
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, March 12


The Loopy-O
Hello, O-zies! How is everyone doing?
So far, I am good, even though I didn't sleep that great. It was the 4 of us in the bed (Gary and both dogs. Sometimes Whisky stays upstairs with Cait and Tom but not last night) and I must have been using my foot to push one of them over so I could stretch. I woke up way too many times in pain. And squished. If I ever get a new bed/mattress I promise you, it is going to be a King. I don't care if there is not an extra inch of floor space in the bedroom, I'll trade all of it for some extra room to sleep. :p

My big projects yesterday were cleaning the bird feeder and working on the application for NJ Property Tax relief. I usually apply online but it needed Gary to create an ID.me profile which he did. However, the log-in wasn't accepting the info from my computer so I had to do it by hand. What should have taken me a few minutes ended up being over an hour of searching through old tax returns and then *math.* :sick:
I finished out the day working on the faery house and the right side is almost ready to be decorated. There were a few mishaps where the directions were unclear but hopefully, by the time I add all of the little items no one will notice the mistakes.

Today's plans....


I shouldn't say I have no plans, just nothing exciting. ;)

I found another chair yoga video and I will do that again and keep looking for other ones. I finished the Mental Health First Aid course and on the website, there is also one for Wilderness First Aid. I am already certified in that but I am following along as a refresher. I also heard from Lauren who is going to send me some info for upcoming lesson planning and programs.
I guess all in all, I should have enough to keep me busy even though it doesn't feel like it.

@vickyday How was your widow's meeting?

@BoatLady Promised Land is not too far from my parents' PA house, they have a small home north of Wallenpaupak. It's a beautiful area. Too bad that stop 12 is Goshen CT, I'm about 45 minutes from Goshen NY.
Hope you had a fun lunch with the ladies!

@BrightEyes I know how much you struggle with the time changes and the stress must be making the sleep issues so much worse. I hope that last night was easier for you.
Any more news about SIL? :hug2:

@taxed4ever Is the weather still crummy for the hike today?
Your siggie is very pretty and ready for Spring ♥
Good luck to Heather, I hope that she kicked butt on the exam. Medical transcription, IIRC?

@AK_Tracy :hug1: I hope the weather and your mood are both better today.

@vickyday Oh no! The pie still looks good, did it taste good? (I have a pumpkin and an apple pie in my freezer from Thanksgiving that I didn't need. Wondering if I should make one tonight :thinking2:)
I would have been terrified that I would have started a fire in my oven but to be out on the bike in the gorgeous weather, might be woth it LOL! jk!

@Cherylndesigns I lost and/or broke all but one pair of my cheaters and had to use BFFs when I met her a couple of weeks ago. I got the same set from Amazon-- 6 pairs for $10 and they are cute and sturdy if you need something in the meantime:

Aghhhhh!! I am so sorry for intruding in your dreams. Hope I wasn't too annoying!

Love and hugs!!!
Good morning Chris...no one will notice the flaws in your "faery" house but you.

Yesterday it took all morning to get a load of laundry done, go to bank to get paper notarized and grocery shopping. By the time I put groceries home it was time to pick up the girls for our lunch. Only 8 of us, two of the birthday girls couldn't make it...sick...stay away from me!!! The food was good and we had fun I brought home leftovers of course.

When I got home I washed the sheets for the camper and made the bed up .Then I read outside for an hour and was so happy to see the monk parakeets in my tree. I made a quick dinner then settled down to watch TV a little. Today I will wash the camper windows so that is the end of prep for summer trip till early May. The guys are putting parking line in the parking lot at the club so hubby will take trailer back on friday.

The club is having a vendor show in April so we are going to have a table to sell baked good, plants and crafts as extra profit for the club. I am going to donate a few extra baskets I made and I am making one with extra rafia. I have many plants to divide and pot up to donate too. I will probably be working the table too as hubby is going to be cooking hamburgs for the event. Somehow all the fund raisers are always supported by the same few people.

So happy it is going to be 70 and sunny today and I have no place to go during the day. I think I will test our new camping chairs while I finish my book. We are going to dinner at my favorite seafood restaurant tonight with friends so I am looking forward to that.

Monarch report. Let 32 fly and now have 19 in chrysalis and 9 eating.

LOL @vickyday I did similar... when we lived in Germany I put a roast in oven , went off with friends and came back to burned roast. So I was laughing at your slip up but at least you saved it.

@AK_Tracy I'm sending some Florida sunshine your way to brighten your mood.

@faerywings We have been to Promised Land and love it there. Your parents live in a gorgeous area.

