
Daily Ooos: Wednesday, February 19


The Loopy-O
I think the cold weather has frozen my brain cells together. It has been unbelievably cold in NJ. I'm so frustrated with having to warm up my car, layer layer layer, and still I can't function.
It's not only me that is struggling. The sugar maples are not giving any sap and we are already "technically" halfway through the season. The amount of sap that's been collected so far would only boil down to a few ounces of syrup. Last season, the buckets needed to be emptied daily. Then the wind blew one of the taps, bucket, and lid off and they can't find the lid anywhere. It's been wild.

The HS session went really well even though we had to be inside more than out. The property and trails are sheets of ice. I was nervous walking from my car to the building. If I fell, I'd probably still be out there, frozen to the ground. It would be the 2020s version of I've fallen and I can't get up! Not like I could even call someone unless I fell close enough to the main building since there's no cell service. Hahah! I had three kids yesterday, the 4th is in the process of moving and might only come occasionally. The parents all stayed which can feel weird and b/c we were not outside as long as I had planned, I finished up ten minutes early. I looked at them and said that we could stay until 4 but they were all here, soooo -- *big shrugs*

I looked up the coverage for a chiro with the new insurance plan and great news! I have up to 30 visits/year for chiro/PT/OT services.

The bad news is that is is $25 a visit and that is not doable. I am going to look into the TENS machine instead.

I am off to clean for my friend this morning and then we are heading to Scott's tonight for dinner.
HAGD, my lOves!!
@taxed4ever Please tell Heather that we are wishing her a Happy Birthday!!
My mom and I were having that same convo about ages, my brother is going to be 59 and sheesh that sounds so old! (ITS NOT OLD!!!) Scott is going to be 29 and I have a feeling that's not going to feel so good for me or him. LOL
(((((((((((hugs))))))))))) to you if you see Victoria today. I hope that you feel all of our support and love surrounding you both.

@bcgal00 I know that you are going to have a terrific day out on the ice! I can't wait to hear all about the trip.
So good to hear that you are having fun and learning and practicing your design skills. When do you think you'll have enough stock to begin selling?

@BoatLady That's so neat about the baskets all coming out so different. After this class, will you do another sewing one?
I am trying so hard to not be jealous of your weather.
TY for telling me again which TENS machine you have. I looked on Amazon yesterday and I swore that I had wish-listed it, but nope. I am going to look again for the one you mentioned :)

@deej Smart move to get he laptop and get back home. Hope the snow isn't too bad!

@Terri M OMG!! That is terrifying, so horrible. :(
It's not the worst part of what happened but how incredibly sad and crazy that It didn't make the national news. It's just another day in the US. There is a lot of research that even if you are not directly involved in a shooting, you can get some level of PTDS. Not saying that you *will* but if you get some rollercoaster emotions, that is not unusual so don't beat yourself up or minimize it if you do. Sending you so many hugs~~~
(PS: I am glad that you shared. The Ooos are meant to be a place where we talk about our lives-- good and bad. No need to apologize, we are here for you ♥)

@vickyday How wonderful to be making such an impact with love and support for these widows.
I hope that the weather isn't too bad for you!
I think I saw a bald eagle at work yesterday. I am 99% sure it was a bald eagle unless there is another large bird with white heads and tails and a black body. We have a few nesting areas in my town and the town where I work so it's not unheard of. But still very cool to see.
Even though the weather is awful and cold and horrible and freezing -- and well, you get the picture-- I am hearing more birds outside so that makes me happy!

Wishing everyone a peaceful day xoxo
Good Morning,
Quick in and out again today. I'm heading out to finally make the church deposit from Sunday. While I'm out Mark wants me to pick up his prescription of Ozempic.

I'm catching up on my ATCs today, but will not post them until tomorrow because I used a pre-release on some of them.

I want to move some pictures from the camera to my EHD. I've been slack on taking pics lately!

No weather yet, but it is cloudy as all get out! AND cold!


