Happy Tuesday!
Thank goodness for :tea: Would anyone like a cup? Tea, perhaps?
I got so much done yesterday, and I mean a *lot.* I clipped all of my coupons, hunted some down online (I use the website http://www.livingrichwithcoupons.com/ which is a huge help), sorted out my list/menus for the week. Then I took every Halloween decoration down, and packed them away.Thrwo in some regular houswrok, like the never ending basket of laundry (I would *totally* prefer a never ending basket of breadsticks... but no.... :sad: ) Cait wasn't feeling well and asked me to pick her up from school at the end of the day and I dropped her friend off on the way home.
Then made a yummy dinner- Scott and Gary said it was like being at a restaurant. hehe! My MIL brought up a salmon rhe other day so I baked that with garlic/dijon/lemon. I also made the Pioneer Woman's recipe for Crash Potatoes. Boiled red potatoes, put them on a cookie sheet, and smash them with a potato masher. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and lots of fresh rosemary. OMG it was delish. On the flip side, I felt horrible by the time I sat down for dinner and left all of the dishes in the sink to deal with today.
Today I am going to go food shopping, and Cait is going to drive me down to pick up my Rocephin. Her driving test is next month and she is not feeling ready. She really needs so much more time behind the wheel, and needs more time on highways, which are typically not where we live. Country roads, she's got that down good.
I also need to scrap some more for my IL's book. I was hoping to yesterday, but ran out of time.
QOTD What book are you reading right now?
I am reading an old Nora Robert's book- can't remember the name, but it is about a woman who is rehabbing an old family home that her actress grandmother committed suicide in years and years ago. It is ok- I bought it for a quarter thinking I could bring it to the lake, but I didn't make it to the lake all that much this past summer. (Next year. Next year- *no* PICC line, please!!!!!!)
have a fab day!!!!!
Thank goodness for :tea: Would anyone like a cup? Tea, perhaps?
I got so much done yesterday, and I mean a *lot.* I clipped all of my coupons, hunted some down online (I use the website http://www.livingrichwithcoupons.com/ which is a huge help), sorted out my list/menus for the week. Then I took every Halloween decoration down, and packed them away.Thrwo in some regular houswrok, like the never ending basket of laundry (I would *totally* prefer a never ending basket of breadsticks... but no.... :sad: ) Cait wasn't feeling well and asked me to pick her up from school at the end of the day and I dropped her friend off on the way home.
Then made a yummy dinner- Scott and Gary said it was like being at a restaurant. hehe! My MIL brought up a salmon rhe other day so I baked that with garlic/dijon/lemon. I also made the Pioneer Woman's recipe for Crash Potatoes. Boiled red potatoes, put them on a cookie sheet, and smash them with a potato masher. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and lots of fresh rosemary. OMG it was delish. On the flip side, I felt horrible by the time I sat down for dinner and left all of the dishes in the sink to deal with today.
Today I am going to go food shopping, and Cait is going to drive me down to pick up my Rocephin. Her driving test is next month and she is not feeling ready. She really needs so much more time behind the wheel, and needs more time on highways, which are typically not where we live. Country roads, she's got that down good.
I also need to scrap some more for my IL's book. I was hoping to yesterday, but ran out of time.
QOTD What book are you reading right now?
I am reading an old Nora Robert's book- can't remember the name, but it is about a woman who is rehabbing an old family home that her actress grandmother committed suicide in years and years ago. It is ok- I bought it for a quarter thinking I could bring it to the lake, but I didn't make it to the lake all that much this past summer. (Next year. Next year- *no* PICC line, please!!!!!!)
have a fab day!!!!!