
Daily Ooo's: Tuesday, July 29


The Loopy-O
helloOOOO! How is my O-Fam doing? It has been quiet in here, so I hope that everyone has been enjoying the summer!

I am starting to detoxify after the herxing of the last 2 weeks. Always a good thing and in 2 more weeks, I get to do this all over again woot!! ;)

Yesterday was such an odd weather day. Went to shoprite and it was cold and grey. Came out and it was still really cloudy at my house, but at the store, 2 miles away, it looked like the sun was trying to come out, so I planned on hitting the lake for an hour or so. Still really cloudy, but I saw my friend from across the street went, and she texted that it was better at the lake. So i went and it was beautiful! Sunny with a bit of a breeze. At 3, another friend looks up and sees a grey cloud coming up. I decide to pack up, and within minutes, it was pouring! I got drenched! Got home (maybe 4 miles away) and it hadn't rained at all.
Get ready for the walk and yoga class-- and again it goes from sunny to downpours. It stops right before I am ready to leave. We get to the Botanical Gardens and it hadn't rained there either. *shrugs* So odd, my town.

It is sunny out right now, and I hope it stays that way. I am working, then off to the lake this afternoon.

Sad news from my BFF- she ended up having to put her dog down yesterday. I made a sympathy card since they really don't have many for pets. I grabbed a really cute photo of her from her FB page, and scrapped it with a quote from "For Good" from Wicked. The real line is "You'll be with me, Like a handprint on my heart" so I changed it to paw print.
I swear, it makes me cry to think about the pain of losing a pet.

So that is about it from me, I have to go and get Cait up for work. She asked me to bring her coffee up this morning like I used to do for her during the school year.

Tip on Tuesday:
If you live with a family of Coffee-holics, get used to the fact that you will have to bribe them with :tea: at some point in their lives


Well-Known Member
good morning - the weather in NJ has been awesome. Cool and sun and low humidity. I have gotten my bike out and my new Garmin is making it so fun. But the best part is that my favorite which is along bike paths has been repaved so that the rides are fun now vs teeth chattering. The first day was 6 miles and yesterday was a little over 10 miles. I know that is not much but for me it is a good beginning. Got more pages done for my album. As I was doing that my sister emailed that my Aunt we just visited fell and broke her hip and now is in the hospital awaiting hip surgery. This is so sad. She was in such good spirits when we left.

Chris weather in NJ is crazy from spot to spot especially in your area where there are such changes in elevation.

Hope everyone has a great day!


Well-Known Member
It is cloudy and chilly today, probably rain and/or storm later, but we just saw the little bunny in the yard to cheer us up. Have to leave soon to take my sister to the dentist and shopping.

NJ weather can be stranger than OH with a difference in elevation, but it is notorious for changeability here.

Better days to all!


Well-Known Member
hiya. doing a lot of saucy writing today. several people who communicated with me in my personal space, uninvited and on various subjects, have incurred the wrath of The Hand of Karma.:mmph::argue: :eyebrows:

impudent; flippant.
"a saucy remark"
synonyms: cheeky, impudent, impertinent, irreverent, forward, disrespectful, bold, as bold as brass, brazen, pert; More

it occurs to me, based on that definition, one could say that The Hand of Karma is a saucy wench, too.

what fun!!

ok. i must be serious! Chris, i think, like Nancy says, a lot of your weather strangeness must have to do with elevation changes, right? although sometime weather is just inexplicable here in the East. you name it, we've got it. and look fast, because it's going to change any minute. hope you're feeling ok.

Nancy, that's awful about your aunt! hope everything turns out well for her.

Jean, can i send you some of my bunnies? how about some deer, too? :-D

going to my SIL's house to meet up with the out-of-state BIL and his wife. generally not a rip-snorting good time, but at least i don't have to cook dinner" :cheer2:

Happy Tuesday! :becky:


Well-Known Member
We were off and about today and I didn't peek in. Got a lot accomplished both on campus and at school. Yay I supposed, but I'm pooped. DH is gone for just tonight on a trip he thinks is beyond ridiculously dumb. He comes back late tomorrow.

Ben played at school today with another teacher's son. Then he had parkour. So I think he's pretty tired. He asked if he could just watch a movie. I whole heartedly agreed. Now I can work on a few things I need to. :)

Tomorrow back to work. I should be really well off by the end of the day tomorrow! I plan on taking Thurs. and Friday off, but then maybe working some Mon. and Tues. Back to work officially next Wednesday. *boo hoo*

Can't wait until I get that doctorate and can teach online all the time!