
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, November 14


The Loopy-O
Hello, hello, hello!
It's 7 am and this morning I am not up and at 'em like I was yesterday. I need to get myself together soon though. My car needs an oil change and Cait works from home today. I'll borrow her car to drive to the job interview.
I still can't believe that I have an interview, it's been such a long time. I hope that I don't say something stupid. :footinmouth:

Good news about Gary's eyes, the retinopathy is the same and if he continues with good control of his blood sugar, the ophthalmologist thinks it can stay that way. I took down the spider lights and taped them to cardboard far enough apart that they won't get tangled on each other. The bad thing is that I didn't consider what I was wearing when I was doing it. I had on a loosely knit sweater and the spider legs got stuck in the weave. As soon as I got one disentangled, another one would get stuck. I was outside on the stepladder, half of the string was still attached to the patio post, the other half to my sweater. I considered slipping out of the sweater since I was wearing a tank top but it was 38*!
Next year, I'll make sure that I am wearing something smooth. LOL

I am finishing up my grocery list this morning, cleaning my bedroom, and then off to the ecology center.
Wish me luck, please ♥


The Loopy-O
@LSlycord (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))) I wish I could help but since I can't I'll keep sending hugs. I was a complete mess the last few weeks and I had to take a big step back and prioritize my sanity. It's a work in progress. I am so glad that Syd came home for a visit, that must have been a good reset for you ♥

@taxed4ever It sounds like you had a lovely long weekend. I saw the photo of your Gary on FB, so handsome in his uniform. Did you get a nice walk together? Hope you did!

@vickyday You and Mark must be feeling better if you were able to enjoy lunch out. Whew!
Take it nice and easy shopping today, be gentle with your back

@Cherylndesigns 700* LOL! Nope, I don't think you are going to live that one down. I love teasing you, you are such a good sport. And sure, you can rub it in that it's 70*, I am not mad or cold or anything HA!!
Your new name is Mrs. Fix-it! Good job putting the lamp together. :cheer: I remember the first time I put together a bookcase and I was so freaking proud of myself. Especially when there weren't any pieces left over bwuahah!
Any more news on when Chuck is going to get out?

@BrightEyes So sorry that you couldn't get warm the other day. I know when I am tired I have a harder time getting warm. I hope that you are better today, take care!!

TTYS!! xo


Love my O Family!
Hello, hello, hello!
It's 7 am and this morning I am not up and at 'em like I was yesterday. I need to get myself together soon though. My car needs an oil change and Cait works from home today. I'll borrow her car to drive to the job interview.
I still can't believe that I have an interview, it's been such a long time. I hope that I don't say something stupid. :footinmouth:

Good news about Gary's eyes, the retinopathy is the same and if he continues with good control of his blood sugar, the ophthalmologist thinks it can stay that way. I took down the spider lights and taped them to cardboard far enough apart that they won't get tangled on each other. The bad thing is that I didn't consider what I was wearing when I was doing it. I had on a loosely knit sweater and the spider legs got stuck in the weave. As soon as I got one disentangled, another one would get stuck. I was outside on the stepladder, half of the string was still attached to the patio post, the other half to my sweater. I considered slipping out of the sweater since I was wearing a tank top but it was 38*!
Next year, I'll make sure that I am wearing something smooth. LOL

I am finishing up my grocery list this morning, cleaning my bedroom, and then off to the ecology center.
Wish me luck, please ♥
Prayers the interview goes well and you walk away with the job!


Love my O Family!
@LSlycord (((((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))))))) I wish I could help but since I can't I'll keep sending hugs. I was a complete mess the last few weeks and I had to take a big step back and prioritize my sanity. It's a work in progress. I am so glad that Syd came home for a visit, that must have been a good reset for you ♥

@taxed4ever It sounds like you had a lovely long weekend. I saw the photo of your Gary on FB, so handsome in his uniform. Did you get a nice walk together? Hope you did!

@vickyday You and Mark must be feeling better if you were able to enjoy lunch out. Whew!
Take it nice and easy shopping today, be gentle with your back

@Cherylndesigns 700* LOL! Nope, I don't think you are going to live that one down. I love teasing you, you are such a good sport. And sure, you can rub it in that it's 70*, I am not mad or cold or anything HA!!
Your new name is Mrs. Fix-it! Good job putting the lamp together. :cheer: I remember the first time I put together a bookcase and I was so freaking proud of myself. Especially when there weren't any pieces left over bwuahah!
Any more news on when Chuck is going to get out?

@BrightEyes So sorry that you couldn't get warm the other day. I know when I am tired I have a harder time getting warm. I hope that you are better today, take care!!

TTYS!! xo
I was able to fix scrambled egg for supper even! Woohoo! 2 meals in one day!


Love my O Family!
Good morning!
Well the only shopping I'm doing today is picking up my grocery order. I got to thinking yesterday afternoon that Ilene must've decided to not go to the widows' meeting with her daughter driving instead of me since we planned to go to Costco instead! So I sent a text to her daughter and asked if her mom changed her mind. She said, no she is going to the meeting and you are going with us! So I knew we had our wires crossed when we were talking yesterday.....she was talking about going to the meeting when I thought she was talking about Costco. I had already told her I didn't think my back could handle 2 hours in the car plus an hour in those folding chairs! No wonder she acted so excited when I told her I would be ready when they got here before 10 to pick me up! I also wondered why she wanted to go to Costco so early since we normally go around 11 and eat at Olive Garden before going to Costco! So, I'm home by myself today, lol! I guess I'll do another challenge after I run to get my groceries! And I need to start working on my November Review pages.

HAGD! :waving1 :hug4:


Well-Known Member
Good morning ladies. I can't believe we are out of this house in less than 2 wks. I have gotten into a routine of organizing/purging in the morning, dog park in the afternoon and errands and then by dinner I am exhausted so lay on the couch afterwards, napping and watching tv for a few hours before taking my neocitrin drink and going to bed early. I feel better but the chest/throat infection isn't going away but I think I'll be able to carry on until we get into the new house and I'll get into the clinic within a few days of moving in. I am donating a ton of blankets/coats to a local halfway home and believe it or not, I have another big bag for value village. It seems to be never ending LOL. We get our taxes done tomorrow. I can't believe I procrastinated so long but I am determined to be on track next year. We get the winter tires on our vehicles today which will be necessary to drive to Alberta as they are starting to get snow and ice now.

@faerywings What did I miss...a job interview???? I tried to find info about it but didn't see anything. Good luck!

@vickyday Enjoy your day at home. Good thing you got things straightened out with your friend.

I'm getting more coffee and Remi is asking me to play (sitting by my side and starting at me with a paw nudging me).

HAGD everyone.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning everyone, I am late getting in here and will have to make this a quick post! I slept until 8am, that hardly ever happens! Guess it was because, instead of spending the day like I thought I would, I ended up spending all day outside. I am stiff and sore from raking up all the leaves in the back yard. The weather was gorgeous and warm (it wasn't supposed to be) so we took advantage of it and worked on the front and the back yards. We still have a lot of leaves around the shed in the back, but the tree behind it still has lots of leaves to lose, so we will leave that until it is bare. It is another sunny but very chilly morning, mist on the lake and it looks so pretty! I have to go and pick my ring up today, the bill will be under $100 but still far too much to spend on fixing the claws and replace one little diamond chip. Oh well its a very special ring to me so I guess, it is very well worth it.

@faerywings - I am dragging my butt around today too, sleeping in always makes me feel so groggy!! Good luck with your interview this morning. I know you will ace it!! It is so up your alley, you will be a perfect fit!

@Cherylndesigns - No trip to Costco?? Bet your back will be happy about that!! Glad that Ilene will be going to the widows group with you too, yes it sounds like you both got your wires crossed with the info. Have fun working on your November review pages! I need to get another couple of calendar pages done, hope the day goes as I plan today, so I can actually do that!

@bcgal00 - Wow only 2 weeks to go, but sounds like you are getting lots done! Hope that you are soon feeling much better! Don't get rid of all your warm coats and blankets, you gonna need them living in Alberta LOL. Take care of you my friend!!

Ok I have been on here longer than expected, so I better get a move on and get some things done this morning so I can play this afternoon. Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:


Love my O Family!
Morning everyone, I am late getting in here and will have to make this a quick post! I slept until 8am, that hardly ever happens! Guess it was because, instead of spending the day like I thought I would, I ended up spending all day outside. I am stiff and sore from raking up all the leaves in the back yard. The weather was gorgeous and warm (it wasn't supposed to be) so we took advantage of it and worked on the front and the back yards. We still have a lot of leaves around the shed in the back, but the tree behind it still has lots of leaves to lose, so we will leave that until it is bare. It is another sunny but very chilly morning, mist on the lake and it looks so pretty! I have to go and pick my ring up today, the bill will be under $100 but still far too much to spend on fixing the claws and replace one little diamond chip. Oh well its a very special ring to me so I guess, it is very well worth it.

