
Daily Ooos: Tuesday, June 25


The Loopy-O
I am very disoriented on days and dates and in the last 48 hours, I assumed it to be every time frame other than the correct one. I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday. Not sure if I thought I was going backward or forward time, just that it was Friday.

I also know exactly where my day/date issues come from: my mother. When I talked to her over the weekend, she kept insisting that the bridal shower was this Saturday. June 30th (correct!) but Saturday (Bzzz-Wrong!). I talked to her yesterday morning and everything seemed sorted until she got home and called me in a panic. She missed an important dr appt because she got the day/date wrong. (she then blamed it on my father for complaining about not sleeping soooo... --I dunno *shrugs*)
But no worries, I checked my calendar several times so I know I got it correct.

I spent most of my morning working on bridal shower stuff. I still have a few things I need to do and that's it. The shoes I ordered came in yesterday and dang, they are cute. Too bad they have to get returned. They are "gladiator style" and straps are way too loose around my ankles. I asked Gary if he could make an extra hole on them but then the flowers up the middle strip would be off center. Looks like I am wearing my pink Chucks whether I want to or not.
The weather was cool enough to take the dogs for a hike but we didn't get too far. The trail we were on was flooded and Gary was not up to doing much more of a trek anyway. Smart of him since the last time we went together, he pushed through and really paid for it in pain later on. We turned around and on the way back guess who we bumped into? Scott. He was reblazing parts of the trail. He saw Gary walking and thought, that guy looks like my dad. A second later-- that guy *is* my dad.LOL
I want to head back there today- or at least soon. There was a pure white plant and I am mad I didn't take a picture of it. Not a flower or a mushroom but a leafy plant. I asked Scott about it and he said there are albino plants but he never saw one. One thing about hiking with Gary and the dogs is that I can't stop and stare at neat stuff.

The Trailbound Project (the hiking education group) always takes a ton of photos of the classes and hikes so I thought I'd share a picture of one of my fires.
Now before you get all excited and say WTG, great fire- here is another picture so you can compare mine to some other people's.

One of the things that Trailbound focuses on is that it is better to make mistakes in class than figuring it out on the fly in the middle of a hike. Now I know how to build a fire, feel more comfortable with it, and know that my puny fires aren't going to generate enough heat if I am lost and cold.
Now-- on to peeing in the woods!

I didn't get in the yard yesterday so I plan to do that today. We had some crazy wind gusts and all of my tomato plants got knocked over so they need some TLC. Everyone is here for dinner tonight and I am cooking bang-bang chicken and tofu over pasta.

Enjoy your day!

Terri M

Well-Known Member
I am very disoriented on days and dates and in the last 48 hours, I assumed it to be every time frame other than the correct one. I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday. Not sure if I thought I was going backward or forward time, just that it was Friday.

I also know exactly where my day/date issues come from: my mother. When I talked to her over the weekend, she kept insisting that the bridal shower was this Saturday. June 30th (correct!) but Saturday (Bzzz-Wrong!). I talked to her yesterday morning and everything seemed sorted until she got home and called me in a panic. She missed an important dr appt because she got the day/date wrong. (she then blamed it on my father for complaining about not sleeping soooo... --I dunno *shrugs*)
But no worries, I checked my calendar several times so I know I got it correct.

I spent most of my morning working on bridal shower stuff. I still have a few things I need to do and that's it. The shoes I ordered came in yesterday and dang, they are cute. Too bad they have to get returned. They are "gladiator style" and straps are way too loose around my ankles. I asked Gary if he could make an extra hole on them but then the flowers up the middle strip would be off center. Looks like I am wearing my pink Chucks whether I want to or not.
The weather was cool enough to take the dogs for a hike but we didn't get too far. The trail we were on was flooded and Gary was not up to doing much more of a trek anyway. Smart of him since the last time we went together, he pushed through and really paid for it in pain later on. We turned around and on the way back guess who we bumped into? Scott. He was reblazing parts of the trail. He saw Gary walking and thought, that guy looks like my dad. A second later-- that guy *is* my dad.LOL
I want to head back there today- or at least soon. There was a pure white plant and I am mad I didn't take a picture of it. Not a flower or a mushroom but a leafy plant. I asked Scott about it and he said there are albino plants but he never saw one. One thing about hiking with Gary and the dogs is that I can't stop and stare at neat stuff.

