
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, July 24


The Loopy-O
It rained yesterday and it is raining again today. Am I disappointed? Not at all! TBH, I am slightly disappointed that today's field trip got rescheduled to next week but that's pretty minor in the relativity of needing rain. This was the trip with the stream study so who knows? Maybe the stream will have some water in it but next week. *fingers crossed*

(OMG! I just had a WILD trip through my browser and magnifier!! Wild! I was trying to see if Windows had a shortcut for fingers crossed emoji like I use for the heart -- Alt 3 ♥-- and Google suggested the Windows button period and + that brought up the magnifier. I spent what felt like hours chasing the Close Tab between my two monitors. I hit all of the F buttons and Esc. Finally, I tried Ctrl-Alt-Delete and chased the curser a bit longer to get to the End Task section. I thought I was going to need to reboot. Whatever you do, don't try that at home, kiddos. :oops2:

It was quiet here yesterday, I spent a couple of hours cleaning out one part of my aromatherapy supplies. I haven't made any products in over a year and some of the stuff is expired/stale. I started a scrap page but don't think I like it very much and probably won't post it. I can try to rework it or trash it, I'm not sure which way to go.
Since work was canceled I am going to clean for my one friend instead of going tomorrow. I also need to catch up on some laundry and stress over dinner. It is just me and Gary tonight and I have frozen fish fillets. With Cait not being home, it might be a good time to make that- she gags at the smell of fish.

So that's it -- wishing you a very happy day!


The Loopy-O
@bcgal00 Did the contractors show up yesterday? I hope that they are;t too far behind schedule because of the heat. At the same time I don't want them collapsing from heat exhaustion.
What did you decide on for dinner? Your buddah bowl sounds good, I keep thinking that would be a good dinner idea here-- put out out all of the fillings and let everyone decide what they want in their own bowls. But then I forget about it when I am making my lists up. Do you have a recipe or blog with suggestions that you use?
I love hearing about Taz -- Remi of course, too- but I love that little old man face of his ♥♥♥ Hope you get over to the park and stream soon!

@vickyday The July Color plays are incredible-- always. So nice that you had an inspiring time at the church service.
Thanks for that birthday wishes to Tom, I'll tell him today!
did 2 miles yesterday in about 35 minutes. So, it just depends on the humidity level/temp as to how fast I walk! But 35 minutes for 2 miles was pretty good
That's very good!!!! Rock star!
TVP is textured vegetable protein I *think* -- I know it's a protein replacement for vegetarians b/c Cait has used it in the past.

@BrightEyes Oh no!!! How are you feeling today? Any less painful in your arm and shoulder? Take good care of yourself and rest. You know what to do if it doesn't get better? ( And no- it doesn't mean waiting two weeks until you see the doctorlike some other stubborn people. :giggle4: )
Fantastic news about SIL's foot!

I'm probably making a mistake by not having figured out a consistent pattern and style beforehand, but I suppose I can live with at least having facing pages coordinate somehow. I'm sure I'm a worse critic than anyone else in the family will be. I always scrap in 12x12 but usually for these one-occasion books I'll have them printed 8x8 and I'm sometimes disappointed that they look too small, even when I remember to use a larger font for the type.
I made albums for my nephew every year for his b-day (up until this year, I figured a 13 yo wouldn't care all that much) and I felt the same as you. I tried to get them to sort of match but was also trying to do everything chronologically. I'd beat my head against the wall and then give up and cram pages wherever I could by the end. LOL! But you know what? He and my brother and Sis-IL never noticed or cared, they just loved getting the book. I am 100% sure your grand will feel the same.
Every year the Eagle Scouts come to Weis (the ecology center where I work) and most of their projects are new picnic tables. We have so many new tables now but they are very appreciated. It was exciting when they revamped the fire circle and put awnings up on a couple of cabins. But picnic tables seem to be the go-to. :D

I thought it was Sunday. I woke up thinking will the alarm go off and do I still have time to get ready for church. Crazy. I had to stop and think, what did I do yesterday? Yep, I did housecleaning and laundry. Must have been Monday so yep to day is Tuesday.
I'm starting to think we are Twins too, alone with @JeanneMN Triplets... I guess we would be then. Ha!
Yep, hold your tongue just like that and you'll catch more fish
great advice, I'll make sure I do that! Will this work too? :tongueout1:
Geeeeeez!! That sounds terrifying, fishing and looking out for brown bears ... *gulps* I'll stick to my area with black bears that are usually afraid of noise.

@taxed4ever What a great start to your day yesterday, sleeping late and then spending time chatting with the boys. Sounds perfect!
Got a phone call from the window/door place and they are finally coming to install the new screen door and glass insert with mini blinds in our house and new screen doors for the in-laws on the 2nd of August, finally!!
How long has this been going on, it feels like forever! It started over the winter, right?
Did you get any time to scrap?

Shameless plug for a challenge to scrap or to see the LOs:
I am hosting the AJ Week 4 challenge and you have to check it out. The pages that have been done so far are just jaw-droppingly amazing. I literally got choked up when I was commenting on them.

@JeanneMN I had to keep reading to find out what bunny lung was and I am sneezing, coughing, and choking along with ya!
Caitlyn had a Belgian White rabbit when she was in HS and the fur would get up my nose and in my throat and drive me mad. And that was just one rabbit!
I bet you'd prefer a lifetime of bleacher butt over the pain in the butt with Hub's siblings :(
grands had all blue ribbons and a couple special merit awards. Dgs earned a trip to State Fair with one of his photos and just missed with wood project unless someone decides not to go.
That is awesome! Congrats to all of them and good luck with the photo submission!
One of DGD's bunnies bit the judge? (I can't say I blame the bun!) Just a nip or did it break skin? One of Caitlyn's rats bit me a couple of times, once was a "real" bite and dang, that hurt. Can't imagine a bunny bite :wow2:
Dgs, cute little face would be in mine every morning at the crack of dawn with, Nana, it's time to make coffee. Then he'd get 2 rice krispie bars, study the size, give me the smaller one & we'd go out and sit in the wooden swing by the lake and chat.
Priceless!! What a special tradition ♥

@AK_Tracy Congrats on finishing lesson plans!!! 22 years of it? You deserve lots of medals and a ton of wine for that accomplishment. Good luck on the Costco trip!

@mimes1 I hope that all of that rain isn't causing trouble with flooding. Maybe the sunny breaks in between are enough for it to soak in the ground. It is great news that work is going well and the routine is getting easier.

@Cherylndesigns :waving1 and :hug4:

@A-M Welcome back. I am so happy that Ken got to see his sister but am so sorry that she passed. It had to be good for him to spend that time with her and have her being so talkative. Please tell him that we are sending our good thoughts to him.
Good luck with your new activity, it sounds like it is going to be fun and rewarding!



Morning, gals. Woke up early when I rolled over onto my left side and the shoulder yelled at me BIG TIME!!! I swear it feels worse today than it did yesterday. I discovered that I have a long ice pack with a very long elastic band in the freezer. The band goes over the shoulder and wraps around near the waist and back up to the ice pack.... holds it in place over the shoulder blade. So I will alternate using it a few times a day with using the chair massager on the back. Yes, Mama Chris @faerywings ... if it doesn't start improving in a couple of days, I will get an appointment with my ortho doc to have it checked out.

Good news... my sister will be here today!! She called yesterday afternoon and said she decided to move her trip up. She plans on staying for about a week. When I told her about my semi-fall, she said she got a feeling on Monday that she needed to move her trip up... Will let her help so I can rest the shoulder/back. She can keep an eye on it and will tell me if I should get an appointment. Due to her visit, I won't be around here much... but I will get my Color Play LOs posted.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Got my 2 miles in this morning. Very humid! We got more rain last night and it looks as though we will probably get more today! Our grass has just about totally greened back out!
I got my ATCs caught up last night (was up until midnight). I will post them tomorrow because I used the July Color Play on some of them. I could not believe how far behind I was! Over a month.....almost 2 months!
Mark wants to do lunch again today. They are switching out their old computers to new laptops and it is taking forever to get their programs moved over. He left his machine at 25% of whatever he was updating and when he came back in to work this morning it was just over 50%! He's frustrated because he has parts that need to be done. He is a machinist.

Whatever you do, don't try that at home, kiddos. :oops2:
HA! Yes, mom!
TVP is textured vegetable protein I *think*
Sounds mixed media-ish! ;)
Good news... my sister will be here today!!
YAY! Enjoy your time together!
I will get an appointment with my ortho doc to have it checked out.
I hope it doesn't come to that but gets better with the icing and massaging!


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
So, we broke down on the highway on our way from Vegas to Wyoming. We are stuck in St George waiting to find out if they will/ can swap out vans or if they are going to try to fix the van. We are supposed to be setting up the train modules right now, and Mike modules are the keystone they build off of.

Cheryl kept me company as I did my best not to have a panic attack as it was 114 degrees.

