
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, (The Real) March 11


The Loopy-O
Yup, today really is the 11th, as opposed to yesterday which was Not The 11th. :oops:
At least I am not making everyone redo a Monday. heehee!!

I had a relatively decent day yesterday. I got some papers shredded and filing done. I found a chair yoga video that I attempted to do as best as I could. All of the flexing and bending of my foot had to be skipped over. I'll keep looking for one that meets my needs but at least I felt like I was moving. I also worked a little more on my faery house and it is almost ready for the opposite side to be built.

I never made it outside yesterday but maybe I can today. It looks to be an incredible day-- mid-60s. Gary and I are taking down the bird feeder to clean/disinfect it. I'll need to be outside for that so maybe I can sit for a while.

Not much else happening. :/

What is the time frame the doctor is giving you before you will be back in the swing of things? :hug4:
He wrote me out of work for a month and said ~6 weeks for the bone to heal. Boooooooo!
Good luck calling the SSA, I hope that all of the benefits work out for the best for you. Have a lovely time at the fellowship today. ♥
Last night's dinner turned out lovely, and no one fell asleep.
@faerywings Creme brulee is my favorite dessert so David gave me a torch for my birthday a couple years ago so I can make it at home. I use this recipe from the NY Times and it is super easy
Thank you for sharing the recipe! One of my kids or their SOs has a torch. I feel like maybe Caitlyn got one for Tom? If it is stored in my attic, I'll never find it.
Good idea for the vax boosters if you are traveling. I have been suggesting to my parents to get their measles titers checked to be on the safe side.
Enjoy the beautiful weather and the flowers! My BFF is heading to DC to visit her DS at the end of the month and is hoping that the cherry blossoms will be at their peak Last year, they were past peak when they went to visit him. She is also planning on going to see the pandas and I am super jealous about that :D

I don't think so. I thought we only jumped an hour ahead but then I get here and see I lost a whole day! :floorlaugh: Its only the 10th today. :heartpumppink:
*hangs head in shame*
Silly Wonder Woman thought she could do it all and not have aches. :floorlaugh: Oh well, at least most of it involved sitting.
Please take it easy as you are running around! Good luck with the sunroof too.
Pancake butt- mine feels like it but doesn't look like it ha!

The countdown is on for my Gary's retirement, only 15 more working days for him, well that is if he doesn't take any flex days off. That means only 15 more lunches for me to have to make and pack for him dance4:dancing6: I will be so happy to not have any more lunches to make!!! We have booked a getaway for the two of us to a beautiful spa in Brentwood Bay and we are getting a gorgeous suite with an ocean view and personal hot tub on the deck a treat for my Birthday in April and his retirement. Hopefully it will be the start of many more getaways for the two of us!!
WOW!!! The countdown is speeding by! You are a good wife making your Gary lunches. I'd probably let mine starve. *G*
What a fabulous getaway for the two of you!

Walks in to the interview this morning to find out he's actually interviewing for a difference position that's $5000/year MORE! The interviewer said she saw his app and thought his skills would be perfect for this other position that isn't even advertised to the public. Now he just has to talk to the investigator that is the supervisor for the position. Can't even make this stuff up! Have a great day!
Fantastic news and all good thoughts his way for the position! The $$ sure is helpful. Woo hoo!

@BrightEyes I am so glad SIL is in stable condition, I am continuing to send love and healing thoughts to you and your family.
Please keep us posted ♥

Went to my dermatologist and she said my lips have precancerous spots on them. I thought it was old age!! I have a chemo creme to put on. Went home and told my 2 daughters to please use a good sunscreen on chapstick, etc.
That sounds scary! I tell my 20-something coworkers to use sunscreen too. I never did as a kid and wish I had.

Wow it's monday. I was planning to check in over the weekend but that was an epic fail. I did more cleaning and arranging in the trailer we leave on our 4 month camping trip in 2 months but I already know it will be here before I know it. I will be ready!!!!
It feels like you just got back from yoru summer trip last year to me. I bet the time between trips flies.
Oh, how amazing to see the peregrine falcon! I am counting the days until I can put out my hummingbird feeder (early April!)
Your yard sounds like it is a nature oasis. :lovey3:
Where are you at for # 11 and 12? You look like you are close to me (I'm on the NY/NJ border)
Quick in and out. Ruth will be here soon to pick me up to make the rounds to collect Ilene and Louise. She lets me drive. It takes a little over an hour to drive but I take my time and go the speed limit. We talk and laugh together the whole trip.

I'll be back later today. Have a great day!
@faerywings stop 11 is Promised Land State Park in Greentown PA. Stop 12 is our son's house in Goshen CT. Good luck with the bone healing--it takes a long time and I know you do not have Patience-LOL

@scrappinmom that is scary. Be careful with that chemo lip stuff, my girlfriend had to use it and her lips got raw. I spent allot of time in the sun in 30 years we were boating but always used sunscreen but I am sure damage has been done. Good luck to you.

@AK_Tracy I am struggling with the time change this year too. Even my pond birds are confused.

Yesterday morning it rained so I got some things done in the house then we went to Music /dinner night at the club. I arranged a girls birthday lunch for 3 of the ladies so there will be 10 or 12 of us.
I need to get some papers motorized at the bank today, then a quick stop at the grocery store before meeting for lunch. So off to start my day.

Have a great day everyone.
Talk about mixed up time since the change... didn't go to sleep until after 10PM but then woke up at 4:30AM!!! :wow2: Couldn't go back to sleep so finally got up at 5AM... My body is tired but the mind won't shut off. I know part of it is concern over Son-in-law. DD#2 send a message last evening that they tried to see if he could breath on his own without the intubation but he couldn't... yet. It maybe quite a long time before he can.

Talked to DD#3 yesterday and she sounded terrible. She has a sinus infection and sore throat. Poor thing. I won't be seeing her until she is over it.

Need to get some breakfast then maybe take a nap.
Good Morning everyone, it is a grey, cloudy morning and rain is forecasted for the whole week. Probably no hike for me again this week as tomorrow is 100% chance of rain and wind gusts, Yuck!! I managed to get my siggie changed, not 100% happy with it, but oh well I will change it again for the summer. I really need to get a page done for at least one of the challenges, I am very far behind with my CheeryO duties!! Chatted with SIL Veronica a bit last night, she is happy to have her daughter back with her, she was over in Vancouver helping out a cousin for a few days. The grey wet weather always bothers them a lot, as if things aren't bad enough already!! It sure would help if the sun came out for a few days!! I will go out this morning for some more eggs from Hope Farm and then I need a couple of things at the grocery store, but that is about all I have to do...:rolleyes1: pretty boring!! DD Heather is doing a big exam on the course she has been taking today, so probably will not hear from her until tomorrow. The boys are on March break from school, because they haven't missed enough school already :(. She is sending them to their Auntie's for the day so she can concentrate on her course.

I never made it outside yesterday but maybe I can today. It looks to be an incredible day-- mid-60s. Gary and I are taking down the bird feeder to clean/disinfect it. I'll need to be outside for that so maybe I can sit for a while.
I hope you get outside today! The fresh air and warm sunshine will certainly improve your outlook on life!! Send some of that this way please!!! The birdie's are lucky that you take such good care of them!
Quick in and out. Ruth will be here soon to pick me up to make the rounds to collect Ilene and Louise. She lets me drive. It takes a little over an hour to drive but I take my time and go the speed limit. We talk and laugh together the whole trip.
So nice that you have a great time with the ladies while you are doing your long drive! Enjoy the day!
I need to get some papers motorized at the bank today, then a quick stop at the grocery store before meeting for lunch. So off to start my day.
Busy day for you, have a lovely time at luncheon!!
My body is tired but the mind won't shut off. I know part of it is concern over Son-in-law. DD#2 send a message last evening that they tried to see if he could breath on his own without the intubation but he couldn't... yet. It maybe quite a long time before he can.
Ughh I hate those nights where you don't sleep well at all, yes probably part of the reason is your worry over your Son-In-Law, hope that soon he is able to breathe on his own. Such a worry for all of you!! Sending you (((hugs)))