The Trailbound Project (the hiking education group) always takes a ton of photos of the classes and hikes so I thought I'd share a picture of one of my fires.
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Now before you get all excited and say WTG, great fire- here is another picture so you can compare mine to some other people's.

View attachment 422546
One of the things that Trailbound focuses on is that it is better to make mistakes in class than figuring it out on the fly in the middle of a hike. Now I know how to build a fire, feel more comfortable with it, and know that my puny fires aren't going to generate enough heat if I am lost and cold.
Now-- on to peeing in the woods!

I didn't get in the yard yesterday so I plan to do that today. We had some crazy wind gusts and all of my tomato plants got knocked over so they need some TLC. Everyone is here for dinner tonight and I am cooking bang-bang chicken and tofu over pasta.

Enjoy your day!
This was on the comics page today just before I read your note


The Loopy-O
@A-M If you pop in today (whatever day it may be Down Under) I hope it's a fantastic one for you!

@MariJ I hope your weather is as nice as it is up here. Looks amazing out there!
I belong to a Rt 23 info group on Facebook and if a day goes by where there isn't an accident report, it's a miracle. And Rt 23 isn't a "big" NJ highway. Forget about Rt 17. Eeek.

@BrightEyes Why is it that you don't; realize what you are doing to your muscles *when* you are doing it? My butt and thighs are killing me after crouching on the ground on Sunday. I hope that your back and shoulders are not bothering you today.

@mimes1 I am so happy that you are looking fwd to the job starting. There's such a difference working with good people and enjoying what you do.
Yay for the car!!
Did you get anywhere with the new LO after trashing Version 1.0?
Yeah, that is more like Gary's sugars in the heat-- a rollercoaster. He runs high, boluses more insulin but then it doesn't come down. Bam, seems to hit him all at once. Maybe the heat makes him more sensitive to insulin? I have no idea but it makes him feel pretty crummy.
I love starting my day here too ♥

@bitzee *points to The Rules Chart* Pleeeeaase don't feel like you have to keep up with personals. It's fine and wonderful just to pop in and wave to everyone.
if you need a little tip: I have two monitors so I have yesterday's Ooos open on one and I type the other, so no need to switch back and forth between tabs. But seriously, do not stress over the Ooos. I stress over everything and even I don't stress about here. (OK, maybe I stress a little but not much! ::angelwhistle: )
You made my heart smile with your sweet words- I appreciate that more than you can know :cloud9:
Oh my goodness, your great-nephew sounds over-the-top adorable! It is fascinating to hear how the new generations act with technology. I love that he babbles to the Echo and what a great visual of him dancing with your DH.
Scott's nephew (his GF's sister's son) turned 2 in May and he speaks like your nephew. Full sentences, an entire back-and-forth conversation but not a word of it is recognizable as English. hahah!

@Celestine Even though the arboretum was closed, you had a fantastic day puttering about the shops and then the brewery.
Did you get any pictures of the pub and its windows?
Two whole traffic light cycles, eh??? That's nothing! I have been stuck at traffic lights longer than it would have taken me to walk home. Although not where I live now. My town celebrates the Autumn Lights Festival which is in honor of the town's first traffic light -- installed the year before we moved here --1995 Previously I lived within walking distance to 2 interstate highways and 3 state highways, now it takes me 20 minutes to get out of this town to a highway.

@taxed4ever *fingers are crossed the weather cooperates tomorrow so you can hike*
Did you get a lot of the yard work done? I hope you spent more time outside than inside. Did you and your Gary have any time to sip wine on your deck?
I bet Heather is so happy to have the pool for the boys. Does Poochie go in too?

@vickyday This was my first time building a fire outdoors. Gary or Scott always did it when camping or hanging by the fire pit.
I understand why people have open caskets but personally, I hate them and prefer to remember the people in life. It had to be difficult seeing Carloyn that way :hug1:

@AK_Tracy It took me forever to figure out how the Insert Quotes worked.
I love the bees, buy yellowjackets- :angry4: We had a nest inside of the siding last year and they kept coming inside the house. I got stung several times and hurts like a b****. The bumbles are the cutest things especially when their legs get all loaded with pollen :love:

Oh, of course I will share any peeing in the woods tips with you all. That goes without saying. :lol23:

Thats fab that your grands are so close and you can see them often. Hope you had a blast with them yesterday! Same here with the dog hair-- J has been shedding like mad but not as bad as our black lab used to. I used to pull clumps of fur off of her.

@bitzee Oh wow, that's utterly heartbreaking about the damage to your house after Katrina :brokenheart: I cannot imagine the horror of seeing your entire life shoved everywhere and every which way.
Bwuhahahhahaa at your DH taking blackmail pics! You have to scrap any photos like the one of you napping next to his toys :D

@bcgal00 I think I am caught up on FB with your photos-- amazing- each and every one! Wait-- I don't think I saw flowers, the last was waterfowl. I'm gonna have to keep stalking yoru page :D

Kay- there's going to be nothing left in your house (other than books and DVDs) when you are done decluttering LOL!

@JeanneMN I was Laura Ingalls for Halloween one year when I was in 1st grade? Maybe 2nd? I had the little bonnet and everything.
But dang, that was a low blow from the kids who asked if that was what you wore to school. LOL!
last month one of the homeschool kids said I looked like her aunt. Then she introduced me to her aunt- who was in her 70s (NOT that is old!!) but had California sun/smokers skin. YKWIM? Leathery is an understatement. I know I am middle-aged and have middle-aged skin but not like that! :bawling:
yay for fresh hair and nails!

@Terri M *snorts* LMBO at spilling on your new white skirt. That would be me. Good luck with it. And i hear you, I hate clothes shopping. hate hate hate and yes hate is a strong -- but deserved-- word. ;)


Love my O Family!
I am very disoriented on days and dates and in the last 48 hours, I assumed it to be every time frame other than the correct one. I woke up this morning thinking it was Friday. Not sure if I thought I was going backward or forward time, just that it was Friday.

I also know exactly where my day/date issues come from: my mother. When I talked to her over the weekend, she kept insisting that the bridal shower was this Saturday. June 30th (correct!) but Saturday (Bzzz-Wrong!). I talked to her yesterday morning and everything seemed sorted until she got home and called me in a panic. She missed an important dr appt because she got the day/date wrong. (she then blamed it on my father for complaining about not sleeping soooo... --I dunno *shrugs*)
But no worries, I checked my calendar several times so I know I got it correct.

I spent most of my morning working on bridal shower stuff. I still have a few things I need to do and that's it. The shoes I ordered came in yesterday and dang, they are cute. Too bad they have to get returned. They are "gladiator style" and straps are way too loose around my ankles. I asked Gary if he could make an extra hole on them but then the flowers up the middle strip would be off center. Looks like I am wearing my pink Chucks whether I want to or not.
The weather was cool enough to take the dogs for a hike but we didn't get too far. The trail we were on was flooded and Gary was not up to doing much more of a trek anyway. Smart of him since the last time we went together, he pushed through and really paid for it in pain later on. We turned around and on the way back guess who we bumped into? Scott. He was reblazing parts of the trail. He saw Gary walking and thought, that guy looks like my dad. A second later-- that guy *is* my dad.LOL
I want to head back there today- or at least soon. There was a pure white plant and I am mad I didn't take a picture of it. Not a flower or a mushroom but a leafy plant. I asked Scott about it and he said there are albino plants but he never saw one. One thing about hiking with Gary and the dogs is that I can't stop and stare at neat stuff.

The Trailbound Project (the hiking education group) always takes a ton of photos of the classes and hikes so I thought I'd share a picture of one of my fires.
View attachment 422544
Now before you get all excited and say WTG, great fire- here is another picture so you can compare mine to some other people's.

View attachment 422546
One of the things that Trailbound focuses on is that it is better to make mistakes in class than figuring it out on the fly in the middle of a hike. Now I know how to build a fire, feel more comfortable with it, and know that my puny fires aren't going to generate enough heat if I am lost and cold.
Now-- on to peeing in the woods!

I didn't get in the yard yesterday so I plan to do that today. We had some crazy wind gusts and all of my tomato plants got knocked over so they need some TLC. Everyone is here for dinner tonight and I am cooking bang-bang chicken and tofu over pasta.

