in the morning and it slow-cooked all day long.

I'm going to go back today and spend the morning with Clara. Poor Captain Romance has to miss out because of his golf date. Today is the day they play the championship course.

GREAT NEWS: Paul is coming over this evening to help me get my computer back to normal. He is such a good friend. I know his own life is jam-packed at the moment, and yet he's making time for this.

I am not quite finished with the lacy infinity scarf I'm knitting. But it requires heavy concentration...not something I can do while watching TV or visiting with friends. So I got some yarn to knit a VERY SIMPLE scarf for times like that. I will save it for the next plane trip...a good project for working on after check-in and even on a flight.

Hope to do at least one challenge page this afternoon.

I'm not even going to MENTION weather. :sorry:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... I am out of here early this morning to get my groceries that I need and take some photos of my downtown for the photo challenge. I thought it would be good to get out early and then I can spend lots of time with DH and Mason on Skype before heading out to swim. This way it won't break my day up by going swimming first then going out again this afternoon. I will stay home and hopefully scrap!!

Chris - I would be screaming if all your weather was happening to me!!
I really hope that Nancy's weather guy is right and the warmer weather is headed for your area!! I imagine that it is your God Daughter's 17th birthday?? I did not think that you are a grandma are you??? In any case, Happy Birthday to her and good luck to her on her driving test!! It is also my Granddaughter Sadie's Birthday today she is 5yrs old today, growing way to quickly!! Praying that you see the sun and some warmth from it today !

Phylis - Oh dear the weather has you feeling down, :sorry: I sure hope you feel more like joining us again tomorrow!! :hug:

Nancy - Its great that you are still able to get to your games by train!! It makes the winter go by much faster when you have something that you love to do to pass the time away! Hope you enjoy your day of scrapping!! WTG Devils for beating Nashville!! :thumb:

Shar - A bad nights sleep?? I feel your pain, although I have been sleeping quite well these past few nights, I do suffer from many sleepless nights also. Sometimes just to much crap rattling around inside the brain!! Have fun with Clara today, nothing like a small one to improve the mood!!

Jean - Glad that you made it to your meeting ok. Hope the weather gets warmer where you are and that you do not have the threat of floods in your area!