We got a hotel room and are on the phone trying to get things rolling now that the businesses are open.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone! A quick in and out of here this morning as I am off to my hike and need to pack myself a bit of a snack and take my big backpack for this one. It's close by, but its been awhile since I hiked and I want to make sure I have lots of water. It is approx. 4miles and a very lovely hike. I hope to be home in time to perhaps start another layout for the Color Play or the AJ challenge, I will see what strikes my fancy. Anyway I just wanted to pop in to say :wavinghello: and hope you all have a lovely day!

It rained yesterday and it is raining again today. Am I disappointed? Not at all! TBH, I am slightly disappointed that today's field trip got rescheduled to next week but that's pretty minor in the relativity of needing rain. This was the trip with the stream study so who knows? Maybe the stream will have some water in it but next week. *fingers crossed*
Please, Please send some of that rain this way!! Sorry your outing got cancelled but now perhaps you will have some water in the creek for the next time! Hope your knee is feeling better and I don't blame Cait for gagging I hate the smell of fish too!! Poor DH never gets to have it at home, so that is what he usually orders when we go out. I like shellfish, but still do not like the smell and I like the taste of Halibut, but would never cook it myself :giggle4:.
Morning, gals. Woke up early when I rolled over onto my left side and the shoulder yelled at me BIG TIME!!!
OUCH!! Oh dear @BrightEyes I sure hope the ice pack and massage chair work their magic for your shoulder! Nice that your sister will be there to give you a hand !
Got my 2 miles in this morning. Very humid! We got more rain last night and it looks as though we will probably get more today! Our grass has just about totally greened back out!
I don't know how you walk in that humidity, I think I would perish!! Sounds like everyone is getting rain, wish it was raining here, everything is brown and now the forest fires have started. UGH!!
So, we broke down on the highway on our way from Vegas to Wyoming. We are stuck in St George waiting to find out if they will/ can swap out vans or if they are going to try to fix the van.
Oh my Susie how awful that you broke down and had to spend the night in a hotel!! Hope everything works out in your favour today!!

Ok I gotta get busy and get ready to go or I will be running to catch up with everyone on the hike, that's not a pretty picture :giggle4: Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone! A quick in and out of here this morning as I am off to my hike and need to pack myself a bit of a snack and take my big backpack for this one. It's close by, but its been awhile since I hiked and I want to make sure I have lots of water. It is approx. 4miles and a very lovely hike. I hope to be home in time to perhaps start another layout for the Color Play or the AJ challenge, I will see what strikes my fancy. Anyway I just wanted to pop in to say :wavinghello: and hope you all have a lovely day!

Please, Please send some of that rain this way!! Sorry your outing got cancelled but now perhaps you will have some water in the creek for the next time! Hope your knee is feeling better and I don't blame Cait for gagging I hate the smell of fish too!! Poor DH never gets to have it at home, so that is what he usually orders when we go out. I like shellfish, but still do not like the smell and I like the taste of Halibut, but would never cook it myself :giggle4:.

OUCH!! Oh dear @BrightEyes I sure hope the ice pack and massage chair work their magic for your shoulder! Nice that your sister will be there to give you a hand !

I don't know how you walk in that humidity, I think I would perish!! Sounds like everyone is getting rain, wish it was raining here, everything is brown and now the forest fires have started. UGH!!

Oh my Susie how awful that you broke down and had to spend the night in a hotel!! Hope everything works out in your favour today!!

Ok I gotta get busy and get ready to go or I will be running to catch up with everyone on the hike, that's not a pretty picture :giggle4: Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:
Have a great hike!
I don't know how you walk in that humidity
I force myself. And sometimes I don't! ;)


Well-Known Member
Good Morning all!!!!
Quick Hi before I head to work today. Will comment more when I get there and set up my laptop.

Whatever you do, don't try that at home, kiddos. :oops2:
:floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
@AK_Tracy Congrats on finishing lesson plans!!! 22 years of it? You deserve lots of medals and a ton of wine for that accomplishment. Good luck on the Costco trip!
I told hubs I deserve and expect a retirement cruise in a warm climate when I finally graduate this one.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I'm at work. Finished everything that was left for me to do. Now to look around the house and see all the fun happening. Plug in EHD and see what happens.

Good news... my sister will be here today!! She called yesterday afternoon and said she decided to move her trip up. She plans on staying for about a week. When I told her about my semi-fall, she said she got a feeling on Monday that she needed to move her trip up... Will let her help so I can rest the shoulder/back. She can keep an eye on it and will tell me if I should get an appointment. Due to her visit, I won't be around here much... but I will get my Color Play LOs posted.
This is wonderful! I am so glad she will be there early to help you out. Hope its just bruises and nothing worse.
He's frustrated because he has parts that need to be done. He is a machinist.
This sounds horrible. Must be a huge undertaking if its taking this long.
So, we broke down on the highway on our way from Vegas to Wyoming. We are stuck in St George waiting to find out if they will/ can swap out vans or if they are going to try to fix the van.
Oh man, that's the worst. I hope they just swap you out vans as that is easy and quick.
It is approx. 4miles
Have a blast! sounds like torture to me but I know you will enjoy it.

I feel so productive at the moment. I have school lined out for the year, Costco/kroger/local shop lists all planned out. Hubs is on cooler detail as they need cleaned from fishing before they go in my car for Costco. Month of menu made and I didn't struggle as much as last month with what I wanted to make. My (someone else grew them) chickens should be done processing soon and available to pick up. I love local farmers who do all the work and I just give money and they give me back packaged foods. I've loved playing around with scrapping this month and the less done challenges. I don't know why but I looked at one of the 7 challenges this month and my mind shut down. I love all he layouts I have been seeing but maybe I am just stuck in "courage" and cant think past all that I was working through to do other layouts. I feel rambling this morning. Lots of little bits and no consistent thought process. And my poor keyboard, I am typing hard this morning. Maybe too much coffee but I doubt it. :giggle4: Chiropractor told me I had to be done dipnetting this season. And if I line fish, need to fish left handed. He's killing me. We have such a short window of when to fish and how I like to fish and he has shut me down. Is the clavicle really worth missing fishing???? Yeah, probably.
Okay, time to hit reply and stop droning on and on.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
So, we broke down on the highway on our way from Vegas to Wyoming. We are stuck in St George waiting to find out if they will/ can swap out vans or if they are going to try to fix the van. We are supposed to be setting up the train modules right now, and Mike modules are the keystone they build off of.

Cheryl kept me company as I did my best not to have a panic attack as it was 114 degrees.

We got a hotel room and are on the phone trying to get things rolling now that the businesses are open.
I was so worried about you and Mike yesterday - broken down in 114 degree heat!! SO glad you had water and snacks with you! What a relief when you finally got to safety last night! May the rest of your trip be uneventful! :hug2:


Love my O Family!
Okay, I'm at work. Finished everything that was left for me to do. Now to look around the house and see all the fun happening. Plug in EHD and see what happens.

This is wonderful! I am so glad she will be there early to help you out. Hope its just bruises and nothing worse.

This sounds horrible. Must be a huge undertaking if its taking this long.

Oh man, that's the worst. I hope they just swap you out vans as that is easy and quick.

Have a blast! sounds like torture to me but I know you will enjoy it.

I feel so productive at the moment. I have school lined out for the year, Costco/kroger/local shop lists all planned out. Hubs is on cooler detail as they need cleaned from fishing before they go in my car for Costco. Month of menu made and I didn't struggle as much as last month with what I wanted to make. My (someone else grew them) chickens should be done processing soon and available to pick up. I love local farmers who do all the work and I just give money and they give me back packaged foods. I've loved playing around with scrapping this month and the less done challenges. I don't know why but I looked at one of the 7 challenges this month and my mind shut down. I love all he layouts I have been seeing but maybe I am just stuck in "courage" and cant think past all that I was working through to do other layouts. I feel rambling this morning. Lots of little bits and no consistent thought process. And my poor keyboard, I am typing hard this morning. Maybe too much coffee but I doubt it. :giggle4: Chiropractor told me I had to be done dipnetting this season. And if I line fish, need to fish left handed. He's killing me. We have such a short window of when to fish and how I like to fish and he has shut me down. Is the clavicle really worth missing fishing???? Yeah, probably.
Okay, time to hit reply and stop droning on and on.
Yeah. He says, in hindsight, he should've backed up on a terabyte EHD instead of a 64GB thumb drive. That probably would have made the transfer faster! Who knows!

I finished listening to The Nightingale by KH today and have borrowed The Great Alone to start listening to. At least this one is a couple hours shorter than The Nightingale! ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah. He says, in hindsight, he should've backed up on a terabyte EHD instead of a 64GB thumb drive. That probably would have made the transfer faster! Who knows!

I finished listening to The Nightingale by KH today and have borrowed The Great Alone to start listening to. At least this one is a couple hours shorter than The Nightingale! ;)
It might be shorter, but its intense!!!! Cant wait to hear what you think.


Well-Known Member
I cried a couple of times at the end of The Nightingale! When Vianne had to let go of Daniel to his relatives in the US and then when he showed up at the reunion in Paris at the end!
If you have Kindle unlimited Winter Garden is free right now and oh my gosh, what a story!!!! This one ripped my heart out. I cant read a KH book and not cry though. They are so well written. I think I have read them all and been anywhere from anger to crying my eyes out. But Winter Garden, oh man.


Love my O Family!
If you have Kindle unlimited Winter Garden is free right now and oh my gosh, what a story!!!! This one ripped my heart out. I cant read a KH book and not cry though. They are so well written. I think I have read them all and been anywhere from anger to crying my eyes out. But Winter Garden, oh man.
I get the books free on my Hoopla and Libby apps. I'll have to see if this one is available. If not, I'll put a hold on it!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
So, we broke down on the highway on our way from Vegas to Wyoming.
That sounds awful. I hope you were able to get back on the road this morning.

I love local farmers who do all the work and I just give money and they give me back packaged foods.
That's how I feel about our CSA. Why grow tomatoes when God created farmers? I was so disappointed when the farm notified me they weren't going to do the CSA this summer; it was too late to get into another one. Plus it was the only one who delivered within biking distance. I've been doing some farmers markets but I have to admit that when I choose the veggies I tend to stick to what I an familiar with, while the CSA gives me things I have to figure out. I will admit that they gave more kale than necessary but otherwise it was fun. I'm hoping I can find one for next year.

We had a friend stop by for lunch on her way into town for an appointment. Being too lazy to cook, I went to our local bakery, which is owned by a woman from Czechoslovakia, and bought three kinds of koláče -- kielbasa, spinach & cheese, and sauerkraut and bacon. Delish. Made a quick caprese salad and some deviled eggs and we had a really nice lunch. Since I learned how to do hard boiled eggs in the Instapot, they are so easy.

I can't believe it's the middle of the afternoon already and I haven't done any scrapping yet! Off to work.


Well-Known Member
That's how I feel about our CSA. Why grow tomatoes when God created farmers? I was so disappointed when the farm notified me they weren't going to do the CSA this summer; it was too late to get into another one. Plus it was the only one who delivered within biking distance. I've been doing some farmers markets but I have to admit that when I choose the veggies I tend to stick to what I an familiar with, while the CSA gives me things I have to figure out. I will admit that they gave more kale than necessary but otherwise it was fun. I'm hoping I can find one for next year.
Yes, and everyone is happy! I dont have to do the work or yuck or butcher. They have the fun and make money. Its a win win. Hope you find a new CSA to join.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! It's been a good day here. Finding new rhythms and getting into a routine. I miss you all!! Mark's really tired tonight which means TV for him and scrapping for me!

@BrightEyes Sisters have special connections and it's no surprise she "felt" she needed to move her trip up. So glad you'll have some time together and you'll have a little help and moral support. :heartpumpred:

@AK_Tracy I'll tell Belle about your Winter Garden recommendation!

@pachimac So frightening about being broken down in that heat!!! Good thing Cheryl kept you calm and you got to safety!!

Is it color play time already! This month has flown by!!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
One of DGD's bunnies bit the judge? (I can't say I blame the bun!) Just a nip or did it break skin? One of Caitlyn's rats bit me a couple of times, once was a "real" bite and dang, that hurt. Can't imagine a bunny bite :wow2:
As my granddaughter explained it,"Nana, Fluffy bit the judge, it wasn't just a scratch, it was a chunk out of his finger."

Woot! The boat was finished this afternoon so we went to pick it up and left $1000 that we didn't have, behind. I'm really happy though, hubs so needs a week tooling around the lakes. We packed it up when we got it home so we'll be able to make the pig judging at 8 am tomorrow morning. I'll pack tomorrow, I have a load of "unmentionables" in the dryer. We are so ready to get the heck out of Dodge.


I solemnly swear I am up to no good!
My internet is sketchy for some reason, so I won't try to answer each one of you - thank you for the prayers and good thoughts. We are now in Wyoming. They did not have a transit van available, but they did have a 16 ft box truck that they switched for us. This entailed emptying the van of all the train modules and gear and repack it in the truck. Let's just say we are glad the ordeal is over and we are here safe and sound. Enterprise *SAYS* they will reimburse us for all our trouble, food, gas, and hotel room. We will see.

This girl is done with the day. I'm going to bed now.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
My internet is sketchy for some reason, so I won't try to answer each one of you - thank you for the prayers and good thoughts. We are now in Wyoming. They did not have a transit van available, but they did have a 16 ft box truck that they switched for us. This entailed emptying the van of all the train modules and gear and repack it in the truck. Let's just say we are glad the ordeal is over and we are here safe and sound. Enterprise *SAYS* they will reimburse us for all our trouble, food, gas, and hotel room. We will see.

This girl is done with the day. I'm going to bed now.
What an ordeal. Glad you're there safe and sound. Hugs, my friend.