
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, February 26


The Loopy-O
Who needs :coffee1:

I doooo!!!:waving1
For some crazy reason, I woke up at 4.30 and that was it. My back and shoulder decided that there was no way I was gonna get comfortable. Rolled myself out of bed as soon as I heard the coffee pot click on. I fell asleep by 9.30 so at least I know that I'm not sleep-deprived even if I feel that way. :sleeping:
I wonder how the 2 HS boys slept. They were worn out by the end of the session. The hike itself isn't that long or steep and we took several breaks to do some listening exercises and then the shelter building. We were almost out of the woods when the one boy decided he was tired and flopped down in the snow. LOL
I was able to get him up and going when I told him that our next stop was the fire circle and we were going to work on making sparks. ;)
Thankfully, the weather cooperated, the rain was only lightly sprizing when I was driving home. I wish I was getting the warm temps many of you are. It still didn't break 50* but that feels tropical after the teens last week. The sap is finally getting up to speed and that is my plan for next week's session-- to show them how we make maple syrup, some tree ID, bark rubbings, and all that.

Working at Weis for 3 out of the last 4 days is both wonderful and exhausting. I wish I had a day off but I am cleaning for my friend this afternoon. That's a piece of cake compared to the last couple of days so it's all good. This morning, I need to get the next field trip planning started. Since December, Lauren and I have been co-leading the group but in March, I'll be working with one of the interns so I want to give him time to get familiar with the plans before I toss him to the wolves. JK! He is one of the scholarship interns and I have worked with him a lot already. He is fantastic. On his very first field trip, he was with me doing the stream study. I got called away for something and wasn't going to be able to make it back for the intro, so I radioed him to take it away! Trial by fire. That should be the Weis Motto. :floorlaugh: We all get that. Something happens and all of a sudden, you need to take charge. And it works. The director, Anne, somehow always picks the best people to work/intern there. She's the best -- along with everyone ♥
(I really love my job!)
I was sad at the end of yesterday too. One of the women is moving to FL and she is one of the sweetest people I know. She trained me on the stream study and was so supportive of me when I took over leading the HS program. She got a job working in environmental protection down there and I am so excited for her.

What fun plans do you have today?

Make it a great one!!
*throws confetti filled with happy vibes*
I re-read my post yesterday and had to laugh. I ended up putting a sticky note on my front door to remind myself to look for squirrels on the porch *before* I open it to let the dogs outside. Darned squirrels!

I'm glad the HS was a success yesterday! Just remember, there is some purpose for the rain! If nothing else, if it weren't for the rain we wouldn't enjoy the sunshine so much! :hug4:
That is an excellent point and also nothing would grow if we had no rain. If it could just *not* when I am trying to teach the kids outdoors LOL!
TY for the spice recipe! I have all of them in my cabinet. In the last year or so, I have become a huge smoked paprika fana and I end up sprinkling it into a lot of recipes.
No fair that you got into the 60s! *Faery has a little tantrum* Even driving home, the NYC radio station kept going on and on and on about the spring-like temps. It really didn't feel like spring where I was. but I know will get there. Soon. *fingers crossed*
Ooooooh I hope and hope and hope that the new computer for the car does the trick!! :praying2:

@Terri M The LO is stunning!! I love the cheerful colors and design, so pretty! I'm glad that you shared it here. ♥
This afternoon David and I are going to take a walk on a new path the county has opened up along the Rivanna River. I'm so glad that the city and county are working toward opening up areas along the river. Because the place was settled in the 1700s, most of the riverfront is taken up with old warehouses and other industrial uses, since they used the river for their equivalent of the interstate highway, but it could be such a fantastic venue for parks, restaurants, theaters, and such. Yet another project that I won't live to see the end of but at least I can see the start.
That sounds wonderful. The world needs lots of open spaces and I love that your city and county are getting the project started. Did you see anything neat while you were walking?

@bcgal00 How was euchre day and games night? Must have been lots of fun.
ITA with Tracy, about a 20 yo not being able to keep up with you!
I leave tomorrow morning for surgery. Two flights, three airports, family dinner and then Thursday Morning is the big day. Today I will pack my bag and get things ready to go. I did log into O on my phone so I can up date you all afterwards, probably Friday.
Need coffee, didn't sleep well. Have a great day!
Lots and lots of hugs and healing thoughts to you! Have a safe trip and please check in but only if you are up to it! :lovey3:

Yesterday was such a wonderful day visiting with my niece and her hubby and DD#3 most of the day. So glad I did all the cooking on Sunday. I did put the peach cobber together yesterday morning and it went into the oven just after everyone arrived. It was a relaxed day catching up on how they were doing and news about other family members they had visited with on their way here.
This makes my heart smile :D You must have been so happy all day. And happy that you have leftovers too, that is always a good thing :D

Love to everyone who is stopping in!
Wow this month is flying by.
@AK_Tracy - First and Foremost---safe travels and good luck with surgery. Heal quickly and heal well. You got this.:woohoo:

@faerywings It sure sounds like you enjoy your work which is so good. "When you like what you do, you don't work a day in your life" my son says!!! Glad the sap is flowing since it takes so much to make syrup.

I hope it warms up for all of you It's getting warmer here too and everything is growing including the weeds LOL

@Terri M a walk along a river sounds fabulous to me. I like ocean better but any water is good.

Yesterday I finished up my basket weaving class and everyone enjoyed it. Every basket is a little different tighter stitches or farther apart....it's all good and they love their baskets. I had to make some for flyers for upcoming events at the club. I had a nice long talk with one of my best friends from CT so we will get together when I am up there this summer. I pruned my Plumeria yesterday and gave cuttings to the lady up the street who was walking her dog... I was so happy cause I hate to throw them away. Jay bought me new loppers and they are so much better than the old ones I had that belonged to my grandfather. It was a good day.

Today at 10:30 we start the set up for the Rummage sale that the club is having over the weekend. Yup I got my TENS unit going already. I will be working there most of this week, except Friday we are going to a surprise 80th pool party birthday for a friend.
But first thing today I have to do is get to the grocery store to get some supplies for our week camping trip to St. Augustine, we have been there 3 times but never camped there so it will be fun. I will be working on the rummage sale every day so I have to fit in shopping and packing for a week of camping with friends-we leave Sunday morning. I'm looking forward to getting away. There are 3 trailers going so we each take a turn preparing a dinner so I will get 2 nights off. Yipee
I have 13 caterpillars that are eating and 12 in chrysalis so I have to get my friend Karyn to baby sit while I am gone...easy for her she has the giant milkweed plants to feed them. The poor ducks really miss me cause no cracked corn for them...they will appreciate me when I get back.
This is me today.:multitasking::shopping::sweeping2:

I hope everyone has a great day.
Who needs :coffee1:

I doooo!!!:waving1
For some crazy reason, I woke up at 4.30 and that was it. My back and shoulder decided that there was no way I was gonna get comfortable. Rolled myself out of bed as soon as I heard the coffee pot click on. I fell asleep by 9.30 so at least I know that I'm not sleep-deprived even if I feel that way. :sleeping:
I wonder how the 2 HS boys slept. They were worn out by the end of the session. The hike itself isn't that long or steep and we took several breaks to do some listening exercises and then the shelter building. We were almost out of the woods when the one boy decided he was tired and flopped down in the snow. LOL
I was able to get him up and going when I told him that our next stop was the fire circle and we were going to work on making sparks. ;)
Thankfully, the weather cooperated, the rain was only lightly sprizing when I was driving home. I wish I was getting the warm temps many of you are. It still didn't break 50* but that feels tropical after the teens last week. The sap is finally getting up to speed and that is my plan for next week's session-- to show them how we make maple syrup, some tree ID, bark rubbings, and all that.

Working at Weis for 3 out of the last 4 days is both wonderful and exhausting. I wish I had a day off but I am cleaning for my friend this afternoon. That's a piece of cake compared to the last couple of days so it's all good. This morning, I need to get the next field trip planning started. Since December, Lauren and I have been co-leading the group but in March, I'll be working with one of the interns so I want to give him time to get familiar with the plans before I toss him to the wolves. JK! He is one of the scholarship interns and I have worked with him a lot already. He is fantastic. On his very first field trip, he was with me doing the stream study. I got called away for something and wasn't going to be able to make it back for the intro, so I radioed him to take it away! Trial by fire. That should be the Weis Motto. :floorlaugh: We all get that. Something happens and all of a sudden, you need to take charge. And it works. The director, Anne, somehow always picks the best people to work/intern there. She's the best -- along with everyone ♥
(I really love my job!)
I was sad at the end of yesterday too. One of the women is moving to FL and she is one of the sweetest people I know. She trained me on the stream study and was so supportive of me when I took over leading the HS program. She got a job working in environmental protection down there and I am so excited for her.

What fun plans do you have today?

Make it a great one!!
*throws confetti filled with happy vibes*
It makes life easier all the way around when you love your job! :heartpumplove:
I remember the job I left when Tim and I moved to NC in 2008. I was in the accounting department and my job was to set up all of the contracts for the maintenance crews that came in to work on the equipment (a coal-fired electric plant) and take care of paying all of the union people that worked for the different contractors. It was a tough job and really needed 3 full-time people. But I loved it! Not a dull moment in my day! And there were many weeks I was working 60 hours, especially when there was an unexpected outage! The girl who covered for me when I was on vacation basically told my supervisor she wouldn't have the job and didn't see how I kept up with it! When Tim and I moved to WV in 1997 I had to go to work full-time and one of the ladies of the church had just retired, so I was thrown to the wolves when I took her spot! I made life as easy as I could for myself. Since I love working on the computer, I set up spreadsheets and documents that helped me with the contract work.....basically fill-in-the-blanks. So much easier! I hated that I had to leave without giving the girl who followed me the benefit of 2-weeks notice! The church down here in NC wanted Tim "yesterday" if you know what I mean! So we had to pack up our belongings in a week's time. Mark was one of the men who came up from our church to help move Tim and I down to NC. Funny how the Lord works things out in our lives! Who would've ever thought I would end up marrying the guy who helped move me to NC from WV!
I re-read my post yesterday and had to laugh. I ended up putting a sticky note on my front door to remind myself to look for squirrels on the porch *before* I open it to let the dogs outside. Darned squirrels!

That is an excellent point and also nothing would grow if we had no rain. If it could just *not* when I am trying to teach the kids outdoors LOL!
TY for the spice recipe! I have all of them in my cabinet. In the last year or so, I have become a huge smoked paprika fana and I end up sprinkling it into a lot of recipes.
No fair that you got into the 60s! *Faery has a little tantrum* Even driving home, the NYC radio station kept going on and on and on about the spring-like temps. It really didn't feel like spring where I was. but I know will get there. Soon. *fingers crossed*
Ooooooh I hope and hope and hope that the new computer for the car does the trick!! :praying2:

@Terri M The LO is stunning!! I love the cheerful colors and design, so pretty! I'm glad that you shared it here. ♥

That sounds wonderful. The world needs lots of open spaces and I love that your city and county are getting the project started. Did you see anything neat while you were walking?

@bcgal00 How was euchre day and games night? Must have been lots of fun.
ITA with Tracy, about a 20 yo not being able to keep up with you!

Lots and lots of hugs and healing thoughts to you! Have a safe trip and please check in but only if you are up to it! :lovey3:

This makes my heart smile :D You must have been so happy all day. And happy that you have leftovers too, that is always a good thing :D

Love to everyone who is stopping in!
When we let our dogs out, they don't even notice the squirrels!
Your time for the warm temps is coming, I'm sure! Humor me while I wax Biblical ;)
Genesis 8:22 - "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, and day and night will not cease."
To add salt to your wound.....we hit 70 yesterday! :giggle4::hug2:
If the computer doesn't work for the car, I think it might be time to give it up to another car! We may have to give it to the mechanic as payment, LOL!
Good morning,
Quick in and out today.
We have a lady at church who just got home from hip replacement, so the ladies of the church are providing meals for them this week. Today is my day. Since we took the car back to the mechanic last night, Ilene is coming over to run me to their house. She knows them, too, and wants to take the opportunity to visit with them since she is no longer a member of our church and doesn't get to see them. Ilene goes to church with her daughter now.
Of course, she is going to come early enough to eat some lunch with me.....the left over cabbage soup and corn bread. And we will play some Qwirkle while the food is cooking.
So, I need to get my shower out of the way and get to work!
It's already 52* and supposed to reach 69, same as yesterday.....however we hit 70 yesterday!
Good morning Ladies!
As Twin says its a belly button post. @JeanneMN. Slamming my coffee so I can shower then pick up DD and then head to the airport for the first of two flights. Having just got home Friday, I'm not ready to fly again but am so thankful I came home between trips. Have a wonderful day and will probably check in Friday, if the pain meds allow :giggle4:
Busy day yesterday, but I think we'll be quietly at home today. Yesterday evening was my first happy hour of the year sitting on the little deck in my front yard with a glass of wine, watching the sun set over the Blue Ridge and saying hi to all the neighbors out walking their dogs. So nice to hear the kids running around playing! Lovely to be able to enjoy outside.

I am in the process of transitioning the presidency of the trails organization to a new person. For this year we're sharing the duties, and it's so relaxing to know that sometimes I can just punt an issue over to him. I have loved leading this group, but it's been 8 years and it's time for a change.

In the last year or so, I have become a huge smoked paprika fana and I end up sprinkling it into a lot of recipes.
I use smoked paprika all the time! In 2023 we were in Budapest and I got three kinds of paprika to bring home. The sweet and the hot are very nice, and I do use them now and again, but the smoked --- I ran out of that in a few months. I have been getting some very nice smoked paprika from Penzys. Back when I lived in NJ there was a Penzys store in my town, I could walk there. I doubt if it's still there; they seem to have closed many of their brick&mortar locations.

I was just trying to buy a couple things from O's Wow Wednesday sale and errored out, so I'm going to try to empty that basket, restart my browser, and try again. I suppose if they won't take my money today, it's only a couple days until Color Play and I'll have another opportunity, right? :shopping:
Morning everyone! I was MIA yesterday, but had a busy day of this and that going on. I was sure that I started a post here yesterday morning, but then Heather called and I guess I never got back to it. Heather has picked up a terrible cold from one of her boys, so I am sure that it will make its rounds with the rest of the family too. Today is our Anniversary, 48 years of marriage with my Gary, life is good and hopefully there will be lots of new adventures in the future. I went for a 5k walk with my SIL Linda yesterday afternoon and hope to get out for another good walk today. I should be hiking with my group today, but don't feel like doing the long drive. I will feel more like getting out there for hikes when the rains finally stop and the sun decides to shine.:sunnyeyes:. I wonder how much longer that will be?? I need to get a page done with the colour play today and get my granddaughter Sadie's birthday card out in the mail. I can't believe that she will be 15years old already!! She is turning into a lovely young lady and we love her to bits!! I would like to also get out and look for a new top to wear to Aunt Betty's 90th birthday either today or tomorrow. I will see how this day goes and how much I manage to get accomplished.
Who needs :coffee1:

