Yeah, I am a little later opening this thread than usual. I was able to sleep until 6, instead of my usual 5 am. No need to get Cait up and out so early, since she will be home from school the rest of the week.
What a freakin' circus it was yesterday. Cait gets to school and heads right to the nurse. There is the main nurse, who is very good with Cait, understands that her Lyme affects her immune system and stomach, and is willing to give her time to rest and see if she is up to getting back to class. The assistant makes Cait feel like she is always aggravated by her and actually said to the head nurse yesterday (in front of Cait and while on the phone with Gary, no less) that "her parents need to figure out why she is always so sick." When Cait tried to explain, she was ignored.
So the assistant calls, and tells Gary that b/c she didn't have a fever, she wouldn't be excused. Ok we get that, but then the ass't is saying that she has to go to class. Cait is trying not to throw up, becasue the nurse's bathroom was "closed" in preparation of the school's random drug testing. I tell Gary, go and get her, I will take her to the doctor, and if it isn't strep, than I will have a dr's note to help with the Attendance Appeal. he goes to get her, I call and make an appt with the dr, and head out to the supermarket.
(In between all of that, Gary moves Cait's car, which is what I have been driving, my car's battery turned up dead b/c no one s driving it, and he can't find Scott's car keys, which means he had to jump my car before he could even leave the house)
Grocery store was a madhouse at 8 am! Get home, and have a half hour to unpack before Cait and I go tot he dr. Wait there, *tap tap tap* Still wishing that I had a nickel for every minute/hour I wait in dr's offices... Strep test comes back positive. Drop her at home, head to the pharmacy and they are having a hard time filling her Rx, b/c the health ins co's computers are down and they can''t bill for it. Thankfully, he was able to get me one bottle of abx to hold her over and I will have to go back today and get the second bottle and pay for the whole thing.
Then I get some of the stuff done I had to do around the house, just sorting out the different piles of health insurance paperwork- all of the incorrect info, the duplicates- it is horrible- took an hour. then I had to make up some soap- simple stuff, just melt and pour but the lava clay wasn't incorporating properly and i made a mess of it. I think my mom will be getting a lot of those for Christmas.
By 4pm, I was toast and thank goodness, Scott had offered to make dinner for me, his eggplant pasta- so good. But again, my taste buds are off, and it was too spicy.
Today, I need to regroup my brain and figure out what will be my plan of attack for the rest of the products I need to make for next week. I def. do not have enough to fill a table yet.
So that is about it for me- wish me luck and success!
What a freakin' circus it was yesterday. Cait gets to school and heads right to the nurse. There is the main nurse, who is very good with Cait, understands that her Lyme affects her immune system and stomach, and is willing to give her time to rest and see if she is up to getting back to class. The assistant makes Cait feel like she is always aggravated by her and actually said to the head nurse yesterday (in front of Cait and while on the phone with Gary, no less) that "her parents need to figure out why she is always so sick." When Cait tried to explain, she was ignored.
So the assistant calls, and tells Gary that b/c she didn't have a fever, she wouldn't be excused. Ok we get that, but then the ass't is saying that she has to go to class. Cait is trying not to throw up, becasue the nurse's bathroom was "closed" in preparation of the school's random drug testing. I tell Gary, go and get her, I will take her to the doctor, and if it isn't strep, than I will have a dr's note to help with the Attendance Appeal. he goes to get her, I call and make an appt with the dr, and head out to the supermarket.
(In between all of that, Gary moves Cait's car, which is what I have been driving, my car's battery turned up dead b/c no one s driving it, and he can't find Scott's car keys, which means he had to jump my car before he could even leave the house)
Grocery store was a madhouse at 8 am! Get home, and have a half hour to unpack before Cait and I go tot he dr. Wait there, *tap tap tap* Still wishing that I had a nickel for every minute/hour I wait in dr's offices... Strep test comes back positive. Drop her at home, head to the pharmacy and they are having a hard time filling her Rx, b/c the health ins co's computers are down and they can''t bill for it. Thankfully, he was able to get me one bottle of abx to hold her over and I will have to go back today and get the second bottle and pay for the whole thing.
Then I get some of the stuff done I had to do around the house, just sorting out the different piles of health insurance paperwork- all of the incorrect info, the duplicates- it is horrible- took an hour. then I had to make up some soap- simple stuff, just melt and pour but the lava clay wasn't incorporating properly and i made a mess of it. I think my mom will be getting a lot of those for Christmas.

By 4pm, I was toast and thank goodness, Scott had offered to make dinner for me, his eggplant pasta- so good. But again, my taste buds are off, and it was too spicy.
Today, I need to regroup my brain and figure out what will be my plan of attack for the rest of the products I need to make for next week. I def. do not have enough to fill a table yet.

So that is about it for me- wish me luck and success!