
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, February 18


The Loopy-O
Ok-- right now accuweather is saying it is -9*, my cell phone says it is 8*. That is a huge difference in degrees except that really-- what difference does it make once you are in single digits!!!!!

Today I am starting back up babysitting/driving my friend's son to the bus stop. Not thrilled about having to go out in the cold, but I am happy to start regaining bits and pieces of my "normal" life.

I updated you all yesterday about my dr's appt. I hope that these supplements help. I am really tired of feeling like crap, and the shaking and tremors are enough to make me crazy. Did I tell you guys that a couple of weeks ago, I was convinced that I had Parkinson's? I got over that one pretty quickly, but the tremors were that bad.

I am going to post this now, so I can get ready for Max coming over. Have a fantastic day!

QOTD Do you have a favorite author? I can't say that I have a single favorite, but I do have favorites in "style" -- I like most of Jodie Picoult, for fun reads, Janet Evanovich. I know that I have more, but the brain has gone blank!



The Loopy-O
Nancy- hope you were able to get to the dentist with no problems. We had sloppy roads all the way down to the highway. That is great that it all worked out and you were able to get to see the drills. How sad is it that 20* feels *warm*!!!!
The smells of summer in AZ -- must have been so nice!

Trudy- darn people getting in your way while you are trying to swim! Good for you for sticking it out! Hope that you were able to get a nice walk in yesterday.
Oh yes, smell is truly amazing when it comes to memory. The olfactory bulb connects the nasal passages directly to the brain. I bet you get a whiff of summer every time you smell blackberries.

Shar- coffee is *always* the answer!!!
You are too funny about the dentist scoldings. I had a dentist one time tell me that I needed to get regular cleanings. I didn't have dental insurance for any of us. Gary was on long term disability so money was tight. When I told him that I couldn't afford it, he said to me that I needed to cut out going out to dinner and the movies. Ummm-- that was cut out loooooong before, not that I needed *him* to tell me how to budget. That was the last time I went to him.
Those memories sound wonderful- I love GWTW too, and I spent one summer reading my grandmother's copy of the book. It was old and falling apart but it was so amazing, between the story and the fact that it belonged to her.
And your vaca with your aunt... precious, just precious! She must have been one heck of a good lady.

Welcome back Ms. P! Bet it was good to get out of the house and get a haircut.
She gave me a list of what supps to take and what dosage. There's a lot and some that I never heard of. B1, B6 and B12 are right up there though. my dr is so up on current research and updates/adds to protocols as new info comes and and is distilled. She is very science/study oriented which makes me mad when people say that LLMD's are quacks.
Hope that you got a better night's sleep too!

LOL with Jean!!!!! Yes, we can include Sharon in the razzing when she feels better :rofl:
And yes!!! It is nice to know that somewhere-- out there-- there is a world not shivering, shoveling, and cursing at the cold :D

Have a great one, my friends!!


Well-Known Member
gleep. up since 3:47 and STILL i missed THIS!!


damn. i would have LOVED to have see this!! of course, it probably would have freaked me out, since, apparently it was BIG in the sky, even though it was only 2 feet across. the place where the pieces might be is about a 45-minute drive from my house.

Chris, i'll bet it feels GOOD to be getting back to somewhat "normal" stuff. just remember to remember that YOU are not totally back to normal yet, 'kay? good luck with the vitamins.

Trudy, i forgot to say yesterday that that photo of the lake view is SO beautiful. i wish....

Shar, feeling better today?

Nancy, glad you got your walk in. what i wouldn't give to live someplace where i could actually take a decent walk without getting run over or having to climb hills, hills, hills!

jean, were you planning on driving to Kentucky for that genealogy meeting? yikes! yeah, i heard that most of the weather was south of us, and KY and TN really got a surprise.

today, a fast trip to the little local grocery store, then back home before the next round of snow starts. :smow: drat. then i'm gonna watch the next 2 episodes of The Jewel in the Crown while i try to figure out something meatless to feed DH for dinner tonight. i think ti's going to be my mom's Egg Salad Turnovers. a low-fat delight!! :pound: NOT!!

have a happy day. don't get hit by any meteors. :becky:


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning O friends... Not much to report this morning, off to swimming today and hopefully getting some scrapping done. I actually got a page done yesterday for the colour challenge. I have been wanting to use the picture I put on the layout for almost 2 years!! I kept forgetting about it :doh: Then the other day I was scrolling through some of my photos on my EHD and there it was. I am going to try to get a few more of the challenges done today.

Chris - I sure hope the vitamins at least give you a bit more energy and stop those scary tremors of yours!! Glad to hear that you are getting back to routine, but do remember to take it easy still! You don't want Phylis coming over and scolding you
. :becky:

Phylis - Wow that would have been so awesome to see that fireball!! So do you think that there would be all kinds of people heading out to the place where it landed to get a piece of the meteor?? Gosh I would have a hard time with trying to figure out a meatless meal for my hubby!! He would not go for that! The only thing I could think of would be a Racheal Ray meat called That's Shallota Flavour Spaghetti http://www.rachaelray.com/recipes/thats-shallota-flavor-spaghetti My daughter loves this one!! Hope you make it to the grocery store and back before the next big dump of snow!!
I really hope that spring shows up for all of you very soon!!

QOTD - Gosh that's a hard one!! I of course love Diana Gabeldon (Outlander Series) but there are so many others that I love also! I love Colleen McCullough although she only really wrote on super big seller. James Patterson, but then they all started to get to be the same. Other fav's Stephen King and Sidney Sheldon.

Hi to everyone else this morning, I will probably pop in here later to see who is around! Have a great morning everyone!! :wave:
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Oh, I'm never too sick to get razzed. Gimme your best shots! LOL It looks like Camelot is about to end for a few days at least...they say rain is moving in this evening. Friday's golf may have to be cancelled...........nah.

Still stuffy and coughing occasionally, but feeling fine otherwise.

Dave's playing golf with his sister today. I hope to get at least one more scrap challenge done if I can find any art dolls in my stash (still no organizer or Bridge available to show me my stuff....WHERE is Paul???? That darn Day Job of his!). Also hope to get some more knitting done on my infinity scarf. I'm getting the hang of it now.

Hate the new book I'm reading, so will be making a cyber trip to the library/Overdrive to find something else. Scratch another author.

Phylis, I saw your FB posting about opting to use your "Sir Name." AAAARRRGGGHHH! Dave and I look at each other and say, "Just take me out behind the barn....." Oh yeh. We don't have a barn.

Chris, I have gotten to the place in life that if my dentist got THAT lecturey (I know that is not a word!), I would have gotten out of the chair and left the office. On my way out (when I normally pay), I would have said, "Send me a bill if you dare." You are probably still too young to have that kind of chutzpah. Sheesh.

Yesterday I went on a neighborhood walk with just a cardigan (well, pants, blouse, and shoes too, of course), and got too warm. I was thinking about all you poor huddled cold friends. Wishing I could share this with you.

I listed some of my favorite authors the other day, but will repeat a few: Robert Barnard, Elizabeth Berg, Anne Tyler, Amy Tan, M.C. Beaton, Alexander McCall Smith, Lilian Jackson Braun (Cat Who series...she died a few years ago leaving us hanging), Richard Russo...........

okay...in honor of Chris, I am going to go warm up under the comforter with one more slosh of coffee...I ended up at the computer in bare feet and no robe. I'm cold. ooops...maybe a poor choice of thoughts to share with most of you....sorry. ;)


Trudy, we need to get together and do synchronized swimming! It is too weird how we cross post so often.

Thanks for the recipe link. Not that we EVER do meatless, but for the most part, we love RR's recipes.

Have a good swim. I'll look for your postings in the gallery today. Love the one of you in Mexico for the Collab Challenge.


Well, the clouds moved in early, but I went for a photowalk along the shores of Lake Washington. Not the gorgeous "bluest skies you've ever seen..." kind of a day, but with a beauty of its own. Have I mentioned that I use a lanyard on my phone when I'm mostly using it as a camera? So nice to not worry about dropping it over the side of a bridge.
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One more collage:


The bottom photo shows the southern end of Lake Washington. The expansive building on the other shore is the Boeing plant in Renton (my town) where 747s are built.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Looks like familiar scenery as we are green and grey just like you and so many old boom sticks surrounding the lake here also. Do you call them boom sticks where you live Shar?


Never heard the term boom sticks before. I just googled it, and it seems that it is also slang for rifles.

I live about 4 or 5 miles from where these were taken, in Renton. We used to live in the Seward Park area of Seattle, just 2 blocks up from the lake.