
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, March 13


The Loopy-O
hello hello!
it's going to be a beautiful day outside today. Sunny and upper 60s. Doesn't that sound wonderful? I'm hoping to get outside this afternoon to clean up the sticks in the backyard. It will get cold again this weekend, so it's still too soon to clear the leaves off the gardens.

Yesterday was both fun and happy and totally stressful at the same time. The wonderful part was having everyone here for bagels and catching up. The stressful part was having everyone here for bagels and catching up... :rotfl:
Everything was fine just loud with lots of conversations going at once. At high decibels. Same as always. it was good to see my dad laughing. He's really stressed out and I wish I could help. The scam and money loss is eating at him and then he has to pay a lot in taxes this year which was unexpected. Talk about a 1-2 punch. His shoulder replacement surgery is scheduled in 5 weeks and my mom is having some major tests done in 3 weeks. He asked if I could come down once a week to help them clean the house since they're having a hard time staying on top of it. I told him I would but I can't do it every week.
I guess he told my mom about it on the way home. She called me and was not happy about the idea. Nope. :no: After a while of back and forth with each other, I think we've worked something out. Maybe? I don't even know. LOL

I'm off to clean for my friend this morning and then maybe do some easy yard work this afternoon. I think the bathtub and wall tiles are going in today. That's kind of cool :)

Wishing you a fantastic day!


The Loopy-O
@BrightEyes Your salad sounds yummy- I used to make salads with cranberries and walnuts. The crunchy and sweet is a delicious combo.
How was the visit with your gals? Bet you had a wonderful time chatting.

@Cherylndesigns LOL! That's funny about you and Adrienne missing each other. You must have given her a fright when she couldn't; find you - I wonder if she felt the same as when you couldn't find Lila. You're so tiny that a hawk could pick you up too :D
How was your walk with the girls and all the dogs?

@vickyday any of the Drs call back yet?
Gary is "better" than he was when he was off the abx but that not saying much hehe. She increased the dose on one of abx and hopefully, that helps.
Hope you were able to get that walk in!



Love my O Family!
hello hello!
it's going to be a beautiful day outside today. Sunny and upper 60s. Doesn't that sound wonderful? I'm hoping to get outside this afternoon to clean up the sticks in the backyard. It will get cold again this weekend, so it's still too soon to clear the leaves off the gardens.

Yesterday was both fun and happy and totally stressful at the same time. The wonderful part was having everyone here for bagels and catching up. The stressful part was having everyone here for bagels and catching up... :rotfl:
Everything was fine just loud with lots of conversations going at once. At high decibels. Same as always. it was good to see my dad laughing. He's really stressed out and I wish I could help. The scam and money loss is eating at him and then he has to pay a lot in taxes this year which was unexpected. Talk about a 1-2 punch. His shoulder replacement surgery is scheduled in 5 weeks and my mom is having some major tests done in 3 weeks. He asked if I could come down once a week to help them clean the house since they're having a hard time staying on top of it. I told him I would but I can't do it every week.
I guess he told my mom about it on the way home. She called me and was not happy about the idea. Nope. :no: After a while of back and forth with each other, I think we've worked something out. Maybe? I don't even know. LOL

I'm off to clean for my friend this morning and then maybe do some easy yard work this afternoon. I think the bathtub and wall tiles are going in today. That's kind of cool :)

Wishing you a fantastic day!
I'm glad your dad was able to forget his troubles for a little while, anyway, last night!


Love my O Family!
@BrightEyes Your salad sounds yummy- I used to make salads with cranberries and walnuts. The crunchy and sweet is a delicious combo.
How was the visit with your gals? Bet you had a wonderful time chatting.

@Cherylndesigns LOL! That's funny about you and Adrienne missing each other. You must have given her a fright when she couldn't; find you - I wonder if she felt the same as when you couldn't find Lila. You're so tiny that a hawk could pick you up too :D
How was your walk with the girls and all the dogs?

@vickyday any of the Drs call back yet?
Gary is "better" than he was when he was off the abx but that not saying much hehe. She increased the dose on one of abx and hopefully, that helps.
Hope you were able to get that walk in!

Yup! Got the call back! Appointment is scheduled for April 23rd. Thank You, Lord!
Got the walk in, too!
Does Gary have to take probiotics for his stomach since he is always on an abx?


Hi, all. Another quick in and out this morning. Heading for the base to pick up Rx and do the grocery shopping at the commissary. Need to get it done this morning as rain is in the forecast for this afternoon. Hope my niece doesn't have trouble getting here. The mountain canyon has a high wind warning today. And would you believe... the forecast is for rain/snow for the next 4 days!!! Yikes!!! They plan on leaving on Saturday heading north on 1-25 but there is a winter storm watch for that area then!!! Her Jim is a veteran of driving in snow and winter conditions so know he will make the right choice of whether to wait it out or not. He works checking gas lines in the northern tier of states during the spring/summer/fall then works the ones in the southern states in the late fall/winter/early spring.

Had a delightful lunch with the gals yesterday. The hostess' house is a 50 minute drive away. We didn't stay as long as usual so I dropped off library books and pick up a few - and was back home by 2:30 PM. Next month it will closer - only 3 miles away. If all goes well, I may volunteer to be hostess in May.