I doooo!!!:waving1
For some crazy reason, I woke up at 4.30 and that was it. My back and shoulder decided that there was no way I was gonna get comfortable. Rolled myself out of bed as soon as I heard the coffee pot click on. I fell asleep by 9.30 so at least I know that I'm not sleep-deprived even if I feel that way. :sleeping:
I will take a cup of that coffee please!!
It really is so nice to hear how much you love your job!! You are fortunate for sure! Most people go through life not ever finding a job they love. Sorry that you woke up so early, but I guess when you think about it you did get in some good sleep time. I hope that the cleaning for your friend goes quickly and you get to enjoy some time to yourself today!
Today at 10:30 we start the set up for the Rummage sale that the club is having over the weekend. Yup I got my TENS unit going already. I will be working there most of this week, except Friday we are going to a surprise 80th pool party birthday for a friend.
But first thing today I have to do is get to the grocery store to get some supplies for our week camping trip to St. Augustine, we have been there 3 times but never camped there so it will be fun. I will be working on the rummage sale every day so I have to fit in shopping and packing for a week of camping with friends-we leave Sunday morning. I'm looking forward to getting away. There are 3 trailers going so we each take a turn preparing a dinner so I will get 2 nights off. Yipee
Sounds like you are going to be a very busy woman for the next few days! How fun to get in the camping trip and to have a couple of nights off from cooking too! Have fun at your friends pool party!! Sounds like a great time to me!
Quick in and out today.
We have a lady at church who just got home from hip replacement, so the ladies of the church are providing meals for them this week. Today is my day. Since we took the car back to the mechanic last night, Ilene is coming over to run me to their house. She knows them, too, and wants to take the opportunity to visit with them since she is no longer a member of our church and doesn't get to see them. Ilene goes to church with her daughter now.
Of course, she is going to come early enough to eat some lunch with me.....the left over cabbage soup and corn bread. And we will play some Qwirkle while the food is cooking.
So, I need to get my shower out of the way and get to work!
It's already 52* and supposed to reach 69, same as yesterday.....however we hit 70 yesterday!
How nice to provide meals for the lady from your church!! My SIL came home from Australia to find her fridge and freezer full of prepared meals and all the fresh groceries she needed, there are still some thoughtful people left in the world!! Sorry that you car is back at the garage, sounds like a new vehicle is in the future for you!
I'm not ready to fly again but am so thankful I came home between trips. Have a wonderful day and will probably check in Friday, if the pain meds allow :giggle4:
Sending my best wishes to you Tracy for you upcoming surgeries!! I hope you heal well and quickly and please take care of yourself!! Hopefully you feel well enough to check in here on Friday!
Yesterday evening was my first happy hour of the year sitting on the little deck in my front yard with a glass of wine, watching the sun set over the Blue Ridge and saying hi to all the neighbors out walking their dogs. So nice to hear the kids running around playing! Lovely to be able to enjoy outside.
Ohhh I can't wait for the weather to be nice enough to have happy hour on the decks again!! Its our fav time of the day when we can both be outside in the sunshine and listen to the kids playing outside and saying hi to all the neighbours!! Hopefully our new decking will be done in a timely manner and it won't interfere with wine o'clock :giggle4:.

Ok off to the shower as I have been face timing with Heather and had to wait to finish this post. Running behind now, so I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!! :waving3:
Popping in late again today..... been busy with scrapping this morning. There are some 'sneak peek LOs' of Color Play kts in the Color Play gallery. They will be available in the shop after Thursday evening's Newsletter goes out.
DD#1 called this morning and we chatted for almost an hour. Getting excited to see her and her hubby the 1st weekend of April.

We have cooled down some today... already reached the high of 64*F and looks like it is started back down. Back in long sleeve tops and wearing a fleece jacket. I really enjoyed the few days of "spring" like temps.
Morning everyone! I was MIA yesterday, but had a busy day of this and that going on. I was sure that I started a post here yesterday morning, but then Heather called and I guess I never got back to it. Heather has picked up a terrible cold from one of her boys, so I am sure that it will make its rounds with the rest of the family too. Today is our Anniversary, 48 years of marriage with my Gary, life is good and hopefully there will be lots of new adventures in the future. I went for a 5k walk with my SIL Linda yesterday afternoon and hope to get out for another good walk today. I should be hiking with my group today, but don't feel like doing the long drive. I will feel more like getting out there for hikes when the rains finally stop and the sun decides to shine.:sunnyeyes:. I wonder how much longer that will be?? I need to get a page done with the colour play today and get my granddaughter Sadie's birthday card out in the mail. I can't believe that she will be 15years old already!! She is turning into a lovely young lady and we love her to bits!! I would like to also get out and look for a new top to wear to Aunt Betty's 90th birthday either today or tomorrow. I will see how this day goes and how much I manage to get accomplished.

