
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, June 26


The Loopy-O
Iiiiitttt'ss hump day! dance3
yeah, I don't know why that matters either, every day is just another day. *g*

I had a fab day yesterday. It was cool enough to clean and vacuum the house so I spent the morning doing that. I spent lots of time vacuuming since I can't do it when the AC runs or I'll blow a fuse. Gary, Scott, and went to buy suits for the wedding in the afternoon. Scott drove so Gary didn't need the car which was perfect for me. I went back to the trail to get pictures of the white plant.
Isn't that wild? There were a bunch of them scattered in with the normal plants and the stem started green from the ground and then turned white. I showed Scott and he had never seen anything like that before.
I didn't want to go too long on the hike so I set my timer for 30 minutes so I knew when to turn back. I made sure I had time to spend in the clearing with all of the milkweed and butterflies.
Soooo many butterflies. I can't wait for my milkweed to bloom. ♥

Dinner with the family was a fantastic end to the day. My parents are coming up this afternoon to visit and hopefully, they are both doing better. We shall see... :D



The Loopy-O
@Terri M That cartoon is going to crack me up every time I think of it! TFS! :giggle4:

@vickyday That's the best way to think of Carolyn, with a big smile and playing games with you and Ilene. How is Ilene doing with all of it? Hugs to you both.
Oh poor Asher! Ray had to have teeth pulled after a couple fell out, I think she lost 5 in a matter of months. Not that it made any difference to her eating ability. She stole a slice of pizza off on the table soon before she had to be euthanized and I'm surprised she didn't scarf the entire piece down.
I hide dog meds in American cheese or peanut butter. W doesn't even like the "good stuff" -- the heartworm and flea and tick chewables.
Good for you for doing 1 mile! Something is always better than nothing :goldstars:
That's one of the reasons I hated holding garage sales, the people want you to give the stuff to them for nothing.
Ooooh, I love the collection of stuff for your MM project. It's going to look awesome.

@BrightEyes Bwuahaha!!!!!!! I have the funniest visual of you pulling the coin briefcase off of the table and then it crashing through the floor - cartoon-style.
Hope that you are not as achy- my legs are still a little sore from Sunday.
Sorry that I almost made you :coffeescreen: about the decluttering joke (but it's true tee-hee!)

@mimes1 Woo hoo! Congrats on the car and I love that bow, great color for scrapping :floorlaugh: !
What a fun picture!
I am so glad that I brought up the weather/blood sugar comments since it seems that all of our DHs have issues in some way or another.

@JeanneMN I have calendars and planners and to-do lists and a chalkboard with the weekly schedule and I still mess up the dates. I have a thing with numbers, they make no logical sense in my head. Not sure how that affects my "days of the week" but hey... it is a decent excuse let's go with that. Ha!

@Terri M Does your DH take insulin or oral meds? The continuous monitors are godsends. He used to have some terrifying low-blood sugar episodes where he would black out or go blind temporarily. Or turn into a pirate but that was a funny one LOL.
There is no rhyme or reason with the disease. :/

@FloridaGranny I am still LMBO at the comic!
Thanks for thinking of me when you saw it! (I think!):rotfl:
@AK_Tracy Hope that you are well-rested and relaxed after the Costco trip.

@Cherylndesigns I am sending good thoughts to A for perfect results for the thyroid u/s. Big hugs to you too, I truly hope that life starts settling down for you xo

@MariJ That happened to Caitlyn last year. She needed to go to a dr appt in River Edge and would not drive on Rt 17. Understandable. LOL
We were using Google Maps with the no highways option turned on and somehow it dumped her on 17 in Paramus. She pulled into the first store (which was literally 20 feet away) . I thought she was going to pass out. I took over driving from there while she did deep breathing. 22 sounds exactly like 17 and it makes me want to cry too hahahah!

