
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, March 4


The Loopy-O

Faery is *cranky* this morning. Nope, I didn't sleep well last night, the darn foot hurt so much. I took Alleve before I went to bed and had to hobble to the bathroom around 1 am to get a second. Not that it did all that much. Bored, hurt-y, and I have ever told you how much I hate asking for help?
Reality is becoming clearer too-- I think I was fooling myself that maybe I didn't break it that bad (not that it is bad, but it *is* still a break YKWM). B/c is wasn't that painful the first day, part of me was hoping that I would get cleared to go back to work next week. The way I feel today-- yeaaahhh... I am not that hopeful. It's not the best time to be out of work with the news about the tariffs and prices going up.
Yup, I am cranky and mad at myself and stressing myself out. The things that normally get my head on straight--being outside and yoga- are not options ATM.

I have been apologizing to Gary non-stop every time I bother him and I will say it here for dumping my awful mood on you.
Bear with me, I'll be better soon.

Yesterday was long and boring but I scrapped a LO for the AJ challenge. Today I am going to attempt one of the monthly challenges. I finished the second module for the mental health first aid and will do #3 today. What will I do the rest of the day? No idea!

Wishing you a happy and relaxing day!
I guess I have time to make a new siggie today-- 'bout time I did that since my current one is Christmas-y. :xmas2

@BoatLady I have to thank you again for the info on the TENS unit. The one I got happens to have the muscle-building program on it. That is going to be very helpful since I know the muscles are going to atrophy in the boot. B/c I have pancake flat feet, that's an issue with my ankle rolling and tendonitis and all of that fun foot stuff.
I started alternating the pain relief program and the muscle-building program and maybe I can avert the worst of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I hope that the weather cooperates more on the trip too, as least that the wind dies down do you can have a campfire. Wow, when you camp-cook, you really do it up!
I think it is normal to be really stiff and sore the day after! :hug4:
Am I allowed to tease you and say that you would know? LOL!
rom you I had to post that, it was taking a long time to load and I didn't want to lose it.

Vicky, I hope you got all of the errands and shopping done that you needed to. You had great timing getting to Costco yesterday. Awesome shopping deals on the pillows.
That's fantastic that Ozempic is helping Mark so much. Has he noticed if his A1c is dropping too? Hope so!

@taxed4ever That's so wonderful that your Aunt Betty was surprised by the party. She must have been thrilled to be surrounded by the family. I hope to see some LOs of the day. :)
yay for getting the deck reno contracts and all fingers and toes are crossed it gets started soon so you can be relaxing out there in no time!
Nope, I can't work ATM, I see the orthopedist on Friday and hope to have a better idea when I can go back. I imagine no hiking for 6 weeks but if I can do stuff on the field and paths around it sooner than that, I will. I have no idea if the osteoporosis is going to make it take longer to heal or if the meds will help. *shrugs* I wish I actually went to med school rather than pretending that I did hahahah!! :floorlaugh:

my arms always fell asleep before the rest of me did :giggle4:
Bwuahahah!! Same here!! :D

Good Evening Everyone!
I am home.
YAY!!!!! :lovey:
The flight sounds awful and I hope that being home is helping with the swelling and pain. I love having company to grouch with you ♥ The only problem is that you never sound grouchy- you are always optimistic. Unless it is about the rain in January. You are grouchy about that ;)
Please take it easy as you heal and the stab wounds :knifehead: close up. I hope you are a more patient patient than I am.
OH NO!!!!!!!! Those darn dog toys!!!!!!! I'm so sorry that you will miss out on the field trips you have worked so hard planning.
My DD broke her finger when she was 13, her pet rabbit tripped her. We got some odd looks at the ER and she was asked about it after I left the room. At least the dog toy is 100% believable! LOL
I was so looking fwd to the field trip this Friday- birding and making bird nesting material boxes. Even HS today was going to be about maple sugaring and tree bark ID. I made my own bark ID scavenger hunt for this group of kids and I was so happy with how it came out. (Grrr, so mad at myself for tripping)

I'm SO sorry, my dear friend. Yes, a broken bone can hurt like crazy. I think it gets worse the second and third day. At least that's been my experience. Darn those dog toys, anyway. Sending lots of love and hugs and virtual chicken soup. Does chicken soup help a broken bone? I think it helps anything.
Knowing that it comes from you, of course it will help!
ITA, Day Three hurts like a fill-in-the-blank.

Yes, the collagen from the bones in the broth helps. :heartpumppink:
I should tell that to my mom- she is cooking for me tomorrow and bringing it here on Thursday. I learned to just accept it. Do I think my 83 yo mom should be cooking meals for me? Of course not. Do I understand that it makes her happy and feels useful? Uh-huh. It only took me 56 years to get it!!
@faerywings Oh! I'm so sorry you broke a bone. Sounds like reality is setting in. Good luck with your healing, and tell the dogs to clean up after themselves from now on. Ha.

@AK_Tracy I'm sure it feels so good to be home! And to you, too, may you heal quickly and joyfully!

After last week's several days of warm weather, we have been cold the last few. I am so tired of being cold. Please, spring, hurry up warm days.

Joann Fabric is doing its going-out-of-business sales. I just needed some buttons for the sweater I finished knitting for my granddaughter. It needs 8 buttons but there are usually 4 or 6 on a card, and there were vey few buttons with more than one card left. I gave her the choice of 6 really cute buttons plus 2 plain buttons, or all 8 plain buttons, and she chose to go with 8 the same. I was kind of surprised because I thought, at 7 years old, she'd go for the glitz. Anyway, I don't know where to go buy buttons when Joann closes. Maybe Walmart? I've never tried there so I don't know what the selection may be. It's hard to buy them online because I need to test how the button fits through the buttonhole.

After a slow week last week, my calendar is quite full this week. Plus I need to do taxes. Now, a sensible person would ask, why didn't I do taxes last week? There's no excuse for lazy.

It was my turn to be the leader of the book group at the library last night, so I fussed about that way too much yesterday. We had a huge group show up, so at least we didn't run out of comments, which sometimes happens, especially with a non-fiction book. We were doing Chesapeake Requiem, which I highly recommend. It is very well written. But I shouldn't worry about leading a book group discussion, because these days I can just get Chat GPT to do most of the prep for me. Of course, since I don't trust it, I tend to check where it got its info, so that's more work.

Well, there, I just wasted 15 minutes watching eagles hatch on a webcam. I MUST get down to real stuff!
Morning ladies... another rainy morning and I need to go to Hope Farm and grab a few dozen eggs this morning. First I have to hit the bank and grab some cash as they don't have a debit/credit machine. Oh well thats ok I need to get a few groceries while I am out too. Then I am meeting my friend Joan, who sells Norwex to pick up an order I put in with her. It will be good to catch up with her, I haven't seen her since before Christmas. Tomorrow I think that SIL Veronica and her daughter Nicci will be coming for a visit, but I need to find out for sure, so I can decide if I will be hiking tomorrow or not. Today SIL Linda is taking her Mom and Dad back to Naniamo to spend the day with Aunt Betty and another distant relative to work on some family history. I think that I need to make some cauliflower wraps today at some point for my Gary's lunches, I sure won't miss all the baking I have to do for him when he finally retires at the end of this month! Well I better get a move on as Heather will most likely be calling at any minute. Have a great day everyone!

Yesterday was long and boring but I scrapped a LO for the AJ challenge. Today I am going to attempt one of the monthly challenges. I finished the second module for the mental health first aid and will do #3 today. What will I do the rest of the day? No idea!
Sorry you are feeling cranky, but its understandable!! Hope your broken bone heals quickly! At least it is giving you plenty of time to get some scrapping done! Please ask for help from your family, it will help you to heal quicker!!
After a slow week last week, my calendar is quite full this week. Plus I need to do taxes. Now, a sensible person would ask, why didn't I do taxes last week? There's no excuse for lazy.
Nice to be busy, but ughh on doing the taxes! I am sorry that your Joann's store is closing, another place going out of business, seems to be happening everywhere. Yes I think that Walmart might sell buttons, but if you need some let me know I have a ton of them and so does my MIL who was a seamstress and never throws out anything sewing related, she has about 10 containers of buttons, why??? Who knows.

@AK_Tracy - So happy to hear that you are home and recouping!! Sorry that the plane ride was no fun and that you are now an oozing mess. You and Chris can be grumps together for a few days, but then you have to be your happy selves again. OK?? Take care of you!!

I am in need of more caffeine this morning, so off to fill my cup up and wait for DD to face time. Have a great day!
Good Morning!
I have coffee, my feet up, laptop doesn't fit in my lap and I'm oozy! Yeah, its a new day.

I have been apologizing to Gary non-stop every time I bother him and I will say it here for dumping my awful mood on you.
Bear with me, I'll be better soon.

Yesterday was long and boring but I scrapped a LO for the AJ challenge. Today I am going to attempt one of the monthly challenges. I finished the second module for the mental health first aid and will do #3 today. What will I do the rest of the day? No idea!

Wishing you a happy and relaxing day!
I feel this 100000%. I feel like such a burden to my fam. I can get up to potty and the rest is suppose to be sit and recover. Its not fun and I really didn't expect to ooze this long. My daughter was scabbed over and done by day 4 so I wasn't prepared. Even hubs was like you bled a lot last night. I have tons of puppy pads on my bed LOL but it still as a lot more then I thought it would be by now. I have to figure out how to do the laptop with my feet up. Sitting in a V shape is hard to type and read with screen so close LOL
The flight sounds awful and I hope that being home is helping with the swelling and pain. I love having company to grouch with you ♥ The only problem is that you never sound grouchy- you are always optimistic. Unless it is about the rain in January. You are grouchy about that ;)
Please take it easy as you heal and the stab wounds :knifehead: close up. I hope you are a more patient patient than I am.
I'm so glad you dont think I sound grouchy. I tend to think I sound like doom n gloom. Hoping the stab wounds close over today or tomorrow. Can you even imagine? I went on vacation and paid a man to stab me repeatedly. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:
I should tell that to my mom- she is cooking for me tomorrow and bringing it here on Thursday. I learned to just accept it. Do I think my 83 yo mom should be cooking meals for me? Of course not. Do I understand that it makes her happy and feels useful? Uh-huh. It only took me 56 years to get it!!
Yeah, momming never ends. Our kids just get older. Let her cook. Will allow her to feel she is helping.
Well, there, I just wasted 15 minutes watching eagles hatch on a webcam. I MUST get down to real stuff!
Oh my that sounds fun!!!! I love eagles and I can imagine watching them hatch is a fun time. Dont worry about the taxes, they'll still be there tomorrow LOL

Well, need to set laptop down, its digging into my thighs and hurts. Need to pull up my hooker wear too, thigh high compression. Dont know how women keep them up. Full time job pulling those things up all the time.
First I have to hit the bank and grab some cash as they don't have a debit/credit machine.
:floorlaugh: I just imagine you pulling up the bandana and going to the bank counter demanding money! :floorlaugh: Please dont get caught, Chris and I are unable to get to you with bail money :giggle4:
You and Chris can be grumps together for a few days, but then you have to be your happy selves again. OK??
Deal! We will grump today but tomorrow is hump day and we better be rolling down the fun side again. :heartpumppink:
I guess I have time to make a new siggie today-- 'bout time I did that since my current one is Christmas-y. :xmas2

@BoatLady I have to thank you again for the info on the TENS unit. The one I got happens to have the muscle-building program on it. That is going to be very helpful since I know the muscles are going to atrophy in the boot. B/c I have pancake flat feet, that's an issue with my ankle rolling and tendonitis and all of that fun foot stuff.
I started alternating the pain relief program and the muscle-building program and maybe I can avert the worst of it. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I hope that the weather cooperates more on the trip too, as least that the wind dies down do you can have a campfire. Wow, when you camp-cook, you really do it up!

Am I allowed to tease you and say that you would know? LOL!
Yes, you are allowed! Might as well laugh about it rather than cry because it could've been much worse for both of us!
rom you I had to post that, it was taking a long time to load and I didn't want to lose it.

Vicky, I hope you got all of the errands and shopping done that you needed to. You had great timing getting to Costco yesterday. Awesome shopping deals on the pillows.
That's fantastic that Ozempic is helping Mark so much. Has he noticed if his A1c is dropping too? Hope so!

@taxed4ever That's so wonderful that your Aunt Betty was surprised by the party. She must have been thrilled to be surrounded by the family. I hope to see some LOs of the day. :)
yay for getting the deck reno contracts and all fingers and toes are crossed it gets started soon so you can be relaxing out there in no time!
Nope, I can't work ATM, I see the orthopedist on Friday and hope to have a better idea when I can go back. I imagine no hiking for 6 weeks but if I can do stuff on the field and paths around it sooner than that, I will. I have no idea if the osteoporosis is going to make it take longer to heal or if the meds will help. *shrugs* I wish I actually went to med school rather than pretending that I did hahahah!! :floorlaugh:

Bwuahahah!! Same here!! :D

YAY!!!!! :lovey:
The flight sounds awful and I hope that being home is helping with the swelling and pain. I love having company to grouch with you ♥ The only problem is that you never sound grouchy- you are always optimistic. Unless it is about the rain in January. You are grouchy about that ;)
Please take it easy as you heal and the stab wounds :knifehead: close up. I hope you are a more patient patient than I am.

My DD broke her finger when she was 13, her pet rabbit tripped her. We got some odd looks at the ER and she was asked about it after I left the room. At least the dog toy is 100% believable! LOL
I was so looking fwd to the field trip this Friday- birding and making bird nesting material boxes. Even HS today was going to be about maple sugaring and tree bark ID. I made my own bark ID scavenger hunt for this group of kids and I was so happy with how it came out. (Grrr, so mad at myself for tripping)

Knowing that it comes from you, of course it will help!
ITA, Day Three hurts like a fill-in-the-blank.

I should tell that to my mom- she is cooking for me tomorrow and bringing it here on Thursday. I learned to just accept it. Do I think my 83 yo mom should be cooking meals for me? Of course not. Do I understand that it makes her happy and feels useful? Uh-huh. It only took me 56 years to get it!!
No COSTCO yesterday, but I need to go. I'm waiting on Ilene to get her refund back from them to go. I always take her with me.
But I did get some errands run....to the church, bank....seems like I did one other, but I can't remember......oh, yes, did some laundry.
Yes, the Ozempic has helped Mark's A1C A LOT! He is below 7 now!
@faerywings Oh! I'm so sorry you broke a bone. Sounds like reality is setting in. Good luck with your healing, and tell the dogs to clean up after themselves from now on. Ha.

@AK_Tracy I'm sure it feels so good to be home! And to you, too, may you heal quickly and joyfully!

After last week's several days of warm weather, we have been cold the last few. I am so tired of being cold. Please, spring, hurry up warm days.

Joann Fabric is doing its going-out-of-business sales. I just needed some buttons for the sweater I finished knitting for my granddaughter. It needs 8 buttons but there are usually 4 or 6 on a card, and there were vey few buttons with more than one card left. I gave her the choice of 6 really cute buttons plus 2 plain buttons, or all 8 plain buttons, and she chose to go with 8 the same. I was kind of surprised because I thought, at 7 years old, she'd go for the glitz. Anyway, I don't know where to go buy buttons when Joann closes. Maybe Walmart? I've never tried there so I don't know what the selection may be. It's hard to buy them online because I need to test how the button fits through the buttonhole.

After a slow week last week, my calendar is quite full this week. Plus I need to do taxes. Now, a sensible person would ask, why didn't I do taxes last week? There's no excuse for lazy.

It was my turn to be the leader of the book group at the library last night, so I fussed about that way too much yesterday. We had a huge group show up, so at least we didn't run out of comments, which sometimes happens, especially with a non-fiction book. We were doing Chesapeake Requiem, which I highly recommend. It is very well written. But I shouldn't worry about leading a book group discussion, because these days I can just get Chat GPT to do most of the prep for me. Of course, since I don't trust it, I tend to check where it got its info, so that's more work.

Well, there, I just wasted 15 minutes watching eagles hatch on a webcam. I MUST get down to real stuff!
I was so sad to hear that JoAnn's Fabric is going out of business! I don't frequent there very often, but they always had what I needed! Walmart is iffy! Hobby Lobby might be a better choice!
Good Morning!
I have coffee, my feet up, laptop doesn't fit in my lap and I'm oozy! Yeah, its a new day.

I feel this 100000%. I feel like such a burden to my fam. I can get up to potty and the rest is suppose to be sit and recover. Its not fun and I really didn't expect to ooze this long. My daughter was scabbed over and done by day 4 so I wasn't prepared. Even hubs was like you bled a lot last night. I have tons of puppy pads on my bed LOL but it still as a lot more then I thought it would be by now. I have to figure out how to do the laptop with my feet up. Sitting in a V shape is hard to type and read with screen so close LOL

I'm so glad you dont think I sound grouchy. I tend to think I sound like doom n gloom. Hoping the stab wounds close over today or tomorrow. Can you even imagine? I went on vacation and paid a man to stab me repeatedly. :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh: :floorlaugh:

Yeah, momming never ends. Our kids just get older. Let her cook. Will allow her to feel she is helping.

Oh my that sounds fun!!!! I love eagles and I can imagine watching them hatch is a fun time. Dont worry about the taxes, they'll still be there tomorrow LOL

Well, need to set laptop down, its digging into my thighs and hurts. Need to pull up my hooker wear too, thigh high compression. Dont know how women keep them up. Full time job pulling those things up all the time.
Listen....you AND @faerywings ..... think of all that you do/have done for your families! The LEAST they can do is help you while you are healing! AND you should NOT feel badly about that!!! God gives us families for a reason.....to help is one of them! And, they may even appreciate you more!

RANT OVER!!! :hug4: :heartpumplove:
Wow... yesterday was terrible... wind gusts up to and over 60mph off and on all day. They were telling people to stay home due to all the dust in air. Couldn't see the mountain at all. They closed I-10 from AZ border to Las Cruses because of blowing dust and accidents happening. We will be having the same high winds again today... and off and on all week.
As they say... "March comes in like a Lion..." :windy1: And the allergies are going crazy... runny nose and sneezing like crazy. Hope it is calmer tomorrow when I go to see my Doctor.

I had pulled out some frozen enchilada sauce around noon yesterday but it was still more than half frozen when I went to fix supper... glad I had a frozen pizza so had that instead. Will make the enchiladas tonight. *

Yes, our JoAnn's is also closing. So many of the chain fabric stores here have closed - only have a few private/local stores are still open.

There is a lot of family health issues happening.. seems like most of the family has someone dealing with health problems. Will try to do personals later when things settle down.
Good Afternoon!
Another busy day.....
Sent out the reminders to the widows about next week's meeting.
Made a grocery list to physically go to the grocery store.... because the online shopping and app was not working!
Went to the church to check the mailbox for the bank statement. Wasn't there, but the trip was not wasted as I took pictures of the daffodils, a flying buzzard, and a pair of Canada geese who have made the church property their home.....poop and all!
Went to the grocery store on the way home from church and spent WAY too much money on their "Buy 5 mix and match and get $1 off" sales this week!
Took the groceries home and put them away (mostly freezer stuff). Bagged up the stuff Mark wanted for work and took it to him.
We went to lunch at Mamma Mia's. Took him back to the shop and came home.
Now I'm in the recliner for most of the afternoon. Mark plans on working in the woods when he gets home, so I will cook one of the frozen lasagna's and garlic bread when he tells me to, but I probably won't eat. If I eat lunch out, I usually don't want much for supper. I made some blueberry muffins last night, so that may be all I eat for supper.
I guess I'll work on my daily ATC and I'm working on the Journaling Challenge #1 for this month.
I heard a hymn on the way to church this morning and it stirred up some praises and tears that I want to blog about. I think it will bless my kids.
And that's about it for me today. I do want to run back to the church since the mail has run today and check on that bank statement. I'm anxious to get it because we are going to have a business meeting tomorrow night at church and I want to make sure my figures match the bank statement. Plus the Shell gas station near church is selling their regular gas for $2.49/gallon, so I want to go ahead and fill up, even though we don't need it. We like to have it topped off when we take it back to the mechanic tomorrow night.
Have a great afternoon!
Wow... yesterday was terrible... wind gusts up to and over 60mph off and on all day. They were telling people to stay home due to all the dust in air. Couldn't see the mountain at all. They closed I-10 from AZ border to Las Cruses because of blowing dust and accidents happening. We will be having the same high winds again today... and off and on all week.
As they say... "March comes in like a Lion..." :windy1: And the allergies are going crazy... runny nose and sneezing like crazy. Hope it is calmer tomorrow when I go to see my Doctor.

I had pulled out some frozen enchilada sauce around noon yesterday but it was still more than half frozen when I went to fix supper... glad I had a frozen pizza so had that instead. Will make the enchiladas tonight. *

Yes, our JoAnn's is also closing. So many of the chain fabric stores here have closed - only have a few private/local stores are still open.

There is a lot of family health issues happening.. seems like most of the family has someone dealing with health problems. Will try to do personals later when things settle down.
I'm beginning to think the cough I have is allergy related.
My SIL informed me today that there are fires happening a couple hours east of us here in NC....Raleigh/Durham area. I hope the winds don't pick up and spread them! Ilene said they are calling for snow later this week! Even though today it is almost 60 at 1:00!
Our JoAnn's is closing, too. I hate that!
Sorry your family is having health issue problems at the moment! Hope everyone gets better soon! How is your back today?
Listen....you AND @faerywings ..... think of all that you do/have done for your families! The LEAST they can do is help you while you are healing! AND you should NOT feel badly about that!!! God gives us families for a reason.....to help is one of them! And, they may even appreciate you more!

RANT OVER!!! :hug4: :heartpumplove:
But Vicky......... (whiney voice) dont be all logical!!!!!!

Yes, you are 100000000% correct. It just feels at time with all my issues that I am a burden, one he didn't know he would get when we got married. But I also know that is the devil talking. They are happy to help, I just have to be better at saying what I need and not be I need it now! You didn't read my mind and now were too late. :giggle4:
But Vicky......... (whiney voice) dont be all logical!!!!!!

Yes, you are 100000000% correct. It just feels at time with all my issues that I am a burden, one he didn't know he would get when we got married. But I also know that is the devil talking. They are happy to help, I just have to be better at saying what I need and not be I need it now! You didn't read my mind and now were too late. :giggle4:
"For better.....for worse.....in sickness.....in health"
Yeah, the devil wants strife in our families!