@Cherylndesigns I hope you solve the glasses problem...I used to keep them all over the house till my contacts and I still couldn' t find them when I needed them.

I'm with you @BrightEyes I'm struggling with the time change this year and it was never a problem before...what's going on?

Got to go change hummingbird water now.

Have a wOnderful day
Morning, all. At least I slept okay last night... no waking up in the middle of the night and got 8 hours of sleep! :girldance:

DD#2 let us know last evening that they did another trial of lessening the support of the breathing machine for Son-in-law but it didn't work. He is sedated all the time so isn't aware of what is going on. So it is a wait and see if he improves and can breath on his own. So glad that they are keeping DD#2 updated on what is going on and any changes that occur.

Need to my :showering:and dressed soon. A library book I had on hold has come in and have to get a few things from the grocery store this morning. May have rain this afternoon and higher winds again so need to get it done early. BBL
Good Morning!
No plans for today other than some Bible study for our Psalms study with the ladies of our church. Our next meeting is April 5th...first Saturday of the month.

The mechanic ordered a part for the car that will arrive on Friday. So, the mechanic will probably put the part on and drive it home to see what happens! I think he is beginning to grasp at straws, per se!

Tomorrow Ilene and I have a COSTCO trip planned to spend our "reward" money for using their credit card. We buy EVERYTHiNG with the card! We got over $400 back this year! I think I'm going to use part of it to buy groceries for a family in need in our church.

I have my veggie soup cooking for our meal at church tonight! It smells soooo good! I may have to have a bit for lunch.....to make sure it's good enough to take! ;)

Another beautiful day here today! Have a great one!

If I ever get a new bed/mattress I promise you, it is going to be a King.
How about a California King.....2" narrower, but 4" longer.....more room for the dogs at the foot of the bed! Especially on your side since you take up less than 72"! ;)
Today's plans....

You will find something to do, I'm sure!
I shouldn't say I have no plans, just nothing exciting. ;)
How was your widow's meeting?
Fantastic! Those ladies are just so sweet and encouraging! You plan on encouraging them, but leave encouraged yourself!
Oh no! The pie still looks good, did it taste good?
The pie was just as yummy!
(I have a pumpkin and an apple pie in my freezer from Thanksgiving that I didn't need. Wondering if I should make one tonight :thinking2:)
You definitely should make that part of your plans today! ;)
I would have been terrified that I would have started a fire in my oven but to be out on the bike in the gorgeous weather, might be woth it LOL! jk!
LOL! I really was hoping that after we ate at the restaurant that we would take the long way home along the backroads! I foiled that plan! Curses! ;)
Monarch report. Let 32 fly and now have 19 in chrysalis and 9 eating.
Oh my! I would have loved to see that release with camera in hand! What will you do with them while you are gone this summer?
LOL @vickyday I did similar... when we lived in Germany I put a roast in oven , went off with friends and came back to burned roast. So I was laughing at your slip up but at least you saved it.
My kids used to tease me about ALWAYS burning the green beans on Sunday! I love cooking my green beans "down" with bacon grease.....a southern thing, I guess! And I always put some on to cook while I got myself and 4 kids ready for church on Sundays. Well, 9 times out of 10 I would forget about them in the mayhem of Sunday mornings.....and burn them to the bottom of the pan!
The site is really slow for me this morning. I'll come back later and hopefully it'll be back to normal. It took a long time to open this thread (I tried 3 times before it finally opened for me). I was fine on FB before I came here. I hate glitches. I'll come back later.
Morning everyone, it is pouring rain, so no hike for me! I am a fair weather hiker, but some from my hiking group go no matter what the weather throws at them. I don't like getting soaked to the bone!! So no plans for me today, except finishing off the page that I started. So frustrating to open photoshop and just sit and stare at a blank page :banghead:. So I will try again today to get it finished. Anyone else finding the site really slow this morning?? I did manage to get my eggs and went to the grocery store for some cauliflower and a few other things. I made a delicious cauliflower mash to go with the roast beef that cooked in the instant pot, OMG it turned out so good!! Was just like mashed potatoes no cauliflower flavour to it at all. DH gave it a big thumbs up!! Guess I will be keeping that recipe! The beef was amazing as well so tender and delicious! I stopped in at my sister's and had a coffee and visit with her, so fun, we always have some good laughs! A few tears too as we both are missing our big brother! DH is taking his flex days next week, so that means only 11 more lunches to make. :yesss:.

f I ever get a new bed/mattress I promise you, it is going to be a King. I don't care if there is not an extra inch of floor space in the bedroom, I'll trade all of it for some extra room to sleep. :p
Yes do get a king bed they are so worth the taking up the extra floor space!! Even if it was just me in the bed I would never give up my king size mattress!!
What should have taken me a few minutes ended up being over an hour of searching through old tax returns and then *math.*
Ughh don't you hate when things don't go as planned! Doing math would just make my head hurt :sick: and make me sick too!
I found another chair yoga video and I will do that again and keep looking for other ones.
If you find a really good one that you like can you share the link with me, please?? Still waiting to hear from Heather about her exam and yes it is for medical transcription and also medical ordering, keeping my fingers crossed that she did well!
So happy it is going to be 70 and sunny today and I have no place to go during the day. I think I will test our new camping chairs while I finish my book. We are going to dinner at my favorite seafood restaurant tonight with friends so I am looking forward to that.
Awww warm sunshine and a good book to read in your new camping chairs, sounds like the perfect day to me!!
Morning, all. At least I slept okay last night... no waking up in the middle of the night and got 8 hours of sleep!
Hooray for the good sleep Kay!! Sorry that your Son-In-Law is still struggling to breathe on his own!! Hopefully he can very soon!
Tomorrow Ilene and I have a COSTCO trip planned to spend our "reward" money for using their credit card. We buy EVERYTHiNG with the card! We got over $400 back this year! I think I'm going to use part of it to buy groceries for a family in need in our church.
How nice to have the $$ to spend at Costco and how generous are you to buy some groceries for the needy family!! :lovey3:

Ok site is very, very slow so I will end here and pop back in later! Have a great morning everyone!

Today's plans....

Sounds like a. great plan!!!! Rest that foot.
. I think I will test our new camping chairs while I finish my book.
This is my idea of perfect! I'll be right there to help you test the chairs.
The site is really slow for me this morning. I'll come back later and hopefully it'll be back to normal. It took a long time to open this thread (I tried 3 times before it finally opened for me)
Same here Rae. Super slow

Today Wonder Woman has early eye appointments. Obviously she felt amazing two months ago when she made the appointments. And my DD has an appointment and has to drop the kids off in 30. Poor hubs LOL Oh well, he loves goofing with the kids so they'll have a blast. My car is all fixed yeah! Vicky its your turn now. The part that's order will be the one! (prayerfully).
Off and running. Down to 26 minutes until my very happy morning grands arrive at this very not morning grandmas house.
@AK_Tracy Please come join me on the patio in the sun. There is a slight breeze over the pond so it's a little cooler so probably perfect for you. The sun will help you heal. Lets get @faerywings to come too so she can put that foot up and rest it. Water, ice tea or wine.
David lost his hearing aid working at Habitat for Humanity yesterday. He is in a very bad mood plus I'm having to repeat everything to him because he doesn't hear. He's going back tomorrow to look for it again. We did buy a warranty when we bought the hearing aid, so it will "only" cost us $300 if we have to replace it. But he only gets that once. I hope he finds it.

He also developed a cold yesterday. I had him take a covid test this morning, but it, thankfully, was negative. I ordered combination covid/flu tests which will be delivered tomorrow. I think he's feeling better this afternoon, so maybe we'll be lucky and it is just a minor cold that goes away quickly. He put on a mask this morning and we went out and got our covid boosters in preparation for some travel in the next couple months.

It's been springtime warm and I'm loving time to read and knit on the deck, and to ride my bike around. Pretty soon there will be so many flowers!
@AK_Tracy Please come join me on the patio in the sun. There is a slight breeze over the pond so it's a little cooler so probably perfect for you. The sun will help you heal. Lets get @faerywings to come too so she can put that foot up and rest it. Water, ice tea or wine.
**** google flights********
Yep, I'll be there in 18 hours!!!!! Chill the wine and order the sunshine!!!!
David lost his hearing aid working at Habitat for Humanity yesterday. He is in a very bad mood plus I'm having to repeat everything to him because he doesn't hear. He's going back tomorrow to look for it again. We did buy a warranty when we bought the hearing aid, so it will "only" cost us $300 if we have to replace it. But he only gets that once. I hope he finds it.

He also developed a cold yesterday. I had him take a covid test this morning, but it, thankfully, was negative. I ordered combination covid/flu tests which will be delivered tomorrow. I think he's feeling better this afternoon, so maybe we'll be lucky and it is just a minor cold that goes away quickly. He put on a mask this morning and we went out and got our covid boosters in preparation for some travel in the next couple months.

It's been springtime warm and I'm loving time to read and knit on the deck, and to ride my bike around. Pretty soon there will be so many flowers!
Oh. NO!!!!! I hope David finds his hearing aid. I cant imagine trying to look for something so small. Have a glass of wine, then repeating yourself wont be so bad. Tell David youre drinking every time he says what! Bet he pays better attention!!! HEHE
Wouldn't you know... I had a misspelling on the Letter Art challenge LO. But.... this site is so slow... when I went to the gallery to correct it.... it wouldn't let me .... ended up with deleting it and now I can't get the gallery to upload anything!!! :cuffed::mad::waiting:

I put a note in my challenge post about the problem. Will wait until tomorrow and see if the gallery is fixed.
Busy day- an appt early in the day and the afternoon I had an epidural for back pain. They numbed me first. The dr. must have numbed me 8 times and I thought I would pass out. I moaned and groaned so much and I got dizzy, but it was over so quickly. I am fine now, just very sore and can't stand for long. Today is my grandson's 5th birthday and we are heading over.
Wouldn't you know... I had a misspelling on the Letter Art challenge LO. But.... this site is so slow... when I went to the gallery to correct it.... it wouldn't let me .... ended up with deleting it and now I can't get the gallery to upload anything!!! :cuffed::mad::waiting:

I put a note in my challenge post about the problem. Will wait until tomorrow and see if the gallery is fixed.
Yes, Kay, it's so slow that I forget what I'm doing and my mind starts wandering. We're so used to working fast. I had a bad link on the blog today. It was insufferably slow - wore than the site. UGH.
Hello all. Still can't find my expensive prescription close up glasses. I've been trying to scrap in Adrienne's cheaters again today. My nose is so close to the monitor screen. SO, I'm sitting like that about noon and Drake (Ava's fiancee) stopped in, saw me at my computer and thought it would be hilarious to sneak up on me. He did and all of a sudden somebody grabbed me from behind. It startled me, but then he started laughing. :spinningchair: Never a dull moment here. :rotfl:

Hey Chris @faerywings check your DM's - I told you about my dreams. :giggle4::giggle4:
Morning everyone, it is pouring rain, so no hike for me! I am a fair weather hiker, but some from my hiking group go no matter what the weather throws at them. I don't like getting soaked to the bone!! So no plans for me today, except finishing off the page that I started. So frustrating to open photoshop and just sit and stare at a blank page :banghead:. So I will try again today to get it finished. Anyone else finding the site really slow this morning?? I did manage to get my eggs and went to the grocery store for some cauliflower and a few other things. I made a delicious cauliflower mash to go with the roast beef that cooked in the instant pot, OMG it turned out so good!! Was just like mashed potatoes no cauliflower flavour to it at all. DH gave it a big thumbs up!! Guess I will be keeping that recipe! The beef was amazing as well so tender and delicious! I stopped in at my sister's and had a coffee and visit with her, so fun, we always have some good laughs! A few tears too as we both are missing our big brother! DH is taking his flex days next week, so that means only 11 more lunches to make. :yesss:.

Yes do get a king bed they are so worth the taking up the extra floor space!! Even if it was just me in the bed I would never give up my king size mattress!!

Ughh don't you hate when things don't go as planned! Doing math would just make my head hurt :sick: and make me sick too!

If you find a really good one that you like can you share the link with me, please?? Still waiting to hear from Heather about her exam and yes it is for medical transcription and also medical ordering, keeping my fingers crossed that she did well!

Awww warm sunshine and a good book to read in your new camping chairs, sounds like the perfect day to me!!

Hooray for the good sleep Kay!! Sorry that your Son-In-Law is still struggling to breathe on his own!! Hopefully he can very soon!

How nice to have the $$ to spend at Costco and how generous are you to buy some groceries for the needy family!! :lovey3:

Ok site is very, very slow so I will end here and pop back in later! Have a great morning everyone!
I agree! The site was slow this morning while I was trying to post.

Sounds like a. great plan!!!! Rest that foot.

This is my idea of perfect! I'll be right there to help you test the chairs.

Same here Rae. Super slow

Today Wonder Woman has early eye appointments. Obviously she felt amazing two months ago when she made the appointments. And my DD has an appointment and has to drop the kids off in 30. Poor hubs LOL Oh well, he loves goofing with the kids so they'll have a blast. My car is all fixed yeah! Vicky its your turn now. The part that's order will be the one! (prayerfully).
Off and running. Down to 26 minutes until my very happy morning grands arrive at this very not morning grandmas house.
I hope you are right!!!!!!:praying2::praying2::praying2: