
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, May 20


The Loopy-O
Eep, I am running late. Lots of other stuff going on and all that.

Yesterday was just nutty. My brain was so manic. I was all over the place, trying to get so much done. Thank you so much for the compliments on Cait's dress. She really looks amazing and I just love her to bits. I have a scrap page started, but had to stop when I took Scott to the dr. He was in really bad shape. He got a cortisone shot and had some cream all over his arms and compression wraps over it. Also on abx, prednisone, some hive-relieving medication and a cream to go over it. But already he sees a difference. He has wrists again!! :whoo:
He is not suppose to be in school today but he is supposed to have the second mtg with the principal today about the Attendance Policy so he is going to go in for that and then maybe come home early. He also has to be out of gym for a week, but not that he minds that one at all.

I hope to get out and see if I can get some b-day gifts for him today. he wants nothing so it should be an adventure...

Hugs to all of you!!!


Well-Known Member
I have 8 minutes too. LOL It's one of those mornings.

Chris - I'm glad that Scott is doing better. That's crazy to have poison ivy that badly!!

Today will be slightly less busy that yesterday simply because I don't have class. Class was ok. I've had this professor before and she's not great, but at least the topic of this class is better than the last one I took with her. It is ironic though that we are talking about paradigm shifts and she has us writing on 3 x 5 notecards and meeting at 4:30 face to face every week, creating a trifold brochure and a Powerpoint....She certainly hasn't shifted her paradigms very much.

Today, I just have to try and finish putting my library, office, and computer lab away and inventory and collecting of library books. I also have a big report to run and a computer to update. Nothing to intensive! :) Then taking Ben to parkour class tonight. It should also be a warm sunny day FINALLY! Yesterday was a bit bizarre and I'm surprised we didn't have storms. It was hot, but cloudy, then a bit sprinkly, then got cool and breezy. Weird.

Phylis, Laurie, T., Nancy...hope you guys have a great day! And for anyone else who pops in - have an awesome day!


Well-Known Member
Chris, i have joined you in Insurance Hell. i've been talking/on hold for almost an hour JUST trying to get a username/password thing figured out on the Blue Cross website. it all starts out on line by saying, if you have trouble, contact the "Customer Service" number on the back of your insurance card. i should have known how this was going to go when i looked and saw that there was NO number on the back of the card listed as "Customer Service." now i'm waiting for an email from them. sigh.... here's an hour of my life i'll never get back again. :faint2:


lOve the O!
evening all - Chris my husband gets poison ivy so bad his legs swell up like a pregnant women and they weep all over- he has it written in his medical record that if he calls after hours they are to prescribe a prednisone pack- Okay- I have eaten dinner and now I am going to go plant some plants.