Enjoy your day!
BUT.....you got a fire built! That is the main thing! It looks like everyone else had a LOT more wood on theirs than you did! Next time just add more wood! ;)
Don't worry about the date thing! I never really know what day/date it is either! Mark and I write stuff we do not need to forget on the bathroom mirror (which covers the entire wall above our sink area) with a dry erase marker.


Love my O Family!
@A-M If you pop in today (whatever day it may be Down Under) I hope it's a fantastic one for you!

@MariJ I hope your weather is as nice as it is up here. Looks amazing out there!
I belong to a Rt 23 info group on Facebook and if a day goes by where there isn't an accident report, it's a miracle. And Rt 23 isn't a "big" NJ highway. Forget about Rt 17. Eeek.

@BrightEyes Why is it that you don't; realize what you are doing to your muscles *when* you are doing it? My butt and thighs are killing me after crouching on the ground on Sunday. I hope that your back and shoulders are not bothering you today.

@mimes1 I am so happy that you are looking fwd to the job starting. There's such a difference working with good people and enjoying what you do.
Yay for the car!!
Did you get anywhere with the new LO after trashing Version 1.0?
Yeah, that is more like Gary's sugars in the heat-- a rollercoaster. He runs high, boluses more insulin but then it doesn't come down. Bam, seems to hit him all at once. Maybe the heat makes him more sensitive to insulin? I have no idea but it makes him feel pretty crummy.
I love starting my day here too ♥

@bitzee *points to The Rules Chart* Pleeeeaase don't feel like you have to keep up with personals. It's fine and wonderful just to pop in and wave to everyone.
if you need a little tip: I have two monitors so I have yesterday's Ooos open on one and I type the other, so no need to switch back and forth between tabs. But seriously, do not stress over the Ooos. I stress over everything and even I don't stress about here. (OK, maybe I stress a little but not much! ::angelwhistle: )
You made my heart smile with your sweet words- I appreciate that more than you can know :cloud9:
Oh my goodness, your great-nephew sounds over-the-top adorable! It is fascinating to hear how the new generations act with technology. I love that he babbles to the Echo and what a great visual of him dancing with your DH.
Scott's nephew (his GF's sister's son) turned 2 in May and he speaks like your nephew. Full sentences, an entire back-and-forth conversation but not a word of it is recognizable as English. hahah!

@Celestine Even though the arboretum was closed, you had a fantastic day puttering about the shops and then the brewery.
Did you get any pictures of the pub and its windows?
Two whole traffic light cycles, eh??? That's nothing! I have been stuck at traffic lights longer than it would have taken me to walk home. Although not where I live now. My town celebrates the Autumn Lights Festival which is in honor of the town's first traffic light -- installed the year before we moved here --1995 Previously I lived within walking distance to 2 interstate highways and 3 state highways, now it takes me 20 minutes to get out of this town to a highway.

@taxed4ever *fingers are crossed the weather cooperates tomorrow so you can hike*
Did you get a lot of the yard work done? I hope you spent more time outside than inside. Did you and your Gary have any time to sip wine on your deck?
I bet Heather is so happy to have the pool for the boys. Does Poochie go in too?

@vickyday This was my first time building a fire outdoors. Gary or Scott always did it when camping or hanging by the fire pit.
I understand why people have open caskets but personally, I hate them and prefer to remember the people in life. It had to be difficult seeing Carloyn that way :hug1:

@AK_Tracy It took me forever to figure out how the Insert Quotes worked.
I love the bees, buy yellowjackets- :angry4: We had a nest inside of the siding last year and they kept coming inside the house. I got stung several times and hurts like a b****. The bumbles are the cutest things especially when their legs get all loaded with pollen :love:

Oh, of course I will share any peeing in the woods tips with you all. That goes without saying. :lol23:

Thats fab that your grands are so close and you can see them often. Hope you had a blast with them yesterday! Same here with the dog hair-- J has been shedding like mad but not as bad as our black lab used to. I used to pull clumps of fur off of her.

@bitzee Oh wow, that's utterly heartbreaking about the damage to your house after Katrina :brokenheart: I cannot imagine the horror of seeing your entire life shoved everywhere and every which way.
Bwuhahahhahaa at your DH taking blackmail pics! You have to scrap any photos like the one of you napping next to his toys :D

@bcgal00 I think I am caught up on FB with your photos-- amazing- each and every one! Wait-- I don't think I saw flowers, the last was waterfowl. I'm gonna have to keep stalking yoru page :D

Kay- there's going to be nothing left in your house (other than books and DVDs) when you are done decluttering LOL!

@JeanneMN I was Laura Ingalls for Halloween one year when I was in 1st grade? Maybe 2nd? I had the little bonnet and everything.
But dang, that was a low blow from the kids who asked if that was what you wore to school. LOL!
last month one of the homeschool kids said I looked like her aunt. Then she introduced me to her aunt- who was in her 70s (NOT that is old!!) but had California sun/smokers skin. YKWIM? Leathery is an understatement. I know I am middle-aged and have middle-aged skin but not like that! :bawling:
yay for fresh hair and nails!

@Terri M *snorts* LMBO at spilling on your new white skirt. That would be me. Good luck with it. And i hear you, I hate clothes shopping. hate hate hate and yes hate is a strong -- but deserved-- word. ;)
Yeah, I don't know why people have to have an open casket.....just because everyone does. But, I get it. But, I'm with you.....I want to remember her the way she was.....always smiling and having a wonderful, godly spirit!


Love my O Family!
Good Morning!
Mark and I are both feeling better today after a rough day yesterday! Thank YOU, Lord!
I even slept until 5:30 this morning! WOOT!
We took Asher to the vet yesterday for teeth cleaning. He had to have 3 pulled, poor guy! So, today he is chilling in the dark hallway. Mark had to give him pain meds and antibiotic this morning (force-fed)! He is not at all good about taking medicines, especially in pill-form! So we are having to soak his hard dog food in water to soften it up for a few days. He looks at us like, "What in the world did you do to my food?!" ;)

Did my walking this morning, but only one mile. That's about all the strength I had after not feeling well the last 4 days.

I went to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few things Mark felt like he could eat with his nauseous stomach. I had wings on the list but decided he probably wouldn't be able to handle them on his stomach since he only eats them with buffalo sauce. Well, guess what he mentioned he felt like eating last night? You guessed it! So back to the store I went after my walk this morning. But not a problem because I picked up some more bottled water and more dishwasher detergent.....because "we do it every night!" LOL!

Well, I am getting some responses to some of my scrapbooking stuff on FB marketplace! I'm bickering with someone about pricing and mailing on my Bible journaling bundle. They wanted me to cut the price almost in half! And it is 99.9% brand new stuff that is already cut in half price-wise! Mark said, "she wants you to give it to her, doesn't she?"

I didn't get a chance to work on my mixed media project yesterday. Just didn't feel like it! But I thought I would share a picture of what I'm working on. No telling how it will actually end up, LOL! I do love how that metal piece fits perfectly on the bees body, however! Now if I can figure out what to do with the rest of him! Any suggestions?

Have a great day!


I am up and moving... but slowly right now. Did too much sitting at the table yesterday afternoon working on wrapping coins (mainly pennies until I ran out of wrappers for them)!!! Loaded them into a briefcase and discovered it was so heavy that I could barely lift it!! Decided that I needed take out several rolls and make another trip later on once I get some more wrappers. :rotfl: Don't think it would go over well if I had to drag the briefcase on the floor in the bank not to mention trying to lift it up to the counter!!! So much for a "quick little chore"!
@BrightEyes Why is it that you don't; realize what you are doing to your muscles *when* you are doing it? My butt and thighs are killing me after crouching on the ground on Sunday. I hope that your back and shoulders are not bothering you today.

Kay- there's going to be nothing left in your house (other than books and DVDs) when you are done decluttering LOL!
:floorlaugh::rotfl::lol23: Chris, I almost choked on my coffee when I read that!!! I still have a lot more areas that could use decluttering/cleaning out - my craft/sewing room for one!! I'll be like Scarlett... "I'll think about it tomorrow..."!! I do better at decluttering when it is 'small' jobs that I can finish in a few hours.

Time to close the house up and get my shower. Then off to the bank. The grocery store is in the same parking lot so will stop in and get some more blue berries while they are still on sale! And some mayo... HAGD


Well-Known Member
What a difference a week makes! Thank you all for your encouragement and support! Here is the new ride! And the bow color was selected for layout purposes. :flower:


Did you get anywhere with the new LO after trashing Version 1.0?
No - not yet - yesterday was a whirl and Mark turned on the TV and all I had in me at that point was spoon to share his ice cream with. Then I went to bed. Maybe tonight I'll be inspired!
Maybe the heat makes him more sensitive to insulin?
There's got to be some biology to this high and lows. Today he loaded up his half gallon jug with gator aid. Yesterday he crashed mid day. All the guys tried to get him to go home but he felt better after the gator aid. But the other day he went stupid high mid day. So I don't know. Maybe if we understand the science better we can prevent the swings better.
*points to The Rules Chart* Pleeeeaase don't feel like you have to keep up with personals. It's fine and wonderful just to pop in and wave to everyone.
I"ve been struggling with this lately too - I want to be here and recognize everyone every day! The sentiment is very appreciated. You all are so welcoming and kind all the time. It's nice to just be accepted.
Oh, of course I will share any peeing in the woods tips with you all. That goes without saying.
In all this convo I forgot to tell you that when our girls were little Mark taught them how to pee in the woods. Even today they thank him for that! :floorlaugh:

Got to go! Heading down to the HR department at church for processing, then to an urgent care for a drug test. I'll be back later!
HAGD Everyone!


Well-Known Member
Good Morning!
Mark and I are both feeling better today after a rough day yesterday! Thank YOU, Lord!
I even slept until 5:30 this morning! WOOT!
We took Asher to the vet yesterday for teeth cleaning. He had to have 3 pulled, poor guy! So, today he is chilling in the dark hallway. Mark had to give him pain meds and antibiotic this morning (force-fed)! He is not at all good about taking medicines, especially in pill-form! So we are having to soak his hard dog food in water to soften it up for a few days. He looks at us like, "What in the world did you do to my food?!" ;)

Did my walking this morning, but only one mile. That's about all the strength I had after not feeling well the last 4 days.

I went to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few things Mark felt like he could eat with his nauseous stomach. I had wings on the list but decided he probably wouldn't be able to handle them on his stomach since he only eats them with buffalo sauce. Well, guess what he mentioned he felt like eating last night? You guessed it! So back to the store I went after my walk this morning. But not a problem because I picked up some more bottled water and more dishwasher detergent.....because "we do it every night!" LOL!

Well, I am getting some responses to some of my scrapbooking stuff on FB marketplace! I'm bickering with someone about pricing and mailing on my Bible journaling bundle. They wanted me to cut the price almost in half! And it is 99.9% brand new stuff that is already cut in half price-wise! Mark said, "she wants you to give it to her, doesn't she?"

I didn't get a chance to work on my mixed media project yesterday. Just didn't feel like it! But I thought I would share a picture of what I'm working on. No telling how it will actually end up, LOL! I do love how that metal piece fits perfectly on the bees body, however! Now if I can figure out what to do with the rest of him! Any suggestions?

Have a great day!
So glad you are feeling better. If I don't have my watch, like today, I never know what day of the week it is. Since I've retired "every day is Saturday. Please accept my condolences on the loss of your friend, . I'm not a fan of open caskets either, expecially if they've been sick, I don't want people looking at me & trying to find me. I'm for keeping all the good memories intact.

Terri M

Well-Known Member
So I don't know. Maybe if we understand the science better we can prevent the swings better.
My husband has this weird kind of type 2 diabetes diagnosed in his teens (and passed on to our daughter). The CGM (continuous glucose monitor) is a godsend, but it makes us aware of how volatile and non-sensical those swings in blood sugar are. I'll get a scary loud alarm on my phone if he gets too low (so it wakes me up if it's the middle of the night) and usually he can have a granola bar or some OJ and get the sugar back up in a few minutes. But sometimes it takes a couple hours before it starts to work and then suddenly we're in the way-too-high range. No one knows why. The doctors can just shrug.


Love my O Family!
My husband has this weird kind of type 2 diabetes diagnosed in his teens (and passed on to our daughter). The CGM (continuous glucose monitor) is a godsend, but it makes us aware of how volatile and non-sensical those swings in blood sugar are. I'll get a scary loud alarm on my phone if he gets too low (so it wakes me up if it's the middle of the night) and usually he can have a granola bar or some OJ and get the sugar back up in a few minutes. But sometimes it takes a couple hours before it starts to work and then suddenly we're in the way-too-high range. No one knows why. The doctors can just shrug.
I asked my DH yesterday about noticing his blood sugar rises or lowers depending on the temperature. He said the only thing he has noticed is that if it is very hot he feels sluggish. But he is not monitoring his blood sugar at all with his type 2.


Well-Known Member
What a difference a week makes! Thank you all for your encouragement and support! Here is the new ride! And the bow color was selected for layout purposes. :flower:

View attachment 422566

No - not yet - yesterday was a whirl and Mark turned on the TV and all I had in me at that point was spoon to share his ice cream with. Then I went to bed. Maybe tonight I'll be inspired!

There's got to be some biology to this high and lows. Today he loaded up his half gallon jug with gator aid. Yesterday he crashed mid day. All the guys tried to get him to go home but he felt better after the gator aid. But the other day he went stupid high mid day. So I don't know. Maybe if we understand the science better we can prevent the swings better.

I"ve been struggling with this lately too - I want to be here and recognize everyone every day! The sentiment is very appreciated. You all are so welcoming and kind all the time. It's nice to just be accepted.

In all this convo I forgot to tell you that when our girls were little Mark taught them how to pee in the woods. Even today they thank him for that! :floorlaugh:

Got to go! Heading down to the HR department at church for processing, then to an urgent care for a drug test. I'll be back later!
HAGD Everyone!
Hey, Amy! I haven't been keeping up with the daily Ooos but congratulations on the new car! :heartpumpred::heartpumpred::heartpumpred:


Well-Known Member
I'm way late, so Good Night all!!! Sleep well :giggle4:
Today was grocery day, so 3 hours to Costco. Its such a spectacular drive though you cant be mad. I will make a layout with them later. Tired but not wore out so it was a good day. Had lunch with mom and then quick shopping. Hubs can get in, get stuff and get out like a pro! We make an awesome Costco run team. A month of food in less than an hour!!! Off to read now. Have a wonderful night.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
I'm way late, so Good Night all!!! Sleep well :giggle4:
Today was grocery day, so 3 hours to Costco. Its such a spectacular drive though you cant be mad. I will make a layout with them later. Tired but not wore out so it was a good day. Had lunch with mom and then quick shopping. Hubs can get in, get stuff and get out like a pro! We make an awesome Costco run team. A month of food in less than an hour!!! Off to read now. Have a wonderful night.
Tracy, you give me hope. Our nearest Costco/Sam's Club is only an hour away - we need to get our coolers out and go for it.


I'm in The Zone ~ The "O" Zone
Good evening all,

I've been busy most of the day again today. Adrienne had an ultrasound on her thyroid today and I went with her. I was expecting a long wait (based on my own thyroid ultradsounds) but she was done in about ten minutes. Knowing how frigid it is in the hospitals, I had leggings and a jacket on, but had I known how short it was going to be, I didn't need to dress like it was the middle of winter.
Yes! Coolers and Go!!! I also take my 31 bags to fill so its easier than boxes. I love when I get home its bags and coolers. We save so much its worth the drive.

We keep saying we're going to do it, maybe this will give us the incentive. We don't have anything like that here - only Walmart, but there's nothing like Costco or Sam's Club.


Well-Known Member
@MariJ I hope your weather is as nice as it is up here. Looks amazing out there!
I belong to a Rt 23 info group on Facebook and if a day goes by where there isn't an accident report, it's a miracle. And Rt 23 isn't a "big" NJ highway. Forget about Rt 17. Eeek.

It was a nice day yesterday, but it was HOT again. Luckily the humidity did not go up as it had been last week so it was ok at the pool. After awhile though, I'd had enough and called it a day.
Oh that's amazing about Rt 23 - I don't get that way often unless going over to the big shopping Mall and I can do it backroads!
I rarely am on Rt 17 and the few times I have been I'm glad I'm not.... :D
The one that gets me is Rt 22, it's a nightmare with stores and cars and craziness. Luckily again I don't have to be there much but my college was nearby and as a freshman I accidentally got on that road and almost cried! :sad2:
I laughed at your "isn't a big NJ highway" -- that says it all! These are the little ones and they are crazy!