
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, June 5


The Loopy-O
Happy Wednesday!

I don't know where my morning went. It is almost time for me to head out with he kids to the bus. And now Catzilla decided that she loves me and has to head butt and lick me while I try to type.

I had an amazing day yesterday down the shore. it was just wonderful to get my feet inthe sand and surf!! And I loved seeing my mom tell me the stories and places that she went when she was a girl. I tried to get a bunch of photos, and will make her a page soon.

We collected a lot of shells, and if I can find a neat craft, I'll make something of of them for her.

Off to my MIL's to work and then to my BBF's for coffee. Hopefully I won't burn their house down this time and no one breaks a leg. (references to the last time I was at MIL's while they were on vacation and sett eh cutting board on fire. And also to the last time I was supposed to meet my BFF and MIL broke her leg and I had to take her to the hospital)

Morning O fam- workout done!! Three days in a row- feeling good about that. I think I will go to the movies tonight after work and see Now you see it- we get free admission with my ID badge from work- so I should take advantage. I hope I can get someone to go with me- I am cutting out a doily wrap card to show a co-worker she wants them for her wedding invites and new I had my silhouette. Hoping it will be done by the time I go to work!
super quickies:

Everyone is so quiet, please come and talk to me!!!!:)

Laurie- That's really cool about your son and the starts. We felt that way when we moved up here to the mountains. Amazing how many stars there are. Wishing him and you much luck.
Hope you had a more relaxing day yesterday, you are always sooo busy! I get to work in MIL's yard today. But boo- I have the next 2 days off and it is going to rain again. I need to work on my own yard too.

Nancy- hope the dentist went ok for you. yes, it was beautiful down in Belmar!!!! Just gorgeous. We also drove around to see the mansions in Spring Lake. I know what O want for my birthday-- one of those houses hahahaha!! I think that they must be worth several millions.....
And we heard the cicadas too. On Rt 287, going through Mendham/Bernardsville area if you are familiar with there? They were so loud. At first I thought it was a tractor-trailer making the noise, but then it exited and we still heard them. I don;t rmeember hearing them 17 years ago, since that is when Scott was a newborn and never slept (colic, ugh) and I would think I would remember freaking out over that noise. Hopefully there aren't any in my area ;)

Congratulations my sweet friend!!!!!!!!!!!! Please give that baby boy hugs from me and Heather too and you as well!!!!!! I am so happy for you all!! How is Heather doing? Cannot wait to see pics!!!

Angela-- I'd be tired with that day too! Hope you got some good scrap time in :)

Time for me to head out and do my chores before I go to work.

Love to all!!
Good morning and it is beautiful weather wise it could not be better. Had a fun talk with my son last night. He is getting ready to host the bachelor party as he is now the best man for his best man this weekend. The boys are going to AC. Look out AC. The weather forecast is not good this weekend but I dont think that is going to be a problem for them LOL. Dentist said I have really good teeth for my age so I am so happy about that. The neatest thing is now xrays were digital. It was so much easier and much less radiation. And afterwards I could see them and it was cool. Then did grocery shopping but just have not felt like cooking. Dont even have heat as an excuse LOL. Got a good walk in with my girlfriend.

Chris glad you had a good time and yes those homes along the shore are gorgeous! Better luck at your MILs and enjoy time with your BFF. There are really no cicadas in my town but in the next town where my dentist is there they are. Not sure how five miles can make such a difference but it does. They were crawling on the walls and the noise is deafening. Glad they are not in my backyard! LOL

Laurie glad you are enjoying your workouts again!

Trudy so glad to hear about that baby! Congrats to her and to you. I cant wait to see some photos. Enjoy! This is so cool!

Angela have a great day!

Everyone have a great day!
I can tell it's summer!!! Everyone is out by the pool instead of here giving me fodder for my lurking!!! ♥♥♥

Chris, how is your MIL's broken bones??? Isn't she going on a trip soon???? I was thinking about her!!

hugs to everyone!! Off to whip up a blog post that is 3 days late (for our modern quilt guild!)