@faerywings - I am dragging my butt around today too, sleeping in always makes me feel so groggy!! Good luck with your interview this morning. I know you will ace it!! It is so up your alley, you will be a perfect fit!

@Cherylndesigns - No trip to Costco?? Bet your back will be happy about that!! Glad that Ilene will be going to the widows group with you too, yes it sounds like you both got your wires crossed with the info. Have fun working on your November review pages! I need to get another couple of calendar pages done, hope the day goes as I plan today, so I can actually do that!

@bcgal00 - Wow only 2 weeks to go, but sounds like you are getting lots done! Hope that you are soon feeling much better! Don't get rid of all your warm coats and blankets, you gonna need them living in Alberta LOL. Take care of you my friend!!

Ok I have been on here longer than expected, so I better get a move on and get some things done this morning so I can play this afternoon. Have a great day everyone! :cowwaving:
Hi Trudy,
No trip to Costco today, anyway. We will be going soon as Ilene's daughter has time to drive us!
No trip to the widows' meeting for me today. Maybe next month!
Hope your day goes as planned!


Love my O Family!
Good morning ladies. I can't believe we are out of this house in less than 2 wks. I have gotten into a routine of organizing/purging in the morning, dog park in the afternoon and errands and then by dinner I am exhausted so lay on the couch afterwards, napping and watching tv for a few hours before taking my neocitrin drink and going to bed early. I feel better but the chest/throat infection isn't going away but I think I'll be able to carry on until we get into the new house and I'll get into the clinic within a few days of moving in. I am donating a ton of blankets/coats to a local halfway home and believe it or not, I have another big bag for value village. It seems to be never ending LOL. We get our taxes done tomorrow. I can't believe I procrastinated so long but I am determined to be on track next year. We get the winter tires on our vehicles today which will be necessary to drive to Alberta as they are starting to get snow and ice now.

@faerywings What did I miss...a job interview???? I tried to find info about it but didn't see anything. Good luck!

@vickyday Enjoy your day at home. Good thing you got things straightened out with your friend.

I'm getting more coffee and Remi is asking me to play (sitting by my side and starting at me with a paw nudging me).

HAGD everyone.
Sounds like you are moving right along towards your move! 2 weeks will be here before you know it!


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good morning all.

Another beautiful day here - It's only 65 and going up to 70, but I'll take that. Not as warm as yesterday, though. Chris @faerywings I know you like to tease me and I love teasing you, too. Mrs. Fixit - I'll take that. Ava came in yesterday and said she was impressed that I put that lamp together. She loved it, btw. I love that I can move it around too. It was only $59, so I might get another one in a couple of months. It's hard to find great task lights that don't take up space. This one is so small - the weight is in the base, so that's a good thing. It's pretty sturdy. Good luck with your interview today. You've got this, girl.

Good news about Gary's eyes, too. Sending good vibes that they're in a holding pattern. It's always good to get a report like that. No real news on Chuck's release, but they finally told him that our insurance pays for 100 days, so that's a relief; not that I think he'll be in there for 100 days, but I knew we had insurance for long term care. Hopefully, he/we won't need it again, but like this - you never know.

Hugs and love to all of you and I'm going to get make my tea now and wake up. Slept great last night and Daisy stayed on her blanket. She's getting used to sleeping with me and hasn't bothered me at all the last few nights.



A bit later getting in here today. Had to go pay a bill and drop off some library books that were due today. Found 3 books in the new section so that should hold me until Sis gets here. Need to pick up some groceries but waiting until tomorrow as Smith's has several things on sale then. Need to check if I have a frozen pie crust... think I used it up when the girls were here in summer. I think we will be fixing chicken breasts in mushroom soup gravy along with potatoes, green beans, garden salad and hot rolls; plus pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving dinner. Now I need to make sure I have everything I need for it. Waiting for the pest control guy to get here. My ex-RedHat gals are having a brown bag lunch today - but I have too much going on so am skipping in this month.

I worked on a couple of CT LOs last evening. Went to look for a kit but couldn't find it where I was sure it was saved... thank goodness for 'search' on the computer and finally located it. And after all that, decided it didn't have the paper I wanted after all! I almost forgot to do a Color-Play LO (for CT work) since there won't be a Color Play in November. Went back to August Color-Play in my stash and found one I liked. Just up-loaded the LO this morning.

Are many of you working on the Art Journaling challenges this month?? Wow... it is so much fun! Can't wait to see how the LOs turn out. Seems we are all using the templates but everyone seems to have a different take on the LOs.

The hands are very cold this morning... again... so typing is hard. So glad that using the mouse to scrap is much easier.