
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 27


The Loopy-O
And we are on Day Three of the best birthday bash ever! Who here is having fun? I know I am!

Not to mention, my head feels lighter and brighter. A little bit of bleach and hair dye is a good thing. ;) I am not 100% crazy about the color, but we decided to go with bigger, but more scattered chunks of blond. Since I don't have the money to do 3 month-upkeep, this will keep the roots a bit more manageable. I hope. I really like the allover blond better, but in the long run, it will be better than the 4 inches of dark brown roots. It doesn't help that I am not even 5' so everyone literally looks down on me and sees the brown and grey. No hiding it. hahaha!!!

Today I am doing a "fill-in" cleaning. My group of clients have apparently been bragging to all of their friends about me. I have one woman on Standby, so to speak. When I get a cancellation, I call her. If our scehedules, work, she has me come in to clean. I am hoping that maybe over the summer, Caitlyn will work with me too and I can get a few more houses in. I wish that my body would let me fill my schedule but it won't.

Tip on Tuesday:
Did you all clean off your hard drives? Install an unzip/extract program? The designer sales/freebies/blog hop are all so amazing, but did you get a peek at all of the prizes??
:faint: <- I have been doing a lot if that lately. ;)

Nana!! Did you get any down time yesterday? How did you survive your day? I saw your "attempt" *cough cough* at the Baby Photo Match Up. I am thinking maybe you were feeling a bit punchy? Or too much vodka hahaha!!!

Laurie- hee hee!! It would be lovely to have an indoor garden in your kitchen LOL
How was the car/work/day?

Cait's meeting went well, still no word on the tech school. 2-4 more weeks....

Winnie- so good to see you in the Daily Ooo's! I love the sun and water, but I know what you mean, it can take all of your energy away too, especially when you are trying to keep up with the kids!

Oh Phyllis............ :(
I have no words, but I am sending hugs and carb/calorie/fat free chocolate. And hugs.

Linda S- That Syd is funny!! I know, I have to sneak some of the kids' pics onto FB. I threaten them that if they don't behave, I am going to tag them in them too LOL

Stef- Oh that avi just makes me smile!!! I would love to have a dossier and pay raise like that! Think I can write one for cleaning toilets? ;)

Trudy- its Tuesday, that means day off, right?? Are you going to hang out here?? Have fun!

xoxoxo to all of you!
morning all - I had a full day at work yesterday- winter temps are back and I loved driving my car yesterday, hope to try out the heated steering wheel today! I have been so busy keeping up in the gallery and making layouts- yikes- a true scrapping fool!
Oh my goodness...I was in here only briefly last night. Syd had soccer practice and by the time we get through supper and practice and homework and baths...well, you know the drill. I then drop into bed!

But look at that gallery just hopping. I agree Chris, so much fun!!!

Laurie, I had to laugh at your description of "one of them"! So funny!

Now, tonight, I think that I have a few minutes to myself and I'm going to spend it in the gallery!!!

Everyone have a great day!
Thanks, Chris. :hug: this is me-----> :brick:

Laurie, you are cruisin' in the Lap of Luxury! heated steering wheel. haha!! in my dreams! winter temps are back here, too, i'm sorry to say. we had a freeze las night. haven't seen what that did to the blossoms on the trees yet....

off to visit an Auntie today. there i'll meet up with my older sister, another Aunt and also the wife of one of my cousins. should be nice. we're ordering pizza. (i can only eat the toppings, so i'll probab;y be hungry when i leave there....) they're all some of my favorite people, except, perhaps, my sister who i nevertheless like a bit more than i used to.:laugh:

:rain: back to gray skies, some drizzle and WIND, for some strange reason. back to Pennsylvania in March reality!

have a funny day!:becky:
having fun at the paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaartaaaaaaaaaaaay lol

anyways good morning

im still tired

ready to go out for my walk in a few hours....we get in about 5miles a day might be a little more than that today! we are gonna walk a little bit further! YAY!!!
Morning all my favorite people!! Day three of the birthday party and I have lots of scrapping to do to catch up on the great challenges!! :rain: here today so its a good day to sit on the computer with my photoshop and scrap away the day!!

Chris - You are the cleaning godess!!
and now you have a new hair color to go along with your new title LOL! I bet it feels good to have some lighter shades in your hair and have a cut!! I know I love to get my hair done!! Have fun at the party today!

Laurie - How wonderful is your new car? Heated steering wheel too! You really are spoiled you know!! Have fun with your sweet ride!!

LindaS - Such a busy woman, you make my head spin!! Hope you get some time to spend at the party tonight!!

Phylis - How nice to have a ladies outing!! Have fun! Enjoy your day!!

Kristy - Good for you for walking so far!! Do you get to see anything exciting on your walks? Is it walking in town or out in countryside?

Well I am ready to start scrapping and admiring all the great layouts in the gallery, hooray its Tuesday!!! Have a great one everyone :wave:
i live out in the country side and then it takes about an hour to walk into town and then an hour to walk back to my house :) nothing to glorious just a bunch of empty cornfields right now....we saw a tractor today hahahaha
i live out in the country side and then it takes about an hour to walk into town and then an hour to walk back to my house :) nothing to glorious just a bunch of empty cornfields right now....we saw a tractor today hahahaha

LOL Kristi
good evening, my darling daily O fam!!

I've been sneaking in here each night this week. I'm hoping to make it a habit. As usual, the CheeryOs are putting on quite the bash this year, and I am loving every bit of it!! :)

Just wanted to sneak in and wave hi! I know that I'm pretty hit or miss here, but know I still love all of you dearly!! :)