Well my mood matches the weather today, so I need to get out of the house for a bit and then hopefully I will feel recharged and will get my photoshop open and work at getting a page done this afternoon. Have a lovely day everyone, please send me some :sunnyeyes: if you see it today. :waving3:
Good Morning everyone, it is a grey, cloudy morning and rain is forecasted for the whole week. Probably no hike for me again this week as tomorrow is 100% chance of rain and wind gusts, Yuck!! I managed to get my siggie changed, not 100% happy with it, but oh well I will change it again for the summer. I really need to get a page done for at least one of the challenges, I am very far behind with my CheeryO duties!! Chatted with SIL Veronica a bit last night, she is happy to have her daughter back with her, she was over in Vancouver helping out a cousin for a few days. The grey wet weather always bothers them a lot, as if things aren't bad enough already!! It sure would help if the sun came out for a few days!! I will go out this morning for some more eggs from Hope Farm and then I need a couple of things at the grocery store, but that is about all I have to do...:rolleyes1: pretty boring!! DD Heather is doing a big exam on the course she has been taking today, so probably will not hear from her until tomorrow. The boys are on March break from school, because they haven't missed enough school already :(. She is sending them to their Auntie's for the day so she can concentrate on her course.

I hope you get outside today! The fresh air and warm sunshine will certainly improve your outlook on life!! Send some of that this way please!!! The birdie's are lucky that you take such good care of them!

So nice that you have a great time with the ladies while you are doing your long drive! Enjoy the day!

Busy day for you, have a lovely time at luncheon!!

Ughh I hate those nights where you don't sleep well at all, yes probably part of the reason is your worry over your Son-In-Law, hope that soon he is able to breathe on his own. Such a worry for all of you!! Sending you (((hugs)))

Well my mood matches the weather today, so I need to get out of the house for a bit and then hopefully I will feel recharged and will get my photoshop open and work at getting a page done this afternoon. Have a lovely day everyone, please send me some :sunnyeyes: if you see it today. :waving3:
I wish I could send you the sunshine that is in our forecast for this week! Today was 75 and nothing but sunshine! Same for the rest of the week!
Good evening!
It was absolutely beautiful today! We actually had to use the AC on the drive back from the widows' fellowship!
After Ruth and I dropped Ilene and Louise back home, we made the church bank deposit and then went across the street to the grocery where we picked up some things to fix for the church dinner tomorrow night. I got home about 10 minutes before Mark got home.

I did a dumb thing today.....
After Ruth dropped me off here and I got the groceries put away, I put a pumpkin pie in the oven (saw it.....had to have it!). Mark got home and I gave him the puppy dog eyes and asked if "he" wouldn't like to take a bike ride to Ruby Tuesday for their $6.99 sandwich and fries meals (we both got chicken). He said yes! So we wiped the pollen off of the bike, grabbed our helmets and jackets and headed to Ruby Tuesday. It is about 9 miles from the house. Got there, got seated, and it hit me.......the pumpkin pie was still cooking in the oven! By the time we got to Ruby's is when the pie should have come out of the oven! So, we ordered our food to go and headed back home! Actually, the pie didn't get as dark as I was expecting it to look! I hate it when I do stupid stuff like that! BUT....even though it was a quick turn around, it was a very nice ride!

Have a great evening! Time for some pie and whipped cream!
Good evening. Guess what? Somehow, I have lost my close up glasses. I have searched high and low in this house and nada. Zip. Nothing. I know, I have my bifocals, but I cannot scrap with them w/o craning my neck so far back that i probably won't be able to move it tomorrow. I found a pair of Adrienne's "cheaters" and I've been trying to use them today, but my nose is almost on my computer screen. I yi yi yi. Now, I have to make an appt with the eye doctor, pay for a new pair of glasses and wait for them to be made. What a PITB. This REALLY sucks.

Hey, Chris @faerywings would you PLEASE stay out of my dreams????? Yes, you heard that right - I dreamed about you not once but twice. First dream during the night, second one when I woke up and went back to sleep. It was so crazy.

Vicky @vickyday great pics. Thanks for making them big so I can see them.

Hugs to all. XOXO