
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, March 11


The Loopy-O
I made it to Wed, that *has* to be a good sign, right?
And... it is Social Security day so I get to pay bills. I paid one bill yesterday for the anesthesiologist, which officially put me over my out of pocket limit, so my regular medical bills are covered. Of course, it is the Lyme associated expenses that are the crazy ones, but I guess every little bit helps. Like today-- I have to see my breast surgeon for my 6 month follow up, and I won't have to pay the co-pay. :whoo:
Can you believe it has been a year since I had my lumpectomy? I am not sure if this year went fast or not. I guess it really did, but there has been so much "stuff" crammed into that year. I am not worried about the visit since I just had the mammo and ultrasound a few months ago. It is way more of a hassle to me. I also need to get my blood drawn today and again, I am feeling done with being poked and prodded.

The good news is that it rained last night!!! Rain! Not snow!!!

I am drawing a blank on anything else to say, except that I hope that you are all having a wonderful day!!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... here I am again up at 4am, but I have been awake since 3am :rant: is this no sleep thing ever going to end??

Chris - Well two good things have happened already for you today, payday and :rain: not :smow:!! It just might be a pretty good day for you!! Not much happening here at my place either. Busy trying to help in any way I can with the party stuff for the O, but really Clara does such a great job of organizing that there really is not much to do. Been having some fun with getting some layouts done. Swimming today and other than that some groceries to purchase and some
, pretty boring day. Oh and :rain: for us here too! Hope your appt. goes well! :wave:


Well-Known Member
hey, there, Early Birdies! Trudy, i was up at 4, too. but i refused to get out of bed (chair,) so i listened to the news for a while. could you imagine what a mess we'd be if we had to go to WORK after being up at 3 or 4?? so TG for small favors, i guess! have fun at the pool. hope everyone stays home and you have the place to yourself again!

Chris, paying bills is not fun. But at least you're past your deductable. we just got a bill for over $500 for DH's skin cancer visit. not sure WHY it all wasn't covered. maybe we're still in co-payment/deductable land, still. isn't the RAIN GREAT??? never thought i'd hear myself say THAT! yesterday afternoon/evening was so neat. total FOG event from the warm air on the cold snow. it was pea soup outside.

today, going to visit my two remaining aunts. my sister will be there, too. an hour's drive both ways. dunno if i feel like doing the drive, but it will be nice to see the Aunties. they are the two who are real "characters, " so there usually are a few laughs during the visit.

that's it for me. have a good one! :becky:


I love the "O"
Chris: I made also every year ultrasound and from time to time mammo since I had ovarian cancer. But here in germany it´s normal that women went to the gynecologist for cancer prevention every year. How is it in the USA , do you have such prevention programms for women ?

Phylis: Really crazy to hear that you have to pay so much for a medicine treatment. What do people who don´t have so much money ?

WE had a good day. What is better than make your child happy ? Today was a happy day for my daughter. She got what she dreamed about years, really years ! A Mc Book Pro : DH and I came home and I put it on her bed . She was at the living room and I began to scold because of her dirty room. She went there and came back with tears in her eyes. First time I saw her happy like this.