
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, November 24


The Loopy-O
Yeah, I am a little later opening this thread than usual. I was able to sleep until 6, instead of my usual 5 am. No need to get Cait up and out so early, since she will be home from school the rest of the week.

What a freakin' circus it was yesterday. Cait gets to school and heads right to the nurse. There is the main nurse, who is very good with Cait, understands that her Lyme affects her immune system and stomach, and is willing to give her time to rest and see if she is up to getting back to class. The assistant makes Cait feel like she is always aggravated by her and actually said to the head nurse yesterday (in front of Cait and while on the phone with Gary, no less) that "her parents need to figure out why she is always so sick." When Cait tried to explain, she was ignored.

So the assistant calls, and tells Gary that b/c she didn't have a fever, she wouldn't be excused. Ok we get that, but then the ass't is saying that she has to go to class. Cait is trying not to throw up, becasue the nurse's bathroom was "closed" in preparation of the school's random drug testing. I tell Gary, go and get her, I will take her to the doctor, and if it isn't strep, than I will have a dr's note to help with the Attendance Appeal. he goes to get her, I call and make an appt with the dr, and head out to the supermarket.
(In between all of that, Gary moves Cait's car, which is what I have been driving, my car's battery turned up dead b/c no one s driving it, and he can't find Scott's car keys, which means he had to jump my car before he could even leave the house)
Grocery store was a madhouse at 8 am! Get home, and have a half hour to unpack before Cait and I go tot he dr. Wait there, *tap tap tap* Still wishing that I had a nickel for every minute/hour I wait in dr's offices... Strep test comes back positive. Drop her at home, head to the pharmacy and they are having a hard time filling her Rx, b/c the health ins co's computers are down and they can''t bill for it. Thankfully, he was able to get me one bottle of abx to hold her over and I will have to go back today and get the second bottle and pay for the whole thing.

Then I get some of the stuff done I had to do around the house, just sorting out the different piles of health insurance paperwork- all of the incorrect info, the duplicates- it is horrible- took an hour. then I had to make up some soap- simple stuff, just melt and pour but the lava clay wasn't incorporating properly and i made a mess of it. I think my mom will be getting a lot of those for Christmas. :)

By 4pm, I was toast and thank goodness, Scott had offered to make dinner for me, his eggplant pasta- so good. But again, my taste buds are off, and it was too spicy.

Today, I need to regroup my brain and figure out what will be my plan of attack for the rest of the products I need to make for next week. I def. do not have enough to fill a table yet. :(

So that is about it for me- wish me luck and success!

It’s Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day! Everyone has a unique talent or skill at which they truly excel. Today is the day to embrace those quirky abilities and show them off to everyone else!
Your unique and special talent could involve writing, art, sports, or math! Or maybe you are double jointed, can talk in a cartoon voice, or can do a one-handed pull-up like no other. No matter what your special skills are, today is the day to flaunt them for all your friends and family.
Invite everyone you know over to have a show down for the best special talent. Winner gets a prize and Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day bragging rights!

QOTD: What is your unique talent? Making a mess is one of mine. hahaha! Honestly, I can't think of one that would be unique. I don't seem to have any talents either, besides being a total goof/dork.
So, who of you can rub your tummy and pat your head at the same time? Ride a unicycle?
Chris, you made me laugh - another crazy day for you ... do you every have not-crazy days?!
That is my ultimate *dream*!!!! In fact, I said that to Gary yesterday, all I want if for a day that I have planned to go *as planned.* Not that I really plan for anything anymore, because there is no point.
You should have seen me when I was cleaning houses. I would get the phone calls from the nurse while I was working, have to drop everything to get either kid, get them back home and then head back to work. I don't think the school ever saw me in "real" clothes- only my cleaning, bleached stained, ratty clothes. I was (am!) scary!!! :fear:

I hope that Wed is a quiet day at work for you.
Black Friday! NO way!!!!! I have never gone, and don't ever think I could. I hate shopping when I am the only one in the store, could not imagine my insanity of being crowded like that.:boom:
Good luck getting all of your stuff done before your trip. What does an international drivers lic. test entail?

Nancy- it was 22*F here when I got up- so cold!!!! At least the wind seems to have died down since yesterday. Did you bundle up for a walk?
Hope that your DH is ok and that if it is an ear infection that the abx kick in quickly.
WTG Devils!

Trudy! Congrats on that Wine-Win!!! :partywine
That is amazing! What is Sequence? I am looking to get a family game from Santa but so far all of the ones I have gotten over the years never seem to be a hit like Apples to Apples.
Hope that you are all recovered from your weekend too. ha!! I love it that Your Gary asked about Nancy and the Devils game. It warms my heart when out "IRL" family includes the O-Family :kiss:

Kat- my BFFATS does that, she and her friend who is an extreme shopper, go every year and it isn;t so much for the deals but the social aspect. What aggravates me is the stores that are open on Thanksgiving. Do they really need to do that? Ugh.

Rae- my fingers and toes are crossed for you that your computer doesn't crash. I imagine that you need a pretty powerful one to deal with all of your photos and editing software.
Hope that you got all of your organizing done on it.

