
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, February 19


The Loopy-O
Talk about being all screwed up and days and dates and life and all of that!!!
Whoever is running this Universe needs to stop throwing chaos at me, please!:director:

Snow, snow and more snow. BLERGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I gave my kids permission to use the F bomb as much as they liked yesterday. Usually I don't tolerate that word from them at all. I told them they were going to be hearing it non-stop outta my mouth so how could I reprimand them hahaha!!??

I was in my car yesterday, trying to get the defrosters all started when Gary scared me to death. He was knocking on the window (in his pj's!) tot ell me that school was closed. It was a good call. The roads were BAD! My mom decided she was coming up anyway, that crazy lady. She took the kids and I to the diner around the corner, then went home. So much for our relaxing lunch, but maybe another day, right? :)

I also went through several more rounds of phone calls and emails to various drs and stuff to find out about the PICC line and abx.
So for today---

*drum roll*

I am getting my PICC inserted. I still have absolutely NO idea if the abx will be covered, but we have enough saline flushes left over from Gary's PICC to keep it clear until I find out.
Scott's GF's mom is a pharmacist and she gave me some terrific tips on what to say that might help sway the Ins co's decision to cover the meds. And it is not like I would be getting the meds for free- I would still be paying about $300/month out of pocket which is probably what the meds *actually* cost. She suggested to use the "Cancer Card" if that is what it takes so I immediately emailed my dr back to say to use it!

I gotta fly-- we have to be out of her in 15 mins and I should put some make up on so I don't scare people.



Well-Known Member
good morning today I am getting rain. I think that means spring is coming. I was shoveling the little we got yesterday and now today rain. And by Sat it will be 51. I am so excited except of course there is always a bit of bad like what happens to the rivers with all the snow melt. Not looking forward to that. I also saw a goldfinch at my feeder and he is starting to turn yellow so that really makes me feel like spring is just around the corner. I am still enjoying my Olympic hockey but did read that my NJ Devils are back to practice today.

Chris so glad that the PICC will be inserted. I always see on TV ads that the Pharma companies will help with the cost of medications. Have you tried contacting them directly?

Phylis so glad you made it home safely. There are still a lot of cars in my town that are snowed and iced in right where they parked many days ago. I hope you are not getting that ice storm that I see on the weather maps.

Trudy hope you had a good day. I loved your page "the dream" congrats on the GSO.

have a great day!


Well-Known Member
Good morning!!

Chris - I'm glad you are getting the PICC line. And I hope the approve the abx. Sorry you still have more snow!!

Nancy - We are seeing tiny signs of spring too here. We got over 50 the last couple of days...64 yesterday! But we get freezing rain again tonight. I wish the weather would settle a bit. It is getting lighter in the morning though, which is nice.

I don't know that I caught up on everyone else yesterday. My apologies. :)

What color nails does everyone think I should get done today? I'm having a hard time choosing. :)

All right. Time to go work. Another day another dollar.


The Loopy-O
Hiiii, I am back from the hospital and PICC in in! The women that did the insertion were just phenomenal! Not only very professional but sweet as heck. The one that I spoke to most often even gave me a hug on the way out :)

It feels kind of weird, I can't actually "feel" it but its like a weird sensation. I can't explain it any better but its like a pressure but not really. It might all be in my mind!

Looks like it is going to start getting the freezing rain that was predicted here soon. But as long as I got to the hospital and back I am fine with it. I am cleaning at my neighbor's house today so I can slip-slide my way down there.

Nancy- I hope you just get a little bit of rain so you don't flood. I heard some birds chirping this morning and it gave me some hope for spring. It was 29* when we left the hospital and that felt downright balmy!!!Awesome news that the Devils are back at practice, you must miss your Jersey Boys ;)
Unfortunately, most of the med companies that "help" will only help people with no insurance. Since I have coverage for non-Lyme meds, I am ineligible. But I will keep trying. My Lyme dr also gets meds/supplies donated on occasion and that is how we were able to get a month of Rocephin for Gary last year. I am sure she will do what she can too.

Sara--enjoy that weather for me!!!!
Nail polish color-- something Springy!!!!!! Matte lavender would be nice.


The Loopy-O
Yesterday's ooos!

Laurie- your photos were stunning! Icy but stunning ;)

Phyllis- I would laugh at your friend's story but I have heard that before about the hospital being covered but not the dr or the dr and not the anesthesiologist-- crazy!!!!!
Believe it our not I have never read Hitchhiker's Guide. I should put it on my list. Glad you made it to DC and back safely. And so so soooo sorry to hear about more snow for you too. How long have we been saying "Enough!"??

Nancy- good de-cluttering!!! I always say that I am going to do that and I never do.

Sara- oh yeah, the weather's ups and downs seem to be harder on my body than the constant cold- which is pretty rough. I hope that you are feeling better, that b-fast would do the trick for me.

Phyllis- I am with you in the lack of quality photo dept :(

Trudy- so much rain for you! Are you getting back to normal levels now since you had so little earlier this season? Hope so! And yes, I cannot wait to be able to post a yay, the sun is shining thread!
I am packing my bags to move in with you right now:)

Weather-Bitch,. I think I heard you cursing along with me as I shoveled yesterday too :D

Love to all!!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... up half the night :mmph: don't know why I was so tired when I went to bed that I think I was asleep before my head hit the pillow! Then a half hour later I was wide awake!!! WTH??? Then on and off sleep the rest of the night SIGH!!
I hate getting older!! The constant lack of a good nights sleep just turns me into this guy

Chris - So glad that you got your PICC line inserted! Hope it isn't too uncomfortable! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you that all your meds and everything else you need are covered! I am hoping that you get to post about the sun shining and the crocus flowers blooming for you soon!!

Nancy - :rain: for you today! Hooray!! Hope it does not cause too much flooding! But on the bright side, it means that the sidewalks will soon all be cleared of snow and ice! My hubby was saying last night how much he misses his hockey! Especially watching his Bruins, watching the Olympic hockey is great, but its not the same! You will be glad to be able to watch your Devils again too! Thanks for the nice compliment on my page! it was a nice surprise to get a GSO!

Sara - If I had long nails I would get my nails painted like this for spring!
sadly I don't have very nice nails, but my DD has gorgeous nails, long and beautiful and natural, she just doesn't have time anymore to paint them LOL.


Well-Known Member
whoa. some tummy trouble going on at the moment. what next, Whatnext....

Chris, glad you got the line in. at least that makes you feel like you're moving forward! i have to take a look at the radar where you are. not sure what's coming here. lots of rain, i think. we had some freezing rain this morning, but happily i didn't have to go out in it.

Nancy, you're an optimist!
today I am getting rain. I think that means spring is coming.
i'm not there yet. i keep thinking that The Weather Gods are not done with us yet. does your river flood the town? maybe my city will be getting some of that. we have a parking lot in town that's always under wayer for a few days a year. if it ever flooded where i live, though. it would be the end of the world. i'm up kinda high. when are the devils playing again? the Olympics always seem to last forever to me.

Sara, wish i could give nail advice, but i am so color-challenged that any of my suggestions would be nuts. i like Trudy's idea!!

Trudy, i think this sleeping stuff DOES have to do with getting older, sorry to say. i keep waking up at 4 a.m., which is driving me nuts. too late to get back to sleep but too early to get out of bed. well maybe you can catch up tonight. although, doesn't it seem like you NEVER catch up?? congrats on your GSO!!

think i'll go lie down for a bit. :puke:

enjoy the rest of your day! :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ohhh Phylis, hope your tummy feels better after you lay down for a bit! And ya I am awake usually around 4am but refuse to get up. So I do end up sleeping for about another hr after tossing and turning for about an hour :loco: