What day is it? Where am I? *Who* am I?
I think I'd fail the Alertness Test we learned about in class (what's your name/where are you/what day) most days. It's a challenge.
I was super excited that I had time to work in the yard yesterday afternoon. I got all the bridal shower stuff (emails, lots and lots of emails) taken care of and dinner was leftovers so it was awesome to be out there. I usually have all the leaves cleared off the garden patches and on top of the weeding by now. This year, the backyard is still an utter mess. Not that we use it all that often. Scott was the one who would have friends over to sit by the fire pit but he isn't here this summer *sniffs, wipes tears away*
LOL-- I'm joking, I am happy for him and I get to see him often, it's all good In fact, we might be having dinner with him and Sam tonight.
While I was raking dead leaves by the shed, I found a tiny salamander -- teeny tiny-- and I wasn't sure if it was alive but then it unfroze itself and wiggled between some rocks. Whew. No other critters besides gnats and mosquitos and flies buzzing about. *grrr*
Today is a *big* field trip. 90+ 6th graders. I'm leading the stream study with a different brand-new intern. I brushed up on my crayfish facts (they have compound eyes that can move independently from each other, which makes them hard to catch) since that's mostly what the kids are going to find. Really-- that's all they will be looking for. Larvae shmarvae
We are either going to Scott's or he and Sam are coming here for dinner.
Should be a fun day! I hope that yours is too! ♥