I managed to get 2 new release LOs done and uploaded yesterday. My 100 day challenge has fallen by the way side this last week. Not going to sweat over it. I like Jenn's attitude - eat a different color M&M each day!!! :rotfl:

Need to close this out and get ready to leave. CYL


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
WOW! Supposed to get to 74* today! It is only 43 right now feels like 41. The sun is shining beautifully! :sunnyeyes:
No plans today. Ilene is headed north for the weekend to spend with her kids. She may get to see our dear friend, Carolyn, while she is up there. I hope she does so she can report to me how she is doing. Did I tell you Carolyn ended up spending 16 hours in the ER last weekend to discover she has 2 blood clots in her lung, fluid around the other one, and they put her on a heart medicine? I hope this doesn't set her back with her walking. And she WAS going to come home this week. :sad2:

@faerywings I thought of you when I saw this picture in my daily Almanac email:

I don't think I showed you all my new camera :cameraclick: that my DH insisted on buying me with our tax money. It is a beast compared to my old Nikon! I'm loving it so far! Resolution is 16M and optical zoom is 83X!


I'm having fun experimenting with it.

And that's it for me! I'm kinda hoping Mark wants to go to lunch today, so I need to get dressed!

HAGD! to all! :bye2:


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good afternoon,
It's cloudy here and 72. We're planning to walk today about 3 o'clock, so I hope the clouds don't get any worse. No rain expected but very windy like yesterday. Chris @faerywings we walked for nearly a mile yesterday. Adrienne didn't go, but Ava's bf Drake did. He ended up running half the way with Daisy on her leash. She loved it. We let her off leash and of course, she took off for the woods. We thought she'd stay with the other dogs, but no, of course she didn't. Drake ran after her and caught her. She's always going to be a "runner" I guess. He's a runner, too, so it wasn't a big deal to him.

I'm glad your dad got a little reprieve from his worries and taxes - OH MY! That IS a 1 2 punch to the gut. They definitely have a lot on their plate right now. When you get older, everything magnifies, too. My heart goes out to them and all of you who are going to be involved as they work through this.

Kay @BrightEyes glad you gals had a fun day and yes, that's kind of far to drive. Sounds good that next month won't be so far. Speaking of RX's - I got everything switched over to my account - that wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. I got a text this am that my refills would be ready tomorrow. Another item off my to do list.

Vicky @vickyday good news that you have an appt soon. I know you're relieved to get that done.

I have to finish up my O Blog post for today - it's in rough draft right now.

Hugs to all and HAGD.


Well, I am home just before the rain starts. It got up to 57F but now down to 54F and feels like it is 40F!!! The wind is blowing and has been cloudy all day. It is spitting rain right now!! What a challenge at the Base Pharmacy... they did have my refill ready. But to 'activate' the new Rx, we had to fill out a paper form with info plus what meds and our cell phone number. Tricare is still having an outage so they are doing everything with paperwork to keep trace of meds they dispense. The new Rx my doctor sent in won't be ready for at least 5-10 days!!! So that means another trip over there to pick it up. I did pop in to the Base Exchange while I was there and found another SD Chip for my camera so grabbed it.

Couldn't believe how grocery prices have jumped again!!! And there were many things that were out-of-stock. On the other hand... they did have several things on sale for "Commissary Base Exchange appreciation month". Some how I lost my reading glasses while I was in the commissary. I had put them on to read my list then slid them onto my sweater neckline. When I was ready to check out, I realized they weren't there. Looked into my bag, the cart and everywhere but they were gone. Good thing they were an inexpensive pair of cheaters. Will pick another pair so I will have one for my purse when I need them. Glad to be home and have everything put away. Going to put my feet up and rest... need it after this morning. Haven't heard from my niece yet so guess they are still on the road. DD#1 called while I was gone so need to call her back.


Love my O Family!
Good afternoon,
It's cloudy here and 72. We're planning to walk today about 3 o'clock, so I hope the clouds don't get any worse. No rain expected but very windy like yesterday. Chris @faerywings we walked for nearly a mile yesterday. Adrienne didn't go, but Ava's bf Drake did. He ended up running half the way with Daisy on her leash. She loved it. We let her off leash and of course, she took off for the woods. We thought she'd stay with the other dogs, but no, of course she didn't. Drake ran after her and caught her. She's always going to be a "runner" I guess. He's a runner, too, so it wasn't a big deal to him.

I'm glad your dad got a little reprieve from his worries and taxes - OH MY! That IS a 1 2 punch to the gut. They definitely have a lot on their plate right now. When you get older, everything magnifies, too. My heart goes out to them and all of you who are going to be involved as they work through this.

Kay @BrightEyes glad you gals had a fun day and yes, that's kind of far to drive. Sounds good that next month won't be so far. Speaking of RX's - I got everything switched over to my account - that wasn't as painful as I thought it would be. I got a text this am that my refills would be ready tomorrow. Another item off my to do list.

Vicky @vickyday good news that you have an appt soon. I know you're relieved to get that done.

I have to finish up my O Blog post for today - it's in rough draft right now.

Hugs to all and HAGD.
Yes, I am!