
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, March 26


The Loopy-O
Is it safe for me to come out? Are there any doctors reading this thread who want to give me more crappy news? No? Whew!!!!

Do you ever feel like you just can't get a break? I know that my problems are not enormous but they truly do feel non-stop. I get a call from my lyme dr's office yesterday. I now have a low white blood cell count. I need to stop the IV abx, and go on echinacea to get them back up. More blood work tomorrow. And now-- I worry about my radiation therapy-- will they start it if my WBC's are low? I guess when I go on Friday, I will have to ask.
I am *really* tired of my body fighting me, every step of the way.

The good news for today is that my mom is coming up, and we are going to go to a store that has really good and inexpensive fresh fruits and vegetables. Its about the ever-constant 40 minutes away from my house so I don't normally get there on my own, but this will be a nice day out.

So that is my day. Wish I could feel more positive but man, I am just wiped out on so many levels. I am now really glad that I contacted the social worker yesterday to let her know that I will be needed her services, plus to see about making an appt with the nutritionist. I need them more than ever now , huhn...:hurt:

I wish to be healthy. That is all.


The Loopy-O
Eva- those look yummy! Might work out good for my fam too- since Gary and Scott love mushrooms and Cait and I don't.
Here's the recipe for the wraps I made:

Congrats on doing all of the B-day challenges!!!

Hey there Phyllis- Are you feeling better? I would *love* that recipe!
I had to laugh about your hubby grumbling while you are the one writing the bio. But how cool for him to win that award!

Trudy- those wraps look good too! what are Farkey noodles?
You are so good about your plants. Gary got me a whole bunch of new gardening tools for Christmas but I obviously haven't had any sort of change to use them. My poor rhododendron is where we ended up having to shovel the snow from the driveway and she is still covered about 50%. Come on Spring! Where are youuuuu???????

Love and hugs!


Mistress of Mayhem
Oh my - my life is changing around me, and I'm just sitting here in the middle amazed LOL

Yesterday, DH started work early - hence he finished early, so we had decided to go to Mora (neighbor town) to the pet store. A friend of mine came by, we had a cup of coffee, and a really inspiring conversation about buddhism, meditation, chakras and everything else out there :) Then DH called and told me that a friend of ours (who lives in Mora) wanted to meet, so we arranged to meet here, since we were already going there. Turns out she wanted to offer DH a job! Nothing's decided yet, the job she offered is for a special project and not a permanent job. So it means DH will have to get time off from his current job. He's working at the library here, and the other job is for the library in Mora. We have decided that he will take the job in Mora, if he will get the leave. The job in Mora will be much more inspiring and more of what he's interested in. It's something about developing computer stuff that goes way over my head. LOL

And yesterday I got my first assignment for a craft company. I'm going to knit a little sweater for them (size 12-18 months). I'm not sure but I think it is for taking photos for the pattern and the online store. I get the yarn + pattern, knit it, send back & get money for it. Not much, but it's a small income is better than none, and I knit all the time any way LOL So now - It's time for Harry Potter Movies Marathon. I want to finish this fast and good so they will consider me for more work in the future.


Well-Known Member
Chris, here's the Spanakopeta recipe as it's written. i like to make individual triangle-shaped ones. all you do for that is butter the edges and a line down the center of two sheets of filo, cut the sheets in half lengthwise, put about 2T of filling at one corner, then fold up like a flag and brush with more butter. i NEVER bother with the crumbs between layers of filo. too much fussing.

1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup chopped onion (when i'm really lazy, i just throw in some dehydrated onion flakes after i heat up the spinach)
1 package frozen spinach thawed and squeezed to remove water
1/2 cup ricotta cheese (i use low fat cottage cheese. i don't like ricotta.)
1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
1 egg, beaten
1/8-1/4 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. pepper
filo dough, thawed
1/4 cup dried unflavored bread crumbs.

In medium skillet over medium heat melt 1T butter. add onion and cook 5 minutes. add spinach and cook 2-3 minutes until moisture has evaporated. remove from heat. let cool a bit. stir in cheeses, egg and seasonings.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. grease a cookie sheet. Place one filo sheet lengthwise on waxed paper or clean dish towel. brush lightly with melted butter and sprinkle with 1T crumbs. Repeat with second sheet of filo. Spread half the filling (about 3/4 cup) along one lengthwise edge of filo. With both hands life waxed paper and roll from lengthwise edge, jelly roll fashion. Place seam-side down on cookie sheet, press each end to seal. Brush roll with butter. Cut gashes in top of roll with a sharp knife at 1" intervals. (This is to make appetizer sizes. The interval can be as far apart as you want.) Repeat to make second roll. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. (baking time is about the same if you make the triangle pies.)

so. there you have it. I always serve this with salad (Calamata olives, tomato, lettuce, cucumber, a bit of crumbled feta) with lemon dressing. here's my recipe:

1 cup olive oil
6+ Tablespoons of fresh lemon juice (depends on how lemony you like it and how good the lemons are.)
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp salt
freshly ground pepper

let me know how it turns out, if you make this!

Eva, good news on the jobs!

Happy Wednesday, O-zies! :becky:


Well-Known Member
good morning - I was missing yesterday but I had a wonderful day. I left my home a little before 9am and did not get home until 3:30pm. The NJ Devils held a VIP day where season ticket holders got to watch real practice and then they gave us lunch while the players showered and dressed and them came upstairs for us to get autographs. I rode in on the train with a mother and son who I see all the time at these events and catch the same train I do so that was fun. Then met my DIL and we watched practice together and while I took photos she brought me lunch. We each then went to the lines where the players we wanted autographs. I got Cory Schneider to sign my draft day puck and I got 14 other players to sign my outdoor stadium game page. I got a lot of comments on the page and in fact someone wanted to know where he could get one LOL. I could not get some of the big stars but I like to get the role players. What a fun day! Now today is cold and windy and of course I picked this day to have the steam pipes for our furnace replaced. There goes a boat load of money. But it has to be done better to be proactive than an emergency. Thank goodness I have my little space heater.

Chris I am sorry the doctors keep handing you more obstacles. Keep getting rest and spring will come!

Eva sounds like a wonderful day. Congrats to your husband. I loved to knit and what a great way for you to earn money. Have fun!

Phylis I too would love that recipe. There was a Greek restaurant in the town I worked and I would go at least once a week for that dish. They retired and I so miss that food. Congrats on the award for your DH.

Trudy your recipe looks so yummy too! Glad spring has arrived somewhere. Gives me hope it will come my way. Hope you don't get too much rain.

Tropt hope your back is doing better.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Hi!!!! I've been trying to keep up this week, but it got away from me.

I hope to give you all personals tonight. :) Love ya!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all, its :rain: here again today and probably for the rest of the week :mmph: but its the norm for this time of year on the Wet Coast!! Our back lawn is turned pretty much into moss and it will be a fun job trying to get rid of that this year!

Chris - Well no wonder you have been feeling so tired!! If your white blood cell count is down that will do it!! Keeping my fingers crossed that your count will go up quickly and that the radiation will commence on time! Get your rest and let everyone else wait on you!!! Have fun with your Mom and get those healthy veggies and fruit into your body! :hug:

Eva - Wow what a great opportunity for your hubby!! I sure hope he gets the time away from his permanent job to do this! My one sister (an abused wife) is a big believer in natural healing, I will have to share this her!

Phylis - Yummy recipe!! I will have to try this! I have never worked with filo sheets, but have always wanted to try! Enjoy your day Phylis! Its good to see you here again!!

Nancy - Wow! another great day filled with hockey and photo taking!! Lucky you! Maybe you could get a job with the team taking all those great photos! :becky: You would be in heaven!!! Hope spring arrives for you soon!

Not much on my plate today, I am trying to get busy with scrapping today, so hopefully I don't get too many interruptions! My sister who has the B&B wants me to come and help her in her gardens, but it has been so wet I don't think it will happen anytime soon. She pays well for me to do her weeding, but my legs are still stiff and sore from doing my own yard work, maybe its good that I can't get up to her place yet!! Hope you all have a fabulous Wednesday!! :wave:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
:wave: Hi Sara!! Nice of you to pop in here!! Hope your day goes along smoothly!


Well-Known Member
Chris: So sorry to hear that you not feeling so well. Don´t worry about the radiation therapy. I got radiation a few years ago after a stroke and I was also scared. It takes a few minutes each time, and even though you are alone in the room, you can talk to the staff or listen to yor own music.
I´ll be thinking of you.

I have been out shopping with my sister today. We do so once or twice a week and I love to be with her. We always have coffee and chat before we start shopping. After doing this for about 3 or 4 years now, I have become a shop-a-holic. I really need to stop but it´s so hard and today I found a really nice royalblue cardigan and I couldn´t resist. So maybe next time..


Well-Known Member
Chris - hang in there dear. I have some recipes I will gather for you.

Eva - I'm coming over. Harry Potter marathon! A husband who works for libraries...I'll be in heaven. :)

Trudy - How's your yard? The wind is taking all our plants away at the moment. Huge wind gusts and wind advisory today. My back door and windows almost sound like they are going to blow in.

Nancy - I hope you are warm now!!

Ulla-May - One sweater isn't that bad right? :)

I found out that Ben's baseball practices are going to be at the same time as his church classes at night. Which puts me in a bad position. It wouldn't be such a big deal if he had ever even WATCHED a baseball game before! These kids mostly know each other and have played baseball for about two years. He's already going to be at a disadvantage. But how is it right to say, "Sure...skip the classes teaching you about the sacrament you are getting in May for Baseball! Baseball is way more important that church." *sigh* What to do...what to do.

Ok. Got to go take him tonight at least!!! See you all tomorrow!