
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 3


The Loopy-O
Snow, ice, blah blah blah... More of that coming this afternoon, and then more tomorrow, Thursday, I dunno, I am just blocking it all OUT!

It was so nice to see the sun yesterday when I drove Cait over to her BFF's at 5pm.It is probably the last glimpse of it for the next few days.

Phyllis- quick question for you. I woke up this morning very and achy but only on the left side of my abdomen. If I press, it does hurt, but not horribly so. I think I must have rolled funny in my sleep. Is this normal?

Yesterday, I worked a bit more on my taxes, separating out my medical deductions- dr's visits, Rx's, medical devices and supplies. OMG, it was 100% depressing. I didn't even add anything up, nor did I deal with my IV stuff. Just seeing the $ amounts made me want to cry. I'll do a bit more today, and eventually it will get all done.

Today my mom is coming up, and yes-- with more food! She was honestly very disappointed when I told her that I really didn't need much. But she was happy that Scott is requesting her Italian Wedding soup next week after he gets his wisdom teeth pulled. He has an appt for next Thursday, he will miss his Friday class, but then has the next week off for Spring Break. He has to have all 4 removed, included one that is impacted and sitting on his nerve. I had the same thing and that makes it even more miserable. But he is tough.

QOTD: Do you have your wisdom teeth or were they removed?
I had all 4 removed - jeez- maybe 8 years ago? All of them were impacted too. My kids were funny, we had a wheelchair for when Scott had a hard time walking at that time, and they made a "Wheelchair Mom." Paper plate face, yarn hair, and my clothes in the wheelchair. My kids are kooky and they always make me laugh. Well. Not *always* but a lot of the time!



The Loopy-O
Quick personals before I have to get Max to the bus stop...

Nancy- oh goodness! That is a crazy thing to happen. Thank goodness that you didn't lose power but I bet hearing the generators running brought back some bad memories from Sandy.

Phyllis- I cannot imagine--all that snow. :hurt:
And very sad about your hometown. When I am up at my parents, we sometimes go into Scranton and it is sad to see some of the towns up there, just.... empty.

Sharon- too funny about your big kitty too! I have snapseed on my ipad but I don't think I have ever used it. If it needs a camera, it won't even work since mine is an old hand me down, first gen, no camera.

Jean- so so so sorry that you are getting this weather still, but yay for hearing that bird!

Trudy- I wish I were able to be outside cleaning up the yard. Bet your deck and yard are looking wonderful! Hope that Photoshop behaved for you. Isn't it always when you need them to work the most, is when computers and programs act up the most too?



Well-Known Member
good morning - It is cloudy and should be snowing by mid afternoon. Then turn to rain and snow tomorrow and continue into Thursday. Yuck! What a mess. But then come the weekend the temps go into the 40s and stay there and next week no storms. So maybe March is in like a lion and will go out like a lamb. Got some laundry done yesterday and got in a long walk. It was breezy but above freezing. My son called and they found him another truck. Not quite as fancy as it does not have leather heated seats but it is newer and has less than 100 miles. Hopefully we can get it by the weekend. Tonight a hockey game against the Nashville Predators and they lost to the Rangers last night so they will not be happy. My team had better look out. But I love hockey so I am happy just to go.

Chris hang in there we just have to make it through this week and the weather will improve. Just a warning about wisdom teeth extractions. My son had his out few years ago. When the drugs wore off he still did not have feeling in his lip or bottom of his jaw. As careful as the doctor was he still damaged the nerve. It has never come back to where it was before but he is okay. It took a long time for him and he will not go back to have the other side done. So make sure when you talk to the dentist let him know you know about this risk and have him be very careful by the nerves. I am sure you son will be fine as most people have no problem.

Phylis hope you got out and about. The story of your home town is so sad. There are lots of ghost towns out west.

Sharon interesting about snapseed. I am going to look into it. I have a set of actions from Paint the Moon that use for photo editing in PSE.

Jean good for hearing the birds

Trudy yes I did watch a lot of the trade dead line show. It was fun to watch. My team did not do much but traded two of my older players away Jagr and Zidlicky. Got back just draft picks and they will hopefully help my team get better. The NY Rangers are going for it so I think they could be a problem for the Bruins.

QOTD from yesterday - I love Over which lets me write on my photos or add artwork and then lets me directly import them into Instagram. I am doing my P365 and for my sister who is in AZ by putting them on Instagram she can see. I find Instgram so much nicer than Facebook. And Trudy I do love Shazam. I use it a lot when songs are played during TV shows to see what the song is. It is free which I like too.

Have a great day all!


Well-Known Member
Chris, no idea what to make of your pain. when it comes to pain, i always use the rule: if it's NEW, or if it's intense, or if it lasts for more than a day, you need to get some answers. preferably from a professional. if this goes on for a few more hours +/ or gets worse, call your gynie. hopefully by the time you read this, it will be gone. lower left stuff can often be intestinal things, too. good luck! and hope you get all the $ insurance stuff straightened out.

Trudy, lovely that you wil get Dd and Mason for so long!! need i say: i'm JEALOUS!:hurt: i am getting such a charge out of you describing doing yard work. i am looking out my kitchen window right now, and i see about 12" of snow on the ground. maybe i could go out and rake some snow. :pound:

Nancy, well, misery loves company. sounds like you're about to get the same weather we are. the thing that drives me nuts about my old hometown are the RAH-RAH people who think remaking the place is actually possible. maybe if it was a SMALL town. but the square mileage of the city and the density of the houses make that a ridiculous proposition. in addition to the fact that there needs to be a REaSON for a city to exist. there is now no reason for there to be a city in that place anymore. no industry. no nothing.

Jean, i can always tell when spring is coming, even when there's a foot of snow on the ground. the damned crows start massing and screaming in the area!! what do you think about crows, as a bird-lover? i know they're smart, but i HATE the SOBs.

more nutzy weather for today, so here's me inside AGAIN. freezing rain, maybe some snow, then later today, torrential rain. we actually have a FLOOD warning. this is something to take seriously in this area, since we have three giant rivers, plus all the streams running downhill to GET at the rivers. we sometimes have TERRIBLE stuff happening with water vs. communities around here. lets hope that doesn't happen tonight. watch this over-the-top 1936 flood coverage. such DRAMA!! all that's missing is someone tied to the railroad tracks by Snidely Whiplash! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IDwmZu88hJU here's a more recent one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9fpfbkoN8zY

QOTD: had all 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out when i was in high school. no probs then. inguess you have to do it. i wish evolution would take a giant leap overnight and just phase OUT the useless things. i think wisdom teeth were invented millenia ago so that Oral Surgeons could live in big houses and send their kids to Swarthmore.

and the ice just started. :cheer2:

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Well-Known Member
I have to get ready to leave. Have a lunch meeting across town at a restaurant we really like, but there may be freezing rain about the time we go. We'll see. I'll try to get back later. Sorry.


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning all... Chilly morning for us I had to bring in the hummingbird feeder to thaw. I know poor me!!! Please don't hit me LOL

Yesterday at swimming I got there much later than I normally do, it was Monday and it is usually so darn busy on Mondays. Well I was the only person in the lap pool?? Everyone else was gone, it was devine!! The lap pool is open all day until 6pm but everyone seems to go in the mornings. It did kind of make my day all out of sorts, but it was sure nice to have the whole place to myself :love:

Chris - Darn the weather!! I can't believe you guys are getting more of the horrible stuff!! Pack your bags and head on out here to see me until summer arrives at your place!! Thats what I keep telling DD to do also, but they are waiting until the weather is nice and hot so they can hopefully hit the beach here instead. Ugh on working on taxes for most of the day, what a depressing job that must have been, but it has to be done I guess! Hey if you came out to see me we could get the windows washed inside the house together, now doesn't that sound like fun?? NOT!!! That is what I have to start doing today, oh my life is just so exciting!!
The trouble with spring is that all the spring cleaning has to be done too! Hope your side feels better and that it was just a temporary thing!!

Nancy - You are such a great hockey fan!! Glad you enjoyed watching the trade deadline show! Hope your son likes his new truck! Too bad it doesn't have the heated seats, those are so nice to have, but really not a necessity! Bruins not playing until Thursday, so hubby is catching up on things to do around the house, nice break for them both!

Phylis - That story about your home town is very sad! It was the same where I grew up, a beautiful little community right on the lake, but there was one of the biggest Sawmills there and when it shut down, the whole town just died!! The lake got a lot cleaner without the mill but now it is just a summer place for a lot of folks and a Welfare town for others as the rent is cheap for all the old mill housing. Sad, it was a great place to grow up, a great place to be a kid!! I wish your family could come home for you Phylis, my heart breaks for you!! Thanks for the u tube links, off to check them out when I am done here!

Jean - Have a nice lunch meeting, hope the roads are not slippery for you!! Drive safe!!

Shar - :wave: hope you are having a lovely day!!

Ok I am starving and need more coffee too, so out to the kitchen I go. No swimming today, but a nice long walk later on. Hope you all get to see the sun today, but it does not sound like you will :hurt: I want you all to have nicer weather!! :wave:


:love:Good morning...I guess almost afternoon to you Easties.

Chris, Snapseed does not require a camera, but it does require pictures. So if you have photos on your iPad, you open up Snapseed first, then load the photo you want to work on from the photo library on your iPad. There are THOUSANDS of photo apps out there, and lots of really good ones for free or less than $1.

Another blessedly slow day here. Although I think we're expected at our DS's house for dinner tonight...just confirming that via text message.

Poor Captain Romance. Just found out that the golf clubs he borrows when we're in Phoenix may no longer be available for him to use. Oh darn. He may have to take his current (several years old, but still good) clubs to leave there, and get a new set for home. He really loves the set he has, and is loathe to spend the money, but he doesn't want to have to drag clubs back and forth. Now talk about a First World Whine. Tomorrow he gets to play at Snoqualmie Ridge, which is a championship course...where the senior men's tour plays every fall.

I'm feeling so bad for all of you in the deep freeze that I hesitate to mention that I woke up to another sunny day. If we're not careful, the PNW is going to lose its reputation for having stinkin' rain all the time!

Sheesh! I just thought of THE BEST user name for me: LambCrops! Whaddya think? I already changed myself to that on Instagram!sheep2

Wisdom teeth. Had them removed in my early 20s...not much memory about the ordeal, but am convinced my wisdom leaked out when they were pulled.

Okay...fold yesterdays clean laundry and then S C R A P ! ! !



Well-Known Member
We had a very nice meeting and lunch. We don't get much freezing rain here so the idea of driving about 40 minutes in the rain at 26F was scary, but the roads were well salted and it was OK. Wiper blades were iced up by the time we got there. It was 34F coming home, so just rain. Driveway is icy though and it will go back below freezing tonight some time. We hadn't been above freezing since Feb. 11 and it won't make that much of a dent in the snow on the ground. But...coming home we had the radio on the Indians' opening game of spring training!!! Hooray for baseball.

Chris, hope the tax time blues don't wear you down. I tend to forget how good it feels when they're done and groan through the process. Your mom's Italian wedding soup sounds wonderful. Scott will like that I'm sure. Hope that pain is gone or at least explained.

Nancy, have fun at the hockey game. Never having had heated seats, I think a truck with so few miles sounds good. Sure hope March is heading toward warm, nice days.

Phylis I sure hope you don't run into flooding problems, but this is just the yucky weather to create them. I look at all the snow and wonder where it's going to go. As to crows, unless you're near a big roost, don't see a problem. We were pretty sad when their numbers locally were decimated by West Nile Virus some years back. They still are below the levels back then, but then those were up from a time when they didn't so much live in town. The curious thing here is that now we're getting, in addition to the regular American Crows, a few nesting Fish Crows. Something only a birder could care about. :mrgreen:

Trudy, it has to be pretty cold if you have to thaw the hummer feeder! My father had a hummer linger into winter at his home in New Mexico long ago and he had to do that several days. Amazing having the pool to yourself yesterday. Must be everyone wants it early and not breaking up the day. Hope you have a good walk!

Sharon, I wonder if there aren't used golf clubs for sale in AZ? Then CR wouldn't have to take the current ones to Phoenix. LambCrops, eh? It is pretty clever. Hope there's lots of scrapping and learning in that slow day.

Wisdom teeth: well, before mine came in my back lower molars were pulled, so there the wisdom teeth basically replaced them. Upper wisdom teeth were pulled long ago, one with a coalesced root, but because I didn't really have room for them.

Hope it's a good day for everyone.
And you can see what I think about our Feb. in my LO for the Prompt of WHITE: https://ozone.oscraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=326670&title=too-much-snow&cat=all


Jean...yeh....that was something he considered (used clubs). But his current clubs are over 10 years old. In golf club years, that's about 75! LOL And it's a done-deal. He went for a fitting this morning and bought new ones. He's a very happy camper.

Glad you had a nice lunch and got home safely.

I like crows too, but are not bothered by big flocks (murders) of them. Just the occasional clever guy that also cleans up the road-kill possums and squirrels. Gotta love them for that.

Off to have dinner with DS and his family.

Hope everyone has a nice evening.