The HS session went really well even though we had to be inside more than out
I'm sure the little ones loved it, anyway!
unless I fell close enough to the main building since there's no cell service
No cell service is not good! What if you really need help on the trails?
heading to Scott's tonight for dinner
That will be fun! Will you play games, too?
How wonderful to be making such an impact with love and support for these widows.
I love those ladies! I've been there, so I know some of what they go through! I told them yesterday that even though I am married again that I will always be a widow. Then I jokingly said, "What was I thinking to get married again?" That made them chuckle!
I hope that the weather isn't too bad for you!
No weather yet. Just very overcast and cold!
I think I saw a bald eagle at work yesterday.
I would LOVE to capture some flying eagle photos sometime! Heck, I would love to see some! But that's not going to happen where I live!
I am hearing more birds outside so that makes me happy!
Once they come, they bring their friends! ;). You will continue to have them!
Morning O friends, it is a rainy dark morning, but the temps have warmed up a lot and the snow is all gone!! Hooray! I will not be going to see my sister-on-law Veronica today, her and her daughter are both feeling the jet lag and time change, so they will be resting up and trying to get back to feeling semi-normal again. Gary and I will both go for a visit on Sunday and Veronica wants us to stay for supper. It will give us lots of time chat and do some much needed grieving together! I sometimes forget that my Brother's Death has affected my Gary very much also, they were the best of friends and my DH misses him very much too! It will be good for both of us to be there! So today I will try to do some creative things either here or in my craft room and I really need to get out for a walk, even if it means taking my umbrella and walking around the neighbourhood. I am going to venture out to Home Depot today to see if I can find some new pulls for my bathroom vanity. I got it all refinished yesterday, it took no time at all and my DH was surprised that I had it all done when he got home from work. I even went out for lunch with the ladies that I went to school with. It gave the primer time to dry and I got the painting done when I got home. Hope that Heather will face time with me this morning and the boys will be back at school finally! They have missed so much school this winter and poor Heather hasn't been able to get much of her own course work done, she is falling behind in her assignments :(. Anyway on to personals...

I think the cold weather has frozen my brain cells together. It has been unbelievably cold in NJ. I'm so frustrated with having to warm up my car, layer layer layer, and still I can't function.
It's not only me that is struggling. The sugar maples are not giving any sap and we are already "technically" halfway through the season. The amount of sap that's been collected so far would only boil down to a few ounces of syrup. Last season, the buckets needed to be emptied daily. Then the wind blew one of the taps, bucket, and lid off and they can't find the lid anywhere. It's been wild.
Man you guys sure have had a crazy winter!! It arrived very late and now it just won't go away!! It is the same for Heather, you should see the amount of snow that they have!! They are running out of places to put it when they snow blow/shovel. That is sad that the maples are not producing syrup! Perhaps that will happen when the temps get warmer? It might just be a very late season for them also??
I looked up the coverage for a chiro with the new insurance plan and great news! I have up to 30 visits/year for chiro/PT/OT services.
I think you should try to get to at least a few chiropractic sessions Chris, it might help your pain a lot!!
Good Morning,
Quick in and out again today. I'm heading out to finally make the church deposit from Sunday. While I'm out Mark wants me to pick up his prescription of Ozempic.
Hope you walk into the right building this time for your Church Deposit :giggle4:. Hopefully the temps get better for you too!

Ok I am off to the shower and then to Home Depot, hopefully I can find some drawer pulls that I really like! Have a great day everyone! :waving3:
Oh goody, snow today again. At least it's only going to be a couple inches, or so they say.

I stuck my foot through my fitted sheet in the middle of the night. I guess I was being optimistic about how much longer it would last. I offered it to David for a drop cloth and he asked if I had to go buy new sheets. No, I told him, we have sheets in the closet. But then when I pulled one out to use, I forgot that they are all from before we bought this new mattress, which is much deeper. I won't be surprised if that one pops off the mattress overnight. I guess I'm off to Costco for new sheets tomorrow after all.

I also have to buy new work boots, as the sole on one of my last pair fell off and I threw them away and we have a new trail to clear on Saturday. It will be muddy and cold and old sneakers will just not do the trick. I really do not like shopping!

I went for a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon to take some nice snow pictures. I wish I could have a caught a red cardinal, but I'd have to wait that out and it's too cold. Now it's time to go start the pulled pork for this evening's dinner; the Instant Pot is so good at that.
Morning O friends, it is a rainy dark morning, but the temps have warmed up a lot and the snow is all gone!! Hooray! I will not be going to see my sister-on-law Veronica today, her and her daughter are both feeling the jet lag and time change, so they will be resting up and trying to get back to feeling semi-normal again. Gary and I will both go for a visit on Sunday and Veronica wants us to stay for supper. It will give us lots of time chat and do some much needed grieving together! I sometimes forget that my Brother's Death has affected my Gary very much also, they were the best of friends and my DH misses him very much too! It will be good for both of us to be there! So today I will try to do some creative things either here or in my craft room and I really need to get out for a walk, even if it means taking my umbrella and walking around the neighbourhood. I am going to venture out to Home Depot today to see if I can find some new pulls for my bathroom vanity. I got it all refinished yesterday, it took no time at all and my DH was surprised that I had it all done when he got home from work. I even went out for lunch with the ladies that I went to school with. It gave the primer time to dry and I got the painting done when I got home. Hope that Heather will face time with me this morning and the boys will be back at school finally! They have missed so much school this winter and poor Heather hasn't been able to get much of her own course work done, she is falling behind in her assignments :(. Anyway on to personals...

Man you guys sure have had a crazy winter!! It arrived very late and now it just won't go away!! It is the same for Heather, you should see the amount of snow that they have!! They are running out of places to put it when they snow blow/shovel. That is sad that the maples are not producing syrup! Perhaps that will happen when the temps get warmer? It might just be a very late season for them also??

I think you should try to get to at least a few chiropractic sessions Chris, it might help your pain a lot!!

Hope you walk into the right building this time for your Church Deposit :giggle4:. Hopefully the temps get better for you too!

Ok I am off to the shower and then to Home Depot, hopefully I can find some drawer pulls that I really like! Have a great day everyone! :waving3:
HA! YUP! Right building this time! ;).
Temps.....we got snow today! I got some good pics, so its all good, especially since our pastor told us to stay home, warm and dry tonight. He is going to do a live from his home office. Sounds good to me! Don't have to get out in the cold!
This morning I went to the the club with some friends and we moved some shrubs and plants. Then when I got home I gave my crepe myrtle shrub a much needed prune job. I was going to trim prune some of the fig trees to start new plants but my back is so sore I will wait till another day. It is pouring rain now so that is good for the plants we moved. Jay went over to help one of our friends with an electric problem at the club. We had lunch and are testing the new recliners with the TV on. I think I will take it easy for the rest of the day because I do not sleep well.
I had one Monarch emerge today but it is far too rainy to release it.

@Terri M Your grocery store is incident sounds horrific...Life can be so scary. It will be hard to go back there I'm sure.
The other day I was looking at our sheets when I washed them and they are pretty thin so I really chuckled at your story. I do have a new set that are for the deep mattress so I guess I am ready.

@vickyday What you are doing with the widows is really amazing . Those types of groups are so helpful for everyone. Our daughter works for a chiropractor and he helps so many people. The weather up North has been crazy and not in a good way. The photo i get from home have been so pretty. Sounds like you did see an eagle...sometimes an osprey can be mistaken cause they have the same wing pattern but they have light colored undersides. But the white head and tail are eagle only.

@faerywings -That is so sad about the maple sap...I will have to call my son this weekend to see if he tapped his trees. He might be giving them a rest this year as he is so busy building the retirement house in NY and so much from past years. That sucks that your co-pay is so much, you might want to try to get in a few times at least.

To all of you suffering from the cold, snow and ice it has been so horrible this year I hope it ends soon.
Oh goody, snow today again. At least it's only going to be a couple inches, or so they say.

I stuck my foot through my fitted sheet in the middle of the night. I guess I was being optimistic about how much longer it would last. I offered it to David for a drop cloth and he asked if I had to go buy new sheets. No, I told him, we have sheets in the closet. But then when I pulled one out to use, I forgot that they are all from before we bought this new mattress, which is much deeper. I won't be surprised if that one pops off the mattress overnight. I guess I'm off to Costco for new sheets tomorrow after all.

I also have to buy new work boots, as the sole on one of my last pair fell off and I threw them away and we have a new trail to clear on Saturday. It will be muddy and cold and old sneakers will just not do the trick. I really do not like shopping!

I went for a walk around the neighborhood this afternoon to take some nice snow pictures. I wish I could have a caught a red cardinal, but I'd have to wait that out and it's too cold. Now it's time to go start the pulled pork for this evening's dinner; the Instant Pot is so good at that.
HA! DH's side of the bed.....the fitted sheet is thread bare where his feet rub back and forth. I look for him to stick his foot through it any day!
This morning I went to the the club with some friends and we moved some shrubs and plants. Then when I got home I gave my crepe myrtle shrub a much needed prune job. I was going to trim prune some of the fig trees to start new plants but my back is so sore I will wait till another day. It is pouring rain now so that is good for the plants we moved. Jay went over to help one of our friends with an electric problem at the club. We had lunch and are testing the new recliners with the TV on. I think I will take it easy for the rest of the day because I do not sleep well.
I had one Monarch emerge today but it is far too rainy to release it.

@Terri M Your grocery store is incident sounds horrific...Life can be so scary. It will be hard to go back there I'm sure.
The other day I was looking at our sheets when I washed them and they are pretty thin so I really chuckled at your story. I do have a new set that are for the deep mattress so I guess I am ready.

@vickyday What you are doing with the widows is really amazing . Those types of groups are so helpful for everyone. Our daughter works for a chiropractor and he helps so many people. The weather up North has been crazy and not in a good way. The photo i get from home have been so pretty. Sounds like you did see an eagle...sometimes an osprey can be mistaken cause they have the same wing pattern but they have light colored undersides. But the white head and tail are eagle only.

@faerywings -That is so sad about the maple sap...I will have to call my son this weekend to see if he tapped his trees. He might be giving them a rest this year as he is so busy building the retirement house in NY and so much from past years. That sucks that your co-pay is so much, you might want to try to get in a few times at least.

To all of you suffering from the cold, snow and ice it has been so horrible this year I hope it ends soon.
Get your TENS machine out, girlie!
Yes, the pastor of the church and his wife really have a special heart for the widows. They do a yearly retreat for them, too, in September that they all love!
Where is "home" for you up north? Do I remember it being CT? I can only imagine how much snow they get during the winter!
@vickyday ---oh trust me I am using the TENS.
Home was NorthWest corner of CT where there is usually more snow than other parts of the state. Our children and granddchildren all live there. Sold our house and moved to Florida in 2018 to escape the cold and snow. For 4 years we would go up to live on the boat during the summer, 2020 we sold the boat and bought a travel trailer the rest is history.
Good morning ladies. I was supposed to get a hair trim today but my stylist fell and hurt her back so she'll be home resting for a few days. I'll see her next week. The temps have warmed up and its a beautiful sunny day, so I'll take Remi out for a walk at the park in a bit, then come back to get ready for mahjong this afternoon at the club. I'll be driving to a small town east of Calgary afterwards to pick up some small organization containers for my jewelry stuff. I'll bring Remi and my camera in case I spot a snowy owl or the rare northern hawk owl that has been spotted in southern Alberta along the way. Remi will enjoy it. Then home for a late dinner and binge a few more episodes of Snow Piercer.

@faerywings What a bad season for the sap. Good news about the chiropractor.

@taxed4ever It may be raining but at least its warmed up and your snow is gone. Ours will mostly melt by next week with the warmer temps we are having now, finally. But we get one more dump over 3 days in March but hopefully only a few inches.

@BoatLady I showed the family your monarch pics, that is so exciting!

I have to go, A busy day ahead and lots to do. BFN