I will take a cup of that coffee please!!
It really is so nice to hear how much you love your job!! You are fortunate for sure! Most people go through life not ever finding a job they love. Sorry that you woke up so early, but I guess when you think about it you did get in some good sleep time. I hope that the cleaning for your friend goes quickly and you get to enjoy some time to yourself today!

Sounds like you are going to be a very busy woman for the next few days! How fun to get in the camping trip and to have a couple of nights off from cooking too! Have fun at your friends pool party!! Sounds like a great time to me!

How nice to provide meals for the lady from your church!! My SIL came home from Australia to find her fridge and freezer full of prepared meals and all the fresh groceries she needed, there are still some thoughtful people left in the world!! Sorry that you car is back at the garage, sounds like a new vehicle is in the future for you!

Sending my best wishes to you Tracy for you upcoming surgeries!! I hope you heal well and quickly and please take care of yourself!! Hopefully you feel well enough to check in here on Friday!

Ohhh I can't wait for the weather to be nice enough to have happy hour on the decks again!! Its our fav time of the day when we can both be outside in the sunshine and listen to the kids playing outside and saying hi to all the neighbours!! Hopefully our new decking will be done in a timely manner and it won't interfere with wine o'clock :giggle4:.

Ok off to the shower as I have been face timing with Heather and had to wait to finish this post. Running behind now, so I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!! :waving3:
Happy, Happy Anniversary!
Morning everyone! I was MIA yesterday, but had a busy day of this and that going on. I was sure that I started a post here yesterday morning, but then Heather called and I guess I never got back to it. Heather has picked up a terrible cold from one of her boys, so I am sure that it will make its rounds with the rest of the family too. Today is our Anniversary, 48 years of marriage with my Gary, life is good and hopefully there will be lots of new adventures in the future. I went for a 5k walk with my SIL Linda yesterday afternoon and hope to get out for another good walk today. I should be hiking with my group today, but don't feel like doing the long drive. I will feel more like getting out there for hikes when the rains finally stop and the sun decides to shine.:sunnyeyes:. I wonder how much longer that will be?? I need to get a page done with the colour play today and get my granddaughter Sadie's birthday card out in the mail. I can't believe that she will be 15years old already!! She is turning into a lovely young lady and we love her to bits!! I would like to also get out and look for a new top to wear to Aunt Betty's 90th birthday either today or tomorrow. I will see how this day goes and how much I manage to get accomplished.

I will take a cup of that coffee please!!
It really is so nice to hear how much you love your job!! You are fortunate for sure! Most people go through life not ever finding a job they love. Sorry that you woke up so early, but I guess when you think about it you did get in some good sleep time. I hope that the cleaning for your friend goes quickly and you get to enjoy some time to yourself today!

Sounds like you are going to be a very busy woman for the next few days! How fun to get in the camping trip and to have a couple of nights off from cooking too! Have fun at your friends pool party!! Sounds like a great time to me!

How nice to provide meals for the lady from your church!! My SIL came home from Australia to find her fridge and freezer full of prepared meals and all the fresh groceries she needed, there are still some thoughtful people left in the world!! Sorry that you car is back at the garage, sounds like a new vehicle is in the future for you!

Sending my best wishes to you Tracy for you upcoming surgeries!! I hope you heal well and quickly and please take care of yourself!! Hopefully you feel well enough to check in here on Friday!

Ohhh I can't wait for the weather to be nice enough to have happy hour on the decks again!! Its our fav time of the day when we can both be outside in the sunshine and listen to the kids playing outside and saying hi to all the neighbours!! Hopefully our new decking will be done in a timely manner and it won't interfere with wine o'clock :giggle4:.

Ok off to the shower as I have been face timing with Heather and had to wait to finish this post. Running behind now, so I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!! :waving3:
That was nice for your SIL to find her fridge and freezer full of not only meals, but prepared meals AND groceries! How is she doing?
Good morning Ladies!
As Twin says its a belly button post. @JeanneMN. Slamming my coffee so I can shower then pick up DD and then head to the airport for the first of two flights. Having just got home Friday, I'm not ready to fly again but am so thankful I came home between trips. Have a wonderful day and will probably check in Friday, if the pain meds allow :giggle4: