
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, March 13: More Snow Edition!


The Loopy-O

As of yesterday's forecast, it looked like we were only supposed to get 1-3". I can handle that. Just enough to cover the yellow snow on my lawn. :D
Now, National Weather Service is saying 4-6????? WTH Man!!!???
I cannot complain too much since it looks like New England is going to get hit really hard again. (I still don't have to like it though)
It is so weird that in the last couple of years, we have gotten more snow in March than in January and February. Looks like I might have to revise my "If I can make it until March, I can survive winter" mantra.

I made it through another food shopping trip with very little aggravation. Yippeee! On the downside, I saw an employee wearing a sweatshirt from the Animal Sanctuary we like. I told her that I liked it and she said that she volunteered there. Chatted a tiny bit, she said that he friend's uncle owns it, and I said my DD knew his nephew. Small word and all that. She asked me who my daughter was so I told her. When I got home I told Caitlyn about the conversation and she asked what she looked like, and groaned when I told her. This girl is a little :loco:

The girl works with Brendan and texted him right away that I was "gushing" over the nephew and that he should watch Caitlyn since she thinks that Cait might be cheating on him with the nephew.
Thankfully, Brendan knows this girl is wacky and that he has nothing to worry about with Cait. But really, I can't even go food shopping without drama. I am done. Never going there again! hahaha! (I wish!)

Better get going, dogs are circling my feet to go outside.



The Loopy-O
Yuck!!! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!!!!! This is %@^&$@*(*^$!!!!!!! We already have about 3" and it is still coming down steadily.

Felis- you are welcome to all of this snow! Were you able to get your work done before the rain started?
It was a really nice and cozy family day. We have played a bunch of games together and I am really glad that we still do that.

Nancy- How nice to get out for a good walk with Luther. It must have been crazy seeing all of the trees down. Scott was at Leah's on Friday and they had 5 trees come down so he helped them cut them up. (He is happy for any excuse to work with a chainsaw. :roll: )
We didn't have any come down at all unless they were deep enough into the woods where we didn't see or hear it.
Are you getting any snow or did it move NE enough to miss you?
Ugh about the birthday dinner going bad on you and that your DS left. But good for you for not letting it get to you and having a fun time anyway. :high5: I don't think I could have done that.
Awesome win for the Devils!

Hahaha, Trudy! No need to apologize for your sunshine. I am sure that we will be having sun and you will be having rain at some time in the spring and summer months. That must feel satisfying to have the yard looking good, but not too good about your back.
Heather didn't get much of a break between the boys being sick last week and now having Mason home for break. But how fun to be able to Facetime with them!

I have to say-- and I am knocking wood loudly so I don't jinx myself-- I think that my guys got the worst of their fights out of their systems - me and Cait too- when they were in middle school and high school. My god, they were bad. Really bad. But I think we all learned how to cope with all of that anger. Not sure how positive it is on my part since I think I have turned more non-confrontation that is healthy? :noidea:

Jean- Nice to have some lazy days, are you getting snow by you? Hope not!
Scott got his DNA results back and they were similar to what we expected between mine and Gary's parents. The only "odd" bit was that his showed that he was (1% or 2%, IIRC) South Asian. I am guessing that was just a bad reading since that didn't show up on Gary's parents nor mine at all, not even close to that region. And I am *very* sure of Scott's parentage. :pound:

Rae- I am so happy to hear that each day shows small improvements. And whew!!!! The transfer/password deal is a huge relief!!!! That is really wonderful that the hospital is able to help with that.
I hope that the panic eases up quickly. That I can relate to from when Gary was very sick and we didn't know what was going on. I swear that I have mild PTSD from that time period. Try to cat nap if you can. I PMd you about an April challenge if you need help with that and I am going to spend time in your 52 Insp Challenge Gallery today. Don't worry about anything here. We have your back.

Love and hugs and joy to all!


Well-Known Member
Rainy day so stay inside, but I'm still on a garden wave. We had to remove the compost place, so I have to figure out new place to make it. Also some people collected rainwater for watering which is good idea, but right now can invest in cans which to collect it. I think Nancy explanation for farm tradition to need fence is valid here too. But also as I said prevent some conflicts. In England have a concurs in some villages and the whole neighborhood must have one whole look. But this never could not happened here, we just don't let others to define our own style. The fences, houses, gardens all is different. It's a one beautiful mess :) , I guess.

Trudy, oh, Mason and Hunter sounds so sweet play together! Must be cute to facetime with them.
I cut my rose bushes for the winter to prevent them from freezing. It's happened in past, but actually this winter wasn't so cold, so it was in vain. So every spring they start from about 30 -50 centimeters naked stems and will see, where will go. I nourish them with banana peel :) . I need few more to replace some damaged, because of my pets activity during the winter runs around, so I hope to catch some good deals! I try every autumn to grown from cutings, but have only one successes from literally hundred tries. Using mulch sounds like a good idea! Unfortunately I have only spring flowers, mostly to no need too much watering, because we do not have draw well so we need to use the tap for drinking water. Uf course I recycle water that pets are not finished from the previous day :) but it's not much.
OK, enough for gardening!

Chris, so bad (for you) that you continue to have snow. And with sure you take more snow for March that here for the whole this winter. Good that It is not mad of you. I have to wave a finger to you and tell you something that repeat my mom all the time, NO personal information to strangers, even tiny bit and they can make you really big troubles. Most people don't have better hobby than to create twisteds and intrigue. Mom is like Trudy's husband who few days ago talked too long with everyone that they meet at the grocery :) .

Nancy, looks like the family things always are at this way. Good that you don't let this episode to bring you down! I'm sure they'll fix this fast, or if they are like my dad will just pretend it's never happened. How nice that your DIL is choose to distance from the situation and to stay with you! So bad that have damaged trees at your neighborhood! Hope you have new snow but not too much!

Jean, bills & stuff don't sounds like a fun, but better to finished it at the beginning of week, looks like your husband is had much better day than you :) , good that they don't cancelled repetition again because of the snow. It's so strange, that most of you are in the heart of the winter time me and Trudy gardening.

Rae, DON'T worry at all, how much time you can spent online now! You are just brilliant in this situation. I know that mothers heart can't just calm down till your granddaughter still suffering, but please try different tricks like eterik oils you are so familiar or Camomilla and Tilia teas, everything that can give you better sleep. TV only will make your mind to buzz and tired you more. I was wondering about good book that you can read to B, till you are together at the long afternoon hours at the hospital, but unfortunately all I remember as 'little treasures' had a sad part and as we already learned she don't react good to the tragically parts. But maybe other girls will can recommend something. Please hug J very strong is not need to explain her that this is from us! So good that she have your support! Great that now you will not be disturbed by the boyfriend and can concentrate on B's long road of recovery, actually this maybe isn't something bad, she needs exactly from time. And who knows maybe under aggression and reckless he is good boy too and this will scare him and help him too! But it doesn't concern you. You have to save this lovely girl! Much good vibes and hugs to whole your family!

Aww, today I'm awful talkative, sorry girls, it's because of the rain! Hope you all have a lovely sunny day! :spit:


Well-Known Member
good morning - Well the snow is coming down and it is pretty light but maybe an inch and it should end in the early afternoon. The roads are good. My DH is off to work as he takes the train, my son on the other hand is working from home as the north is to get more snow. I am off to get my hair cut and colored.

Chris wow I cant believe you are getting hit with so much snow again. I thought it would be more to the east and north. Looks like for sure Boston is going to get hit. That is so nice that Scott loves a chain saw. LOL Love the story about the young girl at the grocery store. She sounds like an evil mischief maker.

Trudy glad you got your yard is all fixed up and that the sun is shining. I have not seen my backyard for the snow.

Felis so glad that you are enjoying your time in the garden. Your roses must be so pretty during the spring and summer.

Jean glad you got your chores done and now the week is yours.

Rae so glad that Bailey continues to make progress. Always sending you hugs and prayers for even more improvement. So glad that you have this password to protect her.

Have a great day all!


Administrator Crazy about the "O"
Morning ladies... well lets see how much I can get posted before DH and the boys facetime this morning. I am never sure just what time she will call so its always a gamble to get this posted LOL. Yesterday was very nice and warm almost summer like temps, but today we are back to the cloudy grey skies and a bit cooler. Doesn't sound good for my hike tomorrow as the forecast is for rain and if its raining here it will be pouring rain in Youbou where our hike is. Not sure I want to take my car out this hike anyway as the road is gravel road and it is in really bad shape!

Chris - OMG I don't blame you one bit for the cursing going on at your house! I would be throwing curse words all over the place too if we got that much more snow! I really hope that this is the last blast of winter for you! I will send out all the good weather vibes I can your way and to Nancy too! That is so weird about that girl at the store, you just never know do you?? Glad that Brendan knows better than to take this girl seriously! :loco: Hope that you are able to find something fun to do today and keep away those snow blizzard blues! Thanks for the nice compliment on my page for the 52 Inspirations challenge! :love:

Felis - I sure hope that my roses come back, I cut them down pretty good in the fall and they were moved to a different location last year also, hopefully they will come back after all that stress. If they don't then I will have to be like you and look for some good sales for new ones. I hope to try to read a book to Mason this morning while we are facetiming but he doesn't stay still too long, but it would give Heather a bit of time to perhaps get some lunch for all of them. We will see how it goes. LOL

Nancy - Sorry that you don't have the house to yourself today, but its a good time to get out and get your hair done! I can hardly wait to have mine done again, but my appt isn't until the 23rd so I have a bit of a wait yet. Hope that the snow doesn't amount to much for you today. Spring won't come fast enough for all of you in the East! Enjoy your day!

Jean - Did you get any snow? Hope not! Nice to hear that your DH got to go to his Hum and Strum with his buddies! I am interested in what you have to say about Scott's DNA results, is the 2% South Asian because he carries DNA from another relative of his parents? My sisters we a bit different from each other also, very interesting!

Rae - What a great idea to have the password! Nice to know that she will be safer now! Poor Bailey, my heart breaks for her! I know that you and your daughter will take the best care of her, she is so lucky to have you both! I don't mean to pry, but was it meningitis? Did you ever find out? Regardless, I hope that her recovery is not too long! Hope she is able to start therapy to get her back on her feet soon! I am sorry that you are not sleeping well, I totally know the panic feeling that you are experiencing, believe it or not this will pass and the saying "that which does not kill us makes us stronger" is totally true! Sending you lots of love and healing thoughts to B, may each day bring more improvement! :hug:

Ok I better get my second cup of coffee before the call comes! Have a great day ladies!! :wave:


Well-Known Member
I have my annual visit to the podiatrist soon, so maybe can come back later. We did get a little snow, but it just made the old snow a pretty white. We can get more any time this week I think. Sorry to be so brief!


Well-Known Member
Hello, Tammy, I hope to join us for the O birthday party! I'm happy to see you here! :wave:

If I'm not mistaken, me and Tammy was together in another site, before I to find O. She is teacher of her seven sons, and is/was creative team of my good friend Marieke.