Hugs and love to all of you!
Chris, what a mess with Cait and the assistant nurse! Thankfully, the positive strep diagnosis will - hopefully? - make that nurse shut up. They would have sent Cait back to class with strep. Oh, uh-huh, let's see how that would have gone down. Fingers crossed the antibiotics work fast - having just gone through step myself, I know how painful the throat can get ... and I don't have the additional medical challenges that Cait does. Hugs to her (from a distance ;) ).

Unique talent. Um ... bilingual? Not very unique, though - American-English and Australian-English! :pound: (yeah, I'm a bit of a goofball, too)

Well, back to work today - it's a never-ending cycle. Found a little bonus while clearing out my desk at home this morning: an Amazon gift card. Um, I think the boys gave it to me for my birthday ... in March :shocked: Now, if I were to use said gift card to purchase holiday gifts for Bill and Stan, is that like re-gifting?! :nono: :pound:
Chris, to answer your question about the international drivers license - no test. They just record my current US information, take a new photo (hence the absolute NEED to color my hair - heck, I might even put on makeup!!), and fill out a passport-like booklet. Good for one year.
good morning - Well it is cold here too Chris in the 20s for a low. I did get in a good walk and did bundle up. Hope the sun comes out! Got all my laundry done so that makes me very happy! Turns out my DH does not have an ear infection but he had a dying nerve under a tooth so it had to be removed. Oral surgery. Yuck. but he was not in too much pain in fact less pain that what the nerve was causing. But we did learn something interesting. Hot food made the pain worse which was do to the blood vessel expanding and pressing on the nerve. I am also taking an Anna class on putting an album together. Since I do so many of these it is really interesting to get her take on how to pre-organize. Today I am going to get another EDH - I have to clean up my computer since I hate to throw anything away. LOL. What talent do I have? I am crafty - I can knit, crochet, cross stitch, needle point and not digital scrapping. Makes me feel happy to see my stuff.

Chris I can't believe that school continues to give you all such a hassle about Cait! Poor girl home with strep but luckily the abx should be kick in so she will be hungry on Thanksgiving! Hope you kitchen smells great today!

Kat how fun to find that card! I would hate it if I had to renew my license each year. Here in NJ it is always a hassle. Yes Friday would be fun to see all the people. And yes they do entice you in to the stores.

Trudy congrats on the big wins! How fun to win all that wine! I knew your calendar would be a big hit! Have fun making the new ones! How funny you mentioned me watching the game I thought my ears were burning!

Rae sounds like you and I are both going to be doing transfers to a new EHD!

Have a great day all!
Morning ladies... cool here this morning too, but not :smow: so that is good! Looks like we got some fresh white stuff on the mountain tops and hopefully it stays up there!! I am meeting my SIL at the Christmas Store this morning, so just a quick pop in here today. I still have to get showered, dressed and eat some breakfast so I have to make this quick!

Chris - That asst. nurse needs a kick in the pants!! It would have been so disastrous to have Cait spread her strep throat to all of the other in the class!! Hope that you get the rest of your faery wings stuff done today!! Hope that you have a semi normal day today also!! :hug: Here is what the game of sequence looks like


We made our own out of the little tiny cards that you can find at the dollar store and had the board laminated, its a fun game and we have loved playing it for many years. As for a unique talent, well I can also knit and love to paint, I can sew a bit too but don't like to.

Kat - How fun that you found a gift card!! LOL who would know that you used it for a re-gift??

Nancy - I am having a heck of a time picking out the photos for my new calendars!! Its the hardest part, but once I start it should go quickly! But it means that I don't have time to make any scrapbook pages and that makes me sad! Have fun with your new EDH, I too have to start thinking about getting a new one, I hate to get rid of any of my stash even though I have not used some things for years LOL. I guess I am a hoarder :becky:

Rae - Good luck with your new EDH also!! Its nice to have everything organized and easy to access for sure!!

Ok off I go hope we have some success finding just the right thing at the Christmas store, then SIL wants to look for some new lamps also. I guess that lunch out will be in order also :hungry: Hope you all have a great Tuesday!! :wave:
Good morning, ladies. I'm fighting a cold I think. I woke up coughing a few times and my nose was a bit stuffed up this morning. Hopefully it will pass quickly. My hubs found a gorgeous old cabinet online last night on a local bidding wars FB group. He won the bid so we pick it up at the end on Sunday when we come home from Washington (Thurs-Sat night). He loves to shop online.

Chris - what a nightmare with the school system. Hope you get your stuff ready for the craft sale. I always work well under pressure and it sounds like you do too.

Kat - yay for finding the gift card! That's awesome.

Trudy - how cool that you made your own game board! Have fun at the Xmas store.

Nancy - fingers crossed we both find good deals on EHDs. I am not looking forward to the hassle of transferring and reloading all my programs and files later once I get a new computer. But, the silver lining will be that since I'll be starting with a new lightroom catalog, maybe I'll be more organized.

Hmmm.....not sure what my talent would be. I can type fast, over 130 wpm, so I guess that's a talent. I find it really easy to chat with people, to socialize...maybe that's a talent. Anyway, that's about all I can think of at the moment.