
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, September 9


The Loopy-O
Good morning/afternoon/evening, dear friends!
Lucky me, I have been up since 4:19 am. Even the coffee doesn't seem to be reaching my brain just yet.

Please remind me to never again have Gary come food shopping with me, even if it means I have to walk to 2 miles home. He kept throwing stuff in the cart, telling me to not worry about $$.:help:

Oh well, what are you going to do?

Scott's car isn't done yet *fingers crossed for today* That means he needs mine again today and I had to cancel my coffee date with my BFF.
I wasn't able to order Cait's comforter online because Bed Bath and Beyond doesn't take coupons online. It is not available at the store closest to me, but if I go down there and order it, I can have it shipped to my house. I am going to try to get there tomorrow as long as I have my car.
Then I went to the GYN. This dr is the one that delivered Caitlyn. It was the only time I saw her, since I had a different dr that I preferred in this group. She pissed me off during the delivery, promising me to push really hard and I wouldn't tear. And I did. Horribly.
But she redeemed herself totally. We chatted books, movies, etc. She also had breast cancer and sees the same surgeon as me. She listened very carefully to what I had to say and checked me out and recommends a hysterectomy. She doesn't think an ablation will help. Now that this seems to be the course, I am freaking out!:madgrin:

I have to have a bunch of tests before we make a final decision, so I have time to think.

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The Loopy-O
Laurie- that is great news!! Much luck to your family! Keep on scrapping! I loved your LO for Maya's new Black Pack

Phyllis- Ahhh! I am gonna need hystero advice!!!! Talk me down, please! (Be careful what ya wish for, Faery...)
I have been meaning to make an appt with a dietician, which is actually covered by my insurance plan, but I have not been able to bring myself to make one more appt. But I should after this next round of drs appt (3 next week, :faint: ). I have to get good advice on how to best approach food and nutrition for my family.
Ugh on the not sleeping. But yes, better to stay home and rest if you are not feeling up to driving.
Love your snow cone idea!

Trudy- woo hoo on the shed and garage! And double woo for getting in a swim/dinner with your brother. Perfect ending to the day!
Cait wants to be vegan but right now seems to want to limit all animal products when possible. For her, its the whole philosophy of animal treatment, etc. But she will still eat yogurt, and cheese. I think that at her age, veganism is not a smart thing to do.
Yes, you should read these when you are done with Outlander. I had the Book of Life with me at the drs yesterday and she peeked at it and said that she read that series. Then she asked me if I read the Outlander series and I said I am working on that one too. See, she totally redeemed herself LOL
Hope you got lots done organizing the garage.



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Ughhh I am up at 3am!! WTH?? Is this what its going to be like for the rest of my life?? So I have browsed the internet and wasted a 1/2 hr on Pinterest and now I am here and my coffee has run out. Do I make another cup? Do I try to go back to bed?? Perhaps I will start a layout. Hopefully sometime today I will start to stain the wood around the bottom of the shed. I really should take a picture of it so I can show you all and perhaps you can give me some landscape ideas to spruce up the area that it is on.

Chris - Men should always stay at home when you grocery shop!! I always end up with way more than we need when Gary comes with me! But when they insist on being with you while you shop, there is no stopping them LOL. Hope your DH did not blow your budget too much!!
Have you started watching the Outlander series on tv? I watched episode 5 last night and it really is quite good and following the book pretty good so far. I am now on book 6 of the series and having a hard time putting this one down!! Yes I am going to have to check out those Books, although I am not a huge vampire story lover, they look pretty interesting! I think that you should really consider the hystero Chris!! It will save you a whole mess of suffering and you are really not needing those parts anymore anyway! I think that if I would have had a lot of pain like that I would most certainly have done it!! Just saying. Hope you don't get too freaked out about having it done!

Ok I am off to see what I can come up with for a page and then back to bed sometime this morning. :wave:


lOve the O!
Morning O fam- three days in a row- or is it more? Still no replacement card- hopefully tonight. Off to work- have a wonderful day!!


Well-Known Member
Chris, you know me and hysterectomies. i say GO for it. your life will completely change for the better. you will have some things to work through. (as in: you MUST take the 6 weeks to recover or you will get yourself into big trouble. so everyone around you needs to step it up and fill the enormous gap your recovery will leave for them, because of all you do every day. tell them in advance what's expected. there can be NO compromise there.) will they remove your ovaries? if so, you will likely have Hot Flashes from Hell for a while. keep them if you can. i know that that could be a complicating factor for the breast cancer recovery. your docs will know best. good luck. remember this is YOUR decision.

Trudy, i was up wandering around at about 1:30. i went to sleep around 9 because i'm so wacked out from nasty sleep lately. i ended up going back to sleep(-ish) until 5. i hope you can figure out how to sleep through the night! if you figure it out, let me know how you do it!!

i have to laugh about grocery shopping with your men. are you CRAZY taking those people with you?? i have to say that if my husband went with me (NEVER gonna happen...) he would be taking stuff out of the cart and putting it BACK on the shelf.

Hi, Laurie.

i have to start sanding the rest of the kitchen cabinet doors again. i went off the project for a while. frankly i'm SICK of it!! but i have 7 more doors to do, and they're not going to refinish themselves. so here i go.:ballchain::mmph:

enjoy your day, peeps. :becky: