
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, October 8


The Loopy-O
Good morning from chilly but sunny NJ. And no, I will not complain about the weather. :no: What an utter mess FL is looking like it will be. My goodness, the hurricane predictions are utterly horrific. My heart is going out to all the people in Milton's path. What a monster of a storm. :brokenheart:

Did you all have a nice start to the week yesterday?
The field trip at work was... "interesting." The kids were great but sometimes ya gotta wonder about the chaperons. :thinking2: Laney and I were with the kids at the upper stream when we get a call that a chaperone was supposed to be with our group and would one of us meet her at the bottom of the trail and bring her up? Laney is leading so I walk down to where the pool/trailhead is and no one is there. I wait a minute - still no one. I walkie to the staff asking if anyone has seen her since I didn't see her. A coworker and I are trying to locate the woman thinking she might have taken a wrong trail and got lost. Finally, I go back to the upper stream and there she is. She had no idea anyone was looking for her. She had taken the wrong path but it led her around to the stream site so she just popped into the group while the rest of us were in a panic.

However, the highlight of my day was a convo I had with one of the kids later on. We were looking for bugs on the forest floor so I am helping them roll rocks and logs and all that. The boy-- 7 or 8 yo- is chatting and tells me that my voice sounds much younger than I look. Then goes on (and on annnddd on...) about how I would look much younger if I could get rid of the wrinkles. He had $35 at home that could buy a cream to do that. I am LMBO and he tells me very sincerely he means this as a compliment. He was absolutely adorable.
I never would have thought that a kid making fun of my wrinkles would be a good part of my day but I guess that's progress.

(I did tell the boy that if he ever found a way to get rid of my wrinkles, I would be very happy. I mean, I am not stupid. Just cuz I accept having wrinkles, it doesn't mean I like having them :rotfl:)

HS session today is mushroom spore prints and foraging. I don't think we will be able to find too many specimens since it has been dry for the last week or so but we can look for cool bugs too. Should be fun!

Sending all of you big hugs! xoxo


The Loopy-O
@BoatLady Good luck and be safe. Try to check in when you can so we don't worry too much ♥ :hug3:

@bitzee I cannot imagine the back-to-back storms. How do people keep going, other than they don't have a choice? :(

I would love to see Moe and Vick (glad the "vic" isn't me, LOL) in action! Not sure attaching a short movie clip is available to do here, but if so, I would love to see it!
I don't know if I can upload a video on here although I know Gary has put them on FB in the past. I'll see if I can dig something up for you.
What?? 308 pages uploaded to Persnickett in a year and a half?!??! Wow! Thank goodness for their sales, but I think they lose money on you haha!

Yup we bought a new to us car on Friday. Its a beauty and we love it!!
Congrats!!! So it is a hybrid? That is really cool!
I hope you and Linda were able to get out on the lake, the colors must be stunning.
Good that Scott talked Gary into doing his display again this year, what would the neighbours think if he didn't?? They would never know when Halloween was :vamp1::knifehead::grimreaper:.

@AK_Tracy "peopley" is a great word and one that I can totally relate to.
How did you do yesterday after the initial 30 minutes of feeling invincible? I hope it lasted all day and that you took all of the breaks you needed as you straightened up the house.
My Aunt had to evacuate too, their 3rd floor apartment isn't tall enough for the surge they're expecting.
Oh my.......... Good thoughts to your Aunt and her home

@JeanneMN I don't know which part of your story made me the most stressed out. ACDSee or the chicken soup mess. I think I could deal with the soup over ACDSee upgrades. For sure. I am still using ACDSee Home 2020 because it if ain't broke, I am *not* touching it.
Although dealing with the leaking soup at 5 sm isn't; much fun either
I'm glad that you and Wendell had a nice time at the winery!

Gotta take W outside, BRB!


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
I don't know if I can upload a video on here although I know Gary has put them on FB in the past. I'll see if I can dig something up for you.
What?? 308 pages uploaded to Persnickett in a year and a half?!??! Wow! Thank goodness for their sales, but I think they lose money on you haha!
I tried uploading a video here, it doesn't work.


The Loopy-O
turned my phone on Drive Mode so everyone gets the auto reply that I have taken the day off. I put it in the bedroom so I dont see it. Its such a hard first hour not having it but that also tells me how addicted I am to my phone and the games on it. Now its been an hour and other then music I am not missing it. Its a great day! Temps up to 30* and the sun is out! Not raining. Just a gorgeous fall day. Laundry is running. I showered and dressed LOL Dinner is hubs job tonight. And I deleted his phone backup so I have room to scrap. Its a beautiful day! Might need to update sig and a few more challenges. I hope you all have a fabulous Monday!
Sounds like you had a fantastic day!! All fingers and toes that it keeps going all week!

Vicky- the fire is lovely!

@Cherylndesigns What a mess it is to vote and get stuff notarized. NJ has made it very easy to vote. We have early voting and mail-in as well as in-person. Lots of options. Mine is sent and I love that I can track it online. They are careful with the signatures, too. Last year Scott's ballot needed to be cured since the signature was messy.
so we killed two birds with one stone (that doesn't sound good, does it?????)
We say feed two birds with one handful of seed :love:

I started to work on the Week 1 AJ challenge and am hoping to get it done this morning but I am not 100% hopeful. I can't wait to see all of your LOs in the gallery.
I was looking at FLs map/forecast and it's crazy bad :( I am relieved that Steph isn't living there anymore.
LOL at the Walmart trip. Isn't that the way it goes?
BTW- I make my own hot honey. I warm up some honey and add a few drops of Cholula.
PS: I love it when you are gabby :groupchat:

love to you all!


Love my O Family!
Good morning from chilly but sunny NJ. And no, I will not complain about the weather. :no: What an utter mess FL is looking like it will be. My goodness, the hurricane predictions are utterly horrific. My heart is going out to all the people in Milton's path. What a monster of a storm. :brokenheart:

Did you all have a nice start to the week yesterday?
The field trip at work was... "interesting." The kids were great but sometimes ya gotta wonder about the chaperons. :thinking2: Laney and I were with the kids at the upper stream when we get a call that a chaperone was supposed to be with our group and would one of us meet her at the bottom of the trail and bring her up? Laney is leading so I walk down to where the pool/trailhead is and no one is there. I wait a minute - still no one. I walkie to the staff asking if anyone has seen her since I didn't see her. A coworker and I are trying to locate the woman thinking she might have taken a wrong trail and got lost. Finally, I go back to the upper stream and there she is. She had no idea anyone was looking for her. She had taken the wrong path but it led her around to the stream site so she just popped into the group while the rest of us were in a panic.

However, the highlight of my day was a convo I had with one of the kids later on. We were looking for bugs on the forest floor so I am helping them roll rocks and logs and all that. The boy-- 7 or 8 yo- is chatting and tells me that my voice sounds much younger than I look. Then goes on (and on annnddd on...) about how I would look much younger if I could get rid of the wrinkles. He had $35 at home that could buy a cream to do that. I am LMBO and he tells me very sincerely he means this as a compliment. He was absolutely adorable.
I never would have thought that a kid making fun of my wrinkles would be a good part of my day but I guess that's progress.

(I did tell the boy that if he ever found a way to get rid of my wrinkles, I would be very happy. I mean, I am not stupid. Just cuz I accept having wrinkles, it doesn't mean I like having them :rotfl:)

HS session today is mushroom spore prints and foraging. I don't think we will be able to find too many specimens since it has been dry for the last week or so but we can look for cool bugs too. Should be fun!

Sending all of you big hugs! xoxo
Remember the show with Art Linkletter... Kids say the darndest things, or something like that? Yup! So true! But I'm glad you didn't get upset about it because we are what we are and, like you, I accept that


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out this morning. This is the month that the monthly meetings for the widows start back up. Fortunately we don't have to go any further on I40 west of us since the road is closed from Statesville to wherever. At least I'm praying it's open all the way for us! Keep us in your thoughts and prayers today!


Well-Known Member
@BoatLady Good luck and be safe. Try to check in when you can so we don't worry too much ♥ :hug3:

@bitzee I cannot imagine the back-to-back storms. How do people keep going, other than they don't have a choice? :(
@faerywings Chris, you make the choice to do whatever it takes to rebuild and put down roots again. In those 2 storms, Katrina and Rita, our family members lost 22 homes. We were blessed with a large, close-knit family and a small close-knit community that took care of its own. Our church and school community shared deep bonds and helped one another. We did a lot of praying, did an awful lot of unbelievable hard work gutting our homes, and slept like the dead at night. You never forget it. But, it does get better and it makes you more appreciative.

I know what the current hurricane victims are going through. I also know how long it takes to feel whole again. I have experienced how difficult it is to evacuate and spend hours in gridlock with everyone else who is trying to get to a safer place. Victims of Hurricane Francine, Helene, and Milton are all in my thoughts and prayers. @BoatLady @FloridaGranny Debby and Diane, please be safe and I pray that all works out well for you and anyone else in the path of Milton :heartpumpred:


Well-Known Member
We were almost ready to leave yesterday when Jay went to start truck to get trailer. It would not start. the truck is 3 years old now so it was dead battery but the diesel has 2- Cha-ching. We put them in and were on our way. We are well away from Milton's cone now...hubby drove truck with trailer and I followed in the van. 6 hours to go 150 miles--unbelievable traffic. We are at a campground with some internet but it's not great..

I've had a trifecta of driving...4 hours to Pompano 350 miles on Saturday, 5 hours on Sunday coming back in torrential rain with 2 accicnets. Then 6 hours yesterday to go 150 miles in stop n go traffic...I am glad to take some time off from driving.

@FloridaGranny I sure home you bugged out!!! Stay safe dear friend


Well, yesterday was a busy day.... got my mammo done in the morning then had a late afternoon appointment at Urgent Care. I have been coughing for over 3 weeks and my chest was starting to feel tight. Turns out I have a sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. Stopped by CVS and picked up meds on my way home. So today will be a PJ day today and maybe tomorrow. The cough is not as bad this morning. I am glad that I always wear a mask when I am out so I didn't expose anyone. I let the DDs know as they and their families were around me without a mask when this started. Pretty sure that no one caught anything since it has been over a week since they were here and no one is sick. I am putting off my trip to the base to pickup my Rx and get groceries until next week. Also cancelled the Brown Bag Lunch with the girls today.

Saw a few balloons south of my neighborhood this morning - but too far away to get good photos. Just as well as I don't feel like trying to take photos today. Heading for the recliner to read and rest. CYL


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good Morning everyone! It is a cloudy, grey morning here and we are to expect some rain later today. I will not complain about the weather either as I read about what everyone in Florida is going through. My heart breaks for those of you who have had to evacuate and travel so far to get out of harms way!!:brokenheart:. Milton does sound like a Monster!! Sending all of you prayers that you will be safe!! Yesterday SIL and I did not get out on the lake, she had her first day of curling and I bet she is a bit stiff and sore today! I started on a layout about our new vehicle, but got side tracked with @vickyday's challenge and worked on that instead, great challenge @vickyday !! Not sure what I will do other than work on my scrapping today, I do have a birthday card that I have to get done for my DIL Jackie her birthday is on the 19th and I also want to get some things out to the grands for Halloween. It is free shipping Tuesday today so perhaps I should hit the store and find some Halloween treats and get that out in the mail today. That gives me a good reason to drive the new car :giggle4:. It is bigger than the CRV and no @faerywings it is not a hybrid.

However, the highlight of my day was a convo I had with one of the kids later on. We were looking for bugs on the forest floor so I am helping them roll rocks and logs and all that. The boy-- 7 or 8 yo- is chatting and tells me that my voice sounds much younger than I look. Then goes on (and on annnddd on...) about how I would look much younger if I could get rid of the wrinkles. He had $35 at home that could buy a cream to do that. I am LMBO and he tells me very sincerely he means this as a compliment. He was absolutely adorable.
I never would have thought that a kid making fun of my wrinkles would be a good part of my day but I guess that's progress.
LOL kids say the darndest things for sure!! A few years back I was playing air hockey with Sadie and she said to me... Grandma you know you are getting kinda FAT!! Sheesh talk about honesty!! That's when I decided to change to a Keto lifestyle and dropped 40 pounds, if that kid comes up with a cure for wrinkles, let the rest of us know please :prettyplease:. We test drove a Lexus hybrid, but it was so small that my DH could barely get his long legs into it. So he loves his new to us Lexus it has tons of room!
Remember the show with Art Linkletter... Kids say the darndest things, or something like that? Yup! So true! But I'm glad you didn't get upset about it because we are what we are and, like you, I accept that
Yes I remember that show and used to listen to the radio show on the school bus it was a hoot!! Wish I could have joined you at the fire! I love sitting around the fire pit!!
I know what the current hurricane victims are going through. I also know how long it takes to feel whole again. I have experienced how difficult it is to evacuate and spend hours in gridlock with everyone else who is trying to get to a safer place.
I cannot imagine how frightening and stressful it must be to go through this!!
We were almost ready to leave yesterday when Jay went to start truck to get trailer. It would not start. the truck is 3 years old now so it was dead battery but the diesel has 2- Cha-ching. We put them in and were on our way. We are well away from Milton's cone now...
So glad that you are safely away from Milton's path, but oh dear what a trip you have had getting there! :thud::hug1:
Saw a few balloons south of my neighborhood this morning - but too far away to get good photos. Just as well as I don't feel like trying to take photos today. Heading for the recliner to read and rest. CYL
Ohhh Kay, so sorry to hear that you are not well!! Glad that the rest of the family are not sick. Please take care of yourself and hopefully you will be right as rain soon!!

Ok off to make the bed and get going with the day, have a good one and stay safe everyone! :waving3:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!

The field trip at work was... "interesting."
This was fun to read. Those kids :giggle4: Chaperone sounds like an ordeal. I would have panicked. And I'm with Trudy, if that kid finds out how to remove wrinkles, let us know!!! For now I am embracing all my aging aspects except chin hair. That is just wrong and I wont accept that one. :floorlaugh:
How did you do yesterday after the initial 30 minutes of feeling invincible? I hope it lasted all day and that you took all of the breaks you needed as you straightened up the house.
Yesterday was good. Emotional. I cleaned, scrapped a LO and then cleaned some more, read my book, scrapped a LO swapped the laundry. Very low and slow.
We are at a campground with some internet but it's not great..
Thank you for updating us that you are safe!!! Was thinking of you all day and wondering how your exit went. :heartpumppink:
Turns out I have a sinus infection and upper respiratory infection
Oh Kay, I hope you start feeling better soon. That sounds like a horrible combo.

I haven't tuned into the news yet as O is my first stop with coffee. Hubs tells me Milton is ramping up even more and then seeing the comments here. :brokenheart: Prayers for all and that they're safe.


GrOwing Old is mandatOry grOwing up is OptiOnal
@BoatLady So glad to hear you're OK! We've been watching coverage & that thing is a beast.

@faerywings In 35 years, I heard a lot of those, OMG, one of my favorites was "you aren't dressed appropriately, don't wear it anymore" from a 4th grade boy. I was wearing this long sweater with stirrup parts set (yes, it was a couple years ago). It was very nice, but dark maroon with gold metallic detailing, but it wasn't bright enough. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Our crazy weather continues with 70's again this week . Trees are turning color later than usual this year and Wendell is concerned he won't be finished with leaves by Halloween like usual. Spun my wheels again with ACDSee and then crashed & burned with a new layout. We had the soup for supper last night it was good, still some left so it's on the menu for tomorrow night.


Love my O Family!
Good Morning everyone! It is a cloudy, grey morning here and we are to expect some rain later today. I will not complain about the weather either as I read about what everyone in Florida is going through. My heart breaks for those of you who have had to evacuate and travel so far to get out of harms way!!:brokenheart:. Milton does sound like a Monster!! Sending all of you prayers that you will be safe!! Yesterday SIL and I did not get out on the lake, she had her first day of curling and I bet she is a bit stiff and sore today! I started on a layout about our new vehicle, but got side tracked with @vickyday's challenge and worked on that instead, great challenge @vickyday !! Not sure what I will do other than work on my scrapping today, I do have a birthday card that I have to get done for my DIL Jackie her birthday is on the 19th and I also want to get some things out to the grands for Halloween. It is free shipping Tuesday today so perhaps I should hit the store and find some Halloween treats and get that out in the mail today. That gives me a good reason to drive the new car :giggle4:. It is bigger than the CRV and no @faerywings it is not a hybrid.

LOL kids say the darndest things for sure!! A few years back I was playing air hockey with Sadie and she said to me... Grandma you know you are getting kinda FAT!! Sheesh talk about honesty!! That's when I decided to change to a Keto lifestyle and dropped 40 pounds, if that kid comes up with a cure for wrinkles, let the rest of us know please :prettyplease:. We test drove a Lexus hybrid, but it was so small that my DH could barely get his long legs into it. So he loves his new to us Lexus it has tons of room!

Yes I remember that show and used to listen to the radio show on the school bus it was a hoot!! Wish I could have joined you at the fire! I love sitting around the fire pit!!

I cannot imagine how frightening and stressful it must be to go through this!!

So glad that you are safely away from Milton's path, but oh dear what a trip you have had getting there! :thud::hug1:

Ohhh Kay, so sorry to hear that you are not well!! Glad that the rest of the family are not sick. Please take care of yourself and hopefully you will be right as rain soon!!

Ok off to make the bed and get going with the day, have a good one and stay safe everyone! :waving3:
Glad you enjoyed the challenge!
Glad you like your new car!


Love my O Family!
Well, yesterday was a busy day.... got my mammo done in the morning then had a late afternoon appointment at Urgent Care. I have been coughing for over 3 weeks and my chest was starting to feel tight. Turns out I have a sinus infection and upper respiratory infection. Stopped by CVS and picked up meds on my way home. So today will be a PJ day today and maybe tomorrow. The cough is not as bad this morning. I am glad that I always wear a mask when I am out so I didn't expose anyone. I let the DDs know as they and their families were around me without a mask when this started. Pretty sure that no one caught anything since it has been over a week since they were here and no one is sick. I am putting off my trip to the base to pickup my Rx and get groceries until next week. Also cancelled the Brown Bag Lunch with the girls today.

Saw a few balloons south of my neighborhood this morning - but too far away to get good photos. Just as well as I don't feel like trying to take photos today. Heading for the recliner to read and rest. CYL
Hope you feel better soon, Kay!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Hello all.

Milton is closing in on us. I say "us" because unless you've been through a major hurricane, it's hard to wrap your head around it - not that there's anything wrong with that - it's just the way it is.

I've been talking to Steph all evening and Ft. Myers still isn't over Ian - Ian slammed Ft. Myers, FTMBeach, Sanibel and Captiva. They still have refuse piled up along the the streets and FMBeach is expecting another direct hit from Milton. We still have so many friends in Ft. Myers and Cape Coral and they're reeling from another direct hit.

Having deep roots in that area, it's so heartbreaking to think that they're going to get slammed again and SO soon. My two nieces are in Sarasota and Roger my SIL is part owner in an airport in Sarasota. We spent so many years on Sanibel Island for two weeks every Christmas and it broke our hearts when the barrier islands were devastated. Sanibel and Captiva are devastated still and will probably never be the same.

I'm in contact with my nieces - one of them has left for Punta Gorda and the other one has evacuated to a hotel in the city, where she works. The projected path is Tampa Bay - north of them - but they're not taking any chances. Florida has the BEST hurricane response system that you could possibly imagine. Thankfully. Governor DeSantis rebuilt the Sanibel Causeway Bridge in DAYS instead of MONTHS. OMG, being a former Floridian, I'm so upset over this.