
Daily Ooo's: Wednesday, April 9


The Loopy-O
Hey there and goooooOd morning!! How are all of you? Hope everyone is doing great. The weather here is finally starting to get nice- we had rain in the morning, but when it cleared out, we got up into the 50's. Same deal for today, minus the rain.

I made it through yesterday ok. Although I could barely keep my eyes open at dinner.:sleep:
Today is going to be another busy one. Off to shop rite at as soon as they open. Unpack groceries, then off to the hospital. Then meet with social worker to help me figure out what I need to do about working. I did ok yesterday, made it through. I am like a shark- as long as I keep moving I am good to go. It's when I finally stop where i get fouled up. argh! i wish I knew what to do. I just worry that I won't be able to keep this all up. :(

That is about it in my little part of the world. Nothing much exciting.
How about you? Share with me some of your fun things to that you are doing!!


The Loopy-O
And wooo hoo! I just realized it is Social Security day!! I get to drool over my luscious bank account, and then watch it dwindle as I pay bills. LOL

Hi Laurie! yes, where is everybody?? Must be getting out and about in the sun. Enjoy your day!

Trudy- I think I saw you speed off right after Laurie!! Hope you got everything done that you needed to do. We just got new phones too. Gary and I picked out a free HTC from Sprint. Good bye Windows phones, you sucked!!! These are Android so already I am finding it easier to deal with.
How is Mason feeling? Hope he is all better now! How is Heather keeping up with him being in motion?

Don't forget the sunscreen tomorrow Laurie. Don't want you to look :embarassed:

Sara, OMG- I saw all of your bags on FB, it looked like you were getting ready for a week's vaca! Any news on Matt? Enjoy that weather, sounds like my kinda day! Didn't you have snow last week???



Well-Known Member
hi, guys. still having a bit of a problem"looking." like reading anything, looking at the computer screen. as long as i am just generally walking around doing stuff, i don't notice The Blob too much. hopefully it will thin out and i can get back to some "looking!"

swell. a multi-stabbing at one of our local high schools on the news now. dunno the whole story yet. the school's in lock-down. the USA. famous for damaged kids. and everyone has a theory about WHY that is.

OK. off to not look at things. enjoy today! :becky


Well-Known Member
good morning! the sun is shining and that makes me happy. this is going to be and has been a busy busy week. Monday was hockey game, Tuesday was off to see the NJ Devils and get autographs and see who won the team awards. It was such a fun day. My DIL asked if I came by myself and I said of course I am a big girl. LOL. I was not going to miss this fun just because I had no one to go with me. Besides I knew Amanda was going to be there. Getting those autographs was really fun. I am only missing 3 players on my outdoor page and I will have all players and coaches. They were all so nice. So many made nice comments on the pages so of course that made me feel good. Now today I have to go get the oil changed etc in my car. Luckily my son does it so I know it is done correctly. Then starts the busy part. Thursday and Saturday my DH and I are headed to Philly for the Frozen Four (college hockey) semi finals and finals. Then in between on Friday and Sunday are the last to home NJ Devils hockey games. Then I go in to Devils with drawl but as least there will be some teams playing into June. I am getting a lot of walking in too so that is really good. It has been windy but with the sun I don't mind. It is good to be busy but it is cutting into my scrapping time.

Chris glad the radiation is going well. Take it easy and if you need to sleep, sleep. It does not matter the time.

Phylis sorry the eye goop is not dissolving fast.

Trudy hope things are going well with everyone.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, it has been so very quiet here lately, guess everyone is busy with life after the "O"s birthday bash!! A beautiful spring day here today and I am off to my sister's property to help out with the weeding. She pays me pretty good for the work and its also a good chance to visit with her too. She just has too much property to work with as her Bed and Breakfast is also there so she likes to have it looking good at all times. Her hubby is working everyday long days so its a big job for her to try to do on her own. I am sure I will be stiff and sore tomorrow, but its great to be outside and get some kind of exercise!
Did any of you read the excitement that we had at Father-In-Laws birthday party? Just curious because no one mentioned anything about it and it was all very exciting for us country bumpkins! Here is the link if you want to read about it. https://ozone.oscraps.com/forum/showthread.php?t=29090

Chris - Glad to hear that your weather is finally feeling more like it should this time of year! For goodness sake, don't push yourself too hard! Your body will shut down on you if you do! I sure hope you and your social worker can come up with some kind of plan to keep you from working so hard!! Still not sure as to what I am doing with my phone, I love my iPhone and need to keep it so I can FaceTime with Heather, but if i upgrade it, then my bill goes way up and I am locked into a 2 year contract again. If I just keep the one I have and do nothing then my bill stays exactly the way it is and I can just go month to month no contract. But I really wanted to get my bill down to about $30/month, if I do that then I won't have any data and it really is not that much difference with any of the providers out there.
Why does everything have to be so difficult!! Why can't we just have a phone plan that works for us and you pay accordingly?? :sorry: venting again!! :becky: I will shut up now!

Phylis - I am sorry that you are still having issues with your eyes!! It must be so frustrating! How horrible about the incident at your local school!! WTH is wrong with kids today? Guess that is a loaded question isn't it!! Sending lots of prayers out to your community today!!

Nancy - Cute that your DIL was concerned about you venturing out on your own! Sounds like you had a great time getting your autographs! How nice that they comment on your outdoor page!! Its well deserved you know!! Now that the weather is so nice I really need to start to get out for longer walks also. Hope you have a great day today!

Ok off to the shower and get my butt out to my sisters, first I need to take something out of the freezer for dinner tonight. Hmmmmm what to have??? I hate trying to decide this every day!! I want someone to cook for me !!!! Enjoy the day all!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I'm being a tad naughty and ignoring work to do the Daily Ooo's. I actually got caught up with some things and decided to take a few minutes to myself before lunch. :)

Chris - I'm glad you are muddling through. I know the bags were crazy right? But there was purse and laptop/school bag. Then I needed lunch and dinner and snacks for Ben and I so that we didn't eat fast food in the car. That was the Husker bag. It's a cooler bag. I really wanted a change of clothes so that I wasn't out on the ball field in my teacher clothes. (Another bag...especially because while it was 35 this morning, it's supposed to get to 78 or 80!!! And I couldn't decide between shorts or jeans. And yes...we did have snow last week. Nebraska weather...what can I say.) Then Ben needed his baseball gear, PRE materials, and his school bag. Geesh!!! I felt like I was packing, but man...I wish it were for something fun! Matt still doesn't know when he will be home. For a little bit they were worried they were still going to have to send some people to Germany because of international laws! *sigh* How much do you think a last minute ticket to L.A. would be on Easter weekend? :)

Nancy - Sounds like you are having a lot of fun! It's been windy here too, but decently nice.

Phylis - I hope the eye stuff works itself out soon. I can't imagine how infuriating it is to not be able to see clearly.

Trudy - I wish I could go weed. :) That sounds like a nice day for you! I hope you enjoy it!

I took Ben to the clothes store with me the day before yesterday. I bought a whole outfit and a couple of tank tops. I am neither spoiled nor rich, but I can see how spoiled, rich wives can start feeling so "entitled" to splurging on themselves when they are alone at home all the time. :) But I was at a sensible store, so the outfit I bought only cost $50 for pants, shirt, and earrings. Tank tops were $7 and the dress I got for three summer weddings was only $35. So I still behaved. :)

Well...I better get off my time wasting and back to work. I need to catalog some books and get them out to the kiddos!

Have a great day everyone!


lOve the O!
Evening all - work is done, grocery shopping and banking done- waiting on my pizza to bake- it is my shopping day treat to me! That and a glass of wine. The weather is amazing. Phylis, I heard about that. So sad.