
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 3: Election Day in the US


The Loopy-O
Happy Tuesday!
Thank goodness for :tea: Would anyone like a cup? Tea, perhaps?

I got so much done yesterday, and I mean a *lot.* I clipped all of my coupons, hunted some down online (I use the website http://www.livingrichwithcoupons.com/ which is a huge help), sorted out my list/menus for the week. Then I took every Halloween decoration down, and packed them away.Thrwo in some regular houswrok, like the never ending basket of laundry (I would *totally* prefer a never ending basket of breadsticks... but no.... :sad: ) Cait wasn't feeling well and asked me to pick her up from school at the end of the day and I dropped her friend off on the way home.

Then made a yummy dinner- Scott and Gary said it was like being at a restaurant. hehe! My MIL brought up a salmon rhe other day so I baked that with garlic/dijon/lemon. I also made the Pioneer Woman's recipe for Crash Potatoes. Boiled red potatoes, put them on a cookie sheet, and smash them with a potato masher. Drizzle with olive oil, sea salt and lots of fresh rosemary. OMG it was delish. On the flip side, I felt horrible by the time I sat down for dinner and left all of the dishes in the sink to deal with today.

Today I am going to go food shopping, and Cait is going to drive me down to pick up my Rocephin. Her driving test is next month and she is not feeling ready. She really needs so much more time behind the wheel, and needs more time on highways, which are typically not where we live. Country roads, she's got that down good.
I also need to scrap some more for my IL's book. I was hoping to yesterday, but ran out of time.

QOTD What book are you reading right now?
I am reading an old Nora Robert's book- can't remember the name, but it is about a woman who is rehabbing an old family home that her actress grandmother committed suicide in years and years ago. It is ok- I bought it for a quarter thinking I could bring it to the lake, but I didn't make it to the lake all that much this past summer. (Next year. Next year- *no* PICC line, please!!!!!!)

have a fab day!!!!!
Today is Election Day! Send a patriotic free eCard to friends and family to remind them to vote!
Have you ever wondered why Election Day always falls on a Tuesday? It is an antiquated tradition dating back to the 1800s. In those days, many people had to travel a great distance from their farms to the closest town in order to vote. Tuesday was the best day because people could begin their journey on Monday and avoid traveling on the Sunday sabbath. It also ensured they would be home in time for market day on Wednesday.
To celebrate Election Day, exercise your rights as a citizen of the United States of America and cast your vote! You can also volunteer to help drive people to the polls and invite a few friends over to watch the election night news coverage. Enjoy!

I voted by mail, so did Gary and Scott. We don't have any big races going on, town council and county freeholders, mainly. But even so, it is really important to vote at the local level- which is where the politicians have so much more influence.
I voted for our mayor for re-election. She kicks butt for our town. I didn't vote for anybody for school board. I asked around to see if people who are still active in the PTA knew anything about them. Couldn't find anything really online/local newspapers that was objective, and since Cait will be out of the school district in June (:faint:) , I felt it was best to not vote uninformed. Hope I made the right decision...
I just read over what I wrote yesterday and I did one other thing- placed the order for more F-W supplies. I found a wholesale whose prices for bottles and tins were awesome. Way better than the place I usually order form. Then when I went to checkout-- it was going to be $40+ for shipping! This was for $50 worth of bottles. That is insane!!!! So I went back to my usual, and was able to get free shipping on them. But what a waste of time. SMH!

Heather- how the HECK do you live on so little sleep?? Remind me please what was up with your heart. I remember reading some of your posts on FB but damned if I can remember details.:(
I am so impressed- what a jock you were back in the day! So smart of you to stop athletics after mono- there was a HS football QB who died last month from a ruptured spleen after a tackle. It sounds so silly- I mean who needs a spleen? But it really is s so serious. But I have also seen your photos on the beach/ocean and those don't look like very easy walks to me.

Nancy- that must have been one nail biter of a game with the Mets. eep! Black belt in Tae Kwon Do- that is awesome!
Are you used to having the house to yourself and no Rex?

Trudy- good for you to restart yoga- That is something I really should start again too- I think it would be so helpful. Just have to remember that it something that I want to do, and then do it!
Hope that you got all of your housework done too :)

Morning everyone the weekend ran away with me so didnt get to post
hope you all have a great day, have you seen the new designers things, I have been and treated myself to some of her things in the shop.
just made this for my project life album it is a 6 by 4 card.


I am reading the agatha christie Miss Marple Series at the moment, I have just finished a pocketful of rye and am about to start murder at the vicarage.
the question at the weekend re sports in the past- well mine is swimming- in 1984 I completed the 5000 metre swim marathon in 2 hours 50 seconds done in breaststroke only which is 200 lengths of the pool i swim in now- gulp I did a couple of half marathons after that. I also did one about 15 years ago at our local swimming baths.
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Morning everyone the weekend ran away with me so didnt get to post
hope you all have a great day, have you seen the new designers things, I have been and treated myself to some of her things in the shop.
just made this for my project life album it is a 6 by 4 card.


I am reading the agatha christie Miss Marple Series at the moment, I have just finished a pocketful of rye and am about to start murder at the vicarage.
the question at the weekend re sports in the past- well mine is swimming- in 1984 I completed the 5000 metre swim marathon in 2 hours 50 seconds done in breaststroke only which is 200 lengths of the pool i swim in now- gulp I did a couple of half marathons after that. I also did one about 15 years ago at our local swimming baths.

Claire, that card is beautiful - and the photo, gorgeous!
What am I reading? Right now, nothing really for pleasure :( - it's a human resources textbook for a certification that I'm planning to take in the New Year (next level up from what I currently have - I'm a Director of Human Resources, IRL). Strategic planning is the volume I'm working on at the moment. Oh yay. :twitch:
Hello Kat, nice to see you here, the photo was taken at
Thorpe Perrow a local arboretum not sure I spelt that right, we went last Monday and I took a few photos so slowly working through them
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Morning ladies.. Sunny and cool this morning, I really just wanted to stay under the nice warm blankets this morning. Actually had a really good sleep, so hooray!!! Today is swimming day and then I get pampered and get my hair done in the afternoon. It will be so nice to have my haircut, I look like a shaggy dog with my bangs hanging in my eyes, it drives me crazy!!

Chris - You had a wonderfully productive day!! But I must give you heck about the dishes!! You should have asked the kids and your hubby to take care of those for you!! For goodness sake you made them a wonderful dinner, its the least they can do! You are still not good at asking for help are you?? :nono: I bet everyone will be glad when election day is over, although not as glad as when your presidential elections are over and done with, my gosh they go on forever!! We complain about ours lasting as long as they do, but yours are down right ridiculous!! Sorry I hope I did not offend! :tape: Sometimes my big mouth runs away on me :becky: QOTD - I am reading the book of Life right now, really can't get into it, not my kind of book and I have a hard time getting excited about any book since I started the Outlander Series. Sure wish she would hurry up and finish the next one already LOL.

Claire - Wow! What a great card! What a beautiful photo! Are those Japanese Maples?? The ones in my yard are glorious right now! I am so impressed by your swimming talent!! My sister was a big Marathon swimmer, but she hardly swims at all now. It was all in the Lake, not the pool, I have always loved to swim also, but I don't think I could have ever done what you did, Amazing!

Kat - How nice of you to join us here! Sounds like some light reading you are doing...NOT!! :becky: Good luck with your Certification!!

Well I really must get ready to go and hoping to get in a Skype session with DD and Mason today also. Poor little man has picked up a cold and is quite stuffy. Probably got it from the play school he goes to (little germ factories) but its all good and helps build a good immune system. Hopefully DD does not catch it too. Enjoy the day everyone!! :wave:
Hi Trudy the trees- I am not sure what they were but they seemed quite small in height, compared to everything else and they really were that vivid colour.
Hoping Mason recovers quickly and your DD doesnt get the bug