Time to take the doggos outside. xoxo


Love my O Family!
Iiiiitttt'ss hump day! dance3
yeah, I don't know why that matters either, every day is just another day. *g*

I had a fab day yesterday. It was cool enough to clean and vacuum the house so I spent the morning doing that. I spent lots of time vacuuming since I can't do it when the AC runs or I'll blow a fuse. Gary, Scott, and went to buy suits for the wedding in the afternoon. Scott drove so Gary didn't need the car which was perfect for me. I went back to the trail to get pictures of the white plant.
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Isn't that wild? There were a bunch of them scattered in with the normal plants and the stem started green from the ground and then turned white. I showed Scott and he had never seen anything like that before.
I didn't want to go too long on the hike so I set my timer for 30 minutes so I knew when to turn back. I made sure I had time to spend in the clearing with all of the milkweed and butterflies.
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Soooo many butterflies. I can't wait for my milkweed to bloom. ♥

Dinner with the family was a fantastic end to the day. My parents are coming up this afternoon to visit and hopefully, they are both doing better. We shall see... :D

That plant is such a stark contrast to the green around it! Interesting how it starts out green but turns white, too!
What is the actual date for Caitlyn and Tom's wedding?


Love my O Family!
@Terri M That cartoon is going to crack me up every time I think of it! TFS! :giggle4:

@vickyday That's the best way to think of Carolyn, with a big smile and playing games with you and Ilene. How is Ilene doing with all of it? Hugs to you both.
Oh poor Asher! Ray had to have teeth pulled after a couple fell out, I think she lost 5 in a matter of months. Not that it made any difference to her eating ability. She stole a slice of pizza off on the table soon before she had to be euthanized and I'm surprised she didn't scarf the entire piece down.
I hide dog meds in American cheese or peanut butter. W doesn't even like the "good stuff" -- the heartworm and flea and tick chewables.
Good for you for doing 1 mile! Something is always better than nothing :goldstars:
That's one of the reasons I hated holding garage sales, the people want you to give the stuff to them for nothing.
Ooooh, I love the collection of stuff for your MM project. It's going to look awesome.

@BrightEyes Bwuahaha!!!!!!! I have the funniest visual of you pulling the coin briefcase off of the table and then it crashing through the floor - cartoon-style.
Hope that you are not as achy- my legs are still a little sore from Sunday.
Sorry that I almost made you :coffeescreen: about the decluttering joke (but it's true tee-hee!)

@mimes1 Woo hoo! Congrats on the car and I love that bow, great color for scrapping :floorlaugh: !
What a fun picture!
I am so glad that I brought up the weather/blood sugar comments since it seems that all of our DHs have issues in some way or another.

@JeanneMN I have calendars and planners and to-do lists and a chalkboard with the weekly schedule and I still mess up the dates. I have a thing with numbers, they make no logical sense in my head. Not sure how that affects my "days of the week" but hey... it is a decent excuse let's go with that. Ha!

@Terri M Does your DH take insulin or oral meds? The continuous monitors are godsends. He used to have some terrifying low-blood sugar episodes where he would black out or go blind temporarily. Or turn into a pirate but that was a funny one LOL.
There is no rhyme or reason with the disease. :/

@FloridaGranny I am still LMBO at the comic!
Thanks for thinking of me when you saw it! (I think!):rotfl:
@AK_Tracy Hope that you are well-rested and relaxed after the Costco trip.

@Cherylndesigns I am sending good thoughts to A for perfect results for the thyroid u/s. Big hugs to you too, I truly hope that life starts settling down for you xo

@MariJ That happened to Caitlyn last year. She needed to go to a dr appt in River Edge and would not drive on Rt 17. Understandable. LOL
We were using Google Maps with the no highways option turned on and somehow it dumped her on 17 in Paramus. She pulled into the first store (which was literally 20 feet away) . I thought she was going to pass out. I took over driving from there while she did deep breathing. 22 sounds exactly like 17 and it makes me want to cry too hahahah!

Time to take the doggos outside. xoxo
Ilene has been in WV for 3 weeks, so she didn't even get to go to the funeral, but she is sad. She and Carolyn were friends for more than 50 years!
Mark has been hiding the antibiotic pills for Asher in bread. It works! He basically swallows it whole! He certainly does not care for his food softened, however! He will eat about half and finally finish it later!
This will be my first ever MM project and I'm looking forward to getting it all glued down. I still need to figure out how to finish the bee. I got the head the way I want it but I have no clue what to do with the wings. I thought about just using crackle paint on them but don't know how that will look with the metal body and head. Hmmm???


Love my O Family!
Good Morning,
Boy! The humidity is so thick this morning you can cut it with a knife! We had some clouds yesterday but still no rain! No clouds in site today! I could only stand to walk 1 mile this morning!
Mark was feeling well enough yesterday that we went to lunch! I could only eat the fries, however! Last night I heated up some frozen carrots and that was my supper. What a pain and a nuisance this IBS is!
I did go back to the grocery store yesterday to get wings for Mark. He ate 5 with buffalo sauce and some fries for supper. He said he was a bit nauseous this morning.
I think I'm going to start gluing down some of the metal items on my bee mixed media project. Still not certain what to do about the bee's wings, however!
More interest in my marketplace items! YAY!
I've got 25 stencils in a bundle for $5 and one girl decided she didn't want it when I told her she would have to pay for the shipping! GEESH!
Have a good day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
Does your DH take insulin or oral meds? The continuous monitors are godsends. He used to have some terrifying low-blood sugar episodes where he would black out or go blind temporarily. Or turn into a pirate but that was a funny one LOL.
He’s been on insulin for about 25 years. Yeah, before the CGM there were definitely scary low-sugar episodes. Total personality change. Once it happened while he was at work. His colleagues called me to say he was very much not himself. I told them get him to drink a coke or some juice and I drove right over. It took us a while to get him settled, he absolutely refuses to go to the ER. At least with the CGM we know it’s dropping before it gets too low.


Well-Known Member
@faerywings That sounds like a glorious day and that plant is incredible, almost looks like a white poinsettia displayed among all of the green.

@vickyday There are some days, most days, when I don't like people even a little bit. Good grief, you are practically giving it away and she's quibbling over shipping. I have a lot of past project supplies I could probably sell, but the whole ideal of dealing with stupid people just doesn't seem to be worth it.

There were 3 different colored lilies blooming in the pond yesterday. The garden is a disaster right now, hubs doesn't want me to week or dead head, because the brush dump hasn't reopened after the flooding and he doesn't want to stink up the garage. We are expecting the arborist any day now to have our one big maple tree taken down and the other one "lifted". I just have this image of Paul Bunyan with his arms wrapped around the tree lifting it while Babe drags the other one away, no doubt creating a new river while doing it. The one being lifted is actually within the landscaping so even though they said they are extremely careful, hubs moved all of the pots out of range, we took whirley gigs down yesterday, and he has the landscape lighting covered with 2x4 bridges. The tree also over hangs the deck so everything there is shoved in a corner. I certainly hope the rain hasn't put him far enough behind that it's going to look like this for another month. When you wait 24 hours for 5 minutes of summer we hate to lose a minute. I put my 3 topiaries in the pergola and hubs made the mistake of relocating the bird feeder right above them. I went out yesterday to help with whirleygigs and the poor turtle is missing a portion of his skull and the chameleon had some plants plucked out. I have a couple pots with just hens and chicks and the 'd***' squirrels have unpotted them. They have done an 'exceptional':spanking::stupicpc::rollingpin1::angry4::censored: job drilling holes all over the landscaping too. Other than the weeds I love it when the garden explodes in color. Two of the early hydrangeas are blooming and the daylilies are close. There are a lot of layouts out there.......


Open the house up only to discover that the outside temp was 75*F....no point in opening it up at the temp. So the ceiling fans will be running most of the day. The air feels heavy... just checked - the humidity is 45% so the temp feels like 81F!!! Our normal humidity is around 15%.

DD#3 called last evening... she will be heading my way this morning. She is bringing a couple of my bins that we used for the garage sale. She mentioned that she was going to move her cookbooks into a bookcase but needed to buy some bookends. I told her that I had lots of spare bookends and she could have some of them. She will be helping me take some big full heavy 3-ring binders down from on top of the office TV bookcase. 1) I promised the kids not to climb on stepstool... 2) the binders are so heavy I am sure I would drop them and then over balance and fall. Pretty sure the binders are full of non-needed papers so the papers will go into the recycle bin. Yep, @faerywings .. that is another 'nibble at cleaning out unneeded stuff'. And I almost :coffeescreen: over the visual of me pulling the coin briefcase off of the table and then it crashing through the floor - cartoon-style. I finished wrapping the coins so will taking them to the bank the next time I am going that way. Thank goodness the briefcase isn't as heavy this time!!! :lol23: My next project maybe to weed through all the old DVDs of outdated computer programs.

I stopped at the local library yesterday and found 2 new books to read. Already 3/4 the way through 1. Also talked to the librarian about the Summer Reading program I am taking part in... this is the halfway point of reading 10 minutes a day or 70 minutes for each week. Since I read more than 70 minutes in just one day... it is a snap to do it. I will take my form in the next time I go and will get a free book as a reward. I participate as it helps the library get the funds needed for books and other programs.

BBL... call from DD coming in.


Well-Known Member
Good morning everyone. I'm home for a bit before taking Remi out to the park, then D and I will head out for the afternoon to play canasta at the center. Temps have cooled a bit now, it's comfy sweater weather again with a breeze. I like this weather, sunny and warm but not too hot most of the time. I know July and Aug will be warmer but so far I am loving June weather here. We ordered a beverage fridge for the nook. It will be perfect for entertaining, guests will be able to put their drinks and appies in there. We also ordered a bigger deck box. Our outdoor furniture cushions don't quite fit in the other one. With the bigger deck we'll have room to keep both boxes for storage. Things are coming along with the deck/stairs/sidewalk but they still have a long ways to go to finish. No talk about the roof so I feel like that might not even happen this summer. We'll see.

I'm going to find the recipe for the pumpkin cookie dough bites for tomorrow's game night. It's our turn to host. I am also going to put together a charcuterie board. That'll be fun to put together.

We caught up on Criminal Minds Evolution (s02) so I think tonight we'll start binging Tracker. I am a big fan of Justin Hartley's so am sure I'll enjoy this series.

@faerywings Enjoy the family visit.

@BrightEyes The library summer reading program sounds perfect for you and I'm not surprised that you could do all the required reading in one day.

I'm going to check CT stuff and then get ready to head out with Remi. HAGD everyone.


Love my O Family!
Good morning everyone. I'm home for a bit before taking Remi out to the park, then D and I will head out for the afternoon to play canasta at the center. Temps have cooled a bit now, it's comfy sweater weather again with a breeze. I like this weather, sunny and warm but not too hot most of the time. I know July and Aug will be warmer but so far I am loving June weather here. We ordered a beverage fridge for the nook. It will be perfect for entertaining, guests will be able to put their drinks and appies in there. We also ordered a bigger deck box. Our outdoor furniture cushions don't quite fit in the other one. With the bigger deck we'll have room to keep both boxes for storage. Things are coming along with the deck/stairs/sidewalk but they still have a long ways to go to finish. No talk about the roof so I feel like that might not even happen this summer. We'll see.

I'm going to find the recipe for the pumpkin cookie dough bites for tomorrow's game night. It's our turn to host. I am also going to put together a charcuterie board. That'll be fun to put together.

We caught up on Criminal Minds Evolution (s02) so I think tonight we'll start binging Tracker. I am a big fan of Justin Hartley's so am sure I'll enjoy this series.

@faerywings Enjoy the family visit.

@BrightEyes The library summer reading program sounds perfect for you and I'm not surprised that you could do all the required reading in one day.

I'm going to check CT stuff and then get ready to head out with Remi. HAGD everyone.
Have a great afternoon!
We LOVE Tracker!


Love my O Family!
WOOHOO! Someone is buying most of the stuff I have posted on marketplace!
Poor girl had a house fire a year ago and the insurance didn't give her a dime because they couldn't determine how the fire started. So she is just now starting to refurbish her craft supplies! I told her I had a ton more stuff not even listed that, if she wanted, we could meet for her to look through! She wants to! WOOHOO! So I may just be able to get rid of most of my stuff! I made her a deal on the washi bundle I had since she was buying so much from me! dance3


Well-Known Member
@bcgal00 We are big fans of Tracker & Criminal Minds Evolution too. We binged the whole first season of CME before starting Season 2, I do miss Spencer Reid, but so glad all of the others are back, OMG I love Penelope and I wish I had her glasses budget LOL. Kudos to Paget Brewster for rocking her gray hair, not that I would do it, but I do admire her. We need to get going on the new season of Bosch too, another show we really like.

@vickyday Sounds like you found a treasure in that one and I'm sure she feels the same about you.

I've been delaying starting a layout, but first I just remembered I'm on my last pair of clean undies, so that going to have to take priority here first. Gotta have clean undies dontcha know, then.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
@bcgal00 We are big fans of Tracker & Criminal Minds Evolution too. We binged the whole first season of CME before starting Season 2, I do miss Spencer Reid, but so glad all of the others are back, OMG I love Penelope and I wish I had her glasses budget LOL. Kudos to Paget Brewster for rocking her gray hair, not that I would do it, but I do admire her. We need to get going on the new season of Bosch too, another show we really like.
I just found "Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders" and I LOVE it. I'm so sad there were only 2 seasons of it. I'm almost done with it. My NCIS: Hawaii and CSI: Vegas got cancelled, so I'm very sad to be done with those characters!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Popping in to say "hi". Just got the Color Play blog post done, if anybody wants to pop over and take a look: https://oscraps.com/its-color-play-wednesday-20/

It's the last post before the June Palette is revealed. Word Press was being a little stinker today for some reason and I got frustrated because it was taking so long. Finally got it done, and went out and pulled weeds. It rained really hard in the middle of the night - woke me up. We must have had a lot of wind, too because I found my new flag laying out in the driveway. The whole top portion of the pole had blown off and the clips that hold the flag on are both gone. Now, I need another new flag pole. It hardly ever rains on my front porch, but it was really wet this morning. I promised myself that I would pull some weeds while the ground was soft from the rain. Now I have to go clean up my mess but I'm waiting til evening to do that.

I see some of you are talking about shows you like. One of my favorites (it's old) is Royal Pains. I'm watching Your Honor right now, on Netflix. Bryan Cranston is the judge.

Jeanne @JeanneMN you cracked me up about your last pair of underwear. :floorlaugh: :lol23: I'm getting terrible about doing laundry now that it's just me. I never did like it, but now I put it off so badly. I've had a load in the dryer that I've re-tumbled at least three times. :lol23:

Hugs to ALL,


Well-Known Member
@Cherylndesigns Did you hear they added another gymnastics competition at the Paris Olympics??.............Dryer tumbling......I've got the gold sewn up, because I can retumble, retumble, retumble, retumble............until the clothes get nauseous.
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I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
@Cherylndesigns Did you hear they added another gymnastics competition at the Paris Olympics??.............Dryer tumbling......I've got the gold sewn up, because I can retumble, retumble, retumble, retumble............until the clothes get nauseous.
Girl.......................I'll take the gold - hands down. I don't know what my record is but it's way more than 3! :floorlaugh: :lol23: