
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, December 10


The Loopy-O
Guess what I have hanging on my fridge this morning????!!!!

A "Normal" mammo/ultrasound report!:dance:
And yes, in case you didn't believe me, it *really* is on my fridge. It was an exhausting afternoon but such good news at the end of it all.

Still no news on Scott's car so he will have mine again. Gary is going to take me to the grocery store, since I won't drive his car. His brakes are almost to the floor and there is something up with the rear struts that can break at any moment. Lovely...
I had a George Bailey moment the other day wishing that I even *had* a life insurance policy. Which I don't.:shock:
At any rate, it will all work out in the end. One way or the other, who knows? LOL

Christmas shopping is rolling along- I am done with both kids, except stockings. Gary and I are only doing stockings. I am done with everyone else in the family except my 2 nieces who are getting craft supplies and I am making something for my BFF.
I have to keep working on these baskets. Not having a car is making it harder to get around and I need one more trip "out." I think just one more trip and I should(????) be ok.

I am feeling pretty drained ATM. Another morning where I was up at 4am, and I am bleary, even after 2 huge mugs of coffee.

Thank you all so much for the good thoughts yesterday too :)



The Loopy-O
Phyllis- I would love to share a padded room with you but I will NOT share my drugs!! :D
What the heck was up with the postal worker? And investigation?? Just crazy!

Trudy- how did your trees do yesterday? All still in the ground? Hope DH is feeling better today!

Jean- thank your for the "Smile Wishes." I am sending a big smile back at you. :madgrin:
No, no, no. That was the wrong one...
Here you go, this one is better... :)

hugs to you all!


Well-Known Member
good morning - I had a wonderful day yesterday. I am sorry you all were having such bad experiences. My son decided to sign up for puppy training sessions and these are on Tuesdays when we have home hockey games. I could find no one to go with me so I bought myself row 1 on the glass hockey tickets to last night's game against the Chicago Blackhawks. I was so angry at my son and I needed to take some close up photos of my team and the Blackhawks are a fun team to watch. I know my son and DIL have to train their dog but I did not want to sit by myself. Well the Devils lost in a Shoot Out but it was an awesome time. Sitting in the front row is awesome, no one to block my view and so fun to see the puck coming right at you. So got some good photos too. Keith Kinkaid made his first ever start in the NHL and he was fantastic. Also did some Christmas shopping at the Rock so that was fun too. It was a lousy weather day but my DIL drove to the game and by the time we left the rain was just a drizzle and their was not flooding by us. Got my Christmas cards done and mailed so that made me happy. All my girlfriends and I tried to set up our annual holiday dinner it took over 30 emails to settle on a day and we still do not have the place LOL. I caused the most problems with all the home hockey games I have.

Chris congrats on your mammogram and love how you have it on your fridge! Family can cause so many problems. Men and female problems just don't mix. Sorry about your weather like I said we only had rain.

Phylis wow these post office employees are just too much! Good luck with finding your package!

Trudy hope the wind did not blow down your trees. Looks like more storms coming in front the Pacific.

Laurie smiling really does help.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
keep that up on the fridge for a LOOOOONG time. it can serve as evidence of the positive to you and evidence of what YOU have had to deal with to anyone in the fam who happens to look fridge-ward. :cheer2: is your crappy weather done yet? it looks like it was going northward yesterday. we were supposed to get some flurries overnight, but now that it's light out, i see nothing out of the usual. gray skies, a random snowflake. typical.

Trudy, hopefully your trees stayed put! i can relate on all the rain.
unfortunately, ours inevitable turns white and slippery, eventually.
hope your Hubby is feeling better. i think it's a plot to get you to make his lunch! :rofl:

Nancy, i'll bet sitting behind the glass is a great way to get great photos. i only did that once, and i didn't like it, because i couldn't really see the plays unfolding. i laughed at your 30 emails to make a decision. hopefully the venue correspondence will go easier!

Jean, did someone really tell you to smile? i guess that IS good advice, but there have been those times when i was looking grumpy that what i didn't need was for someone to tell me to cheer up!

well. there was some good going at the post office yesterday. i talked to the supervisor of the guy who yelled at me and it all came out to my satisfaction. i was quite civil, largely because the supervisor didn't act like a smartass and we actually had a conversation. aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAnd... THE PACKAGE IS FOUND!! contrary to what the fabulous "investigation" by postal officials told me, which was basically: "oh. tracking? well, that doesn't mean that we actually know anything about where your package is. sorry. we'll strive to do better next time." very helpful. anyway, i called the international Customer service line again, and got a lot of weird info. (this after i had to tell the "representative" that there is a charming and useful tradition practiced by an Indian tribe near Plymouth, MA called "the Talking Stick." how that works is that the person who holds the stick is the one who gets to talk. nobody talks over him. then the stick is passed to another person, who then has HIS turn to talk. i told her that that seemed like a good idea, and could we please conduct this conversation in the same way? after i said that, we made some progress.) anyway, the package that i mailed before Thanksgiving SUDDENLY appeared yesterday in the postal facility in San Francisco. no one had ANY idea HOW that happened. odd, since the other 5 packages arrived at my son's place of work overseas two weeks after i mailed them. but, anyway. supposedly the box is now taking the LOOOOONG way 'round to my son, but is at least FOUND and MOVING. i'll reserve judgment until it's in his hands. i am becoming a deep believer in the idea that we live in a country where we believe that all these systems and safeguards and oversight happens. but it's all an illusion.
experiences like these have reinforced in me the idea that NOTHING is working the way we think it is, unless it's something that WE ourselves have some control over. once you mail that box or letter, it's out of your hands. and, apparently, the system doesn't know what the hell it's doing.

so there!

anyway. today should be less confrontational, because i'm staying home and trying to do some Laurie-style paper pile clean-up. i just KNOW everything will look exactly the same when i'm done!! but at least i won't be arguing with anyone. there's that.

happy day, y'all! :becky:
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Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning lovely ladies!! Well we haven't washed away in floods yet, but who knows after this next storm systems leaves us we just might be sailing
downriver in our house. LOL really no danger of that happening where I live, the only real danger is the trees toppling over or the mountain behind us giving way, but it is mostly rock and hardly any real dirt on it so I guess we should be ok??? :noidea: We have been through worse and are still standing.

Chris - How wonderful that your Mammo is normal!!!!! Doing the happy dance for you!!
Glad to hear that your shopping is coming along, I don't know how you fit it all in?? I am struggling to get everything done and I don't have any gifts left to buy, just this darn calendar to finish up and get out in the mail.

Nancy - Wow what a nice treat to yourself!! Front row seats are great for those close up shots you want, but I am like Phylis and have a hard time seeing the play unfold. I got my Christmas cards finished up yesterday too, all out in the mail. I did not make my own again this year, just store bought ones, but the thought is there.

Phylis - HOORRAAAYYY!! the parcel is found!! I love all the smileys you have used today! They really help to express your feelings don't they!!! You have had a lot of feelings lately :becky: I would be like you though and won't put too much faith in the postal system until that package is in your son's hands!!! Have fun with your piles of paper, hopefully it at least looks like you have accomplished something going through it!! Another storm system this morning then it sounds like perhaps a break before the next arrives here. Guess that is why everything is always so green here, no lack of water in the winter!!

Jean - Well if nothing else that bell ringer got you to smile and made you feel better!! Can't believe someone actually said that to you though. Are we all supposed to walk around with a smile plastered to our faces all day long :becky: My wrinkles and smile lines would be like craters LOL!!

Well I have DH home in bed today, I can't believe he has yet another bad cold!! He better not share this one with me!!! I have no time to be sick right now
Hope everyone has a healthy and happy day!! See you in the funny papers!! :wave: