
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, November 21


The Loopy-O
Happy Tuesday!
Good news from Faery Land! No anxiety attacks. Not planning for any of them today either.

I got loads done yesterday. Both bathrooms are sparkly clean, the curtains and all of the towels are washed. I took a break from cleaning and called the medical center about the mammo and health insurance issue. I was told that if my insurance is accepted by the main hospital, all of the departments within will accept it. Whew! I am not going to make an appt just yet but it's on my list for next week. I am not going to let that one slide.
Meanwhile, Jaida is doing her Jaida-Thing. She won't stop using her leg. We rearranged the sofa in the LR to open up space for Thursday and now she has one more surface to jump on to look out the window. :runningdog:(And bark. At everything and nothing.)
How will I get her to behave on Thanksgiving with people coming in and out? Especially with a toddler? Sam is stopping by today to drop off her crock pot. When she is here, I'll ask her what she thinks and if she can ask one of the vet techs if she is in the office today.
Happy news from Scott- Sam's sister is officially calling him Uncle Scott. She is the one who has a toddler (Logan) and is due any day with a girl. He was beaming when he shared that with us. He still says he does *not* want to be a dad but thinks being a crazy uncle is going to be the best.

Plans for today are to clean the LR/DR/kitchen so tomorrow I can cook. I want to do some scrapping, I have only had a few minutes here and there the last few days. It's worked out well since I am doing the progressive AJ page. I honestly don't think I've done a progressive page before. Or more likely, I started one but didn't follow through to finish it. I love that as you build it, you rearrange and add and move and re-layer. I am using one arrow that has been in a different spot each week hahah!
@Cherylndesigns TY for the Standing O as well as for the LOs you used for your Color Play blog post. I just read that this morning ♥



The Loopy-O
@vickyday It's cold here too! At least it is sunny.
You sound so snuggly in your blanket sweater, it has to be hard finding things to wear over your cast. Is today the appt or tomorrow?

@Su_Sanne LOL!!! At least I can pronounce "mindless." Theere is no way I'd attempt to pronounce "kopflos" and "übereilt" :p

@taxed4ever I hope that you enjoyed your day in your craft room!
Looking back, I am so relieved that I didn't have the family over for my dad's b-day party last weekend. Can you imagine how frantic I would be if I had that, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas Day? :thud:

@Cherylndesigns hahaha at Chuck and his flannel pants collection :D Was he wearing them when he had his virtual doctor visit? ;)
Glad to hear that he is slowly getting his appetite back. Are Steph and Asher staying with you or Adrienne? Or both? *G*
Hehe, I figured that would be Chuck's reaction to the walker :rotfl:


Quick in and out today. Sis and I stayed up way too late on Sunday evening (midnight) because we were talking and lost tract of time. Yesterday was busy all day. We drove up (22 miles) to pay my property taxes then went shopping at the nearby strip mall. I had not been up there for over a year...and some stores had closed but TJ Max is there now. Didn't find anything for either of us. We popped into Ross and found a few treasures... We both bought shoes and purses and a blouse for her and a Karen Scott sweat shirt for me. Over to Walmart - right across the highway and I scored on 3 pair of sweatpants. Back home for lunch and then we popped over to Sam's so she could pick up a couple of things. By that time I was worn out and ready to sit in the recliner and just visit. Today we are going to work on re-hemming her floor length concert black dress. And wait for a couple of Amazon deliveries. I ordered a couple pairs of compression gloves and my sweet sis ordered me a electric jar lid opener for my birthday! She said she would see how it worked for me and then she would get one for herself. The plans for the rest of the week is just to rest and visit. Depending on the weather, she may stay until Saturday or Sunday. We were lucky that it had rained early yesterday in the morning, was clear until late in the afternoon then had rain/thunderstorm in the evening so we were able to get our running done without it raining on us. Will be baking the pumpkin pie tomorrow... and getting the chicken breasts out to thaw. Nice to not have a huge meal to prepare... so the rest of the week will be just visiting and relaxing.

I hear her stirring - HAGD


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning Oozies. Don't faint because I'm up so early. I just woke up and after awhile, knew I wasn't going to go back to sleep. UGH. I think I'm just excited that Steph and Asher will be here tonight. Chris @faerywings Asher will stay here the whole time, but Steph might stay at Adrienne's Wed night. The girls said they are doing everything this year - they've been very clandestine about everything. They're having fun with their planning and they're cooking everything. It's so cute. I have been told to stay away and we're hoping Chuck feels like going up for a little while. Yes, you were spot on about the walker and yes, he wore his flannel pants and one of his flannel shirts for his doctor visit. I'm SO thankful that he got to do a virtual appointment and will push for those when possible. He ate pretty well yesterday. I made chicken noodle soup and cornbread muffins late in the afternoon and that tasted good to him. He'll probably want another egg McMuffin tonight. I'd like to make the potato soup today so we'll have it here to eat while Steph and Asher are here. We'll have left-overs after Thursday, too. Sounds like you are organized like a well-oiled machine and ready to roll for Thanksgiving! Your page is awesome and totally deserved the GSO and I'm glad you liked the blog post and saw your ATC and our page on there. We're getting organized on the blog and I remembered to tell the ladies that their pages would be featured on there.

Kay @BrightEyes sounds like you and Sis are having a wonderful time. Visiting til all hours, and shopping. Now you can enjoy some yummy good together.

Eva @tanteva Happy Birthday to John! Love your sweet layout. Good to see you in here.

Hugs to everybody who comes in here after me. I'm getting sleepy again so I might go lay back down.

Oh, BTW, Buddy made a surprise fly in last night - he has a blog post this morning. :elf4::elf1::elf2:



Love my O Family!
@vickyday It's cold here too! At least it is sunny.
You sound so snuggly in your blanket sweater, it has to be hard finding things to wear over your cast. Is today the appt or tomorrow?

@Su_Sanne LOL!!! At least I can pronounce "mindless." Theere is no way I'd attempt to pronounce "kopflos" and "übereilt" :p

@taxed4ever I hope that you enjoyed your day in your craft room!
Looking back, I am so relieved that I didn't have the family over for my dad's b-day party last weekend. Can you imagine how frantic I would be if I had that, then Thanksgiving, and then Christmas Day? :thud:

@Cherylndesigns hahaha at Chuck and his flannel pants collection :D Was he wearing them when he had his virtual doctor visit? ;)
Glad to hear that he is slowly getting his appetite back. Are Steph and Asher staying with you or Adrienne? Or both? *G*
Hehe, I figured that would be Chuck's reaction to the walker :rotfl:
Tomorrow afternoon at 4 is the cast removal appt (thinking positively) ;)


Love my O Family!
Quick in and out today. Sis and I stayed up way too late on Sunday evening (midnight) because we were talking and lost tract of time. Yesterday was busy all day. We drove up (22 miles) to pay my property taxes then went shopping at the nearby strip mall. I had not been up there for over a year...and some stores had closed but TJ Max is there now. Didn't find anything for either of us. We popped into Ross and found a few treasures... We both bought shoes and purses and a blouse for her and a Karen Scott sweat shirt for me. Over to Walmart - right across the highway and I scored on 3 pair of sweatpants. Back home for lunch and then we popped over to Sam's so she could pick up a couple of things. By that time I was worn out and ready to sit in the recliner and just visit. Today we are going to work on re-hemming her floor length concert black dress. And wait for a couple of Amazon deliveries. I ordered a couple pairs of compression gloves and my sweet sis ordered me a electric jar lid opener for my birthday! She said she would see how it worked for me and then she would get one for herself. The plans for the rest of the week is just to rest and visit. Depending on the weather, she may stay until Saturday or Sunday. We were lucky that it had rained early yesterday in the morning, was clear until late in the afternoon then had rain/thunderstorm in the evening so we were able to get our running done without it raining on us. Will be baking the pumpkin pie tomorrow... and getting the chicken breasts out to thaw. Nice to not have a huge meal to prepare... so the rest of the week will be just visiting and relaxing.

I hear her stirring - HAGD
Sounds like you are having a wonderful visit but are going to have to rest after she leaves! ;). Good for you! :heartpumpred:


Love my O Family!
Good morning,
It's a rainy day here. It sounds wonderful! And Mark is in the woods camped in front of a fire as usual! I really think he would live out there if he thought I'd let him! And, actually I would be ok with that for a little while, lol!

We are going out to dinner with my sister-in-law tonight. She will always be my SIL even though I've remarried! Tim's whole family accepted Mark into the family, even my MIL and FIL. Tim's mom couldn't believe I got married a year after he passed away. She said, "Have you forgotten Tim already?" I said, "No! Of course not! He will always have a big piece of my heart! You can't be with someone for 46 years and forget about them!" After meeting Mark and getting to know him a bit she said, "Tim would be ok with you and Mark marrying!" And I know he would.

Anyhoo, that's about it for me. Mark is going to help me get my Americana wall stuff put back up today. I had to take it all down when I rearranged the living room almost a year ago, if not longer, lol! I don't push him to do anything around the house since he works so hard and doesn't make me go to work even though we really could use the money!

I think I'll fix myself some yogurt and granola for breakfast before he gets up here ready to work!



Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Good morning everyone! I will be quick in and out of here today too. I have to get downtown and look for a gift for my SIL Veronica. Gary and I are going out for dinner with her and my brother Tom for her birthday and I want to get her something nice for her special day on Saturday! I won't be seeing them for 6 months as they leave soon to fly to Australia to be with their kids and grands. I will miss them, but happy that they will be with their family! Heather will be calling soon too, hopefully she will have good news about a house that they went through with their realtor last night, it ticks off lots of boxes on their want list for a home. I just hope it doesn't get sold before they have a chance to put in an offer!! Anyway I will get dressed and ready to go before she calls then out the door I go. Oh I got my January calendar page finished so that's 4 pages done, 8 to go LOL I still have lots of work to do!!
I hope you all have a wonderful Tuesday, perhaps I will pop in later in the afternoon who knows:rolleyes1:. :cowwaving: